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00:00like the streamer i am i crack open an energy drink and i grind out some streams today though
00:05we're moving house i asked so many times last episode how the hell do i get faster internet
00:15everyone basically said it's because of the house that i'm living in today we move house we are
00:21hungry we order some food we're saving money insta can i upload another photo yeah i can done that i
00:27mean like we've got everything we need we just need we need a little bit more room
00:33we need better internet that's literally it i have to move
00:39how are you making that that's so large
00:45you know what i'm gonna go double check if i have any money coming in from
00:49from donnie and the and the pawn shop geez little drift walls oh three of them four of them oh okay
00:57someone should probably call the police this is not safe any money hell yeah we take these we win
01:04at least 500 today come on come on come on come on five dollars surely at some point at some point
01:13we win 10 000 and we get gassed terrible day all right here we go let's grind out some some stuff
01:21so we need the toilet i think it was we are amazing right now virus scanner it says start
01:27scanning someone was like you have to click start scanning it's literally scanning you just need
01:31that that's what we need all right this cat what we're saying flashback yes this is what we were
01:35gonna do last time we made easily we made our money back so i'm doing it do i need money of
01:40course 160 we'll take it cool okay we're gonna go gaming because apparently we get the most
01:45donations from that start team mode it's good look look we're playing why has no one donated yet
01:50okay oh yeah damn it there you go
01:52hello all right 95 dollars
02:02okay i'm gonna stay here because one of them is gonna come through this door hello
02:05i'm getting so many donations i have 900 viewers don't tell me it's a 1v1 i'm scared
02:13we won i've got so many subs this is great subs i've got so many
02:18donations this is wild i'm just gonna aim here we win the game if i just aim here
02:26easy easy that is so unhelpful my viewers went down to 200 okay
02:36oh i'm dead damn it why did i not just tap all i had to do was tap and i that was the worst
02:45oh your strategy isn't working oh we'll see we'll bloody see won't we
02:52we'll see
02:58yeah no it didn't work okay wait let me go to this donate lab look at this 20 these are
03:02all like 20 donations oh my oh 82 93 20 40 40 50 100 what's happened with these donations
03:13oh it was definitely worth it $100 another $100 oh my god we just made two grand we made
03:21two grand oh please win i want to win we won we lost i don't even know we won chest inventory
03:31we'll take it donate lab i don't want to end this i'm going one death match as well bro
03:43oh okay i can win
03:50shit okay that's good that's good waiting for it what do you mean a new round i'm top
03:54oh my god i'm top
04:00i'm top i'm top i'm top of six
04:05ah we died okay we're top with seven come on let me go let me go let me go
04:21come on top with nine
04:31i've got no health okay that's fine we're 11 we're four ahead
04:34what do we play to what do we play to i want to win
04:4112 ah oh he's catching oh no no no no no no no no he's why is he doing so well
04:54fuck fuck i didn't want a pistol why did i get a pistol all of a sudden come on i'm only one ahead
05:04oh come on did i win i won let's go we're about to have 700 we got 700 subs okay read these
05:14read these wow wow wow stop stream oh my god you understand how much money we just made 3920
05:23okay uh let's up let's upload this good wow and you know what wow yeah look we got another 25
05:29dollars from this insta earns us a little bit those two are like actually insta earns us a
05:34decent amount youtube is the one that's stinking right now we're getting 1500 views now though
05:39look this is earning us it's gonna earn us like seven eight dollars all right it's time i think
05:45it's time house i appreciated those viewers that was definitely worth it all right cozy house
05:51360 one-time fee we can actually do it suburban home we're absolutely nowhere near but if we
05:58move into the cozy house we can get better internet 360 rent fee that is so calm oh my god
06:06this is it we're moving everyone we're moving three two one boom it's completed we saw a thousand
06:14dollars as well that's the best part all right so where's our home hell is that what is that
06:21crypto miner oh how have i not seen that yet also what is this 132 yards that way
06:27so i assume i need to assume i have to carry everything over right oh it's just here
06:33wow okay this is definitely worth
06:38i want to have a look just to make sure do i have to do i have to clean up or anything
06:45yes okay the pet teleported home
06:50where's my broom hey pet boxed off okay i think this is our bedroom
06:59this is gonna be our streaming room leave me alone i'm i'm too famous for all of you now no
07:06stop you're all embarrassing yourself look at them
07:09i actually have so many fans i'm so big time i'm gonna just put
07:12everything in my inventory i don't know how the hell i'm carrying a fridge
07:16but we take it i think this is that's everything obviously my pc as well but i can't put that
07:22let's go now we'll take the lamp too all right home it's been very nice living here i've
07:30i've really really loved it it was a it was a beautiful first home you know humble beginnings
07:34it was a it was a beautiful first home you know humble beginnings and that i met boxed off here
07:39i had my first girlfriend here had a weird woman turn up at my door my neighbor's river
07:46it's been lovely spending time with you and you crispy jerry but i'm too good for you now i'm
07:51trying to figure out the point of the fans like like i have so many of them now just following
07:58me i'm kind of like oh a dog kind of like there has to be something you know okay we're on zero
08:04percent we gotta clean up this house first wow this is really disgusting i didn't get any money
08:09off for this rent even though it's this bad oh god where am i gonna have my toilet there is no like
08:13bathroom in this house is there i mean i say that my bathroom was literally next to
08:18everything in the last one can't really complain also why is this room clean
08:24yeah all of these rooms are disgusting we're up to 86 percent i think it's just
08:29it's just this area right 94 97 100 baby maybe i should have like you know what i'm gonna have a
08:35little even though there's even though it doesn't really make sense gonna have this
08:40as the bedroom slash bathroom there we go we've chucked that in here
08:45a little toilet in here too it is a bit gross and this is where we put our fridge and this is where
08:50we'll have our pc you know there's no plugs don't need plugs it annoys me i can't put this in here
08:55okay let's build this up right we've got a gaming monitor i might even i might even buy another
09:01monitor you know now we don't need to we really don't need to for now it feels smaller for some
09:06rate like the desk feels smaller that's our new setup so use okay web let me see this
09:15we can get up to 17 now 75 for one day i've got to do 17 17 come on
09:21okay yeah we should be able to stream now easily so we have no bills to pay right now
09:25which means we have one thousand dollars in one day we get two grand again what can i get from
09:31zamazor i'm gonna buy a pool explosion proof i'm buying it what else can i buy with this i get two
09:36of these a ring light yes and then we start a stream has he just come from his house there
09:41where's that dog gone i want that dog it does take him a little bit longer you know okay i got a ring
09:46light oh oh that's cold inflatable pool camera's that way so we're gonna put this here we're gonna
09:54put this like this oh i don't have that much energy we're gonna go we're gonna go pool so
10:04why is the quality so bad here that's what i want to know can i do one can i do 1080
10:09still looks poo quality doesn't it so what i need is i need the next camera okay so i need 14 i need
10:151500 i'm buying this top quality you reckon that works i'm gonna work is it all right let's just try it
10:23oh my god i'm not dropping frames and i'm 1080 60 fps 260 viewers we're finally streaming at this
10:30it's not i mean it's not it's not great right now this isn't not that great a stream 250 viewers
10:36it's not bad but like this is the first time we have a satisfying stream can i do anything
10:43can i change while i'm doing it just chatting anyone anyone want to just donate to 280 viewers
10:5040 thank you thank you appreciate that what do i have a oh my goodness take a shower
10:57take a piss go back
11:00carry on streaming uh so we should order some food script we'll order a burger skills what
11:05we got this one eight for fifty dollars sure your streamer employees we don't need that yet
11:10what is this asmr gaming streams effect okay why is our lighting not better look how good our
11:16lighting should be 330 viewers though and tomorrow we get our money i think up to 700 so we're good
11:22we're calm and then tomorrow we get 2k or we are living all from buying viewers last time that is
11:28crazy 9 000 followers 700 subs 380 viewers why is our chat so toxic like basically every message
11:38is deleted okay when it goes above 6 750 subs we'll stop done take money get rid of that so
11:46we're getting two and a half thousand dollars when we go to when we wake up okay yellow blue pink yeah
11:5250 from 50 from youtube as well you hoop sorry no i like this house we can definitely do more to it
11:59but i like it as it is right now this is what i call the wiping ass pose 642 i can't complain
12:06all right let's have a little sleep so we can wake up and have our money
12:113192 what the hell has the dog been doing oh no okay mail
12:19oh got 70 for that i take it we do have bills three bills that's not bad we still have 2 900
12:26get me on zamazor camera add buy oh my god i want to make this house like i actually want to have
12:35this house somewhat good before we just upgrade to the next house like i don't want to just go
12:41all right i can buy the next house cool done so i think i'll be able to do it realistically i could
12:45save up and do it again but i don't want to oh look at this camera why is that so bad my camera's
12:51gone to 2k that is crazy i should have some money shouldn't i and i can sell my other webcam oh
12:56my stream's living right now i'm convinced i'm gonna win one
13:01the most we've i think i'm i'm pretty confident we want a 100 one ten dollars five dollars
13:10nothing five dollars nothing
13:17ha ha get good scrubs feels weird that i can go in here
13:23oh my god i thought he was about to punch me oh my god i thought it was like a
13:27lab in court i feel like there's got to be something in one of these like there's got to be
13:33it's got to be an easter egg somewhere you know i could buy another monitor do i have the basic
13:38desk don't i a big gaming table with lots of shelves oh oh wait do i want that i get this
13:44one with rgb lighting large workspace yeah for that let me just move all this stuff off i'm
13:49gonna keep it in case i do want to get a streamer working for me because i think i have to have a
13:53setup for them i'm gonna start keeping things i should have kept the camera what oh my god
13:59let's wham well i could make it oh okay we'll start normal for now do that this all the way
14:06over here i feel like i should have i should have another monitor i should get it camera in the
14:12middle monitor either side cut that look at the i'd need another monitor if we can stream 2k
14:191080p 60 fps and record it at 1080 oh my god there's no way you know what let's just get a
14:25stream done just chatting oh flash pack oh yeah enough amazing quality we're getting 1500
14:35in three days can i stream this though that's the question no we can't do 1080 still good
14:41we are saving a 1080 as well uh it's a little bit of a problem i think i'm gonna have to
14:471080 as well uh your okay that'll do save them i will produce subscriber only content sure
14:56damn it i just want to see how far we can get if we can get thousand subs
15:00eventually obviously not right now we're only at 280 viewers it's low viewers i think gaming
15:07gaming does seem to be the best 25 eight stress though you know what sure
15:13damn it i've got eight stress for nothing thing is i'm only at 12 stress i feel like i let my
15:17stress like i never let my stress get too high and when i say my version of too high is like
15:2310 to me is high whereas i feel like i could let it go to like 80 and then i should start
15:28wondering what's going on if we can get to 800 subs that's what i'm thinking we stop um
15:34sure funny memory yeah people didn't like it i feel like none of these work 800 subs oh my god
15:41oh my god no don't don't drop now as soon as i noticed that it went under we had 10k followers
15:47let's go 51 800 all right you know what read stop okay so we're not quite there yet 720 it's
15:56average quality still 1080p it's still good you know what screw it i haven't done one of
16:02the i'm gonna do it for 150 let's just do it 150 no i was so close to getting a good one
16:14you know what's fuck it fuck it 300 please
16:24not happy with that all right examples of what else can we buy uh we could buy another monitor
16:29that's what we should buy seven hundred dollars all right we get our monitor this isn't the same
16:35monitor right i've bought two different monitors why does that happen then i look so ugly i'm so
16:42ah because i'm not really sure what to buy right now i'm gonna go buy some clothes i want to get
16:46some clothes hey right it's six hundred dollars i want a shirt i want a hoodie a black hoodie
16:54why are they so like shiny i mean this is basically what i wear every day i like this you know this
16:58fit bye okay so i only bought the shoes though now i look stupid miscellaneous now we don't need
17:05any of that whoa you look all right let me get a quick actually let me get a quick selfie this way
17:12all my fans in the background you know because i got so many of them yeah that guy's that
17:17rose looking kind of nuts there you know we got 830 tomorrow you know i want a dog
17:22tame this is now my dog do i have a ball i don't bye bye catch
17:33oh god there's our dog my dog bulldozer come in oh my god bulldozer
17:43meet barkstaff bulldozer play with barkstaff yay i have two dogs let's go you know what
17:52i was thinking oh i should sell this now i'm gonna put this here i'm gonna back
17:55you know what we're gonna do one more okay let's go dancing you know let's just let's
17:59just boogie on down dance with me oh no i forgot about this my viewers they're low
18:07okay l l c s l j j 800 subs 300 where's where's the thing where's the thing where's the thing
18:21donate lab let's go
18:25that's really distracting i'm trying to dance oh oh my dog's in the background now
18:31the moves are really boring what you mean we're getting three interviewers without
18:34buying them for dancing we're gonna have to do the thing again in a second aren't we
18:38come on there we go
18:40okay okay oh don't like those three together d d e j j l
18:52s k see that that was fire it's not a dance oh god they're hating it wind wind i mean
19:00okay they like it again when we get to when we get to a thousand that's when we stop that's
19:05my dance move brother 800 come on we're almost there 200 more dollars keep donating keep donating
19:10less than a hundred dollars 500 viewers you know and now we're on the last like stretch chilling
19:19okay read read read read read read stop stream was a good stream that was a very good stream
19:24look at that eleven hundred dollars take the money whoa did i say five thousand views we
19:30actually have become big time i mean fifty dollars in a month well it's not a month is it it's it's
19:35it's three days it's just not quite the it's not quite any it's not keeping up the instagram's
19:40earning you know like six seven eight hundred dollars youtube's earning me like uh twitch
19:45is earning me like a thousand or two this is earning me like 50 60 dollars what do we what
19:49do we do now i think the next thing we have to do right is hire someone to work for us you know what
19:5450 bucks i like it we've done a lot like we've literally we've got we've bought a house we've
20:00got a new lights new desk new camera new monitor a pool a new dog new clothes why is he running
20:09i'm scared are you good
20:16why are they at my house scared i'm actually scared i'm scared why are they in my house okay
20:19they all left okay i like this there's a lot smaller than i wanted it to be i don't think
20:23it goes straight well that's a waste okay you know what i think we've done a good job today
20:28i think next up we should realistically buy all of this like we should buy we should get
20:32a new streamer we need to get another streamer to start working here and then i think we're
20:39we're good but we do have skills actually stress levels decrease after a good sleep
20:43my stress isn't that mad i might just save it for a little bit more i know i have to buy at
20:47some point but i don't need it yet and i can't buy the next one so i'm gonna call it there thank
20:51you guys for watching leave a like you enjoyed we've done a lot keep letting me know what to do
20:55you all helped me by telling me that a new house was needed to increase the internet so thank you
21:00for that let me know what else i need to do keep letting me know and i will see you guys next time