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Edited by @chipfat
00:00proximity I don't have to deafen oh yeah oh yeah oh we need to text Harry don't
00:11we say you're making tea so text me and making a tea how long's it even taken
00:14two hours later right I'm back okay just cuz Harry I lost yeah cannibal is on
00:20it's a neutral role you eat people okay crocs chat is on but the people in the
00:25belly no one else can hear them but you can if you eat them the belly of the
00:29beast do you want to eat people yes the cannibal the cannibal wins by eating
00:33everyone so let's say ie Ethan I can now hear Ethan he can hear everything but
00:38no one else near him except me he's just in your belly yeah I want you that's
00:42the cannibal time oh what's the Simon's cannibal then okay fine no I hadn't even
00:47shown up yeah sure buddy whoo let's go let's go let's go
00:53I'm running away we got any rolls no man yeah I am I'm the I'm the cat was
00:59the Campbell do eat people they eat people the cannonball and is that is
01:04that and it is that an imposter role no it's neutral so no no no no no no no no
01:10come here Andy come after me boy come after me wait what's down here what's
01:15this you bastards I'm in Josh he's gonna get ya Josh he's got I'm gonna eat ya
01:24someone get your booty out on a yeah right hey I'll get my booty out where
01:29are you I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone clean out some leaves hang on wait let me get
01:32my booty for you let me get my booty for you what the hell to make Simon what's
01:48going on here Oh ready to crikey they're in the thick of it everybody
02:01knows it was with each other just then I was with Deji next I'll just ran past me
02:06in navigation I let Harry and somebody else who was I with no wait who did I
02:10just leave it to Josh was eating money what what Deji what the fuck Josh and
02:15Deji what did I miss out on that Josh and Deji were together it was me I was with Randy and Harry Randy where did Harry go Josh who was with us and Deji me how's it Josh
02:26well I just said you were I was with Harry I was there yeah yeah before I
02:31have gone into this cafeteria and I have seen someone vent but I've just seen the
02:36vent flap and the body is right there so they've just killed in cafeteria you
02:40know which body which body I don't I didn't even see the body I just reported
02:43it right it was biz so Josh Deji Randy Randy where did Harry go sorry to cut
02:48in where did Harry go because I left him with you did you I was with Josh I ate
02:59Simon's booty and Deji laughed that's what I'm done with you Josh that's an
03:03easy question to answer I don't know I was clearing out leaves okay so I'm
03:08sus of Toby and Bezley I'm very sus of Randolph he just said he was with Josh I
03:13don't know you often about me I'm honest yeah but Toby and Bess haven't
03:15said a word that's also true and Ethan hasn't said a word I'm gonna fuck it
03:20skip out on my life well remember okay so Randy Toby beds yeah sure yeah I'm
03:25maybe dead yeah and Vic and Vic maybe did she Vic are you mad I was next to
03:30you I Deji was Deji was in the room when I was being eaten he was that was quite
03:36a convincing little rage from Deji I'm not gonna lie Josh I'm a little bit sus
03:40considering the role is cannibal and you were eating my bum yeah you heard the
03:46easing it was more of a lick than it was actually oh I didn't actually gobble you
03:52Oh come still works that's great yeah there's a shit sorry
04:00I Toby fuck's sake Oh dead body dead body just outside Simon how'd you do
04:25that I know I've lost I'm back there's a big group of three people dancing it's
04:30Josh Randolph and Deji just in storage yes Simon Simon was with us
04:36Simon and Deji and me were in comms ran diddly did a crash out down the corridor
04:42about how shit the devs are he came back in front of me and Deji and I mean that
04:46he's I'd dance with Randy because Randy was happy that he was still alive where
04:49did Randy why have you left me out of the being in commas Josh please I was
04:53Justin in that process Psyduck left went somewhere he went to admin I guess
04:58did Randolph leave on that no no admin cuz that's where his body is no
05:02randidly Josh and Deji are still dancing where were you I was in admin where the
05:07body was and Vic's really safe because Vic came from I came from the other side
05:11Vic where is the body in admin I have no idea I didn't see I can't go I'm asking
05:15them I'm asking them because if the body is in admin you could vent out of admin
05:19wait could this be a self report it's Ethan man no it's not it's not because I was
05:25just going to take my vitamin D tablet where is the body in admin because I if
05:32it's in the left side I came from the right to the fucking dance yes in the
05:36left side like it basically in the doorway I was just in there scanning the site I
05:40was swiping the sidemen company card Josh are you feeling okay can you not
05:44can you can you not vent out of the bottom of admin they can't can you I've
05:48never I've never heard I think I would have seen though it goes to o2 you can
05:56go to o2 or CAF can't you the old cafeteria and bottom right and right
05:59corridor right a cap yeah right corridors a bit you could have been out
06:02of admin to right corridor down Josh you're not it just it's feasible guys
06:06we've got ten seconds yeah I'm skipping it's feasible it could be but I don't
06:10know what Josh is eating for breakfast today
06:12Arthur, Wickstar, Tony, Dez
06:15Bro the whole lobby
06:17I haven't been here Zerkaa
06:19that could be a good cover from Bez
06:21just saying who's going to get vitamins
06:23lads I'll just sit here in the middle of screaming
06:37I'm in the gritty of it everybody knows
06:40oh my god that is so annoying
06:55what the fuck
06:57you big fat fraud
07:01what the fuck
07:03Wickstar can you hear me
07:05yeah can you hear me
07:07you big fat fraud
07:09are you an imposter
07:11no how dare you gobble me
07:13spit me out now
07:15get me out of the belly
07:17I like it in here
07:25that's what you get
07:27if you think you fucking killed me
07:29if someone kills you now I actually wouldn't complain
07:31I wouldn't even report the body
07:33you're putting my name in conversations that don't exist
07:35I didn't put your name in anything
07:37nah bro
07:41where's josh
07:43where's josh man
07:45Wickstar stop panicking
07:47stop panicking
07:49what is going on
07:51what the fuck
07:53there he is
07:55there he is
07:57you fucking chomper mate
07:59oh Bez you're being shit mate
08:03is someone in your belly Wickstar
08:06come on I can't hear shit man
08:08do you want to join him
08:10in 3 seconds you can join him
08:12join him
08:14welcome to the belly Bez
08:18wait it's over
08:20it's over
08:24one of you is an imposter
08:26you fucked it
08:28you just fucked it
08:30oh my god
08:32oh my god
08:34this zombie is cooked man
08:36wait no one can hear us by the way
08:38we're just in his belly
08:40no one can hear us
08:42we're stuck in his belly
08:46click next
08:48someone click next
08:50I've hit
08:54I'm stuck in his belly
08:58he had 3 people in his belly
09:00you couldn't hear us just then either
09:02when you get stuck in the belly at the end of the game
09:04you don't get out
09:06it was just you
09:08it was me Josh and Randy just stuck in the belly
09:10oh that's too funny
09:12if I killed Vic then by the way
09:14what would happen
09:16I think if you kill the cannibal
09:18everyone in the belly comes out
09:20that's hilarious
09:22we'll find out
09:24I had fun anyway
09:26I want to find out now
09:31don't eat me
09:33nino nino nino
09:35this needs to stop
09:37you're a grown man
09:39nino nino nino
09:41I want to eat your pussy Josh
09:43are you free
09:47fizz man
09:49relax yourself
09:51nino nino nino
09:53what the fuck
10:01they can't eat me can they
10:05Vic took me into a small room
10:07by myself
10:09I don't like the sound of that
10:11but this is how I'm going to show you
10:13you've charmed me
10:15I've got a task in electrical
10:17see now
10:19if I was a killer or a cannibal
10:21it would be a
10:23fantastic and hilarious time to kill or eat you
10:25but I'm neither of these things
10:27I saw Deji
10:29slice up fizz
10:33on the left side
10:35I think that's a lie
10:37so you don't even know it's a lie
10:39come on
10:41you don't know that that's a lie Deji
10:43so you're saying there's a chance
10:45I voted Deji because I saw what I saw
10:47oh what the hell
10:51I guess there's no point for this meeting
10:53alright let's skip it up
10:56come on be honest lads
10:58not just Randy or me
11:00and not me and Vic
11:02what if fizz ate him and then fizz died
11:04Arthur are you having a nice day
11:06am I having a nice day
11:08yeah why
11:10you sound like somebody may have an Ethan yelling in their belly
11:12that's all I'm saying
11:14Toby I hope you can hear me in your belly bro
11:16Randy are you having a nice day
11:18yeah having a nice day mate
11:20Randy's safe
11:22let me say something
11:24Toby Toby can you hear me
11:26Arthur can you hear me
11:30okay I'm out
11:32I thought Baz would be just screaming in his belly
11:34I rate the tactic
11:42this is blatantly Toby by the way
11:44let's not get this twisted
11:46no Deji killed himself
11:48I think Toby got double bluffed
11:50unless Deji ate Baz
11:537 8 9
11:55yes Randy
11:57let's go
11:59Toby ate me bro
12:01if Deji kills me then Toby eats you
12:03I was impostor
12:05and he ate me bro
12:07impostor's all dead
12:09Toby you didn't actually kill there did you
12:11I didn't kill
12:13what did you see
12:15I saw so he was left side
12:17I was running down with fizz and Deji
12:19and then he just slashed him up
12:21wait Toby what did you see
12:23I was a bit further behind
12:25it doesn't matter what you saw
12:27I wasn't talking to you
12:29I was talking to Vic
12:33oh no
12:35oh my god it was him
12:37oh my god he's eating me
12:41I don't believe it
12:43Toby you bastard
12:45am I the only one he's eating I can't hear anyone else
12:47I should be able to hear other people right in his belly
12:49Josh if you kill Arthur
12:51I won't even snitch on you
12:53no honestly it's not me
12:55I wish it was but it's not
12:57if it was you would you kill him trust me
12:59yeah of course
13:01oh it's Toby as well
13:03found dead down here
13:05wait guys let's check for bodies
13:07let's check for bodies
13:09come admin
13:11if I'm dead then you know it's Toby
13:13where you going Randy
13:15Randy where the hell
13:18if I die it's Toby
13:20Josh hey Simon
13:22did you just run past Arthur
13:26someone just said come admin and then disappeared
13:28oh no
13:30someone's eaten
13:32oh no
13:34Randy's there how did you get there
13:36I'm fast as fuck
13:38I ran past Simon I ran past Arthur
13:40oh Vic defo killed her
13:42someone's eaten so many
13:44yeah we're safe guys
13:46you guys could have killed me so many times
13:48Arthur how did you disappear like that please
13:50don't trust him lads
13:52don't trust him
13:54don't trust him
13:56there's someone missing right
13:58where's Harry Harry's been eaten I think
14:00we're missing where's Harry's been eaten
14:02Harry's been eaten
14:04I suspect Harry has been eaten
14:06alright who's got Harry in their belly
14:08where is he
14:10who's got Harry in their belly right now
14:12so Toby's the killer
14:14yeah but your knife is not empty
14:16it's not empty I'm in here
14:18have you seen Harry
14:20I think he's been eaten
14:24someone's eaten Harry
14:28someone's eaten Harry
14:30who ate Harry man
14:32I'm not gonna lie Toby's acting a bit sus
14:34you lot do this every time I be going about my life
14:36and you're acting sus
14:38don't say you're going about your life being chill
14:40you came up to him and went how the hell did you teleport to admin
14:43who got Deji out
14:45I got Deji out
14:47Deji tried to guess someone
14:49I saw Deji kill
14:51yeah so Toby called out Deji
14:53and Deji tried to guess and that was correct
14:55so surely Toby's safe
14:57no no but I could still be cannibal Josh so I'm not completely safe
14:59oh fair yeah fuck it vote you then
15:01what Josh
15:03someone has eaten Harry
15:05Arthur said come let's go to
15:07let's all go to
15:09navigation and then she disappeared
15:11I was with Josh and
15:13Randall for ages and they could have killed me
15:15yeah we were safe
15:17so I think Josh Randall's safe
15:19I know I'm safe
15:21if one of them is they can't kill you
15:23I said to Josh kill Arthur and I won't chase you
15:25so we actually had a little pact
15:27where was Vic then
15:29we've got two impostors so we have to vote
15:31I think either Vic or Toby
15:33I think is the cannibal
15:35yeah Vic and Toby tried to get into our friend group
15:37and they're not part of the friend group
15:39I didn't try anything
15:41Toby threw a false accusation my way
15:43that's the only thing
15:45I didn't accuse you I asked where you went
15:47because you disappeared on my screen
15:49I'm going to skip because we have got an impostor out
15:51oh yeah no you're right
15:53oh yeah we've got Deji already
15:55unless cannibal can vote
15:57a guess but I have no idea
15:59yeah maybe they can
16:01I had that shit check
16:05maybe the cannibal ate an impostor back
16:08there's a chance right
16:10and there's just one cannibal left
16:12or one cannibal and one impostor
16:14well no because Deji's out for sure
16:16yeah true
16:18he could be an impostor or a cannibal
16:20I hate this task so much
16:22I'll watch you do it
16:24I'll cheer you on
16:26Simon if you can eat Toby I'll let it happen
16:28I won't tell anyone
16:30I can't but if you eat him
16:32wait why am I being the one eating here
16:34I was going to say Eton
16:36thank you
16:38go on Toby eat him
16:40eat who
16:54what the fuck Toby
16:56why is no one else in here
16:58it's a fucking solo party
17:00let me get someone else
17:02if our friend group stays together they can't get us
17:05let's go complete all the tasks
17:07why does no one do tasks
17:09I thought that was the only aim with your crew mate
17:11we've almost completed all the tasks
17:13that's you finishing the tasks
17:17that's not going to help us
17:19top left
17:21it's nice to be productive
17:23let's go find a body
17:25I've only got one more task to do
17:27and then we can go look for the body
17:29where's friends
17:31that's what I'm saying
17:33there may have been killings
17:35just eat the first person you see
17:37where the hell are they
17:39we can win
17:41we can win
17:43this is a joke
17:45where are they
17:47one of them must have killed the others
17:49teleport maybe
17:51go the other side and teleport
17:53bro where the fuck are they
17:55first person you see is on site
17:57just eat him
17:59no dead body in medbay
18:01can you kill Arthur
18:03he's doing reactor
18:05any dead body in here
18:07join us
18:09one of us
18:11one of us
18:13where are the others
18:15where are they Randolph
18:17Arthur's doing reactor
18:19I'm not going to snitch
18:21go reactor
18:25Randolph and Josh were just with me
18:27let me see what you're doing
18:30make sure you get Arthur don't get Simon
18:32no no no
18:34you're good
18:36don't get Simon by accident
18:38don't get Simon by accident
18:42one of us
18:44one of us
18:46one of us
18:48one of us
18:50one of us
18:52one of us
18:54one of us
18:56one of us
18:58where's Randy
19:00that's what I'm trying to find
19:04Toby's gone
19:06I haven't seen anyone except Toby
19:08me and Randy were looking for bodies
19:10you got a meeting left
19:14go and eat Josh what are you doing Toby
19:16I feel like he's running around this side
19:18catching the other side for a little Sunday snack
19:20if it's us three
19:24alright Josh you're moving mad sus bro
19:26well I was with Toby the whole time
19:28so it lands on you Josh
19:30Randy and Arthur is my friend group
19:32and then we were together helping Arthur do his task
19:34he's really passionate about doing his task
19:36so you were together and now they're gone
19:38so me and Randy left Arthur and said look mate we're not going to be doing anything here
19:40we're not helping out the imposters or the cannibal
19:42we should go out and look for bodies
19:44so in cafeteria Randy went south
19:46as Arthur would like to say
19:48towards admin and I went north up to node 2
19:50and then I come back going hello
19:52hello and Randy was gone and I bumped into you two in electrical
19:57and you Anthony was like oh you're acting really sus
19:59I haven't done anything
20:01you are acting sus
20:03and then I requested that Simon call the meeting
20:05which is a good place for Simon to call the meeting
20:07because it kind of makes you feel like he's safe
20:09but it could be a little marination from Simon
20:11making you think oh it actually is him
20:13Josh you know what I'm going to do
20:15I'm just going to vote whoever you vote
20:17and I think Toby should as well
20:19I think whoever Josh votes we all vote
20:21oh maybe one of you is imposter
20:23one of you is cannibal and I'm just fucked
20:25only one of us is something
20:27you can't vote this
20:29what did you vote?
20:31I voted ArthurTV
20:33I'm dead you idiot
20:35how did you vote Arthur?
20:39I'm so lost
20:41how have you done that?
20:43Arthur will never die I told you
20:45am I fucked here?
20:47hang on
20:51well done
20:53there's the Simon assist bro
20:55Vik comes up to me and goes
20:57Simon if you're the cannibal eat Toby
20:59sorry Josh
21:01Josh you could have won that you could have just voted Toby
21:03but I gave him the option
21:05Simon when you were like come here
21:07and I was like no and I ran away
21:09and you were like no no don't worry you're safe
21:11I have no idea why I believed you instantly
21:13I was like no no he said I'm safe
21:15I'm chill
21:17well I couldn't do anything
21:20dead you don't kill me
21:22no promises
21:24dead I'm going to eat you
21:26I kind of want to be the fat eating guy
21:28I want to be something
21:30this game just wants me to do all the tasks
21:32that's why
21:34it knows I'm very efficient with the tasks
21:36I'm in the thick of it
21:38everybody knows
21:40what else am I supposed to do?
21:42a lone warrior
21:44somebody by themselves
21:46that I can sneak up on
21:48Taji are you safe?
21:50am I safe? alright come Vic
21:52be honest
21:54I'm an imposter
22:02Harry Harry I'm an imposter
22:04you son of a bitch
22:10hello Randy
22:12this doesn't look great for you Harry
22:14that wasn't me
22:16this doesn't look great Harry
22:22do you guys want to vote out Simon while he's peeing?
22:24Simon's peeing right now
22:26I'm going to go piss
22:28someone eat him
22:30no this is his bait
22:32he's going to eat one of us
22:34probably is to be fair
22:36just call a meeting and say fuck it
22:40Randy Randy I've also just clocked how bad that looks
22:42but that was not me
22:45that was not me
22:47I came down from admin
22:49came to you then went to go follow you
22:51and then the body was there
22:53which way did you run?
22:55it's not a bad idea you know
22:57how long are you taking?
22:59it's not a bad idea you know
23:01I don't mind now
23:03Josh made me do it
23:05and he's going to watch the video now I'm a little sheep
23:12Simon if you watch this back I'm sorry mate
23:15wait were we not voting? I thought you said voting
23:17who are we voting?
23:19Simon listen man listen
23:21they marinated me
23:23Simon you're out
23:25you just voted for me
23:27you're such a sad guy
23:33Josh did it Josh did it
23:35Josh did it
23:39hashtag stop Simon abuse
23:41let's get it going
23:43I feel like shit now
23:45Randy Randy Randy
23:47you've got to believe me
23:49I'll keep it in mind Harry
23:51Harry come here which way did you run?
23:53so I came down here
23:55and I went round to you here
23:57and then I saw you and I was like
23:59I'll just run with Randy so I ran back with you this way
24:01and the body was right here
24:03the body was right here
24:05it wasn't there when I ran past
24:09oh my god
24:12who was it?
24:14it looked like Harry
24:16it looked like Harry
24:18what you mean it looked like me that wasn't me
24:20that wasn't me
24:22it's Harry or Randy
24:24that wasn't me
24:26that wasn't me
24:28it can't be I don't think it could be Harry
24:30because he was moving
24:32I was off to the left that was not me
24:34it's Randy or Viz then
24:36it could be you as well
24:38Viz I'm telling you
24:40you're right there
24:42alright then
24:44it's me Harry Viz or Randy
24:46it's one of us
24:48I promise you I wasn't even over the body
24:50when I was to the left
24:52no no Harry you were there
24:54because I think you killed him
24:56and then tried to move instantly
24:58wait tell me who did you pick
25:00I think Harry's telling the truth
25:02I think it's Randolph then
25:04what the fuck
25:06it weren't me bro
25:08follow Harry then
25:10come with me
25:12hello Simon
25:14good how are you
25:16do you want a kiss
25:18what the fuck
25:22leave me alone bro
25:28don't bring him over here
25:30don't follow me
25:32oh shit
25:34come on Harry do it
25:37Harry do it
25:39kill me
25:41do it
25:45I haven't got the killing powers
25:53someone else do reactor
25:55there we go
25:57we're all safe because we fixed the reactor
26:01why was that that close please
26:03what do you mean you came so late
26:05it's Viz
26:07no I saved it
26:09you were there just doing nothing
26:11no me Harry and Viz just saved the reactor
26:13so it's got to be Tobi
26:15it's Viz
26:17Harry I'm in your belly
26:19I'm in your belly
26:23I just saw the animation
26:25I saw the animation too
26:27it was Harry
26:29no it wasn't me
26:31it wasn't me
26:33why do I keep getting blamed for the killings
26:35that wasn't me
26:37Viz it's got to be you you bastard
26:39there's no way
26:41who ran to that table
26:43I ran with you Harry
26:45yeah and then who died at the table there
26:47they were in someone's belly
26:49I swear Ethan came out of Harry's belly
26:53I swear
26:55Harry did you eat Ethan
26:57boys you've got to believe me
26:59look me in the eyes Harold
27:02look me in the eyes did you eat Ethan
27:04I couldn't fit him in my belly
27:06the fat bastard
27:08is there definitely
27:10I don't know boys
27:12I've been blamed for two things now
27:14you're getting very worked up
27:16I don't know whether that's because you're innocent and frustrated
27:18or overcommentating
27:20I can tell you for sure I didn't eat Ethan
27:22the thing is
27:24I think Harry saved because me and him saved the reactor
27:26I don't trust anything that you think Arthur
27:28I'm voting Harry
27:30I think he was the cannibal
27:32and Viz you said you saw the animation
27:34but that animation doesn't really mean anything
27:36it might do
27:38I don't know
27:40I immediately thought
27:42someone had been killed there
27:44which I would not like
27:46you lot
27:48Arthur you are so dumb
27:50it's actually Harry isn't it
27:52no I think we've got
27:54it's actually Harry
27:56we've surely got this now no
27:58Harry can you just eat Arthur instead
28:00I'm not the eater
28:02wait Arthur was it you
28:04this whole time
28:06no bro I've been doing tasks
28:08you know you have won you can admit if you're the guy
28:10no I
28:12on my life I've done
28:14I've done empty garbage
28:16cleaned up
28:18whoever wasn't cannibal there you have messed up
28:20it's not me
28:22whoever was or wasn't cannibal
28:24whoever is the cannibal right now
28:27seriously messed up
28:29cos you could have just won there
28:31I don't think it's me
28:33if I've missed the button I'm losing my mind
28:35he's gone have I messed up
28:37what the fuck is going on here
28:39but is there definitely a cannibal
28:41there could not be a cannibal
28:43or could the cannibal be dead
28:45but the imposter would have just done a sabotaging kill
28:47I'm worried we're getting mega marinated by Viz
28:49no I think I'm gonna have to vote you
28:51Harry me and you went to reactor first
28:53and Viz joined later we've got to vote Viz
28:55Arthur listen to me the reason I have to vote Harry here
28:57is cos I saw him kill Josh
28:59right it was between me
29:01I am sus as well but
29:03I also saw a body
29:05come out of Harry and I saw Bez's body
29:07Arthur what
29:09what tasks have you done
29:11have you done tasks yes I've done 2 and O2
29:13I did the leaf thing
29:15Arthur vote Harry
29:17the thing is the reactor went off and me and Harry went to fix
29:19the reactor we've lost the reactor already today
29:21so that's why I think it's you Viz
29:24I think we're getting mega marinated by Viz
29:26cos you also stuck it on me earlier
29:28with the Ethan coming out the body thing
29:30unless Arthur has one of you two I don't know
29:32I don't know vote me fine
29:34the only thing I can go off is the reactor thing
29:36oh my god
29:38well played
29:40how did Viz save the game and still get voted out
29:42Harry generational game player
29:44can someone admit now who it was
29:48Harry please don't tell me you lied to me
29:50I haven't lied have you lied to me
29:54Viz called a meeting to save the game
29:56if he was cannibal or killer he wouldn't have called that meeting
29:58Arthur honestly
30:00you just don't make sense
30:02you might be the dumbest guy Arthur
30:04Arthur you're so
30:06oh my days
30:08Viz why didn't you say you saved the game
30:10Viz you saved the game
30:12Viz called the meeting
30:14the thing is it was never gonna work
30:16cos Arthur was already set on it being him
30:18it was cos me and Harry went to the reactor
30:20that was the only thing I saw with my own eyes
30:22wait so I actually saw
30:24I fully saw Ethan's body come out of Harry's
30:26yeah you did
30:28I didn't believe you
30:30you threw
30:32I said I wanna skip cos I just wanted to see how it unfolds
30:34it was your word against Harry's and all I knew was that Harry went to the reactor with me
30:36wait did I miss something obvious
30:38or did I just
30:40you just did every possible stupid thing that you could do
30:46I saw I wouldn't be an idiot this time
30:49the problem there was that because Viz called the meeting
30:51if he was a cannibal he would have just eaten
30:53if he was an imposter he would have just killed
30:55because he called that meeting there it meant that he was a crewmate
30:57but you still voted him
30:59that was your problem
31:01but why didn't Viz make that point
31:03I don't know why
31:05I started off the meeting with like
31:07the cannibal should have killed him but I guess
31:09that was just me thinking that you would assume
31:11that like oh I've done the meeting but yeah
31:13everything was wrong
31:15everything was wrong
31:17I wasn't clear enough in a meeting
31:19generational Harry Pullman's ass day
31:21when it gets down to the last couple of people I'm not quite
31:23yeah I'm not quite
31:25in tune with it yet
31:27you'll get them next time
31:29oh man
31:31boring day innit
31:33bit meh
31:35I got a weird roll guys
31:39it says you're a legend
31:41what does that mean
31:43yeah I can tell that you wouldn't know what that meant
31:47that was funny wasn't it Josh
31:49put it in
31:51put it in
32:03generational kill from Josh
32:12you just scared me sorry man
32:14I did jump out of a corner
32:16I was horrified
32:18you do look like a cannibal
32:20should I be scared of you
32:22you do look like a cannibal
32:24I've done my cannibalism
32:26feeling full satiated
32:28daddy's been fed
32:30bread patty onion patty bread
32:32come on
32:40wait let me check colours
32:42oh it's Randolph
32:45I never knew that
32:53I really think it's Simon
32:55no no no
32:57can I tell you why
32:59tell me why
33:01I want it that way
33:03you say your reason first
33:05you say your reason first
33:07I was in node 2 making a sandwich with Toby
33:09and I heard Toby doing what I do
33:11where you like read the ingredients out loud
33:13to like do it after
33:15so I think Toby was doing a task
33:17and it was me Toby and Simon in that area
33:19ok now let me debunk your theory
33:21I was with you and Toby
33:23and then I literally said
33:25I'm going to leave you two
33:27and I'm going to go to node
33:29Toby said oh I'm going to the left anyway
33:31went through the node
33:33saw 3 people down in shields
33:35and I was there
33:37and I just ran back
33:39Toby did you run with Simon
33:41I was in the node and teleported down
33:43and literally 3 people saw me at the bottom
33:45and where's the body
33:47Toby went down
33:49I can't lie
33:51if we get rid of Arthur he is a third impostor
33:55just Arthur where's the body
33:57the body is basically
33:59at the top of cafeteria
34:01before the tunnel to node 2
34:03yeah so Toby went left
34:05I went down in the node
34:07and I went in the node and saw 3 people there
34:10if you're telling the truth
34:12which people did you see
34:14Deji, Viz and someone else
34:16and that's verified on the other side
34:18so who's not accounted for
34:20me and Harry are in a lecture call
34:22we're having a nice little heart to heart
34:24nice Baz
34:26who was it
34:28Deji, Viz and Baz
34:30I watched Simon go into the parking lot
34:32I was there
34:34I didn't see Josh
34:36lobby is full of idiots
34:38I was fucking there
34:40we said you bro
34:42yeah we did Ethan
34:44I literally said it was you
34:46I'm talking to Vikkstar
34:48so why are you saying the lobby is full of fucking idiots
34:50if you're talking to one person
34:54Vikkstar you fucking idiot
34:56Toby Toby Toby
34:58I want to have a private conversation
35:00yeah yeah
35:02I want to have a private conversation
35:04let me talk to my friend
35:06you lot fuck off
35:16lobby is full of idiots
35:22wait that means Simon and Toby are safe
35:24so I can chill with them
35:28did you kill Randy
35:32did you kill Randy
35:35like genuinely no
35:39bro my story made like
35:41100% sense
35:43no but Randy called you back before
35:45did Harry come running through here guys
35:47did Harry come running through here just then or no
35:49he did he did
35:51he went right
35:53no no he went here
35:55they would have heard him though
36:05guys guys guys guys come here
36:07come here guys come here
36:09I heard something
36:21why are you doing it
36:23it wasn't even your idea
36:31ok Harry give me some advice here
36:33so I was with Simon and Toby
36:35at the top and you know
36:37they were just vouching for each other
36:39I've just heard them in proximity chat
36:41go let's kill Randolph
36:43and laugh
36:45that's enough I'm going to call a meeting
36:47I'm going to call a meeting
36:49no but lads
36:51Harry and Arthur
36:53your conversation doesn't make sense
36:55because Randy was dead in the first round
36:57or maybe they were laughing about having just killed him
36:59Arthur and Harry
37:02shit convo
37:04I've just heard them in prox chat
37:06going oh let's kill Randy
37:08Randy died in the first round
37:10all I heard was in proximity chat
37:12I heard Toby say to Simon
37:14something about killing Randolph
37:16and they both laughed
37:20did you say in that round
37:22repeat what you said sorry
37:24so just before I crossed paths with Harry
37:26I heard something like
37:28kill Randolph
37:30and I said no my story was entirely correct
37:32I don't know how
37:343 people saw me
37:36I don't know how this has happened
37:38I mean I just heard kill Randolph
37:40and you two laughing at each other
37:42and also because me and you
37:44were up there
37:46outside node 2
37:48you could have killed Randolph
37:50I think Arthur's got to go lads
37:52he's literally
37:54what he did
37:56should have cleared
37:58and it should have been on
38:00Josh and Harry
38:02cos no one saw you
38:04it makes it Josh
38:06cos me and Harry didn't leave a lecture
38:08no I ran past you first
38:10you could have done something
38:12Harry where did Deji go
38:14how do I know
38:16cos I saw you two screaming
38:18and then you two just disappeared
38:20they all went in the node
38:22no you went down
38:24I'm skipping
38:27I don't know what's going on man
38:29he's just deleted someone
38:31I'm pretty sure he's at Deji
38:33I'm pretty sure he was chasing after Deji
38:35making noises
38:37what do you mean deleted
38:39what are you talking about
38:41Harry's eating people
38:43what are you talking about
38:45I'm pretty sure you're at Deji
38:47Harry's eating people innit
38:49I'm not eating anyone
38:51Harry come this way
38:53eat Arthur
38:55eat Arthur please
38:57honestly I can't eat people
38:59how can I prove that I'm not
39:01I'll do medbay scan
39:03animals are still normal people
39:05come on then
39:07well I haven't got the task
39:09what do you mean
39:11it might be you Harry
39:13he's actually not me
39:15I'm actually crewmate
39:17no I don't trust you
39:19who's on what
39:21I wouldn't trust me either
39:27diabolical mr minter
39:31Toby will know you've done this
39:33he's actually not me
39:35he can't do it
39:37here we go
39:39I didn't have the task
39:41Harry eat us then
39:43Harry eat us
39:45I can't eat you
39:47Harry eat me
39:49good boy eat me
39:51do the lights
39:53wait how
39:55what do you mean how
39:57Harry eat us
39:59eat me
40:01eat me
40:03good boy
40:05good boy
40:07I'm not staying there
40:13what are you thinking Simon
40:17welcome Arthur
40:19I knew something was sus with them
40:22it's right it's right
40:24we're all part of the movement
40:26good boy
40:28such a good boy
40:30good boy
40:32good boy
40:34good boy
40:36good boy
40:38good boy
40:40good boy
40:42oh my god
40:44oh my god
40:46it was them the whole time
40:48oh god
40:50oh no
40:52hey man
40:54good boy
40:58good boy
41:00you chose bottom
41:02good boy
41:04oh my god
41:06what the hell
41:08thank you for saving us Ethan
41:10oh shit
41:12we were trapped
41:14we were trapped and consumed but we are safe now
41:16I just wanted to say thank you
41:18good boy
41:20we will have the vote you have now
41:22we will have the vote you have
41:24if you kill the cannibal it frees him
41:28thank you Ethan but goodbye
41:30no no
41:32surely I get a vote of
41:34I saved your life
41:36you fucking little twerp
41:38he saved your life
41:40you can't do that
41:42thanks but goodbye
41:45he just saved your life you little fucker
41:47and saved me and Arthur
41:49that's why we reappeared
41:51he's an imposter
41:53I didn't kill Simon what are you talking about
41:57I didn't kill Simon
41:59what's going on here
42:01Josh I completely missaw that then
42:03Josh killed me in front of everyone
42:05yeah he did
42:07is Vic a fucking moron
42:09is Vic the imposter
42:11no Josh is
42:13oh my gosh
42:15oh I'm sorry
42:17who was it
42:19I thought it was Josh
42:21but I can't say for sure
42:23we should just vote him too
42:25I don't know who it was
42:27I can't lie it's gotta be one of the two of them
42:29it would be a pretty good guess
42:31we just listened to Vic and killed Ethan
42:33okay okay okay
42:35I may have completely gone deluded
42:37guys guys guys based on the first kill right
42:39based on the first kill there was three susses right
42:42Arthur reported the body he sussed out Simon
42:44but also Toby was there so this has to be Toby
42:46it's not me it's not me don't be fucking stupid
42:48but the thing is
42:50because I actually realised I'm an idiot
42:52and I wasn't really paying attention
42:54yeah I wasn't either because I was in the belly but I'm sure Josh
42:56was in the room
42:58yeah what in reactor he's talking about at the end
43:00yeah when we got freed
43:02but if Josh was there and he's not chiming in that is sus
43:04so I wasn't there when I was there
43:06I left
43:08but the thing is also was it not Ethan
43:10bro I can't believe this
43:12is Vic alright
43:14how would he have killed me
43:16Simon I did top reactor
43:18Josh killed me I know
43:20but I didn't even see Vic
43:22because he did also kind of agree to the fact that it was like
43:24he saved us so he should be safe
43:26what actually happened
43:28then if Josh was also there
43:30did Josh turn a blind eye
43:34I wasn't paying enough attention because I was in a belly
43:36or crazy theory
43:38this would be ridiculous
43:40imagine if Arthur was somehow an imposter and got eaten
43:42I mean you could say the same about me
43:44but I don't know
43:46I guess it is
43:50wait did the imposter kill the cannibal
43:52is that what happened
43:54Vic let's not add any more spanners in the work
43:56because Toby sus from the beginning
43:58and the laughing about killing Randolph and stuff
44:00and Josh I thought was in that room
44:02I think it had to be Ethan
44:04I was in the room but I went to the top because you were at the bottom
44:07if we lose it's my fault
44:09if it wasn't Ethan I'm an idiot
44:11I've just not seen enough
44:13actually I may be mentally deluded
44:15I don't know but that's great
44:17I could be as well
44:19once we were in the belly I just wasn't paying enough
44:21I know I just zoned out but then I thought I knew
44:23this is one of the worst
44:25this is generational
44:27I'm not going to lie you did lowkey agree to killing me
44:29because yeah
44:31because I thought
44:33no no
44:35I thought they were talking about Harry
44:37because I killed Harry
44:39who was there when they got free
44:41I decided it was Ethan
44:43but I wasn't even paying attention
44:45who else was there
44:47Josh I swear Josh was there
44:49why are we doing this
44:51everyone is in the room
44:53I went up
44:55follow me
44:57I've done all my tasks
44:59ok that's fine
45:01all I know is you were the only one looking at me
45:03the whole situation
45:05no I don't know what has happened
45:07I literally don't know
45:09Josh has just said he was
45:11Josh has confirmed that he was in the room
45:13and Toby you were in the room as well
45:15no I wasn't with you I was nowhere near you
45:17ok so Viz and Toby weren't in the room
45:19everyone was in that room
45:21I wasn't there
45:23Arthur if you're confident Josh was in that room
45:25Josh has just said he was there
45:27I'm telling you I was in that room
45:29who else has a meeting
45:32I'm telling you that someone is lying about not being in the room
45:34alright listen I wasn't there
45:36I think it's Josh because of what you lot said
45:40I think you've mistaken Ethan for Josh
45:42I think that's a possibility
45:44so I'm gonna vote Josh
45:46if I'm wrong you vote me
45:48how have you mistaken me for Bez
45:50let's go Josh we know that Josh was in there
45:52big star
45:54Bez confirmed that you were right in what you were saying
45:56so why would it still be me
45:58but then at the end he said he's not
46:00Viz were you there
46:02I wasn't there bro
46:04Vic has admitted he made a mistake
46:06I don't know
46:08if you're saying Ethan was there
46:10and Josh is saying he was in there
46:12and Ethan is gone
46:14the only other person that can be is Josh
46:16I'm shooting it
46:18because I wasn't there and Viz wasn't there
46:20we weren't paying enough attention in that belly
46:22that belly was crazy
46:24I'm gonna vote Josh but we can play on
46:26if it's wrong vote me
46:30or if it's an alpha master plan
46:32I don't know bro
46:34my IQ's gone
46:36I'm not washed out
46:40it was what we thought
46:42it was
46:44Ethan did nothing
46:46I didn't do a thing
46:48so Josh was it you that killed Simon
46:50so you were right
46:52I was nowhere near the kill
46:54I was not ready to be back in the game
46:57I was mentally checked out
46:59it just wasn't me
47:01I said I'm mentally deluded
47:03but it worked somehow
47:05Vic I'm so glad we actually
47:07caught Josh on that one because I was panicking
47:09because I knew something had gone wrong
47:13at least we now know if you get swallowed pay attention
47:15you're still in the game
47:17wait I've got a stone
47:19thank god
47:21Randy that was one of the funniest things
47:23you've said in a long time
47:25I've got a stone
47:27somebody eat me
47:29I've got to pack my ski stuff
47:31somebody eat me
47:33please somebody eat or kill me
47:35I've got to pack my ski stuff
47:37wait where's Bez
47:41it doesn't work
47:43I enjoy it
47:45I might do a deji
47:47kill me
47:49I've got to pack my ski stuff
47:51I could do a deji and just stay in
47:53no it's not me
47:57stay here the whole time
47:59ok let's just keep going
48:03I just don't want to be near Ethan
48:05oh he's doing that thing
48:07fuck's sake man
48:09Toby Toby Toby kill me please
48:11I've got to pack my ski stuff
48:13kill me
48:15kill me
48:17kill me
48:20everyone is screaming
48:22everyone is screaming
48:24everyone is screaming man
48:34did we just kill each other
48:36I mean
48:38I killed him as he ate me
48:42why can't I just
48:44kill each other
48:46what the fuck
48:48what the fuck
48:54oh my god Deji is dead
48:56Deji got eaten and Viz is dead
48:58so Viz ate Deji
49:00cause I heard Viz say oh you pussy out
49:02does that mean Viz ate Deji
49:04I think so
49:06and now they've both been killed
49:08I don't know
49:10wait say that again
49:12so I heard Viz say
49:14I heard him call someone a pussy out
49:19he called someone a pussy out
49:21but yeah I don't know
49:23it sounded like something you do before you kill someone
49:25whose body was actually found
49:27so you're saying Viz ate Deji
49:29I suspect that Viz ate Deji
49:31but I don't know
49:33I'm probably not a good person to listen to at this point
49:35I revoke my credibility
49:37no no it's fine Vik be confident
49:39who ate who I'm so confused
49:41he's saying that Viz ate Deji
49:43that's my guess my complete guess
49:45this is body is the bottom of the story
49:47wouldn't Deji be alive
49:49oh true so Deji would be alive
49:51woah woah woah woah
49:53that would be incorrect
49:55I think you're bringing down the IQ lobby right now
49:57I'm gonna skip but feel free to kick me
49:59feel free to kick me
50:01yeah you're wasting my time
50:03Harry's got a pack of ski and stuff so you're wasting my time
50:05I'm nervous
50:07is Randy even here anymore
50:09is Randy driven home
50:11I thought I was dead boys I'm not gonna lie
50:13he's out of here
50:15alright have fun guys
50:17everyone queue Harry alive
50:19at least eat me eat me
50:21so I can come back in a second
50:23eat me and I'll jump out later
50:25your best bet is just sitting in the airlock and hoping someone does it
50:29come on
50:33hey pal
50:35Toby come here come here
50:37I need to do this one task
50:49I can pack my ski and stuff
50:53thank you
50:55Simon Simon
50:57Simon where did you go
51:01where are you
51:03Deji was eaten
51:05Deji was eaten
51:07yeah Viz was killed
51:09so it still could have been
51:12Deji was eaten and Viz was killed
51:14he could have been the other way around
51:16no because Deji
51:18that was sus
51:20did Josh come here
51:22oh no no no
51:24that went 10 seconds
51:26it's Josh it's Josh
51:28it's Josh
51:30it's not me actually
51:32he's already killed me earlier
51:34keep an eye on Josh
51:36who's not here
51:38see you there guys
51:42lots of people are eaten
51:44yeah I think they've gone
51:46they've disappeared somewhere
51:52I was just making sure you were doing it
51:54can you call a meeting
51:58oh my god
52:02let's see is anyone eaten
52:04Harry's been eaten
52:06Harry asked to be eaten
52:08I think it's Josh Randy or Toby
52:10so let's just shoot Arthur
52:12I know it's not me or Arthur
52:14me and Arthur
52:16we were with each other the entire routine of the round
52:18you did see me fake the medbay task though
52:20I have just watched Josh fake a medbay task
52:24yeah we did see that
52:26he ran onto the medbay task
52:28and went look I'm clear
52:30and then I went wait come here and he just got off
52:32so I wouldn't write that up honestly
52:34I don't know where Harry
52:37I didn't see Harry once
52:39me and Arthur have done loads
52:41in that round together
52:43yeah we did a bunch of nav tasks
52:45we fixed O2
52:47I downloaded data
52:49my worry is the fact that I feel like
52:51every single round Randy has followed Josh around
52:53and gone oh let's have a
52:55let's have a rule that we just don't report stuff
52:57no no no
52:59I think you might have eaten Harry
53:01I think Harry's in your belly
53:03oh Josh remember I said
53:05go up to the airlock and wait
53:07there is a chance he just got
53:09there is a chance by the way that Harry
53:15were imposter no Harry or Deji were imposter
53:17and they got eaten so there is a chance
53:19but we should probably vote
53:21I'm not voting Arthur
53:23I can't vote Simon or
53:25could I vote Josh
53:27I have to vote Arthur I think
53:29I voted Randy
53:31I voted Toby
53:33oh great
53:35off with literally nothing
53:37I did that with 2 seconds to go out
53:39if it's a 5 vote man
53:41I got peer pressure into that one
53:43it can't be a 5 vote
53:45it was me
53:49Viz ate Deji
53:51Viz ate Deji
53:53you had no reason to suss me
53:55Viz ate Deji and Deji killed him
53:57we literally killed each other
53:59Viz ate Deji and Deji killed him
54:02no way
54:04I couldn't explain what happened
54:06I didn't know that was possible
54:08that's so annoying man
