• last month
El conductor Luis Novaresio muy duro en un mensaje contra el gobernador Axel Kicillof y al ministro Javier Alonso: "Son los peores funcionarios que ha tenido la provincia de Buenos Aires en mucho tiempo", para luego pedirles que se hagan responsables y muestren humanidad ante el dolor que está viviendo.

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00:00I want to say goodbye. I know it's not the most festive way to close a program,
00:06but with the intention that the authorities see this mother.
00:10They took part of my life. I don't know how I'm going to live without him.
00:16He has two brothers who are destroyed.
00:20The father is sick. He can't even talk.
00:25And we think it's unfair what happened to us. It's unfair.
00:30It's unfair.
00:32Every time I make a comment to the authorities, I make it clear that it's nothing personal.
00:37I have nothing personal with Axel Kicillof.
00:40I have nothing personal with Javier Alonso, his minister.
00:44Now, when I speak functionally, as officials,
00:48I think they are the worst officials we have had for a long time in security matters.
00:54They didn't manage to prevent him from being killed.
01:00So far, they haven't arrested the killer.
01:04I ask you, as the last trait of humanity,
01:08go and face it. Talk to this mother.
01:12Try to make her feel that she is less alone than the loneliness that leaves you when a crazy child dies.
01:20Make her feel that there is an option of humanity in the government of the province of Buenos Aires.
