• el mes pasado
Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos películas, episodios e incluso comerciales que se crearon, alguien alguna vez los vio… y luego desaparecieron para siempre.


00:00Carlitos, the video game you were waiting for has arrived, a game of eggs, with all the characters of the movie of eggs, come on, how strong!
00:08Hello and welcome to Watchmojo Spanish, I am Jackie and today we will know movies, episodes and even commercials that were created,
00:17someone once saw them and then disappeared forever.
00:22Number 10. Episodes banned from Pokémon in Latin Spanish.
00:27Pokémon, I have to catch up, do it, our destiny is like this, Pokémon.
00:34Every good Pokémon fan knows that the popular episode of Beauty and the Beach was one of the many that ended up being banned in many countries.
00:44Knowing this fact, it is obvious that it would be difficult to find a dubbing of the episode that was far from being able to be distributed in other continents,
00:54well, according to one of the dubbing actresses who did the voice of Jessie, Diana Perez, she remembers dubbing this project.
01:02It's okay, my beauty has no man or woman.
01:06The little gravel is in the way, go over there.
01:08Because 4Kids was the one who distributed the material and we all remember how strict they were with censorship,
01:15they were supposed to have to use the material directly in Japanese.
01:19Where is it now? Well, nobody knows, although we would love to hear it.
01:25Number 9. A game of eggs.
01:28Surely many remember the flashes of the popular Cartoon Eggs, whose audios are still valid on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.
01:39What do you want? Social security?
01:46Due to its popularity, movies were created from the characters and even a video game.
01:53Why then is it so difficult to find gameplays of it?
01:57Well, the answer is very easy, because nobody used Ceebo.
02:01Dude, stop playing with the eggs.
02:04No, I'm playing with the Ceebo.
02:06That's why, dummy, isn't that the egg game?
02:09Oh, yeah.
02:10In case you don't remember, you probably don't.
02:13Ceebo was a Brazilian console that sought to enter all the homes of Latin America.
02:19The usage was simple.
02:21You bought Ceebo Credits that you could exchange later to download games directly on the console.
02:28So if your game wasn't stored there, you wouldn't find it anywhere else.
02:34Hey, dude, tell me, dummy.
02:36The one you're hitting in the game... is me.
02:42Very good.
02:44An egg game came out exclusively for this console,
02:48so now it's probably lost in the forgotten room of some millennial,
02:53earning its title of Lost Media.
02:56An egg game!
02:58Only for Ceebo!
02:59Stick to that idea, bro, stick!
03:02Number 8, Dulce Ana.
03:05To grow up...
03:09I don't want to give up...
03:12For the dreams you left...
03:15The reputation of Latin American soap operas is unbeatable.
03:20They have had the popularity, reach and lore that many other series would like.
03:25So much so that there is even the Lost Media of one of the most beloved in Argentina,
03:31called Dulce Ana.
03:33It was broadcasted on Channel 9 in 1995,
03:37starring Patricia Palmer, Orlando Carrió and Susana Campos.
03:42The ladder...
03:45The ladder...
03:48I pushed it...
03:53The story is about Ana, a woman suffocated by her mother, Mariana.
03:58On a trip, she meets the love of her life, Fabian,
04:00and she changes her look to the ugly duckling style.
04:04Even though she was on schedule,
04:07there was little material available to see in the news.
04:11Could you tell me if you saw the lady who is sitting here,
04:15the one who always waits for information?
04:17Yes, I know who you're talking about, but I didn't see her.
04:19I'm sorry.
04:21Number 7, The Visitor.
04:24Speaking of soap operas,
04:26there are some that are too rare even for the standard.
04:45Considered one of the strangest in Latin America,
04:49The Visitor tells the story of love between an alien woman
04:53and the extraterrestrial leader of a community that comes from space.
05:06Even though there are no recordings of any episode,
05:10the intro was preserved.
05:12Number 6, Quiromancia.
05:19It is thanks to this that we know that it was very low budget,
05:24although we do not know if the RCN,
05:26channel in which it was broadcast, still keeps it.
05:36Number 6, Quiromancia commercial.
05:39This reminds us a bit of the story of Selena Delgado
05:43on Channel 5 in Mexico.
06:01This supposed commercial,
06:02of which absolutely no video or capture is saved,
06:06was broadcast by Panamericana Televisión
06:09during the 90s.
06:21We know of its existence thanks to the fact that several witnesses
06:24managed to see it and detail it to such an extent
06:27that it was possible to make a fairly exact recreation,
06:30according to some.
06:39It is said that it was broadcast daily between 1993 and 1995
06:47until one day it simply disappeared from the face of the earth.
06:52Number 5, El Chavo del 8 episodes.
06:55It is no secret to anyone that there are censored episodes
06:59of El Chavo del 8,
07:00and although we were tempted to talk about Chapulín Universal,
07:05there are those who assure that it is nothing more than a creepypasta.
07:09Do you know how I feel?
07:12No, don't worry, I was a very distant relative.
07:14Oh yes, Don Ramón, I accompany you in your pain, believe me.
07:19What we are sure of is that there is at least one episode
07:23that had to be removed and then edited.
07:26The witch of 71 and Don Ramón
07:28finally get married in a Catholic church
07:31with Professor Jirafales as a priest.
07:35And I'm very glad that your dad is going to marry the witch of...
07:41...with the lady of 71.
07:45Wait, Pupis, wait.
07:47Hey, what did you say?
07:48Although the actor Rubén Aguirre recorded a whole dialogue
07:51when he became a religious officer,
07:53his dialogue was removed after the Catholic Church
07:57considered it offensive for existing.
08:09Number 4, the show of Condorito.
08:12Condorito, in case you didn't know him,
08:14is a Chilean comic that was very successful
08:17not only in his country, but also in all of Latin America.
08:35It was created at the end of the 40s,
08:38however, it was so iconic that it continued to spread
08:42some time later and became part of Latin American pop culture.
08:46Due to its huge success,
08:48the creation of a series was proposed
08:50in which the cartoon character would interact with the real world.
08:55Condorito, don't tell me you were at the famous Pamplona party.
09:00There I am.
09:12This was produced by MC Films
09:15and it is said that 16 chapters of a minute and a half were created each.
09:20But the only thing that saw the light were some previews.
09:24There is Rafael Cabada.
09:26What do you mean Rafael Cabada?
09:28There I am.
09:35The show was never broadcast,
09:37so it is not known what happened with the episodes that had already been created.
09:42Number 3, China Poblana.
09:45When even the protagonist says
09:47that she is grateful that the material has been lost,
09:50it is because there is something interesting in between.
09:53China Poblana was a production from 1943
09:57starring María Félix.
10:00The story had no joke.
10:03But I still did not conquer the privilege
10:06of rejecting films that I did not like.
10:09Although it is not known exactly what it was about,
10:12the actress said that she was glad that the film had disappeared,
10:16since according to her she had only done it to pay a favor.
10:20She never fully explained the plot,
10:22although she mentioned that she had neither feet nor head.
10:25It had been shot in spectacular colors
10:28and the costume was of great taste.
10:30In China Poblana, I paid a debt of gratitude
10:33that I had with Fernando Palacios.
10:36It was the film of her dreams,
10:38the one she had wanted to do with me
10:40since she cast her eye on me.
10:43I did it out of commitment.
10:45Of this production, only the poster
10:47and the memory of the deceased actress remain
10:49to know that she really existed.
10:51Number 2, Women's Chapters of Real Life.
11:10Considered one of the most terrifying series,
11:13without the intention of being that of Mexican television,
11:16Women's Chapters of Real Life
11:18was made up of supposed true stories of women
11:21who sent their letters
11:23for the first actress to present an episode inspired by these.
11:27Did you lose your son?
11:29Oh, damn!
11:31Six years?
11:33At the end of school?
11:35Yes, sir.
11:41Did they steal him?
11:43No, that's what they all say.
11:45Naturally, many episodes were quite strong
11:49and some were enough
11:51to keep many children traumatized for life,
11:55to the extent that they still remember them in their adulthood.
11:58Of the episodes that were lost,
12:00one was found,
12:02an angel without light.
12:04However, there are others that have been described
12:06by several witnesses
12:08that no one has managed to find
12:10as the last smile and blood against dignity.
12:19Angel, my love,
12:21I'm so glad you're here.
12:25Angel, what did they do to you?
12:27What did they do to you?
12:30We haven't reached the end yet,
12:32but don't forget to subscribe to our channel
12:34and activate the bell
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12:39You will surely like them.
12:41Now, let's go to the end.
12:44Number 1. Water Business.
12:46And the band enters in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
12:55It is a misfortune that some productions
12:57that could have been considered modern jewels
13:00are now missing due to the neglect of some people.
13:04Water Business was a Peruvian film
13:07created in 1913
13:09and considered the first documentary film in Peru.
13:13We know of its existence
13:15only thanks to the poster
13:17since there are records of those who participated
13:19in its elaboration,
13:21but there is nothing else.
13:23And cut!
13:27It was lost due to the disinterest
13:29of its own director for preserving it.
13:31The only existing copy
13:33belonged to Percy Busaglo,
13:35conductor of the Cinema Teatro.
13:37There is a record of its last reproduction
13:40on November 19, 1926
13:43in a festival,
13:45but the rolls are lost.
13:47What other examples of Lost Media
13:49in Latin America do you know?
13:51Tell us in the comments
13:53and don't miss these other original videos
13:55of Spanish Watchmojo.
