• hace 2 meses
Hoy veremos los 10 personajes de telenovelas latinoamericanas más insoportables, desesperantes o irritantes, esos que pedimos que por favor adelanten sus escenas, las hagan más cortas o que simplemente los retiren de pantalla.


00:02Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Yaki and for this list we will be seeing
00:07the top 10 of the most unbearable soap opera characters.
00:12Those characters that barely appear on the screen make you want to advance the scene,
00:18either because they are irritating, exaggerated or simply because their presence becomes
00:24so repetitive that it ends up tiring.
00:27These are the ones that we can't help but want out of the scene, or out of the soap opera.
00:33The only thing I understand is that you are an unbearable, unbearable!
00:38Number 10, Patricia Fernandez, I am Betty the Ugly.
00:42Sir, turn around the corner, sir, stop, they don't see me anymore, stop, bastard, stop!
00:50Ok, we know that including Patricia here can be a delicate issue, because she is a
00:55character loved by many, and she has her brilliant moments, but let's admit it, she is also
01:02scandalous, capricious and her screams and complaints are almost a constant throughout
01:08the novel, even her best friend loses patience with her.
01:12She died!
01:14Who? Who died? Who?
01:16My cell phone, they cut it off!
01:20Damn, Patricia, you scared me!
01:24And although her phrases are epic and are still shared on social media, her arrogant attitude
01:29can get a little tiring.
01:32Ah, for security!
01:34How about the bastards?
01:36Well, no sir, I want my money and I want it now!
01:38Number 9, Muricy de Araujo, Avenida Brasil.
01:42We all know a jealous and controlling mother, one of those who always finds a way to blame
01:49the father for anything his son does.
01:52Muricy perfectly embodies that role in Avenida Brasil, playing the victim's card
01:58and manipulating her son at every opportunity.
02:02It was your dad, right?
02:03It was your dad who contaminated your head with his immoralities and shames, right?
02:08I am very disappointed with you, Tifón, very disappointed!
02:10It is exhausting to see her constantly on the screen, blaming her adult son for every decision
02:17that she does not like, and putting together an unnecessary drama with her shouts and whims.
02:23Go, go with your father, go to that old house, look for his advice, go, go, go ask him for advice!
02:32Number 8, Daniela Barrera Beltran, Without breasts there is paradise.
02:37Daniela is the perfect product of being the daughter of the devil, animated, superficial
02:43and with airs of greatness.
02:45It is not her fault to have a mother like that, but every time she appears on screen
02:49it is for another grudge of envy, jealousy or simple drama.
02:54Swallow your money!
02:55Hey, that's not the way!
02:57It's the way I want it!
02:58I'm going to take you out because I'm not your employee!
03:01Although it is fascinating to see how your mother also loses patience, her constant grudges
03:07and exaggerated whims become unbearable, as the saying goes, you harvest what you sow.
03:14Did you go crazy or what?
03:15Did you go crazy?
03:19I went crazy.
03:22I mean, I'm the crazy one!
03:23Look, look, here the only crazy one is you!
03:26Number 7, Refugio Aguirre de Chavez, Teresa.
03:30Doña Refugio loves her daughter Teresa, but her love comes with a pretty toxic touch.
03:37Although she wants the best for her, she does not hesitate to criticize her or compare her
03:41with others, making the mother-daughter relationship feel more like a competition,
03:46maternal love or a little bit of envy.
04:02Refugio sometimes seems the worst enemy of her own daughter, even getting on the side
04:08of the boyfriend in a discussion and leaving Teresa completely alone, turning her into
04:14an insufferable character on the screen.
04:33Number 6, Fernando Nandito de la Vega, Mariala del Barrio.
04:37Nandito started out being the typical adorable nerd, but soon he became an exhausting character,
04:44easily manipulable that falls into Soraya's games as if there was no tomorrow, with scenes
04:50that are no longer tender, but repetitive and boring.
05:08This character makes us beg to be taken off the screen at once, his dramatism and overacting
05:14make us want someone to interrupt him, and go if someone does it.
05:31Thank you Luis Fernando!
05:35Number 5, Enriqueta Bermúdez de Macotela, Soy tu Dueña.
05:40If you think you know dominant mothers, you haven't seen anything until you meet Doña
05:45Her level of manipulation with her daughter has no limits, and her attitude on screen
05:51is simply unbearable.
06:04Sus dramas injustificados y sus reacciones desmedidas no generan compasión, solo aumentan
06:16el rechazo hacia su personaje.
06:18Con escenas tan exageradas, nos dejan deseando que las saquen de pantalla de inmediato.
06:34Te lo ordeno, si a usted no, chachito, no lo quiero volver a ver por aquí, ¿eh?
06:39Número 4, Juan Camilo, Juancho Mesa, La Reina del Flow.
06:44Yo sé, lo entiendo tu rabia, Juan, pero pues tampoco...
06:47Perdona, tranquila, calmate, no me interesa nada, ya descubrí quién sos, te quitaste
06:52la máscara al venir a trabajar acá con este par de perros.
06:54Oigan a este...
06:56Hay personajes intensos, y luego está Juancho.
06:59En la primera temporada era un amigo fiel, incondicional y casi perfecto, pero todo cambia
07:06en la segunda temporada.
07:08Juancho pasa de ser el buen chico a una máquina de reclamos, su carácter se vuelve posesivo,
07:14lleno de celos y una rabia constante que termina por agotar a todos, espectadores incluidos.
07:29El personaje vive tan enojado y berrinchudo que borramos por completo al tierno Juancho
07:39de nuestra memoria, y ansiamos que quiten al personaje de la pantalla antes de seguir
07:45viendo las interminables acusaciones contra Charlie, pero estas son imparables.
07:51Número 3, Maya Fritzen-Walden, Floricienta.
07:55Los hermanos Fritzen-Walden nos dieron una variedad de personajes, pero ninguno tan
08:00desquiciante como Maya.
08:02Como adolescente podríamos disculparle ciertas rebeldías y caprichos, pero con Maya se
08:07nos acaban las excusas, cada berrinche y grito parece una batalla épica.
08:26Sus decepciones amorosas se convierten en espectáculos de rabietas y dramatismo al
08:31máximo nivel, y cómo olvidarnos de la voz hiperaguda y las pataletas en el piso, haciendo
08:37que su presencia sea casi inaguantable.
08:40Maya se encarga de que cada vez que aparece en pantalla, los espectadores pidan una escena
08:46de silencio.
08:55Número 2, Benito Santos, Pasión de Gavilanes.
08:59Aunque nos haya sacado unas risas, Benito es el tipo de personaje que puede ser un dolor
09:05de cabeza, como él mismo diría, es insoportable, insoportable.
09:10Este sobrino consentido de Raquel, o como ella llama, su tita, no pierde oportunidad
09:15para hacernos recordar lo engreído y convenido que puede ser.
09:26Siempre que aparece es para quejarse, hacer un escándalo o simplemente fastidiar, a
09:34tal punto que sus constantes insoportables se vuelven, bueno, insoportables.
09:40Con su actitud mimada y berrinchuda, Benito nos deja claro que prefiere ser el centro
09:46de atención, aunque eso implique armar una escena.
09:55¡Benito tan insoportable, insoportable aquí!
09:59Aún no hemos llegado al final pero ya casi, solo asegúrate de suscribirte a nuestro canal
10:04y activar la campana para recibir notificaciones de nuestros últimos videos.
10:09Muy bien, vayamos al final.
10:11Número 1, Sol Rivarola, Rebeldeway.
10:15Toda escuela tiene a esa alumna que hace cualquier cosa para destacar, pero Sol Rivarola lleva
10:21la competencia a otro nivel.
10:23Desde el momento en que llegó como la chica nueva, su única misión fue destronar a quien
10:28fuera necesario para convertirse en la reina del colegio.
10:31Su personalidad manipuladora y egocéntrica la vuelve simplemente insoportable.
10:45No duda en jugar sucio con cualquiera, demuestra que es capaz de traicionar sin importar las
10:52Su forma de arrasar con quien se interponga la hace un personaje no solo fastidioso para
10:58quienes están a su alrededor, sino también para los espectadores que solo desean verla
11:03fuera de pantalla.
11:15¿Y tú estás de acuerdo con nuestras elecciones?
11:18¿Cuál fue el personaje más insoportable para ti?
11:21Dinos en los comentarios y no olvides ver estos otros videos originales de WatchMojo
