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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos los eventos más atroces que hayan sucedido en la historia de algún país latinoamericano y que seguramente ocasionaron más pesadillas que una película de terror.


00:00The Tzumpantli were altars built in the form of a tower or wall
00:05made up of hundreds of skulls of people sacrificed in rituals
00:12Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español
00:15I am Jackie and today we will know the most atrocious events that have happened in the history of a Latin American country
00:23and that surely caused more nightmares than a horror movie
00:30Flight 571 of the Uruguayan Air Force
00:35I said at the moment, we crash and I turn around to run away
00:39and I find that there is no plane behind me
00:41A plane crashed against the Andes with a balance of 29 dead and 16 survivors
00:48This would have had to be the end of a terrible experience for the people who managed to live, but it was not like that
00:5519 of them belonged to a rugby team
01:00When flying over the mountain range, a storm enveloped the aircraft, turning it into what is known as the tragedy of the Andes
01:09The reality is that everything had started with 33 survivors, many of whom finally succumbed to their wounds or the deadly cold of the Andes
01:19Despite the pain of others, they had to consume their bodies to survive when they ran out of supplies
01:2860 days after the accident, the survivors made a decision, they had to leave the camp and look for help
01:36Although at first the authorities had already given up on their search, 72 days later they managed to find them after two of the survivors ventured to seek help in a nearby town
01:51The spirit of Evita in Isabel Perón
01:54Evita Perón, the wife of Domingo Perón, president of Argentina, was a figure deeply loved and admired by her people
02:02Her beauty, charisma and activism resonated in her country by achieving equality in suffrage and marriage, building hospitals, asylums and schools, promoting tourism and sports, among many other benefits for Argentina
02:18Evita Perón, the wife of Domingo Perón, president of Argentina, was a figure deeply loved and admired by her people
02:31Sadly, she died at the age of 33, a victim of a uterine cancer, and her husband remarried Isabel Perón, a dancer who at first could not reach the popularity of her predecessor with the people
02:46With a desperate attempt to achieve it, Domingo Perón and his mystic advisor López Rega performed rituals to introduce the spirit of Evita in Isabel, when they were finally able to recover the corpse of the first and take it back to her home
03:02They began to develop the great sessions, trying to transfer all that energy, empathy with the people, charisma that Eva Duarte had to Isabel
03:17If her spirit really entered or not the body of Isabel is in discussion, but it is true that she finally managed to become president
03:28María Estela Martínez de Perón assumed as president of the country, becoming the first woman to occupy this position in all of Latin America
03:37Many say that she would have arrived there guided by a bald and demacrized man
03:42The skull of Pedro de Valdivia
03:44Pedro Valdivia
03:46Pedro Valdivia
03:48The Spanish colonizer Pedro de Valdivia came to try to take a region of Chile and was brutally tortured and murdered on Christmas Day 1553
03:58Ambushed by the indigenous Mapuches who were in the Fort of Tucapel
04:03Valdivia is a very notable character because he was a military man with a lot of experience
04:11After several days of torture as a scapegoat, the Mapuches ate his heart and then used his skull to drink chicha
04:23For better or worse, they later tried to return it to make peace with the conquerors
04:30And they also found a pretty dangerous people who caused them a lot of trouble
04:36And that ended up with the life of Pedro Valdivia
04:42Sadly, he was lost at some point in the transition and since then his whereabouts are unknown
04:49The torment of Cuauhtémoc
04:52Although it is known that the Spaniards tortured Tlatelolco and Mexica Cuauhtémoc
04:57The city was unknown until what point it had been
04:59Where they met with populations of the Mayan culture
05:03A civilization different from the Mexicas that although they put resistance, they gave information about the precious minerals
05:10Especially the gold that was found in the region
05:13The colonizers had to pay their own weapons and armor when they went on an expedition
05:20So the helpers of Cortés were desperate to get money to pay their huge debts
05:27Some say that Moctezuma saw in Cortés the prophecy of the return of the god Quetzalcóatl
05:33Others that this was part of the honorary codes of courtesy and diplomacy of the Mexicas
05:39In an attempt to recover the treasure that the regent supposedly had hidden
05:44They tortured him with a hot oil wet swab
05:47And they caused him such deep wounds that they prevented him from walking again
05:53The Alhóndiga de Granaditas
05:55What develops inside this building is a real massacre
06:01There are some chronicles of the time in which you can see what was the level of barbarism
06:09Spanish children and women took refuge in the Alhóndiga de Granaditas during the War of Independence of Mexico
06:16Despite not being a threat, the insurgent army led by Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla killed them in cold blood
06:24The size of the massacre was such that the bodies of women, children and men who were massacred
06:32They had to be placed here on this street
06:36Today the Alhóndiga street, where a river used to pass
06:40As retaliation for having risen against the Spanish Empire
06:44The heroes of the independence, Miguel Hidalgo, Juan Aldama, Ignacio Allende and José Mariano Jiménez
06:50They were declared traitors and beheaded
06:53The heads were taken to several places in the Mexican Republic
06:57And on October 11, 1811 they arrived in the city of Guanajuato
07:01Where they were placed in the four corners of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas
07:05Where a year earlier they massacred the Spaniards and looted the city
07:09Their heads were taken to Guanajuato, where they hung on each corner of the Alhóndiga
07:15The Manuscript of Apperreamiento
07:18This act of barbarism against Cholultec Indians
07:22It was applied by the Spaniards since the discovery of America
07:26The beginnings of this cruel act can be registered even in medieval Spain
07:32Where dogs were trained to attack a person directly under command
07:37Among those practices of justice outside the law
07:41Which were denounced in various sources of the 16th century
07:45The Apperreamiento was scarcely registered in colonial documents
07:49This manuscript recounts the execution of an important priest
07:54And six nobles of Cholula, ordered by Hernán Cortés himself
07:58The punishment was applied to these men after their refusal to convert to Christianity
08:04During the conquest and colonization of the territory of New Spain
08:08And neighboring areas, death sentences were issued against indigenous people
08:13Both nobles and common Indians
08:16Carried out through illegal executions
08:20We see the priest, the nobles, Cortés himself and the Malinche
08:26And the interpreter throughout his stay
08:28Those with a rosary in their hands try to evangelize them
08:32And historically shows the execution of seven noble Indians of Cholula
08:38Ordered by Hernán Cortés in Coyoacán in 1523
08:45Some experts are sure that the Zompantli were altars
08:49That were used to honor the gods and celebrate life
08:54While others claim that they were simple macabre ornaments
08:57The Zompantli were altars built in the form of a tower or wall
09:02Made up of hundreds of skulls of people sacrificed in rituals
09:07These are essentially frames that vary in size
09:11In which the heads of which the Aztecs
09:15They stripped their slaves and prisoners of war
09:18And it is even theorized that there were specific rituals
09:22In which skulls of specific people were placed
09:25They had the hypothesis that they would only find men, warriors, war captives
09:29But no, what we are seeing together with the team of physical anthropology
09:34That there is an important representativeness of women
09:38It is known that they were placed in front of the major temple
09:41With the purpose of honoring the god of war, Huitzilopochtli
09:45However, like many other pre-Columbian traditions
09:50This was also lost at the arrival of Hernán Cortés
09:53There are chronicles of conquerors
09:55That speak of celebrations in which thousands of people were sacrificed
10:00Although it is known that the chronicles used to exaggerate to demonize the cultures
10:05Surely he was as shocked as anyone with such a vision
10:12If you ask any Mexican abroad
10:15What is the strangest thing about his homeland
10:18Surely he will answer that his food
10:20Considered an immaterial cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO
10:25According to several chroniclers of the 16th century
10:29Pozole was not for everyone
10:31According to the General History of the Coasts of New Spain
10:36By Fray Bernardino de Sahún
10:38Pozole was only eaten by Moctezuma
10:40This was prepared with human flesh
10:43In the era of the Aztecs
10:46Pozole, a broth essentially with corn and meat
10:49It was prepared with pieces of humans
10:52The historian Fray Bernardino de Sahún
10:54Mentions that it was not a dish that anyone could taste
10:58Because it was only eaten during ceremonies in honor of the gods
11:02As an offering
11:03Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán
11:05Conqueror of New Galicia
11:07He was received with danzas and Mexican pozole
11:10In Tonala, Jalisco
11:12He explained that when he saw the pot of pozole
11:16He discovered that it had human remains
11:18According to Dr. Yolanda García González
11:20The preferred part for the creation of the Aztec-style pozole
11:24It was a piece of leg or thigh of prisoners of war
11:27Some of which were offered as volunteers
11:30To show their pride
11:32It was with the arrival of the Spaniards
11:34That the human flesh was replaced by that of the animals
11:37With the passage of time
11:39The human flesh ceased to be part of the pozole
11:42The Castañeda
11:44In 1910, under the supervision of the Mexican president Porfirio Díaz
11:48One of the most cruel and nightmarish places in Latin America was created
11:53The psychiatric center La Castañeda
11:56One of the largest that the country has ever seen
11:59The concern arose on the part of numerous doctors
12:03To create a general manicomio of Mexico
12:09A place where they could send the mentally ill
12:14Whatever their catalog or diagnosis
12:17Although at first it was intended to help patients with mental illness
12:23They also admitted people for bribery that later disappeared
12:27And they even accepted people with tuberculosis
12:30Syphilis, leprosy or typhoid fever
12:33They were manicomios, they were places of confinement
12:36And some of them the conditions were terrifying
12:40They were places of oblivion
12:42Where they took the person and never saw her again
12:44Where it was not known what had happened
12:47Experiments were now considered illegal as shock therapy
12:52And they even began to focus more on punishments than on treatments
12:57It was another form of shock
12:59The metrasol shock
13:01Which produced convulsions
13:04With these two combinations
13:06The person calmed down
13:08He slowed down his functions and was in a limbo
13:12One of the most infamous characters in Mexican history
13:15Was the Goyo Cárdenas
13:17The first serial killer of the country
13:20We have not reached the end yet
13:22But almost
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13:32Now yes, let's go to the end
13:38If you started to hear these drums in the distance
13:42It was better that you prepare for a visual show
13:45Of the most terrifying and bizarre
13:47This practice of making these percussive instruments
13:50With human skin
13:52It was not an exclusive custom of the Incas
13:54But it used to be practiced in much of the Andean world
13:58The Incas simply did it
14:00With much more frequency than the rest
14:02The use of various parts of the prisoners' body
14:05Of war was spread by several tribes
14:08In Chile and Peru during the 15th century
14:11The historian quotes the pianist Fernando de Montesinos
14:13When he says
14:14During the reign of Chinchirroca
14:16After the conflict with the Chancas
14:18The Inca army made its triumphant entry to Cusco
14:22Carrying drums in the shape of men
14:24Bones were used to make flutes
14:27And the skin of the prisoners was used
14:29To make containers and create drums
14:32Or runas to intimidate the enemies
14:36To the fierce enemies, the defeated killed them
14:40Leaving the head and arms intact
14:42Cutting the legs
14:44And taking the bones from inside
14:46And swelling them with ash
14:48From the belly they made drums
14:50Surely they did it
14:52Which of these events
14:54Will not let you sleep at night?
14:56Tell us in the comments
14:58And do not miss these other videos
15:00Of Spanish Watchmojo
