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when calls the heart season 12 episode 6 dailymotion
when calls the heart season 12 episode 6 dailymotion
00:01Previously on When Calls the Heart.
00:03Who is in favor of project-based learning in our new outdoor classroom?
00:08You look like you could use a lift.
00:12This is Ava. Someone stole all her things.
00:15It's funny, the same thing happened to me when I first arrived.
00:18So we can go visit the Schwarzman School.
00:20Go to Hamilton?
00:22You're never going to convince me that cows and conservation are a good mix.
00:26Would you want to go on a picnic?
00:28You know, I'm not really much of a picnic guy.
00:32I'm supposed to look like I can blend in.
00:34Not a chance of that.
00:37Who knows how things change?
00:40Silently, out of sight.
00:43And then all at once, a new season has begun.
00:51As the days grow shorter, a heart that was blooming seems to close.
00:59Summer's seemingly endless bounty becomes autumn's austerity.
01:07Reminding us that in life, as in nature, change is the only constant.
01:15Who can say how it begins?
01:17We only know when it ends.
01:29Hey, how was the walk?
01:32Really? What happened?
01:33The stream where the salmon spawn is cloudy and dead.
01:36Which means the bears and the wolves won't have anything to eat.
01:40Which means everything is dying.
01:43Do you want to talk about it over dinner?
01:46I'm not hungry.
01:52To be fair, the salmon not spawning is upsetting.
01:56What are you saying? Skip your dinner upsetting?
01:59I don't think this is entirely about the salmon.
02:01Well then what?
02:02She has a broken heart.
02:04Still? I thought you two talked about that.
02:06Nathan, it takes more than one conversation to get over a boy.
02:10She really liked him.
02:15Yeah, I suppose.
02:16I think what's best for Allie right now is distraction.
02:21She keeps talking about that project for school.
02:23I meant doing something fun.
02:27Well, maybe we could all go up to the hot springs tomorrow.
02:31It's probably the last weekend before the weather turns.
02:33Well, Jack has plans with Talia all weekend, but we could take Allie.
02:41I think you're coming down with something.
02:43I think we should get you inside.
02:44That's nonsense. Honestly, I never get sick.
02:53Good night.
02:56Good night, Nathan.
03:27Knock, knock, knock.
03:32I'm here to make sure you're all right.
03:38Oh, burning up.
03:40Nathan, I'm fine.
03:49I'll always be here to catch you.
03:50Knock, knock, knock.
04:01You again.
04:04No, I'm sorry.
04:05I don't think I can go with you to the hot springs today.
04:08That's why.
04:10I'm fine, really.
04:13You've got a fever.
04:14It's just a cold.
04:16Just try to get some rest.
04:17I'll come back after work and get you a few things.
04:20Thank you for being here for me.
04:27Yes, the governor will be working out of Hope Valley for the foreseeable future.
04:32Hey, you two, when you're done with those boxes, can you please sweep this up?
04:36Edwin, they're not your employees.
04:38And this is no longer a storage facility.
04:42Sorry, yes.
04:43It's just some squirrels gathering their nuts.
04:46Didn't you just call us squirrels?
04:48All a part of the governor's rural listening tour.
04:51Of course.
04:52Yes, we'll be sweeping through the county.
05:06Try it again.
05:07Welcome to the Valley Voice Radio Hour.
05:10Coming through loud and clear.
05:12Fiona, you are a miracle worker.
05:14Now, I love what you're doing with this radio show.
05:17But you're not giving up on the news, are you?
05:19No, no, no. The newspaper is going strong.
05:21But there is something about radio.
05:23Anything goes.
05:24It's kind of like a blank canvas or unmolded clay.
05:28A theater as the lights dim before the performance starts.
05:32Well, you know what I mean.
05:33I keep thinking radio could revolutionize the news.
05:36I say the exact same thing.
05:40I have one idea.
05:42Well, Fiona, don't hold back.
05:44I am all ears.
05:47Wouldn't it be something to hear two voices instead of one?
05:51Discussing both sides of an issue.
05:53Not just arguing, but really trying to understand the other perspective.
05:58I like it.
06:00I love it.
06:02Informative, civilized.
06:04A salon for everyone.
06:06Yes, then people can decide for themselves.
06:09Let's do it.
06:11What should we call it?
06:12Oh, how about the daily duel?
06:17Or the daily dialogue.
06:23Perfect. Much more civilized.
06:27And I think I see our first guest right now.
06:31Morning, Henry.
06:33Edwin just finished tidying up your office.
06:37No hazelnuts this time, I promise.
06:39It's good to be back.
06:40I brought you a basket of Minnie's finest.
06:42Still warm.
06:43Thank you very much.
06:44Isn't that lovely?
06:50Well, Governor, while I have you here,
06:52I wanted to ask if you would like to help Fiona and I launch a brand new radio program.
06:58It's called the Daily Dialogue.
07:02The idea is...
07:03The Governor would be delighted.
07:06Would be delighted.
07:08However, I just confirmed those back-to-back meetings.
07:11That we would pair you with an opponent.
07:14That's interesting. Which one?
07:16We're still figuring out a few of the details.
07:19You know where to find us.
07:23Excuse me.
07:27That snake touched every one of those muffins and didn't take a single one.
07:30Does that girl not know any other songs? Who hired her?
07:36Mrs. Colter!
07:44What sort of adventures are you finding for yourself today?
07:47My dad asked me to bring Elizabeth a grilled cheese.
07:50I'm supposed to tell you she woke up with a cold.
07:53Elizabeth has a cold?
07:55Yes, I'll get her a grilled cheese.
07:57I will also get her Stern's extra strong cold remedy.
08:02I'll talk to the kitchen right now.
08:03You don't have to wait on me.
08:05Allie, it's no problem whatsoever.
08:07I'll get you one too.
08:12Take a break, dear.
08:16Hi, Allie.
08:18Oh, hi, Oliver.
08:20Your dad gave me the day off.
08:21Thought I'd start with a grilled cheese.
08:28Can I get a water, please?
08:29Miss Riella?
08:31Constable Grant wants you to stop by the Mountie office when you're off work.
08:34Did he happen to say what about?
08:36No, ma'am, but they don't tell me much of anything.
08:39Oh, thank you.
08:42I'm going to see what's wrong with the fish, if you want to come.
08:47What's going on?
08:49The salmon aren't spawning. It's a disaster.
08:53Could be a problem with the water.
08:55We have to take some tests, check temperature, water levels.
08:59I've got some gear from the stables we can go get.
09:02Here you go. Grilled cheese for you and Mrs. Thornton.
09:05Hope she feels better.
09:08Mrs. Coulter said she's going to bring it by.
09:12Oliver and I are going on a hike.
09:15Sounds good.
09:21Off to save the salmon of Hope Valley.
09:23Captain Billy to the rescue.
09:26See, you're proof not all boys have to think so highly of themselves.
09:32So what's with this task force?
09:35Some forensic specialist with the RCMP Financial Crime Division.
09:39Maybe we are onto something.
09:41Well, the division's been looking at it for a while, and now that we have a lead...
09:44They went in on it.
09:46It's not a bad idea to join forces.
09:48Still, it feels like they're sending in the babysitter.
09:51I hope you don't mind, I let myself in.
09:57Oh, of course.
09:59Oh, of course.
10:01I've asked Judge Avery to be with us.
10:03Bill, this is Inspector McGill, she's the forensic specialist.
10:06Yes, we've met.
10:09It's good to see you, Bill.
10:11How are you, Georgie?
10:15We trained in forensics together.
10:18Many years ago.
10:23Okay, why don't we, uh, why don't we get started?
10:25We know that the Eagle coin was found at a poker game in Union City.
10:29With Toddy Davis, an estate dealer.
10:32We've had Toddy Davis in our sights for years for trafficking in stolen goods.
10:36Well, we sent Nathan in undercover.
10:38This Toddy's a slippery one, but we think Nathan got the hook in him.
10:41Bill's been working on a theory that the Garrison gang is behind the robbery.
10:44The great Rocky Mountain train robbery.
10:46We tried, but we couldn't get a confession.
10:48Well, Sonny Garrison is still up in Granville Prison.
10:51So you're thinking maybe a two-handed approach.
10:53It's a train robbery.
10:55A train that leaves in an hour.
10:57Could be up there by the afternoon.
11:00It sounds like a plan.
11:02Inspector, you and I can head-
11:06Perhaps you want to protect his undercover identity in case you want to try again with Toddy.
11:10Well, I guess I could come out of retirement for an afternoon.
11:26Hey, baby.
11:28This is from the Schwartzman school.
11:30Angela must have sent for it without telling us.
11:32That wasn't Angela.
11:34It was me.
11:38I should have told you.
11:40Why didn't you?
11:42Because she wants this.
11:44I wanted us to sit down and go through the brochure together.
11:51If this is what she wants, shouldn't we at least consider it?
11:55She'll be alone in a big city a thousand miles from here.
11:58Where she'll be surrounded by folks that experience the world the same way she does.
12:04I know it's hard.
12:07But we put our trust in her.
12:09She's smart.
12:11She's determined.
12:13Who do you think she gets that from?
12:15You requested a tour.
12:23I suppose you knew what I would say.
12:26There is that.
12:37I just have to finish for Ali.
12:39No, no, put this down.
12:41No, that's enough.
12:43All right, have a seat.
12:45She's upset about the fish.
12:47They aren't spawning.
12:48Oh, all right.
12:50Well, I got some Stern's Cold Remedy Extra Strength.
12:56Oh my.
12:58Well, now what is this about the fish?
13:00Without the fish, the wolves won't have anything to eat.
13:02Or the bears.
13:04Well, this sounds like this has something to do with sharing the parkland with cattle.
13:10The children are not very happy about it.
13:13Especially Ali.
13:16Well, Lucas should have to explain it to them.
13:19Oh, that's the perfect opponent for the governor.
13:23The youth of Hope Valley.
13:27Oh, don't you worry about a thing.
13:29It's just a little idea that Fiona and I have.
13:31It's going to be a nice little school project.
13:36Just checking in to see how you're feeling.
13:39Ali, I made you some cupcakes.
13:41Take some.
13:43You didn't have to do that.
13:46And now she is going to rest all afternoon.
13:50Can I get you anything?
13:52Take some cupcakes.
13:57Feel better.
14:02I made them for her broken heart.
14:04She didn't seem that broken hearted.
14:08Here we go.
14:15There you go.
14:17All right.
14:31You wanted to see me, Constable?
14:34Yes, Ms. Riella. I have some good news.
14:35The green leather trunk with brass corners was found at the lost and found at Buxton Station.
14:41Well, that's wonderful news.
14:44Of course, there's no name on it and it is locked,
14:46but I figure there can't be too many trunks with that description on it.
14:49Of course.
14:51You really are a hero, Constable, just like in Mrs. Stilton's book.
14:54Oh, yes.
14:56Well, to tell you the truth, I'm more partial to that Pinkerton character.
14:59But your luggage should be here tomorrow,
15:01and we'll keep an eye out for the rest of your bags.
15:06thank you.
15:20Hey, how are you feeling?
15:23Iglish is so weird.
15:25How's that?
15:27Loaves is plural for loaf.
15:29Shouldn't gloves be plural for glof?
15:36Do you have anything to eat today?
15:38Rosemary brought me a grilled cheese,
15:40but I care about Berf, I ate it.
15:42Well, check me out a little soup, coming up.
15:44No, Nathan, you can't stay.
15:46I don't want you to get sick.
15:48Oh, you see?
15:50You admit you're sick.
15:54How many of these have you had?
16:08Do you think you could put on your Serge for me?
16:14Mr. Don't talk, Mr. Do.
16:19I like the way you look in red.
16:22And I like you healthy.
16:24Although I'm enjoying this.
16:33The water seems unusually warm.
16:35Salmon prefer cold water.
16:37There's so much algae.
16:40You think that could be part of the problem?
16:42Could be.
16:44Let's see what's happening further upstream.
16:56I don't want to trespass.
16:58It's just McGinty's backwoods.
17:00And he's nowhere around.
17:04Come on.
17:06It's in the interest of science.
17:08I'd rather not.
17:10Suit yourself.
17:12More cupcakes for me.
17:14Mrs. Thornton made them for us.
17:17That's so nice.
17:19Just like your birthday.
17:21I'm trying to forget about that.
17:24You didn't have fun?
17:27It just wasn't what I imagined.
17:31And I'd never had a birthday party.
17:34Not even for you?
17:38I mean, I'd never had a birthday party.
17:40Not even when you were little?
17:43Now I feel like a dope for complaining.
17:47Cattle tracks.
17:52Could the cattle be what's affecting the water?
17:56They're heading into the stream.
17:58The cows are kicking up the sill.
18:00The murky water would cause an algae bloom and...
18:02Keep the fish from spawning.
18:04Oliver, I think you figured it out.
18:07If we could find a way around the stream,
18:14In here.
18:29Did you hear something?
18:32Come on.
18:34We better get this done before sundown.
18:36You think they're gone?
18:38I can't believe we trespassed.
18:40I never should have brought you here.
18:42It was my idea.
18:44It's not your job to protect me.
18:46Yes, it is.
18:48I'm a Mountie cadet.
18:50Someone who lives with a Mountie.
18:52I can assure you, they're far from perfect.
18:59I'm sorry.
19:01I'm sorry.
19:03I'm sorry.
19:06I don't understand.
19:08I'm lucky to be in this program at all.
19:13Is this about your school situation?
19:16It's not that.
19:20My mom's not really back east.
19:23She's in prison.
19:25I never really knew her.
19:32I feel like everybody's expecting me to turn out like her.
19:35That's probably why I stick to the rules so much.
19:40I don't want to prove them right.
19:48It's getting late.
19:51We should get back.
20:05I always forget how pretty it is out here.
20:10You used to have a little place around here, didn't you?
20:13You remember that.
20:15And you loved fishing?
20:17I still do.
20:19Oh, that was a good place.
20:21I had to sell it a while back.
20:23Oh, that's too bad.
20:25Paradise lost, so it goes.
20:27So, what are you thinking?
20:29Quick intros, then you take the lead and I'll stay back and watch.
20:31Yeah, let you get a good read on Sonny.
20:33He doesn't give much up.
20:35No, but they didn't call you Ex-Ray McGill for nothing.
20:38Oh, I knew you were going to bring that up.
20:41You earned it.
20:43No, I wasn't such an eagle eye.
20:45I just learned to keep my mouth shut and let them do all the talking.
20:47Half the time the perpetrators will give away the store.
20:50Geez, you ran circles around everybody in that program.
20:58All the other guys in that training program could never forget that I was a woman.
21:03And you never even noticed.
21:06You think I didn't notice?
21:10That drove me crazy, is the truth of it.
21:14Next stop, Granville Station.
21:17Next stop, Granville Station.
21:19Anyway, water under the bridge.
21:28Hello, Sonny.
21:30Can't say it's good to see you again.
21:33Same goes for me, Avery.
21:36This is Inspector McGill.
21:38Oh, we've met.
21:40Back when you and your brothers couldn't come up with an alibi for November 23rd, 1907.
21:44The day of the great Rocky Mountain train robbery.
21:48And you never came up with any witnesses, as I recall.
21:51None who could identify you with your face.
21:52Still trying to pin that one on us, Avery?
21:54Give it a rest.
21:56No, no, I'm not here for any kind of answers.
21:58I'm retired now.
22:00Oh, you should try the seaside.
22:02I'm here as a favor to my colleague.
22:05And maybe as a favor to you, too, Sonny.
22:09How's that?
22:11You provide us with some information.
22:13Maybe things will be a little easier.
22:15I don't think so.
22:17I don't think so.
22:19You provide us with some information.
22:21Maybe things will be a little easier for you.
22:25Tell us what you know about a man named Toddy Davis.
22:28He's known for moving stolen goods, and we think he's fencing a few of yours.
22:35Yeah, I might know something.
22:38Got a whole operation outside of Cape Fullerton.
22:42Maybe Cape Fullerton.
22:44Could be Union City.
22:45How about we flip for it?
22:47Heads, you tell us who else is trafficking in your stolen loot.
22:51Tails, you tell us where we might find the rest of it.
23:00I'm guessing you got that from Teddy.
23:03Well, this, it's just an old silver dollar.
23:06Is it silver?
23:10You know, it doesn't look silver to me.
23:12Well, I've never seen anything like it. Have you, Bill?
23:15The question is, has Sonny?
23:23Teddy Davis dealt in coins like that.
23:26I remember, out in Union City.
23:31You help me out of here, I'll tell you more.
23:40Teddy Davis, Union City.
23:43The prosecutor really is going to appreciate this, Sonny. We will get back to you.
23:48You do that.
23:51Oh, I was hungry. I feel much better now, thank you.
23:57Are you sure you don't want any?
23:59No. I'll eat when Allie gets back.
24:01Which, um, should be soon.
24:04I'm sure she just got caught up doing her research.
24:07Better than mooning over that Wyatt.
24:09Nathan, I doubt she'll be over him just yet.
24:14Heartbreak is a lot like illness. It's up and it's down before it's over.
24:19You seem to know a lot about teenage heartbreak.
24:22Well, you only have to go through it once.
24:25I was 15 and I decided that Benedict Harlow was the perfect specimen of a boy.
24:32He was brooding and smart and so mysterious.
24:38Only by the time I worked up the nerve to talk to him, I realized he wasn't mysterious at all.
24:43He was just obsessed with ornithology. Mystery solved.
24:46I cannot believe that anyone would choose birds over you.
24:52It took some growing up before I figured out that love isn't about imagining who you want someone to be.
25:00It's about knowing who they really are.
25:03Letting them know you.
25:04Well, I am happy to know you, Elizabeth Thorpe.
25:08I am glad to know you too, Nathan Grant.
25:13So what about you? Who broke your heart?
25:16Besides you?
25:19Well, all of a sudden that bird break-up doesn't seem so bad.
25:23No, there was one that was far worse.
25:28But fortunately, it seems to have worked out.
25:32It seems to have worked out.
25:44I'm so sorry I was late.
25:47Here, eat.
25:51So, um, did you find anything?
25:55Actually, yes. Oliver figured out why the salmon stopped spawning.
26:00Or, we have a theory.
26:03Well, that's good.
26:06If you're mad, don't be mad at Oliver.
26:10He was really nice.
26:12I'm happy that you're spending time with your friends.
26:15As long as they are your friends.
26:18What does that mean?
26:24This Wyatt fellow.
26:29Can I just say this and then we don't have to talk about it again?
26:33I'm not saying Wyatt is bad.
26:37I just don't think that he's worthy.
26:40And you deserve somebody who is worthy of your regard.
26:45Of you.
26:48And until you find that person, just know that you are strong.
26:54And you're brave.
26:56And you don't need some boy's attention to know who you are.
27:10So, worth a six hour train ride?
27:14I'd say so. I know that Sonny wasn't working with Toddy Davis.
27:18No, Teddy Davis from Union City. Yep, that was pure bluff.
27:22Bold move borrowing State's evidence, by the way.
27:25I figured I'd ask for forgiveness rather than permission.
27:28This way you're not responsible.
27:30Well, it worked.
27:32We both know he was involved in that robbery.
27:34But we don't have enough to hold up in court yet.
27:36But, if we can figure out who sold that coin to Toddy...
27:39You read my mind.
27:42If only I'd been better at it back in the day.
27:47It's not like I made it easy.
27:49Just so you know...
27:57Maybe it's better if I don't.
27:59I was in a complicated situation with Nora.
28:02She'd gotten herself in the family way with the Carnival Roustie and the guy was nowhere to be found.
28:07So I...
28:09Stepped up and did the right thing?
28:13If I'd have known that you...
28:15If I'd have known that you...
28:18That we...
28:23It seems we both played it a little too close to the vest.
28:28Well, so much for X-Ray McGill.
28:32Hopefully we'll do better on this case, huh?
28:35I think we're off to a pretty good start.
29:14I didn't know you were here.
29:16Need some help with that?
29:27You alright?
29:31I wanted to go riding.
29:36You sound like a fever.
29:39Can we go riding tomorrow?
29:41You're not going to be doing anything tomorrow.
29:42I have to find somebody to look after your class.
29:48You should really take your shirt off when you chop wood.
29:55Just try to get some sleep.
30:06Thank you all for making such beautiful cards for Mrs. Thornton.
30:12I know she is going to appreciate it very much.
30:17And now, we'll be going on a special little field trip.
30:22What are we doing, Mrs. Coulter?
30:24We are going to put civics into action!
30:30Uh, Miss Miller?
30:32Miss Miller? Excuse me.
30:34We'll put you right here, Governor.
30:38We still haven't agreed to this because you still haven't told us who we're facing off with.
30:44Oh, I...
30:46Nobody's scary. I think you'll be fine.
30:49Alright, everyone. Take a seat. Here we go.
30:53Both sides. There's more over here.
30:57Is this some kind of joke?
31:00Where's their teacher?
31:02She's sick. I'm their substitute.
31:04And this is our field trip.
31:07Relax, Edmund. Everything's going to be fine.
31:09This is an infantilizing stunt.
31:11Good to see you, everyone. I hope that you don't mind stepping away from your school day.
31:15Can we order grilled cheese?
31:17Well, you'll have to take that up with Mr. Hickam. Unfortunately, my powers as governor only extend so far.
31:23Alright, everyone. Get ready. We're about to start.
31:25We're about to start.
31:36Welcome, Hope Valley, to the first edition of the Daily Dialogue.
31:45In one corner, we have Governor Lucas Bouchard, your elected official.
31:52And in the other, asking about the issues that will shape their future, we have the students of Hope Valley.
32:07First up, we have Cooper Canfield.
32:12My question is about the delay of getting the comic books into Hope Valley.
32:16Well, Cooper, a serious issue, and one that I'll be looking at thoroughly.
32:20I would like to know what you're doing to aid the flow of export goods so we can increase sales of our Hope Valley hazelnuts.
32:26Well, I think that's a very important question.
32:28My question is about our native gray wolf population.
32:32Given that you've decided to share their land with cattle, what are you going to do to protect them?
32:39As governor, it is my job to find a way to coexist with all the folks who use that land.
32:46But they're not coexisting.
32:50The bears and the wolves need salmon to eat, but the cattle crossing has contaminated over 50% of the stream where the salmon spawn.
33:00That sounds like something I would need to look into.
33:04My partner and I already have.
33:09My map shows where the salmon usually spawn, all through here.
33:13But everything downstream where the cattle cross is full of algae.
33:21I'll certainly take this into consideration. Thank you, Allie.
33:28I hope you'll do more than consider it, governor, because this is affecting the whole ecosystem.
33:36If you're a bear or wolf, you're not coexisting.
33:43You're dying.
33:55Oh, come in.
33:58You're a sight for sore eyes.
34:00So you really sell the place.
34:07I've had some good times here.
34:10But it's time to turn the page.
34:14I heard that you have some other big news.
34:21I haven't accepted the proposal.
34:26I don't know why I'm dragging my feet.
34:32Any guesses?
34:38I know what I want, Joseph.
34:43I just don't know how to get there.
34:49You want to do God's work.
34:52And that means sacrifice.
34:55But it shouldn't mean too much sacrifice.
34:57I know.
35:12Somebody's not in uniform.
35:14This is for washing the horses.
35:16I was teasing.
35:18Yeah, right. Sorry.
35:21I wanted to bring this to thank you.
35:25Thank me for what?
35:27It might have actually changed the governor's mind about letting cattle cross the stream.
35:32You showed the map to the governor?
35:34We got to ask him questions on the radio.
35:37You should have been there.
35:39It felt like Captain Billy.
35:42I guess that makes me Nancy the Genius Dog.
35:45You didn't have to get me this.
35:47Think of it like a really tiny birthday party.
35:58About what you said yesterday.
36:08I know what it's like to not have your parents around.
36:14Nathan isn't my real father.
36:17He adopted me.
36:19He's my uncle.
36:22My real father's in prison.
36:27But you know what I decided?
36:31That doesn't mean anything about who I am.
36:41No, it's for you.
36:44It's more fun if you share it.
37:08It's a beautiful Christmas.
37:11Oh, and I saved the best for last.
37:15Is this from Little Jack?
37:17Yes. Of course, you can read it yourself.
37:22He says he misses Mrs. Thornton.
37:25Oh, they all missed you so much.
37:28It's really something to see how you've inspired them, Elizabeth.
37:32Allie certainly found her voice.
37:34And to think she started the school year worried she didn't have a passion.
37:37I asked her about this project she's doing on the wolves. It sounds incredible.
37:42It's this new curriculum where everything is led by the students' curiosity.
37:46I've never seen so many of them come alive.
37:48Have you thought of writing up what you're doing? Try to get it published?
37:52Fiona! I haven't even finished my first year.
37:56Fortune favors the bold, Elizabeth.
38:00Maybe I should.
38:04I don't know if it's the Stern's extra strength cough remedy talking, but I feel like I could do anything.
38:11Well, you can. You can.
38:13So can you.
38:23So, what do you think?
38:29It's impressive.
38:31Helen Keller has been there as a guest lecturer.
38:34No kidding.
38:36It's just, when I think about something happening to her and us not being there.
38:43Angela's not going to want to live with us forever, Minnie. No matter what.
38:47I know. I know.
38:48I want her to have her own life.
38:53So, what do you want to do?
38:56Are we telling Angela about the tour?
39:01Yes. Yes.
39:04We'll take it one step at a time.
39:07Should we pray on it?
39:12I know.
39:13Should we pray on it?
39:21Oh, Ava. Perfect timing.
39:23I just dropped this off a couple hours ago, put it back here for safekeeping.
39:28Thought you might want to just make sure everything's in order before we brought it up to your room.
39:32Yes, thank you.
39:34Gosh, I think the keys were in one of the other trunks.
39:37There you go. That ought to do.
39:43Let's see.
40:01Well, looks like everything's in order.
40:06Good. At least you can wear some of your fancy duds again.
40:09Yes, what a relief.
40:10Okay, well, I'll make sure somebody takes this up to your room.
40:15Bye. Bye.
40:53Where are you?
41:02There you are.
41:10There's nowhere else I'd rather be.
41:21Let's go!
41:40Let's go.
