When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 5
Short filmTranscript
00:01Previously on When Calls the Heart
00:04I think it's a wolf.
00:05There's a dichotomous key for large mammals in the library.
00:09We'll just have to find a way to take the paw print home with us.
00:12I bought those hazelnuts with a gold coin.
00:15You should tell Bill.
00:16Lucas is too busy listening to Edwin to remember his promises.
00:19Or his friends, for that matter.
00:23Do you want to dance?
00:30When Calls the Heart
00:36When I first came to Hope Valley, wolves terrified me.
00:40But now, Allie's fascination with them has reminded me of what called me to teaching in the first place.
00:46The chance not just to guide young minds, but to learn alongside my students.
00:51I find my mind exploding with new ideas that I can't wait to share and explore.
00:56And if I'm proposing that my students learn to test ideas, I should practice what I preach.
01:01Because when we let our curiosity lead the way, we discover the world and ourselves.
01:07That's brilliant.
01:08Not too abstract?
01:09No. I mean, if you made me understand it, they're bound to.
01:13Although I was, uh, distracted a little bit.
01:16Really? Which part?
01:18Um, this part. Right here.
01:23This part?
01:27The entire town knows we've been trying to find out who spent this coin at the mercantile.
01:33Why didn't you come forward?
01:34I came to you.
01:35Yeah, why did you wait?
01:37Okay, I was, um, embarrassed.
01:39Why? Because of your involvement with the Garrison Gang?
01:41The Garrison Gang? How would I know them?
01:44Well, if not from them, how did you get the coin?
01:47I won it in a poker game.
01:49A poker game? Where someone just happens to be using rare, stolen gold coins?
01:56No one said anything about stolen.
02:02Where was this poker game?
02:04In the back room of a hotel in Union City.
02:07And why there and not the saloon?
02:10The saloons keep kicking me out. They say I'm cheating.
02:13But it's not my fault it's obvious how many aces are left.
02:17Jed, are you card sharp?
02:21Are you counting cards?
02:26Well, you're way too smart to play poker for money, and that's why saloons keep kicking you out.
02:31Although I do feel a bit better having lost to him over the years.
02:34Bill, can we get back to the point?
02:38Who did you get the gold coin from?
02:41His name is Toddy Davis. He's some kind of estates dealer out of Union City.
02:48We have a name.
03:11Come in.
03:15I made you something for the big day.
03:18It's a cheese sandwich with the chutney that you love.
03:20That was very thoughtful.
03:25You, uh, you want some help with this?
03:26Yes, please.
03:27You should come by for dinner later. I'll tell you how it all goes.
03:30Oh, sounds great.
03:39You should come by for dinner later. I'll tell you how it all goes.
03:41Oh, sounds great. Although it will just be me. Allie has plans.
03:45Hmm, that's nice.
03:48Or not.
03:51What do you think of this Wyatt kid?
03:53I wouldn't say he was my favorite student.
03:57See? So can I tell her that she can't see him?
04:00Uh, sure you can if you want to make him completely irresistible.
04:05I'm out of my depth on this one.
04:07Can you talk to her for me?
04:08No. Nathan, I am her teacher. I don't think it's my place.
04:13So I guess we have to stand by and watch her get her heart broken then.
04:17I've never known anyone who was warned away from following their heart.
04:22You ready, Mama?
04:23Sure am. Here we go.
04:27All right, you two. Let's go follow your hearts.
04:35Rosemary. Good morning.
04:39I'd like to have this published.
04:42Hmm. So you made a decision about shared use of the parkland?
04:46I have.
04:49How bad will it be?
04:52Well, I have to say, you lay out your reasoning quite well.
04:58It helps me understand your perspective.
05:05What do you think about Lee?
05:08You miss him.
05:13Then you should talk to him.
05:16And not through a press release.
05:19I'd like to tell all of you about a new approach to our studies I'd like to try.
05:24We'll be spending more time outdoors, looking at nature.
05:29I like the sound of that.
05:31I hoped you might.
05:33In a way, Allie has already been using project-based learning for her wolf project.
05:38She's been making charts to calculate the size of her wolf.
05:42Calculate. What subject does that sound like?
05:48Now, how about these illustrations?
05:52What subject could that be?
05:57And how about reading and writing?
05:59How can we connect those two subjects to the wolf project?
06:02We can read fairy tales. There's always a wolf.
06:07I really like that idea.
06:09And then we can even write our own fairy tales.
06:12Maybe from the wolf's point of view.
06:14So, while we're working on our study projects in the parkland,
06:18I want to look for ways to connect to math, science, and history, and literature.
06:25So, we get to climb trees for school.
06:28Not exactly.
06:30It's still work. It's just more work.
06:32We get to climb trees for school.
06:34Not exactly. It's still work. It's just more connected.
06:38Now, who is in favor of project-based learning in our new outdoor classroom?
06:47When can we start, Mama?
06:53We'll start right away.
06:56Headquarters confirmed that the coin found in the mercantile came from the Great Rocky Mountain Drain Robbery.
07:02Dog! Only the biggest unsolved train robbery in North American history.
07:07Now, question is, where's the rest of the loot?
07:12Oh, Nathan. Very impressive.
07:17So, we have two clues. The coin and a name. Toddy Davis.
07:23So, we find Toddy, find the treasure, catch the garrisons.
07:26That's the idea. And we're keeping this out of the press for now?
07:29Full moratorium. My lips are sealed.
07:30The Mounties have been trying to link the garrison gang to this train robbery for over 14 years.
07:35Toddy Davis may be the link we've been looking for, so we've got to tread lightly.
07:39Which is why I think we meet him on his level. We go undercover.
07:45See what we can get him to say.
07:47Very cloak and dagger. I love it.
07:50You got a plan?
07:52We know Toddy's weakness is poker, so Headquarters is working on an invitation to the High Rollers game at the Union Club.
07:57Perfect. Given my stage experience, I'm the obvious choice.
08:02Perhaps I'll do an accent?
08:04Don't be ridiculous. A game like this can be dangerous.
08:08Totally I'll be the one who goes.
08:10Actually, I was thinking I would go.
08:14You're a terrible poker player.
08:16I can play poker. Fine. And it doesn't matter because I'll be playing to lose on purpose anyways.
08:22Oh. Yeah. Well, I guess I could see how a player like Toddy would take him for a ride.
08:29He'll blend in.
08:31He's got the type of face no one really notices.
08:33Hmm. Generic.
08:35I'm sitting right here.
08:37It's a long game, so don't spook him early.
08:40He's got to be believable as a high stakes gambler. This is going to take a lot of work. Wardrobe, attitude, a whole new persona.
08:52Let's go.
09:11You look like you could use a lift.
09:13Thank you so much.
09:15What brings you to Hull Valley?
09:17Oh, just looking for a new start.
09:20Suppose that's what I'm after too.
09:24Hop in.
09:29Bye! Have a good day!
09:34These woods look like the ones my dad and I went camping in.
09:37Oh, wow. Bye!
09:44Don't you want to go play outside?
09:46Everybody laughed when I called you Mama.
09:53Did that make you feel embarrassed?
09:58Well, I don't think anyone was laughing at you.
10:01It was only funny because we were used to calling her Mrs. Thornton.
10:05From now on, I'm going to call you Mrs. Thornton.
10:09Okay, but only at school. At home, I'm still Mama.
10:16Hi, Mrs. Thornton. Is now a good time?
10:20Hi, Oliver. Yes, come on in.
10:22Jack, why don't you go outside and play for a few minutes while I work with Oliver?
10:26Yes, Mrs. Thornton.
10:28I'll come too.
10:31Here's my math homework.
10:33Thank you, Oliver.
10:35This afternoon, why don't we take a look at some geometry?
10:40What's the map for?
10:43I'm tracking the return of the gray wolf to Hope Valley.
10:47We studied mapping in Mountie training, if you ever want help.
10:51Well, if it's alright with Mrs. Thornton.
10:54Sounds fine. Might be a good way to cover some of these math concepts.
10:59It's called project-based learning.
11:02It's called project-based learning.
11:07Here's where we found the wolf, right?
11:15Oops, sorry.
11:17I need three-year-old Grace to table nine.
11:20I'll be right with you, Fiona. Just...
11:25It's so good to see you!
11:27What are you doing here?
11:29Did you just get in?
11:31I can't believe it! How long are you going to be in town?
11:37You're back! I'm so glad!
11:40So good to see you.
11:42Well, look at this young man.
11:45Hi, Miss Miller!
11:47Oh, this is Ava.
11:49She was walking from the station, and can you believe it?
11:52Someone stole all her things.
11:54Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry.
11:56No, it's funny. The same thing happened to me when I first arrived.
11:58And she's also an heiress.
12:01That sounds just like you, Elizabeth.
12:04I suppose it does.
12:07Wait, are you...
12:09Elizabeth Wharton?
12:11I am! How did you know?
12:14I read your book, A Single Mother on the Frontier. That's actually why I wanted to come here.
12:18Oh, huh.
12:20And she even wants to be a schoolteacher, just like you.
12:23Isn't that something?
12:25Well, that's wonderful. Where did you come from?
12:26Baltimore. It's been a long journey.
12:29You must be exhausted.
12:31Let's get you something to eat.
12:33Oh, um, this is really embarrassing. All of my money was actually in one of my trunks.
12:38Don't you worry, we'll take care of you.
12:40Yes, of course.
12:42It's on the house.
12:44Well, in that case, I will have rib-eye steak with a baked potato, and a shrimp cocktail, and an apple pie a la mode for dessert.
12:53Oh, and a grilled cheese!
12:55Sounds like you stole everything but your appetite.
13:07One of these jackets will work.
13:10Shoes, bow tie, well...
13:14Oh, and I almost forgot.
13:17It belonged to Lee's grandfather. He was quite the man about town, apparently, back in his day.
13:22It's a lapel pin.
13:24Well, I thought I'm supposed to blend in.
13:26There'll be high rollers at this game. An undercover operation requires deception.
13:31I can see the first one we have to deceive is you.
13:34Let's see her walk.
13:41No, no.
13:43That's how I walk.
13:45Walks like a cop.
13:47Have a seat.
13:49A gambler lays back.
13:53He knows that Lady Luck is a fickle mistress.
13:58You have to let her come to you.
14:01And he never chases after her.
14:04He always knows when to walk away. That's when he knows he's got them.
14:08All right.
14:19Nathan, I've seen enough.
14:22Sit down.
14:24I think he needs a character.
14:26Yeah, yeah.
14:28Danny DeMarco.
14:30A rare coin dealer from Capital City.
14:34Originally Nevada City.
14:36Your family struck it rich in the gold rush but lost it all in the flood of 1910.
14:43This is what gives you your Devil May Care.
14:46You know you're winning today but tomorrow it could all go away.
14:51Like that.
14:55Oh, I like it.
15:06Oh my goodness, when did you get in?
15:08Just this morning.
15:10Well, look at you. Your own political rabble-rousings put some color in your cheeks.
15:14I knew I had another case of sarsaparilla down there somewhere.
15:25I thought you'd be up in Capital City with all the muckety-mucks.
15:29Oh, we're happy to have him here.
15:31Well, not here in the saloon because he's not using his office.
15:35That's not because there's a problem or tension.
15:38What is this?
15:40I came here to tell you.
15:44Did he just announce any of the paper like a royal decree? Is that it?
15:47What's going on?
15:49Please don't ask.
15:51No, no, he is allowing cattle to run wild in a national park. That's what's going on.
15:54Gentlemen, we're here to welcome Fiona.
15:58Apologies, Joseph. Fiona, it's wonderful to have you back.
16:02Unfortunately, I have some work to do. If you'll excuse me.
16:08And I would love to catch up. You can find me anytime at the cafe.
16:17Spend this way for weeks.
16:19Weeks? Over cows in a park?
16:22Over pride, mostly.
16:24Well, you gotta do something.
16:26Does no one here meddle anymore?
16:29You know, there may be a way for us to get our strays back in the fold.
16:35Look at that. You caught the pastor's blessing.
16:40What are you thinking?
16:42It's so kind of you to buy me new clothes. I promise to pay you back as soon as my parents return from the Alps.
16:48Happy to help.
16:50And if you like, you can stop by my glass tomorrow. We're doing something special over by the pond.
16:54Oh, fine. I'd love to.
16:56Hello, ladies.
16:58Hi. Constable Grant, this is Ava Ariella. Just arrived from Baltimore.
17:02In fact, maybe you could help. All of her trunks were stolen from the train station.
17:06Stolen? That's unfortunate.
17:09Oh, it's my fault. Always distracted.
17:10Well, you should fill out a report. Come by the office. We can take down a description.
17:15If it's not too much trouble.
17:19Well, toodaloo. I better go settle into my room. Bye.
17:25Isn't that wild? Her trunks were stolen just like mine. And she came here because she read my book.
17:31That's quite a coincidence.
17:33I want to help her the way Abigail helped me.
17:36Well, that's because you're very kind.
17:38I wanted to ask you a favor. I'm heading out of town tomorrow night on an assignment.
17:44Is it dangerous?
17:46Nothing you have to worry about.
17:48May I ask where?
17:50I wish I could tell you. I was hoping that Allie could stay with you while I was away.
17:54I'd be happy to have her, but don't you think she'd rather stay with Angela?
17:57I think it'd be nice for you two to spend some time together outside of school.
18:01So I can talk to her about Wyatt?
18:04That comes up naturally.
18:05Now, why don't you tell me all about your presentation?
18:08I'd say it was rather a success.
18:13I'm so excited to see you.
18:19I should have told you we're coming.
18:21You have no idea how good it is to see you both.
18:24We want to hear everything.
18:26Well, sit down.
18:31So, I shared all of your letters, of course.
18:33I shared all of your letters, of course.
18:36But we want to hear everything from you.
18:38Well, it was exciting and thrilling, but so exhausting.
18:47It must be tiring changing the world.
18:50It certainly requires a lot of sacrifice.
18:53I guess that's why it's mostly wealthy women leading the charge.
18:57So, I have a few ideas.
18:59Tell us.
19:01Well, Mr. Weaver offered to split the profits if I sell the salon for him.
19:08And then I can get set up in San Francisco.
19:13So, you're not staying?
19:20I want to be somewhere where I can make a difference.
19:22And I can finally be one of those married ladies funding voting drives and lobbying politicians.
19:34But that means that you would have to...
19:38You know that fella that keeps proposing?
19:43He wrote me a few weeks ago and he asked again.
19:46So, I've decided I'm going to say yes.
19:51But is that what you want?
19:54Fiona, you've already said no to him twice.
19:59It seems like it's time to make a change.
20:05For a lot of reasons.
20:07And this way, I can do more.
20:10And he's a good man.
20:18Well then, congratulations.
20:41Oh, is that coffee?
20:43Yes, ma'am.
20:48I guess you don't need sugar because, well, you're already plenty sweet.
20:53Please, just cream.
20:58Hey, I heard you came in from Baltimore. I'd love to go there. Maybe you can tell me about it sometime.
21:04You know, there's really not that much to tell.
21:07There's really not that much to tell.
21:16Hi. I don't know if you remember me.
21:19Oh, of course. Ms. Thatcher, right?
21:22You're my favorite teacher.
21:24Well, actually, it's Mrs. Thornton now. It's good to see you, Earl.
21:28Well, this is funny. I go by Wyatt now.
21:30Of course. We didn't get to say hi at Allie's birthday party, but I saw you two dancing together.
21:34Sure. Hey, it gave me a chance to practice my moves.
21:37You know, they have this ballroom that just opened over in Union City.
21:40Folks go down there and they have a time.
21:44I'll bet. Well, I know that Allie really enjoyed herself.
21:48Oh, yeah. I was glad I could help out. I should...
21:54Hi. Mrs. Thornton.
21:57Ava. Are you excited for our big field trip?
22:00Oh, as I'll ever be.
22:01Are you sure you don't want to change? The pond can get a bit marshy.
22:04No, it's fine. It's just a little pond.
22:11I don't remember you mentioning this stream before. I thought you ordered the fish from Cape Fullerton.
22:15Well, that was until I discovered the stream.
22:18Of course, if the rancher was ruining it with the cattle, you know.
22:22Oh, give Lee this much. This is a very special place.
22:25Yes, it is. You know what else is special? Friendship.
22:40Did you put them up to this?
22:42Did I? Absolutely not. Did you?
22:45No, of course I didn't.
22:47Gentlemen, if I may. As your pastor, it's been my observation that you two have strayed from the path in this disagreement.
22:53And the best and probably only way back for you two is together. Come on now.
22:58Good luck, Joseph.
22:59Hey, Mike. Joseph. Mike, come back here.
23:02Guys, come on.
23:12Now, as we're walking, I want you all to notice how the landscape might look different if you were a wolf.
23:18Or a deer. Or a squirrel. What might you notice?
23:22Pretty much the only thing I notice in school, boys.
23:24Didn't Mrs. Thornton say you want to be a teacher?
23:27Well, yes, but mostly just to make it less boring.
23:30I don't actually find this boring.
23:33Ladies, animals should be quiet.
23:37Oh, everyone gather round.
23:41Take a look.
23:44Do you see how these fern fiddleheads are shaped?
23:47The ancient Greeks came up with a formula for all sorts of spirals in nature.
23:51It's called the Golden Ratio.
23:54Now, what I want all of you to do is look for your own patterns.
23:58Count all of the stalks and all of the leaves.
24:01Off you go.
24:03Is this math?
24:05It sure is.
24:07Oh, and what would you like me to do?
24:09Oh, uh, why don't you work with the little ones?
24:12Okay, great.
24:16Oh, Emily!
24:18Hold on!
24:20Mrs. Thornton, Miss Riella's standing in poison oak.
24:23Oh, dear.
24:25That's another pattern to watch out for.
24:28Leaves of three, leave them be.
24:30I probably should have started with that one.
24:32Don't touch!
24:34Walk out of there very carefully and please don't touch anything.
24:37Did we bring any cream?
24:39Sadly, no.
24:41Emily, would you please lead Miss Riella over to the doctor's office?
24:44So much for adventure.
25:03Oh, hey!
25:05What's going on?
25:07Uh, wish I could tell you.
25:09Well, you look very handsome.
25:15Because I'm supposed to look like I can blend in.
25:17Can't chance that.
25:19Plenty of time for moon eyes later.
25:21Mountie business, let's go!
25:28Be safe.
25:44How's the patient?
25:46She'll be just fine as long as she manages not to scratch.
25:48I guess I wasn't dressed for the outdoors.
25:51I'll grab you some more lotion to take home.
25:57Oh, you don't have to.
25:59It was silly of me to come here thinking I could live the life you wrote about in a book.
26:02People come to Hope Valley for all sorts of reasons.
26:05But if you came here to start again, to try something new,
26:09it's a good place full of good people.
26:14Just like in the book.
26:16But real.
26:22And if there's ever anything you want to talk about...
26:29For your kindness.
26:43A bunch of kids stayed after school to keep working.
26:46I think your new curriculum's a big hit.
26:48I'm glad to hear it.
26:50See you tonight?
26:54Oh, do you mind picking up Little Jack from Talia's on the way to dinner?
26:56My dad didn't tell you?
26:58I'm going to meet some friends at the soda shop.
27:01Oh, of course.
27:03I can bring Little Jack home first if you'd like.
27:06No, it's fine. You go have fun.
27:13Can I talk to you about something?
27:21It's Wyatt.
27:23What about him?
27:25Well, I think that you like him.
27:29And I know that he likes you too.
27:32But sometimes people like each other in different ways.
27:37You've been talking to my dad, haven't you?
27:40No. Well, yes, but...
27:42Wyatt's really nice and I don't know what my dad has against him,
27:47but now he's turning you against him too.
27:50No, Allie, I really like Wyatt. I do.
27:53Can we talk about this later?
28:08We're going to have to call.
28:15I got a pocket full of spades.
28:19Lucky streak, man.
28:22Oh, bring it in.
28:25Here you go, sweetheart.
28:27Heal me in.
28:31Oh, come on.
28:33All the lowdown, dirty tricks.
28:37I don't have time for this.
28:39I've got a stack of fiscal reports I'm supposed to be signing off on.
28:43Don't forget, and I don't want to hear from you.
28:45I'm not going to talk to you.
28:47I'm not going to talk to you.
28:49I'm not going to talk to you.
28:51I'm not going to talk to you.
28:53I'm not going to talk to you.
28:54I've got a stack of fiscal reports I'm supposed to be signing off on.
28:56Don't forget, national parks to ruin.
28:58Look around you, would you? Does this look ruined?
29:01Oh, come on, Lucas. You know full well they're only going to expand their herds.
29:04You're going to trample natural growth.
29:06You're going to pollute the streams.
29:08This park will be a shadow of what it is now.
29:10You're free to disagree with me, but I just don't understand why you're this angry.
29:24You're welcome.
29:26Look, the truth is, I was hurt.
29:32There you go. I said it. I was hurt.
29:35The way you let Edwin sideline me.
29:38And the shrinking of the national park.
29:41And Robber Baron National Park.
29:43You left me in the lurch too, you know.
29:45Running out on me the way you did.
29:47And how do you think that looked to the press?
29:50And my opponents?
29:51It's not easy making everybody happy, but maybe I'm not doing a good enough job with my friends.
30:01Yeah, maybe me too.
30:05It's a cow.
30:10I think we're this way. Come on, let's go.
30:12You stay there, cow.
30:28Coins over eights.
30:38Bring it in.
30:42Hey, seems Lady Luck is on my side tonight, mister...
30:47I'm not here to make friends, buddy.
30:52Okay, buddy.
31:00Oh, hi Ava.
31:02You wouldn't happen to know how long you'll be staying with us, because the hotel is really starting to book up quickly.
31:08Oh gosh, Mr. Hickam, you've been so patient.
31:10You know, I still haven't been able to get a hold of my parents. They're traveling in the Alps.
31:14I see.
31:16Maybe I could work to pay for my room and board.
31:18Well, we sure could use the help. Do you have any experience waiting tables?
31:24I'm a fast learner, and I'm a real good singer if you ever want to liven the place up.
31:30That's fantastic.
31:39Last night, she bought a round of drinks for the whole saloon, and when I say bought, I do not mean paid for.
31:47Her tab is out of control.
31:49Well, I guess when you're dealing with an heiress, you get what you get.
31:53Heiress? Who is this heiress that everyone keeps speaking about? Actually, never mind.
31:58I'm looking for Lee. I've been looking for him everywhere.
32:02The mayor?
32:04Last I heard, you were taking him out to the forest.
32:07That is true.
32:09You're never going to convince me that cows and conservation are a good mix.
32:12You're entitled to your opinion, as am I to mine.
32:15What on earth?
32:17Thanks for the walk.
32:21Hi, sweetheart.
32:24Oh, they certainly sound better. How did this happen?
32:28We did a little meddling, in your honor.
32:31Oh, in my honor.
32:33You see, sometimes you've got to get lost so he can lead us back home.
32:45Well, I hear we have a new visitor in town.
32:48Everyone seems to have met this Ava Riella, except for me.
32:52She's very sweet.
32:54Though a bit lost, I think.
32:56I hear her life story is similar to your own.
32:59Isn't it odd, seeing yourself in someone?
33:03Have you ever wanted to go back in time and give your younger self advice?
33:07Oh, goodness, Elizabeth!
33:09I think we both know my younger self wasn't going to take advice from anyone.
33:14Including me!
33:20What is it?
33:22I'm afraid I may have botched things with Allie.
33:25How so?
33:27She likes a boy.
33:29Ooh, a crush? No? Oh, unrequited?
33:34I tried warning her.
33:37I know. I felt protective.
33:40I've been in those shoes before, I knew what was coming, and I just didn't want her to get hurt.
33:46Alright, what did she say?
33:48Well, she wound up defending him.
33:50Nothing drives a girl into the wrong arms faster than parental disapproval.
33:57But I'm not her parent. It wasn't my place to interfere.
34:01Even though Nathan asked me to.
34:03I can see the complications.
34:05But Allie could use a mother, or at least a mother figure, now more than ever.
34:12I don't want to presume.
34:16Well then, I guess you'd have to take what I suspect would be your own advice.
34:22Take your cues from her.
34:26That is good advice.
34:38Finished work?
34:40Just on a lunch break.
34:43Got any plans for the weekend?
34:46Just work, mostly.
34:49Oh, well, I was wondering, maybe, would you want to go on a picnic?
34:57I mean, with me?
34:59Um, you know, I'm not really much of a picnic guy.
35:04It could just be a walk, or...
35:07Uh, listen, pigtails, uh, you're a really sweet kid, but you're not exactly my speed.
35:18You know what I mean?
35:22Yeah, definitely.
35:24I'll still see you around, though.
35:28Uh, hey, why don't you get a grilled cheese, huh? On me.
35:35Hi, Allie.
35:37Hi, Jack.
35:39Hi, Allie. I made those potatoes you like.
35:42Thanks, Ms. Siddhartha.
36:06At home, we call her Mom!
36:08Honey bear, I think that only applies to you.
36:14Everything all right?
36:17Yeah, fine. I'm just gonna go put my bag upstairs.
36:29Oh, thank you.
36:38Sorry about that.
36:40Sometimes I get so focused on the cards. Not that it helped me much. But you, on the other hand...
36:45Yeah, I have some obligations to fulfill.
36:47What's her name?
36:49Trudy. The most gorgeous gal you're ever gonna meet.
36:53Well, you haven't met my gal yet. Diane.
36:57That's better luck than the cards, right?
37:01It's Adi Davis.
37:02Danny DeMarco.
37:04Nice line of work you're in to afford the table.
37:06Gotta say, dealing in estates and whatnot is a good line of work.
37:12I'm in collectibles myself. Rare stamps, the odd coin.
37:16What can I say? The 20s have been good to me.
37:20That's some lapel pin you got there.
37:23If you ever want to part with it...
37:26No, no, no. This is an old family heirloom.
37:29Not watch yours, though. That's a collector's item, if I'm not mistaken, right?
37:34Takes one to know one, eh?
37:38Well, you better get out of here before you lose any more money.
37:46You know, I'm gonna be in Europe for a bit, but look me up.
37:56Maybe we can do business.
37:59Thanks, friend. I just might do that.
38:16Want some company?
38:18It's getting chilly. I brought your shawl.
38:29Allie, I want to apologize for overstepping earlier.
38:34Wyatt is really none of my business.
38:39Anyway, you were right.
38:43I asked him to go on a picnic, and he told me I'm not his feed.
38:52What does that even mean?
38:54Oh, Allie.
38:56I know he liked me when we were dancing.
39:00Why is he acting like it didn't happen?
39:06Sometimes young boys, uh, young people...
39:12They don't know what they really want, and it can be very confusing.
39:20But the only speed that really matters is yours.
39:25I know it's gonna seem like I'm just saying this, but...
39:29Everyone goes through what you're feeling from time to time.
39:34I did.
39:39I suppose you're gonna tell me I'll get over it.
39:43You will. In time.
39:49But you probably won't forget it.
39:52And that's a good thing.
39:57When the right one comes along, you'll know the difference.
40:03That's what my mom told me.
40:07She always said, this too shall pass.
40:12My sister Julie learned to cross-stitch, so she could put that on a pillow for her.
40:19I hate to admit it, but she was right.
40:24You know, if I was little Jack, I'd call you mom all the time.
40:40You know you can think of me however you want.
40:45Thanks, Mrs. Thornton.
40:46Thanks, Mrs. Thornton.
40:54What if at home, you start calling me Elizabeth?
41:02Which home? Yours or mine?
41:07Maybe both.
41:16I really like the sound of that.
41:46I love you.