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When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 7
00:00Previously on When Calls the Heart, what's going on?
00:06We know that the eagle coin was found at a poker game in Union City with Toddy Davis.
00:11Maybe we can do business.
00:12The cattle crossing has contaminated the stream where the salmon spawned.
00:15Does that girl not know any other songs?
00:18It's this new curriculum where everything is led by the student's curiosity.
00:24There's something about the autumn air.
00:27There's an almost magical sense of possibility.
00:32My students constantly inspire me, and their own curiosity is taking them further than
00:37I could ever imagine.
00:39Is it this way?
00:40I don't know.
00:42Looks like it.
00:44I think we're supposed to be here, and I'm pretty sure it's that way.
00:49Wait, yeah.
00:53Lee surprised Rosemary with a trip to Cape Fullerton to see a performance of The Importance
00:57of Being Earnest, and now she wants to put on her own production, which she will direct,
01:03produce, and star in, naturally.
01:07With Fiona's encouragement, I wrote a guide to my new curriculum.
01:11She said she wants to send it to publishers and other educators.
01:15I never imagined trying to create a new form of teaching, but Fiona makes everything seem
01:28As for Nathan and me, it all feels new and exciting.
01:32There's so much we still don't know about one another, and so much more to discover.
01:37We're enjoying every moment together, excited for all that's to come.
01:46Every morning, every evening, ain't we got fun?
01:52I'm assuming you've seen these numbers?
01:54Yes, I know.
01:56It's not good.
01:57No, it is not good.
01:58Ava Riel is simply too expensive for us to support.
02:02Ain't got money, oh, but honey, ain't we got fun?
02:06And all that singing, where does she find the time to eat this many meals?
02:10She is running up a tab, but she's also good for business.
02:14Yeah, the customers do seem to like her, but still, this bill is way too high.
02:17Oh, let me guess, Miss Riel up?
02:20Any word from her folks yet?
02:22She told me that she just got a letter from them last week.
02:26They're extending their trip.
02:28They went to see the Northern Lights in Norway.
02:30Oh my goodness, no, it's Norway.
02:33First it was the Dolomites, then it was the coast of Croatia.
02:35I think the parents of an heiress would be more concerned with making sure their daughter
02:40was sufficiently taken care of.
02:42In the meantime, in between time, ain't we got fun?
02:47No, Ava, we don't got fun.
02:51On the bright side, look what just came back from the printers.
02:55Audition notices?
02:56You betcha.
02:57The Hope Valley players present the importance of being earnest.
03:03Who will be cast?
03:04Only time will tell.
03:06It's very exciting.
03:07It is.
03:08I was thinking of auditioning myself.
03:10If you think I'd be any good?
03:13Yes, please do.
03:17And Ava was asking about it too.
03:22The stage is not for everyone, Hickam.
03:29Let's distribute.
03:32Okay, be right back, Mike.
03:34Nothing else goes on that tab.
03:38Girls, we've got so much to do.
03:41Oh, Lee.
03:43Did you get them?
03:44Unfortunately, they're really hard to come by.
03:47But my guy came through.
03:50You're very welcome.
03:51Have a good time.
04:03So, I found this on my desk.
04:06Two train tickets to Union City?
04:09Care to explain yourself?
04:10No, I don't think I do.
04:13So, I'm just supposed to follow you blindly on this adventure?
04:17You'll just have to put yourself in my hands.
04:20Oh, what if I don't trust you?
04:21You're just gonna have to try.
04:24What's going on?
04:25Tell me what's going on.
04:29What's going on?
04:30We're going to the new Buster Keaton picture at the movie palace.
04:35Are you serious?
04:38I was wrong to doubt you.
04:40Forgive me.
04:42Anyway, we won't be back until late.
04:44So, Allie will be at Angela's and little Jack will be staying with Talia.
04:47And a taxi's set to pick us up this afternoon.
04:50Well, I'll be ready.
04:56I'm gonna...
04:57I'll be ready.
05:05I'll be ready.
05:34Oh, listen.
05:35That holiday pageant was ten years ago.
05:38But you only had one line.
05:40I know.
05:41I know.
05:43I'll be fine.
05:44I'll be fine.
05:45I'll be fine.
05:47Do you think that's the best offer we're going to get?
05:50It's a full service salon and it comes with all the supplies.
05:55I see.
05:57Well, I'll talk with my partner, Mr. Weaver, and we'll get back to you with a decision.
06:07Is that what I think it is?
06:09I was up half the night finalizing.
06:11It just never seemed finalized.
06:17They're going to love it.
06:18These publishers are really bold.
06:20Department of Education?
06:21Why not?
06:23Is that too forward?
06:24I mean, usually you'd send a query first, but that's okay.
06:29No, you're right.
06:30It's too much, sending the whole thing.
06:31No, no, no, no.
06:32You never know.
06:33Fortune favors the bold.
06:34You just have to look at the introduction again and add some more artwork.
06:38Leap and the net will appear.
06:42It's what my mother used to say.
06:44Was your mother in a circus?
06:55The very essence of romance is uncertainty.
06:58If ever I shall marry, I will certainly try to forget the fact.
07:04Thank you, Hickam.
07:05I did prepare a few more scenes.
07:07No, no.
07:08It's perfect.
07:09I have all the information I need.
07:13I just moved it all to itself.
07:15Thank you so much for coming.
07:17Is that okay?
07:18You were terrific.
07:19Shall we?
07:21Do you think maybe I should ask them if I could do it again?
07:25No, I don't think so.
07:29What am I going to do?
07:31What do you mean?
07:32I thought he was very good.
07:34He was fine, serviceable.
07:38Algenon is supposed to be swashbuckling and rebellious, debonair and dazzling.
07:48They are all caution.
07:50And stability?
07:55Oh my goodness.
07:56Do you think I could just do it again a different way?
07:59Every woman becomes like their mother because that is their tragedy.
08:03No man does.
08:04That's his.
08:07It was perfect.
08:18Who in this town is swashbuckling and bold?
08:22Pushing boundaries with a little glint in their eye.
08:27Oh my goodness.
08:30Why didn't I think of that myself?
08:32He's perfect.
08:33He's everything.
08:34Do you think he'll do it?
08:35There's only one way to find out.
08:37Thank you everyone.
08:39Callbacks will be posted this afternoon.
08:42Just put them out of their misery now, Rosemary.
08:49It's not marked on the maps, but...
08:51But I think it was more in this direction.
08:53No, I think it was up here.
08:54No, look.
08:55It's right there.
08:57This could work.
08:58We need to show Mrs. Thorne.
09:00Why don't you take it straight to the governor?
09:02He said he wanted to help you solve your cow problem, didn't he?
09:05You really think he'd see us?
09:08Ask for Mr. Mitchell.
09:10He'll love it.
09:14Hey, Dad.
09:16We're going to see the governor.
09:17Hi, sir.
09:22You think Edwin's going to let them in?
09:25But at least I'll have some peace and quiet while I fill you in on the Garrison Gang case.
09:29Finally you caught a break.
09:31Inspector McGill sent a report.
09:33Apparently two double-headed eagles showed up in Amsterdam.
09:36At a rare coin and stamp dealer's showroom.
09:38The Dutch police said they couldn't get the guy to admit how they got there.
09:42That's all well and good, but it still doesn't answer the big question.
09:45Where the Garrison Gang hid the rest of the gold.
09:48Somewhere there is a hidden fortune.
09:51We should get the public involved.
09:52Sponsor a valley-wide treasure hunt.
09:56Oh, no.
09:57It's too much publicity.
09:58Is there such a thing?
09:59It might scare them off.
10:00All right, fine.
10:01In the meantime, Bill, I have a question for you.
10:06You once mentioned that you worked on an espionage case with the British Colonial Office.
10:12What about it?
10:13You said you posed as a UK embassy official.
10:16I assume your accent must have been pretty persuasive, hmm?
10:22Persuasive, huh?
10:29The undersecretary has requested an update of the situation in Devonshire.
10:33Please gather the latest dispatches and prepare a summary for the meeting this afternoon.
10:41You, sir, are my Algernon.
10:45Your what?
10:46The importance of being earnest.
10:48No, no, no, no.
10:49No, no.
10:50Out of the question.
10:52I'm desperate.
10:53You're the only one who can do it.
10:55The swashbuckling panache.
10:57The confident joie de vivre.
10:59The masculine yet sensitive charmer.
11:03Swashbuckling panache?
11:09Well, I suppose.
11:12You won't regret it.
11:14That was persuasive.
11:24The inspector general will be conducting a tour of the operation next month.
11:29So, chip, chip!
11:36I will pray.
11:38I will pray.
11:40Every time I feel...
11:44Well, hello, little friend.
11:46Heard you could use a hand.
11:48That'd be very welcome.
11:50I'm just nailing these together for some backdrops.
11:52How is it that Rosemary manages to convince us to do this stuff?
11:57Ah, inspiration and gentle persuasion.
12:00Best way to gather a flock.
12:02I think it's more persuasion than anything.
12:06Thought I might be seeing you up on that stage.
12:09No, you did not.
12:10You did not think that.
12:12Ah, well, well, if not the play,
12:14we could use a hand with the church choir.
12:16You know, Minnie and Rosemary are always looking for some new soloists.
12:20Well, trust me,
12:22my singing is not going to bring anybody closer to God.
12:27Up on the mountain
12:29When my God spoke
12:31Out of His mouth came
12:33Fire and smoke
12:35I looked around me
12:37It looked so fine
12:40I asked my Lord if
12:42All this was mine
12:44Every time I
12:46Feel the Spirit
12:48Moving in my heart
12:51I will pray
12:58there are two children here to see you.
13:01Something about a pasture?
13:03I have told them to make an appointment and go through the proper channels.
13:06It's all right, Edwin.
13:07I, for one, happen to like kids.
13:09Send them in.
13:13Thank you, Governor Bouchard.
13:16The last time you unrolled maps at me,
13:18I ended up in a lot of hot water.
13:21This might get you out.
13:24What we have for you is a way for everyone to co-exist.
13:29There's a wildlife corridor the cattle can take to an even bigger summer pasture.
13:33And they never have to cross the stream at all.
13:35And then the fish will be able to spawn again.
13:37It's even called the Old Meadow.
13:40I wonder why the ranchers aren't using it.
13:42Maybe they don't know about it.
13:44We only found it because we were...
13:46Looking at maps.
13:51Part of it is blocked here, apparently.
13:54But maybe it can be cleared.
13:57Nice work.
13:59You two make a good team.
14:02Can I keep this?
14:07Reschedule my appointments for this afternoon.
14:20You know, I've heard that Buster Keaton is the funniest man in the world.
14:25And now I can see why.
14:27The look on his face when that horse melted?
14:31How did they do that? It was incredible.
14:37You're incredible.
14:42I love this song.
14:59Danny boy!
15:05Do me a favor. Call me Danny for the next few minutes.
15:10Hey, Toddy, you old dog.
15:11This must be your wife.
15:13Uh, Diane, yes.
15:16Danny's told me so much about you.
15:19Toddy and I, we met the other night when I was out wearing my white dinner jacket,
15:23the one you got me, darling.
15:26Turns out we were in the same line of work.
15:28We were talking artifacts, coins...
15:31What a marvelous coincidence it is, running into you, of all people.
15:35You know, I just got back from the Netherlands with quite a haul.
15:39For a certain select clientele, of course.
15:42Oh, it sounds tempting, really, but...
15:45You go on ahead. It's fine. I'll see you back at home.
15:49Toddy! You have to invite them over!
15:53What a great idea. My wife, Trudy, and I would love for you to join us.
15:57We're hosting a bit of a bash. It's just a few close friends up the hill.
16:03Oh, that's a fabulous idea. Really, um, but...
16:08we're not really dressed for a party.
16:11We've got you covered.
16:14And I know the perfect dress. It'll look smashing on you.
16:18We really couldn't.
16:20Why? You got a better invitation?
16:24Yeah, I thought you wanted to do business.
16:29I guess there's nothing stopping us.
16:36I guess not.
16:38Come on.
16:47Miss Fairfax.
16:49Uh, just one second. Lee, you need to stay on your mark. Yes.
16:54All right. Let's just take it again.
16:57Miss Fairfax.
16:59Oh, my goodness. I love it. It's perfect. Where did you find her?
17:03Miss Fairfax.
17:05Yes. Yes. Uh, let's just take it again.
17:08Yes. Yes. Yes. Uh, let's just hear the cue again.
17:12Miss Fairfax.
17:15Gwendolyn, by my word.
17:18On second thought, I think we may also need the walking cane.
17:23Let's look. Yes, do we have one?
17:28Algy, kindly turn your back.
17:31I have something very particular to say to Mr. Worthing.
17:34Really, Gwendolyn? My, I don't think I can allow this at all.
17:38Algy, you always adopt a strictly amour attitude towards life.
17:41You're not quite old enough to do that.
17:43Uh, thank you. Thank you.
17:45Gosh, Ava doesn't even need the script.
17:47Oh, I was in an amateur production at my boarding school in Maryland.
17:52I would really love to help out in any way that I can, Mrs. Coulthard.
17:55Wonderful. Uh, why don't we take a short break, shall we?
18:01We just took a break.
18:03Five minutes, Bill.
18:04I don't think I can work this way.
18:06Sweetheart, she just really wanted help with costumes,
18:10so I told her to come down and have a look. That's all.
18:15Can I just say, you make a wonderful Gwendolyn.
18:19Not many actors have your verve.
18:23Uh, well, thank you very much.
18:25Uh, I appreciate it.
18:27Especially coming from clearly and obviously an earnest expert.
18:31Perhaps you could be in charge of, uh, props?
18:36For the rehearsal only.
18:38Really? I'd love to. Thank you.
18:42Let's take it from the top.
18:45From Miss Fairfax or the top?
18:48Just say something.
18:51Miss Fairfax.
18:54You did it again, my dear.
19:41Those moving pictures, they don't have anything on you.
19:44Look who's talking, Danny.
19:46Oh, so we are married now?
19:50Yes, we live in the city, we spend our summers by the lake,
19:53and my husband worships the ground that you walk on.
19:56And his wife thinks he's just as handsome as the day of their wedding.
20:02So, Toddy...
20:05Yes, he's an estate dealer.
20:08Trades in illegal coins, like the one found in the mercantile.
20:11Turns out it was part of a notorious train robbery,
20:14and Toddy may be the key to the case.
20:18So, who are you to Toddy?
20:22I'm the estate dealer.
20:24And I'm your dame?
20:27So we're the bad guys?
20:29We're the bad guys. For tonight, anyways.
20:32Elizabeth, I'm sorry, this is not how I pictured our evening going.
20:37Neither did I.
20:40But here we go!
20:43Danny, look at Sharp!
20:45Oh, Diane! You look stunning!
20:48I can't thank you enough.
20:50I said I had the perfect dress, didn't I, Tod?
20:52Always trust Rudy with fashion.
20:54I think it's time we see that dress shimmy!
20:57Oh, now I think...
21:01You're a gadabout.
21:03Let's get out there and show her stuff. Come on.
21:06Oh, um...
21:08You know, I'm...
22:02Nice moves, Danny. Let me get you a drink. Come on.
22:06Oh, Diane!
22:10Oh, no, no.
22:14Now, you must tell me.
22:16How did you get that dapper gentleman to call himself yours?
22:20Oh, um...
22:22Well, I, um...
22:26I bid on him.
22:28At a bachelor charity auction.
22:30Cost me a pretty penny, but I think it was a good long-term investment.
22:34Oh, Diane!
22:36That is too good!
22:38There's nothing I love more than a great love story.
22:42Tell me more.
22:44No, no. You, you tell me about you and Toddy.
22:52I was a chorus girl.
22:54He was a backstage Johnny.
22:56Oh, um...
22:58I want to hear all about this auction.
23:11Miss Martell?
23:13Oh, what a nice surprise.
23:16Well, I was looking for you.
23:18Because I've come across what I think is a potential solution to our problem.
23:23And here I was, hoping you were joining me for dinner.
23:26I can't do both.
23:31Some students, an exemplary Mountie cadet and a budding naturalist,
23:37found an old path running the perimeter of the parkland that leads directly to a summer pasture.
23:42It's promising.
23:44So much for me doing my due diligence.
23:48What do you think?
23:57interesting, no doubt.
23:59You will have to draft a proper proposal before they'll consider it an alternative option.
24:04Absolutely. I will get that done as soon as possible.
24:08In fact, I could use your help with the finer points of the legalese.
24:15Actually, I...
24:19I've just remembered I'm late for a meeting.
24:24I was looking forward to dinner.
24:27So was I.
24:37So, have the men been talking business?
24:40Uh, no. No, no. No business. Just, uh, lots of sports.
24:45Did you know they were high school sweethearts?
24:47High school sweethearts?
24:49High school sweethearts?
24:51What about the bachelor auction?
24:54What about the bachelor auction?
24:58The bachelor auction where we met?
25:00Mm-hmm. Just after high school.
25:03You two, uh, you want to get your stories straight.
25:06No, no. It's all on the level. It's just two different parts of the same story.
25:11You see, we met in high school.
25:13Although I'm not sure she noticed me, but I noticed her from the audience.
25:18She was on stage singing at the spring talent show, and it's still my favorite song.
25:24What was it?
25:27Uh, You Made Me Love You.
25:30Oh, that's a sweet one.
25:34And then just a few years later, I was at an auction and what did I hear but
25:38You Made Me Love You being sung by one of the men up for bidding.
25:43She jumped right up on stage and finished the song with me.
25:46Ever since then, it's been our song.
25:49And it's been the five happiest years of my life.
25:52That's a long engagement. You said you've been married two years?
25:57Well, we, uh, we said the I do's two years ago, but I started counting the moment I fell in love with her.
26:07When was that?
26:09There's so, so many moments.
26:13I mean, you know, the moment she said yes, that, that was a moment.
26:19But there was a moment before that, actually, when she was kind to someone that I care a great deal about.
26:29I think that was the moment that I officially started counting.
26:33Did you hear that tonight?
26:36True love.
26:38That's a good story.
26:40It's not a story.
26:42Look at them.
26:45You should sing the song.
26:47What song?
26:48Your song, You Made Me Love You.
26:51Oh, no, no, no one wants to hear that.
26:54Of course we do.
26:57Go tell a band, True.
26:59Well, they might not know.
27:01Well, let's see this true love story.
27:10I guess we should give our hosts what they want.
27:13That's a good idea, Diane.
27:20You made me love you?
27:21We heard it at the movies. I thought you knew it.
27:25You made me love you?
27:27We heard it at the movies. I thought you knew it.
27:52You made me love you
27:56I didn't want to do it
27:58I didn't want to do it
28:01You made me want you
28:05And all the time you knew it
28:07I guess you always knew it
28:10You made me happy sometimes
28:14You made me glad
28:19But there were times, dear
28:23You made me feel so sad
28:25I'm sorry, Danny.
28:27You made me sigh for
28:31I didn't want to tell you
28:33I didn't want to tell you
28:36I want some love, that's true
28:41Yes, I do
28:42Did I do that?
28:43You know I do
28:44Give me, give me what I cry for
28:49You know you got the brand of kisses that I'd die for
28:54You know you made me
28:58You know you made me
29:03You know you made me love you
29:28I saw your light on.
29:30Do you always work late?
29:32It's for your distractions.
29:34Oh, like someone knocking at your door?
29:37A welcome exception.
29:39What are you working on?
29:41The proposal we discussed. The wildlife corridor.
29:44Oh, so you're serious about that.
29:47Aren't you?
29:49Well, actually, at the moment,
29:51I am more interested in a game of cards.
29:58I think Hickam can really do it.
30:01And you, of course. Wonderful.
30:05I had a wonderful coach.
30:08Bill, on the other hand, that was a surprise.
30:11Brilliant, isn't he?
30:13He was.
30:14Everyone is just...
30:17We are still short a few parts.
30:20Too bad you can't play them all, right?
30:22I wish I could play a few less parts.
30:24Well, if you're serious about passing the baton,
30:28Ava seems to know the play pretty well.
30:30Please, that over-the-top show-off
30:32is not coming anywhere near my play.
30:35All right.
30:37Well, maybe you could get some help with the direction, then.
30:40Lee, this isn't a game.
30:43Not my real baby.
30:45But I care about this far too much
30:48to just hand it over to some amateur in a tiara.
30:54Let me ask you.
30:56What is it about Ava that bothers you so much?
31:00She is just so...
31:06She just takes up all the oxygen.
31:09No, don't say it.
31:11I know.
31:12Of course, there is a shadow of a resemblance,
31:18but we are not the same.
31:21For starters, I am not some...
31:25poor little unlucky heiress
31:28who's lost my money and my clothes
31:30and my parents in the Alps.
31:32And secondly...
31:34No one is my Rosie.
31:37Sweetheart, you were brilliant,
31:41acting, directing, and producing.
31:44This play is going to be a smash.
31:48I just know it.
31:50Thank you for always standing by me.
31:56I love you so much.
31:58I love you.
32:05An interesting choice.
32:25Okay, well, that's what I get for playing a known card sharp.
32:30Don't believe everything you read in the press.
32:32I am no sharp.
32:33Then I guess I'm just a poor player.
32:36But you do have a tell.
32:37A tell?
32:38A little gesture.
32:40Tells you when a player is hiding something.
32:43A good card.
32:44A bad card.
32:46Something they don't want their opponent to know.
32:49I see.
32:51And what's my tell?
32:55You fiddle with your ring finger.
32:59You did it today at the cafe
33:02when I asked you if you thought it was a good plan.
33:05I know that you did not come to my office in the dead of night only to play cards,
33:09so is there anything you want to share?
33:13I do.
33:16I have a thought.
33:22Drop the proposal.
33:26Pretend like you never heard about this other pastor.
33:29You're saving a lot of people from a lot of trouble, including yourself.
33:34Where is this coming from?
33:36I'm afraid that's a matter of attorney-client privilege.
33:40I see.
33:43So once again we find ourselves on opposite sides.
33:48Well, wasn't the only reason I came here tonight.
33:52We can still be friends playing cards, can't we?
34:03I believe it's your deal.
34:13You know, I watch you play poker in Union City.
34:16You know what I noticed?
34:18That the cards weren't in my favor?
34:20But you always bet big, even when you had none.
34:25I'm not sure that's a virtue.
34:27Maybe not in poker, but it tells me you have confidence, guts.
34:34I do like to take risks, but I always protect my clients.
34:39I know I liked you, DeMarco.
34:43You know, I've got this one guy.
34:45The hotter the merchandise, the better.
34:47He likes it when there's a story.
34:49Swords, medallions, stamps.
34:53If he takes a shining to it, he'll pay top dollar.
34:58I think I may have something for him.
35:03What do you got?
35:05Not here.
35:08Isn't this your house?
35:14Twenty-four carats.
35:17Some two-bit rancher got his hands on a crate of these.
35:21What's a rancher doing with a crate of gold?
35:24Is he still there?
35:26No. No, he died last year.
35:29The place was a real double deal.
35:31You get all kinds of eccentrics.
35:34How many of those you got?
35:36I could sell a few to you.
35:40I don't know if the story's going to be enough for your guy.
35:43Dead rancher sitting on a pot of gold? I could spend that.
35:46Where'd you say this guy was again?
35:48One of the valleys past Benson Hills.
35:51Around there.
35:54Talk to my guy?
36:01Have you ever been bored at your own party?
36:04More drinks! More dancing!
36:07Actually, it's getting late. We should go.
36:11Well, if you want to be party poopers.
36:15We'll call you a cab.
37:08Any news?
37:11Not yet. I'm waiting for a call from Mr. Weaver.
37:14See if he wants to accept the offer.
37:18You ready to let go of this place?
37:26I suppose there's something better waiting for you.
37:30I suppose.
37:35I still haven't decided.
37:38It's a big one.
37:44I'm not one of those girls who dreamed of their wedding day,
37:47the white dress, the happily ever after.
37:50I wasn't either.
37:53When I studied in Chicago, the closest I ever thought I would get to a husband
37:57was a forged marriage certificate.
38:00And then you met Mike?
38:06And I realized that's what I wanted.
38:09Well, you do seem happy.
38:12But you...
38:15You have a spark.
38:18And I think you should follow it.
38:24Hi, Mr. Weaver.
38:27Yes, I know. I was hoping for better, too.
38:30As they say, bird in the hand.
38:37I'll see to it.
38:40Thank you, Mr. Weaver.
38:44It's done.
38:46It's done?
38:49One adventure ends and another begins.
38:59I'm sorry.
39:02I'm sorry.
39:05I'm sorry.
39:08I'm sorry.
39:11I'm sorry.
39:22And? They never suspected anything?
39:25They did at first. We couldn't get our story straight.
39:28But you pulled it off. I guess your acting skills have improved.
39:32Nathan had a whole character for me.
39:35I was Diane DeMarco, wife of a shady antiques dealer.
39:39Was Nathan Danny DeMarco?
39:42How did you know?
39:45Well, I was the one who invented him.
39:48You know what? It's a long story.
39:51But clearly, you both should have auditioned for the play.
39:54Oh, how did the rest of your auditions go?
39:57Did you find what you needed?
40:00Well, almost.
40:03Seems this Ava Riella is quite the performer.
40:07Don't you think it's odd that this sheltered heiress from Baltimore
40:12is suddenly parading around town like a one-woman vaudeville act?
40:16I seem to recall someone else arriving in Hope Valley
40:19with a bit of a dramatic flair.
40:22She's supposed to be your doppelganger, though, not mine.
40:25Well, maybe she's a bit like both of us.
40:28Were we ever that wide-eyed and lost?
40:31I know I was.
40:35Sometimes I miss that feeling that life could just take you anywhere.
40:40Well, our adventures are far from over.
40:43Clearly. You spent the night hobnobbing with gamblers and doing the Charleston.
40:48I just wish I could have joined you.
40:51No, I was referring to what I mailed in the post this morning.
40:55No! You didn't? You sent the curriculum?
40:59So what changed your mind?
41:01A leap in the net will appear, I hope.
41:06All right. I'll do it.
41:09I will offer the careless heiress a role in my play.
41:13If anyone can wrestle a serviceable performance out of her, it's me.
41:21To more adventure.
41:24To more adventure.
41:31To more adventure.