• last month
IN Tyler’s words, this family’s living situation is ‘not ordinary’. Megan, a mother-of-two lives with Tyler - her ex-husband, their two-year-old daughter, her partner - Michael and their newborn son Juniper. Having moved to a similar area around the same time and after going back and forth with Ryann and looking at their finances, Megan, Michael and Tyler decided that moving in together was a good idea. However, not everyone thought the same. Megan said: “A lot of people think that we are horrible parents, that we're ruining Ryann's life. We're confusing her. Which is also not the case.” Instead they have noticed that Ryann is a lot calmer and content with both her parents around all the time. Tyler said: “ I just get to be closer to my daughter every single day.” The group started posting about their life on social media and have experienced a few… misconceptions…about their set up. Megan said: “They assume that we're a throuple for some reason. Well, it's a little bit understandable. But we're not.” Tyler added: “Some of our followers call us brother husbands.” The group make light of these misunderstandings on social media with entertaining videos but just to confirm: this is not a brother husband situation. Would they recommend this living situation to others? Tyler said: “Yes and no. Yes. If you do it, get a bigger house. And no, unless you absolutely have to.” Michael added: “Only if you need to.”


00:00I live with my boyfriend, my ex-husband, and our children.
00:03My boyfriend brought up the idea of,
00:05why don't we just all live together?
00:07Yeah, that was my idea.
00:08At first, everybody was kind of against it.
00:10It's hard, but it's really easy at the same time,
00:13because it's just kind of like roommates.
00:15A lot of people think it's awful and we're confusing the children.
00:18They assume that we're a thruffle.
00:21One of my other buddies told me that I sold my soul for this.
00:24My ex, Hannah, is coming over today,
00:26and I'm not so sure how she felt about the living situation.
00:30I thought it was a little weird, to be honest.
00:34Who would want to live with someone that they were married to?
00:39Mac and cheese is hot, all right.
00:40This is boyfriend. This is ex-husband.
00:43And that's baby mama.
00:45My name is Megan. I am a mother of two.
00:47My boyfriend is Michael, and we've been together for about a year.
00:50Tyler's my ex-husband. We got married in January of 2020,
00:53and we got divorced in September of 2023.
00:56My daughter, Ryan, is two years old,
00:58and my son, Juniper, is six weeks old.
01:00How do you guys divide household chores?
01:03Megan keeps the children alive,
01:05and Tyler and I do the dishes.
01:07We do the cleaning.
01:09We do the cooking.
01:10That's inaccurate.
01:12My boyfriend was the one who brought up the idea of,
01:16hey, why don't we just all live together?
01:19Obviously, at first, everybody was kind of against it.
01:22We all moved to the East Coast around the same time.
01:26Once we realized that finances just weren't getting better
01:29and, you know, it was really impacting our daughter,
01:31we just said, let's do it.
01:35What will each of the children call you?
01:38Ryan just calls me Michael.
01:40Sometimes she also calls me Tyler, our dad.
01:43And I'm like, nope, that's not right. I'm not a dad.
01:47Yeah, we correct her immediately.
01:49Since I stay home with the kids,
01:51I'm obviously around them the most.
01:53When Tyler wakes up, he'll kind of take over with Ryan.
01:56When Michael gets home,
01:58obviously he helps out with Juniper and with Ryan.
02:01I just get to be closer to my daughter every single day.
02:04She has been much more calm.
02:07She's obviously happier having both her parents around all the time.
02:13What level of, like, swallowing pride did it take to do this?
02:16It took a lot.
02:18And I'd say it still takes a lot every day.
02:21It's hard, but it's really easy at the same time
02:24because it's just kind of like roommates.
02:28There had to be a lot of healing and a lot of personal growth
02:32to even consider something like this.
02:39A lot of people think that we are horrible parents,
02:44that we're ruining Ryan's life, we're confusing her,
02:48which is also not the case.
02:50He fully understands mom and dad are not together.
02:54They assume that we're a throuple for some reason.
02:58We're not a throuple. Please take that out of your minds.
03:01Well, it's a little bit understandable, but we're not.
03:06One of my other buddies, he told me that I sold my soul for this.
03:10Some other people said, good for you, but you're an idiot.
03:15I got told I wasn't a part of, like, Mexican heritage anymore.
03:19I was like, that doesn't make any sense.
03:22I don't think it has anything to do with my heritage.
03:24We've had people in our personal life tell us that we're sinners,
03:29that we're awful people.
03:31And how about on the flip side of that, what about the supportive comments?
03:34It's so good for the kids. Like, this is going to benefit them.
03:37They're going to have so much time, get so much love.
03:39Some of our followers call us brother husbands.
03:44I kind of took it and ran with it because it's funny.
03:46There is no brother-husbanding happening.
03:50We're not brothers. Clearly.
03:54We grow mustaches the same.
03:56That is true.
04:00How would you describe your relationship with each other?
04:06Definitely better.
04:07Definitely better.
04:09I did not get along from the beginning.
04:11It took a very long time for them to even be in the same room.
04:16After I got over the fact that, you know, I have to live with my ex-wife's new boyfriend,
04:22we kind of just sucked it up and just became, I guess, I don't know, I'd say friends somewhat.
04:29It's the first time he's said that.
04:31Tyler, has this living situation had an impact on your romantic relationship?
04:39Oh, geez.
04:41Yes, heavily.
04:43Has an impact.
04:47My ex, Hannah, is coming over today and I'm not so sure how she felt about the living situation.
04:56I am the ex-ish, if you want to call it that.
05:01Not girlfriend.
05:02It was a...
05:03We were just, you know...
05:05We're like homies.
05:06Oh, shut up.
05:09A little bit deeper than homie.
05:11Well, before this gets less awkward.
05:15Hannah, how did you feel when Tyler told you about this living situation?
05:23I thought it was a little weird, to be honest.
05:26Who would want to live with someone that they were married to?
05:29Like, obviously, it didn't work for a reason.
05:31So, like, why are you all putting yourself in a situation to where, like, things could come up again?
05:38I'm pretty sure he actually texted me.
05:43I was like, yeah, she's probably going to leave after I tell her this, so...
05:47Was that your intentions? Were you just trying to get me to leave faster?
05:50It wasn't you, it was me.
05:51It didn't really have that much of an impact on our relationship because it didn't really progress further afterwards.
06:00When he first told her, things were definitely a little rocky.
06:05Wasn't sure if she was going to be the type of girlfriend that was going to be like, no, you can't, you know, you can't do that.
06:13But it turns out, yeah, we went to lunch to talk about everything.
06:18I was vetting her for myself because I was like, if this goes anywhere, this person is going to be eventually in the co-parenting pool of me, Tyler.
06:29And Michael. It definitely started out rocky, but it was a happy ending because now I got a full friend out of it.
06:36I think he is a great guy and he's going to make some girl very happy one day.
06:41But it was just not me or Megan.
06:45I'm definitely not being his wing woman at all.
06:48Maybe further down the line.
06:49So next weekend?
06:50Yeah, maybe next weekend.
06:54I think that they are all awesome parents.
06:56Their kids are very lucky to have all three of them.
07:00And I can't wait to see where life takes all of y'all.
07:09Would you recommend this living situation to others?
07:13Yes and no. Yes, if you do it, get a bigger house and no, unless you absolutely have to.
07:20Yeah, only if you need to.
07:22I would, honestly.
07:26What do you hope the future holds for your family?
07:29Nothing but the best.
07:31Family compound.
07:33Family farm.
