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Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani wears multiple hats and assumes various responsibilities. Although each holds significance for him, they have all been attained through unwavering determination and dedication.

Among these roles, one that he cherishes deeply is his position as the chairman of the DIHAD Sustainable Humanitarian Organisation.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/emirati-dr-abdul-salam-al-madani-my-fathers-business-was-my-first-school-1.97034129

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00:00Serving the community, first, is my priority.
00:06Serving my country, of course, is a part of the community.
00:11And sharing my knowledge to others.
00:14This is my main goal.
00:20Basically, what I'm doing, I'm happy.
00:25And I want to be happy, enjoying my moment
00:28through my writing book, through the social media,
00:32through delivering the speech in different universities.
00:37I want to be happy.
00:41I want to be happy.
00:44I want to be happy.
00:46I want to be happy.
00:48I want to be happy.
00:51I want to be happy.
00:54I want to be happy.
00:56the speech in different universities as a guest speaker,
01:00going to different conferences around the globe.
01:03I don't want to keep my knowledge for myself.
01:0520 years ago, I started the Dihaat Foundation.
01:08Having such organization globally based in Dubai
01:12and having the conference and exhibition
01:1520 years under patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed,
01:19I think we have more than 400 organizations
01:21that are our members worldwide.
01:24And most of these organizations have been the UN.
01:28They are participating every year.
01:30And we are happy to do so many projects around the globe
01:35for the sustainable humanitarian project.
01:40And our goal, to help the poor to not be poor,
01:43help the people who need to stay on their leg
01:48and to have a sustainable life.
01:52What we have learned here, and personally I learned,
01:55involving ourself and organization
01:58to have a such well-known global
02:03corporate social responsibility as a Dihaat,
02:06it came, honestly, we learned and came from the founder
02:10of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Zayed.
02:13Today you go anywhere, anywhere,
02:16you can see that somehow Sheikh Zayed did something.
02:22Away from the religion, away from nationality,
02:25away from the colors, as a human being.
02:29This is how we learn.
02:31And I am moving in this direction
02:35of our late Sheikh Zayed, Rahmatullah Ali,
02:39who was the founder of the UAE,
02:41and moving on with our leadership,
02:44Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, our president,
02:47and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the vice president,
02:50prime minister and ruler of Dubai.
02:52And other leaders who is going,
02:55and we are going in same direction.
02:58This is how we learn in UAE.
03:00When you come to the help of the humanitarian
03:05or the talking about our country,
03:07there is no private or public.
03:09Opposite what also we learn from His Highness,
03:12the public serving the private.
03:15That's why we create the public organization.
03:18That's mean Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid,
03:21His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid,
03:23empowering the private sector
03:26to be taking the rule in the all sectors,
03:30economy, business, and humanitarian.
03:35This is how we are moving.
03:36The beautiful of the United Arab Emirates,
03:40there is no more or longer there is expect
03:44and UAE national or other national,
03:50because we have 202 nationality peacefully living together,
03:54serving this country,
03:56adding value to the community, to the country.
03:58And everybody here is enjoying what they are doing
04:02and feeling safe.
04:05Safe in their investment, safe in their home,
04:08have a security, a sustainability for their kids.
04:11And we need to keep this beautiful thing together,
04:15not give all the responsibility on the UAE national.
04:18No, everyone, we should take this responsibility
04:21on our shoulder.
04:22What they built, mean our leaders,
04:27and provide this huge facilities.
04:30And we need to enjoy, and we need to respect,
04:33and we need to keep safe.
04:35If you have a security, you have everything.
04:37If you don't have a security, we don't have anything.
04:39So security come first.
04:41When I graduated, first my graduation from the university
04:44and master program in hospital management,
04:46I came from the UK and I got the responsibility
04:50to run the primary health care and planning
04:53and development of the primary health care
04:55for United Arab Emirates.
04:57That was special Maktoum, which is Al Maktoum Hospital.
05:00That time when I got the responsibility,
05:02I came to my dad.
05:04I say, I got this responsibility,
05:06this post for me is too big.
05:10As my age, as my experience,
05:12I need to give me advice and learn from you
05:16how to manage this responsibility, big responsibility.
05:23How many centers, how many people, how many this.
05:26And my dad told me, you sit here
05:30and listen to me what I'm saying.
05:32He said, did you pray?
05:33I say, of course I pray.
05:36I'm a Muslim, I pray five times.
05:38He say, do you know what is to read the first word
05:42and pray, when you pray?
05:44I say, yes.
05:45He say, read for me.
05:47I was like feeling he's joking with me.
05:51He say, read it.
05:52I say, yes.
05:53I start, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
05:55Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.
05:57He say, stop.
06:00Stop, stop.
06:01You know what does mean?
06:02I say, yes.
06:03The God is the, belong to you, all the universal.
06:06He say, yes, the God say the first word
06:08which you are praying five times,
06:10never say the Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.
06:13Thanks God for to be the God of the Muslim.
06:16He said the universal.
06:18That's mean if you take this word
06:20and implement in your job, you never have problem.
06:24Because I came to hospital, visit your hospital.
06:28I saw in hospital, you have a different nationalities.
06:31You have Indian, you have English, you have Filipino,
06:34you have Muslim, you have, you know, the Hindus,
06:37you have, I don't know, all these nationality and religion.
06:39If you treat the people based on their performance,
06:43you be succeed.
06:44And don't interfere in the God business.
06:47Don't say, leave it.
06:48Who knows who is better?
06:49That is his business.
06:51So believe me, I took this as his advice
06:57and I implement exactly.
06:59I treated everyone in my management
07:03and primary health care in hospital
07:05based on their performance,
07:06not based on their color and nationality and this.
