• last month
Bollywood stars and siblings Anushka Ranjan and Akansha Ranjan were in top form as they executed gravity-defying headstands at the International Yoga Day, organised by Gulf News, at the Fairmont, The Palm on June 19.

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00:00:00Today we have some amazing, you know, people in the audiences, amazing celebrities in the house.
00:00:05I'd like to invite, firstly we have Akanksha Ranjan Kapoor, who is a quite accomplished yogi
00:00:12and as Manjusha was saying that we could maybe try and nudge her to do the headstand today.
00:00:19For those of you that have seen the film Guilty on Netflix, she was the lead actress in that and
00:00:24and we have beautiful Rishika Ranjan as well, who is a creative producer at TIPS.
00:00:36She made her debut as an actress in the film Wedding Pulao and we're going to see a lot more
00:00:42projects of hers in the near future, looking forward to that.
00:00:46And an accomplished trainer with us today, Neha D'Seja. Let's hear it for her as well please.
00:00:55I asked her if there's anything I like I could say about her and she said she'd like to introduce
00:00:59herself. So I'm going to hand over the mic to her but one thing I'd like to say before I go
00:01:04is that despite all our impressive portfolios and credentials and you know, I'm sure we all
00:01:11have a very impressive resume in this room, but the one thing that brings us together is we are
00:01:17all yogis today. That's the one thing that's common about all of us and our aim today with
00:01:22this practice is to bring about perfect harmony between our minds, body and nature. So this is
00:01:28Shweta Subram signing off. I'm looking forward to the yoga session and I'll hand it over to
00:01:33Neha and the beautiful sisters Anushka and Akanksha. Thank you so much.
00:01:38So I just want to say thank you so much for being here today. I am absolutely honoured to
00:01:44share a space with the wonderful ladies who are going to come up here and be my demo queens,
00:01:50as well as all of you guys for coming out on a Sunday night and sharing your practice, your
00:01:57energy and raising the vibration tonight. So Shweta mentioned about yoga and I just want to kind of
00:02:04go the opposite way and say it's absolutely about comparison. You have to be the best
00:02:09in the room otherwise you will get kicked out. I judge you a lot through the practice. I will call
00:02:15you out. I will say your name. No, I'm kidding. We're here to just kind of have a good time and
00:02:21raise the vibration. This year's theme for International Yoga Day is humanity.
00:02:37And the reason they've chosen that as the theme is kind of coming out of COVID
00:02:43and the effects that COVID has had on the mental psyche and our kind of distance from one
00:02:50another. It's uncomfortable. I remember before COVID in classes we used to be mat to mat to mat
00:02:57to mat and people don't like that anymore. They need their space. Everyone wants to be separated
00:03:04and everyone's more individualistic and coming out of COVID it's like we want to be
00:03:11we want to be reminded of what it is to be a community again.
00:03:16What it is to be human again and connected again. So I'll talk a little bit more about
00:03:24myself at the end of the practice. Maybe we'll just get straight into it. We've been waiting a while.
00:03:30So I'd like for you to close your eyes. Find yourself a comfortable seat. Let's get started.
00:03:36I'll tell you a little story before we begin. My dad has this ritual. I'm a Dubai born and raised
00:03:45kid. I've traveled the world a little bit and you know been around but every time I leave the house
00:03:53and then every time I see my father I'm leaving the house and he goes beta you know in Hindi. Those
00:04:01of us that speak Hindi know this. Beta just be happy you know. Just be happy and for a while
00:04:09that really pissed me off because I used to think to myself does he even know how hard it is to be
00:04:15happy. I mean it takes a lot of work to be happy. You know I gotta be this rich, this successful,
00:04:24this married. I gotta have these many kids. Happiness is a is a hard thing to achieve
00:04:30and how many in the room can truly say we're happy. We're getting there. We're getting there.
00:04:35With some portion of it, some variation of it, we're all getting up in the morning trying to
00:04:41be a little bit more happy. But recently something clicked.
00:04:46And he says Neha just be happy and I'm thinking maybe after 37 years I finally get it.
00:04:57He's not asking me to get to the destination called happiness. He's asking me to be happy
00:05:03in this moment regardless of whatever is happening, regardless of whatever the shittiest
00:05:09situation I might be in. He's asking me to be at peace with it, to be present with it,
00:05:16to be okay with it, to trust that life has my back, to go with the flow and just stay open.
00:05:25Because when I can stay open that's when the magic happens. When I say yes to life
00:05:33that's when life wants to take me into its arms and carry me the rest of the way.
00:05:37So I'm gonna ask you tonight, whatever happens, if there's judgment that's creeping into your
00:05:45practice, the person next to you can do like a handstand, come headstand, come one arm balance
00:05:52and you're still struggling with your down dog, check yourself and just make sure you switch back
00:05:57into happiness. Okay. With your eyes closed, take a couple of deep breaths in, deep breaths out.
00:06:05A couple of deep breaths in, deep breaths out. Let's connect.
00:06:09Let's go ahead and connect our sit bones to the earth, to the ground beneath us.
00:06:15And then start to think about connecting with your breath, this thing that's with you all day long
00:06:21but we never pay attention to. You ever think about the fact the first thing that you did
00:06:26when you landed on this planet was inhale and the last thing you will ever do is exhale.
00:06:33It's the one thing that we carry with us throughout our days.
00:06:36Let's check in with how the breath is doing.
00:06:42Is it freely flowing in your body? Can you feel the inhale all the way into the pit of your stomach?
00:06:52With the exhalation, creating an intention to release any tension, any stress,
00:06:58any stories that live in the body and just allow yourself to become a little bit more present.
00:07:06Take a few more of these breaths here.
00:07:22once you've established the rhythm of the breathing, can you start to connect with your body?
00:07:28How many of us woke up this morning and just went for the coffee?
00:07:33You wake up and ask yourself how the body is doing.
00:07:37How is this vessel that is carrying you through life, how is it doing? Are you taking care of it?
00:07:45How is it feeling this morning? Are you tired? How are you feeling this evening? Are you tired?
00:07:52Are there any aches or pains that need to be addressed?
00:07:56Any parts of you that need a little bit more compassion?
00:07:59Continue to feed your physical body with so much softness and gratitude for all the working parts.
00:08:06There's no need to wait to get injured to notice how good you have it right now.
00:08:12How many people in the world would in a moment switch your life for theirs?
00:08:22Just be happy.
00:08:23We'll start our practice with three big breaths.
00:08:27With your next inhale, fill yourself up. Belly full, lungs full, heart full, mindful. Inhale.
00:08:35Open the mouth, exhale, let it go.
00:08:42Twice more like this.
00:08:44Open the mouth, exhale, let it go.
00:08:52Twice more like this. Take a big breath into the belly.
00:08:57Open the mouth, exhale, let it go. Let the shoulders shrug a little bit more. Let the
00:09:02hips sink into the floor a little bit more. Let's go one more time. Big breath into the belly.
00:09:09Open the mouth, exhale, release, and let it go.
00:09:15Good. We'll start to add a little bit of spinal movement here. So go ahead and bring your hands
00:09:20to your knees. You can stay in your Sukhasana, you can come into Vajrasana, whatever seat serves you
00:09:27best. Let's take an inhale, roll the shoulders back, lift the chest up, drop the neck and head back.
00:09:34Lift the chest up, drop the neck and head back. Exhale to round the spine, broaden the upper back,
00:09:42stretching the upper back out. Good. Keep going. Inhale, roll the shoulders back, synchronizing
00:09:49the breath and the movement. Exhale, chin to chest, round the back, draw the navel into the spine.
00:09:58Let's go one more time. Rolling the shoulders back, lifting the heart up to the sky, breathe in.
00:10:04Exhale, chin to chest, rounding the back, drawing the navel into the spine. Let's add
00:10:11some arms into this equation. Take an inhale, roll the shoulders back, reach the arms out,
00:10:17expand. As you exhale, rounding the back, bring the palms together.
00:10:25Keep going like this. Inhale, roll the shoulders back, lifting the heart up, rolling the shoulders
00:10:31back, chest up. Exhale, round the back. Good. One more time like this. Inhale, roll the shoulders back,
00:10:39lift the heart up to the sky. Good. As you exhale, we're coming forward. Take your right arm underneath
00:10:46that left arm. Wrap it and twist. Lift the elbows up in line with your shoulders. Think about how
00:10:52much tension we carry in our shoulders. Begin to think about dropping that low. Exhale, bow forward,
00:10:59elbows to the belly button. Surrendering all those responsibilities, surrendering all that stuff.
00:11:10Breathing into the upper back.
00:11:15Good. Coming back up through center. Unravel the arms, reach the arms out. Inhale, roll the
00:11:22shoulders back, exaggerate the movement, drop the neck and head back. Exhale, round the body,
00:11:28bring the palms together. Good. A couple more times like this. Inhale, roll the shoulders back,
00:11:33lift the chest up, neck up, head up. Exhale, round the back. Beautiful sounds with the breathing. One more
00:11:40time. Inhale, roll the shoulders back. As you exhale, coming forward, left arm under right arm, wrap and
00:11:48twist. Elbows up in line with your shoulders. Lean back, lift the chest up. Exhale, bow forward.
00:11:58With this attitude of surrender, maybe I'm not as big as I think I am.
00:12:07Maybe I'm smaller and connected. Maybe I'm a piece of this magnificent pie.
00:12:17Inhale, coming back up through center. I'm going to cactus the arms and open the chest. Roll the
00:12:22shoulders back. Take a moment here. Breathe into your heart space. Lifting the sternum up
00:12:29into the sky. Notice how much easier it is to breathe into an expanded rib cage.
00:12:37Good. As you exhale, hands are going to fall in as meeting all fours. Knees in line with your hips.
00:12:44Bring the heels of the hands towards each other. Just begin to circle through the wrists.
00:12:49Do it nice and slow. If you want to close your eyes here,
00:12:52if you feel close your eyes and just move the body.
00:13:13turn the hands around, fingers pointing forward. Let's cat and cow. Here's the same movement.
00:13:19Inhale, drop the belly. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:13:24Exhaling, chin to chest. Round the back and send the floor away. Let's do that a couple more times.
00:13:30Belly drops, heart lifts. Inhale, wave the spine forward. Exhaling, chin to chest. Round the back
00:13:38and send the floor away. Good. One more time like this. Belly drops, heart lifts. Wave the spine
00:13:43forward. Lift the chest up. As you exhale, this time we're going to tuck the toes under. Send the
00:13:49weight back into the heels and straighten your legs out. Come in down facing dog. Take a moment
00:13:56in your down dog to bend and stretch and wiggle and shake. Shake in with your hips, your hamstrings.
00:14:03You have the freedom to move this body. Closing the eyes, allowing yourself to check in with what
00:14:09this body needs. So, this yoga practice is an embodiment practice. It's asking you to live
00:14:16in your body, to be fascinated by what's happening on the inside. Reconnect to who you are.
00:14:24Reconnect to yourself first before you start connecting with everybody else.
00:14:32So, we're going to do what's called the spinal wave. We're waving to the outside. Nice fluid
00:14:37movement from the heels. Wave the spine forward. Drop the belly. Lift the chest.
00:14:45Exhaling, chin to chest. Ripple back into your downward facing dog.
00:14:50Good. A couple more times like this. Wave the spine forward. Drop the belly. Lift the chest.
00:14:57Beautiful. Exhale, chin to chest. Ripple back into your down dog. Let's go one more time. Wave
00:15:03the spine forward. Drop the belly. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up. Exhaling,
00:15:10chin to chest. Ripple back. Let's go ahead and walk the hands back to meet the feet. You can bend
00:15:16your knees as much as you need to. Heels in, toes up. Pop a squat at the back of your mat. Come in,
00:15:24Malasana. Press the arms against the legs. Roll the shoulders back. Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:15:30Drawing the navel in towards your spine. Finding lots of length in the spine. If you need to lift
00:15:39your hips up a little bit so your heels are grounded, make sure you do that for yourself.
00:15:44Take another in-breath. As you exhale, hands down, fold forward. Uttanasana. Again, you can bend your
00:15:52knees as much as you need to. Stay in the forward fold. Allow your head to hang heavy. Allow yourself
00:15:58to create lots and lots of space here in the back of the legs. Let's go ahead and take the arms up
00:16:04and back. Interlace the fingers. Extend the arms back behind you on the inhale breath. Exhale,
00:16:10arms reaching up and over. Let the shoulders go. Breathe into the body. Inhale, exhale for five.
00:16:20Stay with it. Stay with it. Four. Good. Three.
00:16:30Two. Slowly releasing your hands onto your lower back. Massage down the back of the legs. Give your
00:16:38hamstrings a little bit of love. Thanks for working hamstrings. You are awesome.
00:16:44Calves. Achilles tendons. Give yourself a little bit of a self-massage here.
00:16:49Good. Grounding through the heels. Rounding through the spine. Coming up through center.
00:16:53Take your time coming up slow. Feel the connection from the floor into the lower back, the middle
00:16:59back, the upper back. Coming up to standing. Go ahead and turn your palms around.
00:17:07Rise to this attitude. I'm gonna release. I'm gonna release. Release what I'm holding onto.
00:17:15I'm ready to receive. I'm emptying my cup just a little bit
00:17:20to create a little bit of potential for whatever is coming up next.
00:17:25Here we go. Say yes. All right. Grounding through the feet.
00:17:30Take an inhale. Circle the arms up. Palms come together. Exhale. Falling forward. Come down to
00:17:37the floor. Halfway lift. On the inhale, lengthen. Go ahead and walk yourself halfway and drop the
00:17:46knees down to the floor. Sitting back. Right hand, take it back behind you. Left arm is going to just
00:17:55sweep across the horizon. Roll the shoulders back and the chest up. Exhale to come back through
00:18:04center. Left hand goes back. Right arm is going to come up and over. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:18:15Exhale. Coming back through center. We're gonna walk our hands forward
00:18:21into a belly on the mat situation. Again, slide the hands back. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:18:30Take a moment here. Draw the shoulder blades down the back. Send the rib cage forward.
00:18:36Working into the back line of the body. Exhale to push the floor away. Take yourself back into
00:18:43downward facing dog. Again, your heels do not have to touch the floor. That is not a prerequisite for
00:18:50a successful down dog. All right. The fact that you're here and trying is enough. Keep sending
00:18:56the floor away with your arms. Lift your pelvis to the sky. In fact, a little bit of a bend in the
00:19:02knees is going to really help you find a little bit more length in the spine here. So bend the
00:19:07knees a little bit. Send your chest towards your thighs. Get rid of any cobwebs in your upper back.
00:19:14On your next exhalation, let's go ahead and walk the hands back to meet the feet.
00:19:18Walk the hands back to meet the feet. Good. Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen on the inhale.
00:19:25Exhale to fall forward. Ground your heels. Bend your knees. Begin to round your back,
00:19:31slowly standing up. Take your time. Circle the arms around. Palms come together on the inhale.
00:19:38Exhaling, hands to heart center. Samasthiti. Let's go again. Circle the arms up, making space in the
00:19:44shoulders on the way up. Inhale. Exhale, synchronizing the breath with the movement.
00:19:49Come all the way down to the floor. Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen. Breathe in.
00:19:55Walk yourself forward. Knees come down halfway. Lower down. Sit down. So we can come into what
00:20:01we did earlier in the first round. If you want to add on, I'm going to make this movement a little
00:20:06bit bigger. Lift your hips up. Roll the shoulders back. Express yourself. Beautiful. Breathe in.
00:20:12Breathe out. Exhale to come back to center. Sweep your left arm across the horizon. Right
00:20:21arm follows. Inhale. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:20:30On your next exhalation, drop the pelvis to the ground. Slide forward.
00:20:35Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up. Come in cobra pose. Inhale.
00:20:42Exhale to push the floor away. Take yourself back into downward facing dog.
00:20:49Keep lengthening the spine away from the floor. Lifting the pelvis to the sky. Breathe in. Breathe
00:20:55out. A little bit more of a bend in your knees. Lift your hips up. You're practicing in jeans.
00:21:12Let's walk the hands all the way back to meet the feet.
00:21:16Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen. Exhale to fold forward.
00:21:22Good. Round your heels. Round your spine. Rise with your arms up. Circle the palms. Palms come
00:21:27together on the inhale. Exhale. Hands to heart center. We'll do it one more time, but you got
00:21:33to promise me you're going to dance. All right. Let's climb around. Here we go. Circle the arms
00:21:37up. Palms come together. Inhale. Beautiful. Exhale. Forward folding. Come down to the floor.
00:21:44Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen. Breathe in. Exhale. Forward. Knees come down to the mat.
00:21:53Here we go. Vinyasa practice is a practice of marrying the breath with the movement. I want
00:22:00you to come into a rhythmic dancing cattle. You exhale to set it up. You inhale to expand into
00:22:08the pose. Then exhale to sit back down. Then inhale to go the opposite way. A couple more
00:22:16rounds like this. Synchronizing the breath and the movement. Exhale. Inhale. Up. That's it.
00:22:24Exhale. Inhale the opposite way. Good. One more time like this. Exhale to come down.
00:22:32Inhale to lift up. Roll the shoulders back. Exhale to come down. Inhale to lift up. Maybe
00:22:41be closing your eyes. Allowing yourself to feel your body move. Next time you inhale to come up
00:22:47into camel pose. Hold. Roll the shoulders back. Lifting the heart up to the sky. If being vulnerable
00:22:55feels new to you, welcome to the practice. Have an open heart. Come back through center on the
00:23:03exhalation. Inhale. Go the opposite way. How many of us have done this in a group in the last couple
00:23:12of years? Beautiful. Come back through center. Exhale. Inhale. Roll the shoulders back with the
00:23:20chest up. Come in over. Focus. Exhaling back into downward facing dog.
00:23:30Take a moment in your down dog. How are we doing? You all right? Yeah. Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:23:36Three. Stay with it. Good. Two.
00:23:41Look forward. Bend your knees. Step. Jump. Float. Handstand. All the way up.
00:23:53No handstanders? Come on. I know there are some in the audience here tonight.
00:23:58I know. He's being very shy. Here we go. Sun salutation. Bend the knees. Arms up. Chair pose.
00:24:10Sit back in your chair. Relax. It's a comfortable pose, right? You can be here for a while.
00:24:22Let's make this a little bit more interesting. Shift your body weight forward. Lift your heels
00:24:25up. Oh boy. Now we might fall. Now we might fall. It's okay to fall. It's all right. Keep smiling.
00:24:32I know. It's a little bit of a burn. It's okay. It's okay. It's called work. It's okay. It's okay.
00:24:38Take another inhale. Lift up higher. A little bit higher. Exhale. Heels down. Forward fold.
00:24:45God, so much drama. So much drama. With the head towards the floor, just check in with your
00:24:54reaction to a little bit of work. We have this attitude that we need to constantly be shifting
00:25:00ourselves out of discomfort. It's okay to be uncomfortable. Let's try that one more time.
00:25:06Bend the knees. Arms up. Chair pose. Upkatasana. Can you please lock the doors so nobody leaves?
00:25:11I'm kidding. Lock the doors so nobody leaves. Shift your body weight forward. Lift your heels
00:25:18up nice and high. Michael Jackson the hell out of the pose. Let's go. Five. Good. Work those legs.
00:25:24Four. That's it. Earn that cootie bag out there. Three. Two. And forward folding. Come on down.
00:25:34Beautiful. Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen. Exhale. Plant your palms. Step back. Downward facing dog.
00:25:42Lift your heels. Wave the spine forward. Belly comes all the way down to the floor.
00:25:47Come on down. Arms going back. Palms facing up. Inhale. Chest up. Roll the shoulders back.
00:25:57Legs up. Work that back line. Work that posterior chain. Legs up. Chest up. No hands.
00:26:03Good. Take the hands back behind you like you're flying. Breathe. Lift the legs up higher. Chest up
00:26:09higher. Be the absolute example for the person to your right and left. Take your hands back.
00:26:14Interlace the fingers. Extend the arms back. Lift the chest up even higher. Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:26:20Three. Stay with it. Lift up. Lift up. Two. Good. Lift up a little bit higher. Press the belly down.
00:26:27And slowly releasing. Slide the hands back. Roll the shoulders back. Peel the chest off the floor.
00:26:32Breathe in. Exhale to push back into downward facing dog.
00:26:40Right leg taken up to the sky. Bend the knee. Open the hip. Make space in the right side body.
00:26:47Take a moment to feel the length you're creating in the side. Breathe into the body. Feel the expansion.
00:26:56Square the pelvis off. Extend the leg back behind you. Inhale.
00:27:00As you exhale, hug that knee to your chest. Step your foot forward.
00:27:04Drop the left knee down. It's called low lunge. Let's come on it. Left knee on the mat. Right foot
00:27:10flat. Both hands on your right knee. Take an inhale to lift up out of the pose a little bit. Exhale
00:27:17to drop the pelvis. One of my teachers calls this the drama. Drop your drama. Okay. Inhale to lift up.
00:27:26Life can be really simple or it can be really complex. You decide. Inhale to lift up. It can be
00:27:34just about the next breath, the next movement, the next moment, or it can be about the rest of your
00:27:40life. Okay. One more time. Inhale to lift up. Exhale to lunge a little bit deeper and stay.
00:27:47You want to make this a little bit more intense. Press into the top of the back foot.
00:27:51Take the back knee off the floor. Breathe in. Breathe out. Five. Relax the shoulders.
00:27:57Options for the arms to go any way you want them to go. Breathe in. Breathe out. Five.
00:28:05Four. Keep lifting the heart up to the sky. Roll the shoulders back. Breathe in. Breathe out. Two.
00:28:11It's okay to fall out. And slowly release. Right hand comes down to the floor. Left arm
00:28:20is going back behind you. Lean back. Open the chest. Up. Breathe in. Breathe out. Three.
00:28:33Good. Two.
00:28:33And coming back to the center. Hands down. Step back. Downward facing dog.
00:28:45Good. Lift your heels. Wave the spine forward. Plank pose. Inhale. Lower everything down to
00:28:52the floor on the exhale. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up to the sky. Exhale to push back
00:28:59into downward facing dog. Look forward. Bend your knees. Step, jump, float, or fly. Top of the mat.
00:29:12From the top, I want you to take one third of a step back so you've kind of got a little bit
00:29:17of space there. I'm going to try something here. Inhale to rise all the way up.
00:29:22You ready? Here's my challenge. Bend the knees. Arms up. Chair pose.
00:29:31You're going to lift your heels for me and then slowly begin to send your knees towards the floor.
00:29:41Slowly, knees coming down to the mat. That's it. Good. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:29:46Come in. Uttanasana. Camel pose. Inhale. Exhale. For three. Lifting that sternum up. Rolling the
00:29:54shoulders back. Feeling the opening. Two. Stay with it. And one. Here we go. Coming
00:30:01out of the pose. Extend the arms up. Lift back up into chair pose.
00:30:08Good job. There we go. Exhale. Forward folding. Uttanasana.
00:30:12Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen on the inhale. Hands down. Hands stand up. No, I'm kidding.
00:30:18Step back. Downward facing dog. Just kidding. Lift your heels. Wave the spine forward to plank pose.
00:30:26Breathe in. Lower everything down to the floor. Good. Roll the shoulders back. Lift the chest up.
00:30:33Inhale. Exhale to send the floor away. Come in. Downward facing dog.
00:30:39All right. Right leg. Take it up to the sky. Bend the knee. Open the hip. All right. Keep looking
00:30:47over your left shoulder for your right toes. Option to stay here. Option to keep looking at
00:30:52the foot as you flip it back. Lift your hips up. Lift your heart up. Come in. Wild thing.
00:30:58Roll the shoulders back. Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:31:05Good. Look down towards the floor. Right hand down. Right leg high. Inhale.
00:31:11As you exhale, bring that ante and chest around the back. Step your feet forward
00:31:15in between your hands. Strong in the legs. Arms going up.
00:31:20Still with me? Take an inhale to straighten the front leg. Exhale to cactus the arms and open the
00:31:29chest. You're going to do it twice more. Inhale to breathe. Lift up. Exhale to lunge. Come in a
00:31:35little bit lower. One more time. Inhale to breathe. Lift up. Exhale to come all the way down to the
00:31:43floor. That's it. Hands come down to the mat. Slide the right heel forward. Check in with the
00:31:51hamstring. Breathe in. Breathe out. Check in with the points right in between the glutes.
00:31:58Right behind the knee. Make sure those points are feeling good.
00:32:07You're slowly rebending through the right knee. Left hand stays down. We did this in the last
00:32:12round. Option one to stay with a simple twist. Option two to bend the back leg up. Take your
00:32:17hand back and find your foot to the outside. Gently guide the heel towards the hip. Roll
00:32:22the shoulders back. Breathe in. Breathe out. Take two more breaths here. Don't let the breath
00:32:32shorten. Allow yourself to continue to breathe and open.
00:32:36Good. Slowly releasing. Hands on the floor. Step back. Three-legged down dog. Can you keep that
00:32:46right leg in the air? Can that right leg stay really, really high? Good. Shift forward into
00:32:52plank this way. Lower everything down to the floor. Put the foot down. Roll the shoulders
00:32:59back. Lift the chest up. Exhaling back into downward facing dog. Take a moment. Breathe in.
00:33:07Breathe out. It's starting to get warm in here. Big breath in. Big breath out. Here we go. Left
00:33:14side. Left leg. Take it up to the sky, please. Bend the knee. Open the hip. Keep looking for
00:33:21your left foot over your right shoulder. Option to stay. Option to mindfully flip back into
00:33:28comma cross in a wild thing. Lift your hips up. Lift the heart up. Arch the back. Breathe in. Breathe
00:33:34out. Look down towards the floor. Left hand down. Left leg high to the sky. Inhale. As you exhale,
00:33:43bring that knee into your chest. Round your back. Step your foot forward in between your hands.
00:33:49Come up onto your finger tips. Nice and strong in the legs. Squeeze the thighs together. Arms
00:33:54reaching up to the sky. Come in crescent pose. Ready to move? Here we go. Inhale. Straighten the
00:34:01front leg out. Exhale. Practice the arms. Roll the shoulders back. Twice more like this. Inhale
00:34:07to breathe. Come up. Exhale to lunge and go a little bit lower. Good. One more time. Inhale to
00:34:13breathe. Lift. Exhale to come all the way down to the floor. That's it. Hands come down. Slide
00:34:23the left heel forward. Roll the shoulders back. Check in with the hamstring. Check in with your
00:34:28hamstring. Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax the shoulders. Notice if you end up tensing your
00:34:41body in any way. Relax the body. Let the breath take over. Release. All right. Here we go.
00:34:50Bending through that left knee. Option one. Right hand down. Left arm back.
00:34:56Option two. Bend the back leg up. Take your hand back and find your foot on the outside.
00:35:02Inhale. Exhale. Wherever you are. Three. Keep twisting that torso up towards the sky. Breathe
00:35:09into whatever is opening. Two. And slowly releasing. Hands on the floor. Three-legged
00:35:18down dog. Take that left leg off to the sky. Go ahead. Shift forward into plank this way.
00:35:25Lower down. Chaturanga this way. Roll the shoulders back. Chest up. Breathe in.
00:35:31This time, as you exhale, knees down. Child's pose. I know. I can smell it. You wanted it,
00:35:37right? When are we going to rest? When is the Shavasana coming?
00:35:43All right. Make sure you turn your palms over. Turn your palms over. If your mind's been racing
00:35:50and you've fallen back into a place of judgment, a space of I'm not good enough,
00:35:55I don't know if I can do this, turn your palms over and release those thoughts.
00:36:01Reconnect with your own humanity. Reconnect with the awesomeness that lives inside of you.
00:36:07Take a couple more deep breaths in, deep breaths out. Calm everything down. Slow everything down.
00:36:21Two more big breaths in, big breaths out.
00:36:31Take another inhale.
00:36:32Open the mouth. Exhale. Let it go.
00:36:47All right. I'm going to have you do some core work for this next part,
00:36:52preparation for a posture that we're going to get to. You know which one it is.
00:36:57You know which one it is. All right. Let's go ahead and shift forward onto the belly.
00:37:03Let's go ahead and shift forward onto the belly. Everyone's feeling warm enough? Yes?
00:37:11Come onto your forearms. Tuck your toes under. We're going to push the floor away. Come into
00:37:18forearm plank. Go ahead and bring your feet together. Inhale here. As you exhale,
00:37:25come into the outer edge of your right foot. Twist the torso. That's it. Inhale back through center.
00:37:32Exhale. Just the lower body. Just the lower body. Good. Again. Inhale. Exhale. Right side.
00:37:38I know. Inhale. Exhale. Left side. I know. One more time. Inhale. Exhale. Right.
00:37:46It's only getting better. Inhale. Exhale. Left.
00:37:49Inhale. Hold. Push the floor away. Drop the pelvis. Roll the shoulders back. Here we go. Ready to hold it.
00:37:59Push. Hold. Forearm plank position. Holding forearm plank position. So I'm going to come around and
00:38:06make this a little bit more fun for you. I might actually come around and sit on you.
00:38:12All right. We'll try and push you out of the pose a little bit. Look at you. You're so strong.
00:38:20Your job is to stay in the posture. Hold it for five. People say I count really slow.
00:38:28People say I count really slow because I count moments. I don't count breaths, okay?
00:38:33So who can tell me how many seconds are in a moment? Three. Stay in it. Stay in it. Two.
00:38:41Stay in it. Can I tell you a story? I think we're out of time, right? Good. Come on down. Well done.
00:38:48Oh my god. Take a moment. Take a moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. So next posture we're going into
00:38:56is called dolphin pose. All right? So tuck your toes under. We're going to start in the same place.
00:39:03All you're going to do here is walk your feet forward.
00:39:05Keep the forearms down. Walk your feet forward. Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:39:14Keep sending the floor away. Arms are feeling really strong. Inhale. Exhale.
00:39:20For three. Now I don't want you to overthink this next part. All right? Two.
00:39:28Look forward.
00:39:36Just do it. Don't think about it. Just do it. There we go.
00:39:41Bring the palms together. Inhale here. Exhale. Twist over to the right side.
00:39:47Legs together. Helps. Yep. Keep sending the weight back behind you. Hips going straight back.
00:39:53Good. Inhale back through center. Exhale to the second side. Twist.
00:40:00Bring the body out.
00:40:02Good. Back to center on the inhale. Lift the chest up. Exhale. Fold forward.
00:40:10Halfway up. Lift up and lengthen. Breathe in. Hands down. Step back. Downward facing dog.
00:40:18Lift your heels up. Wave your spine forward. Plank pose. Breathe in.
00:40:23Lower down slowly all the way onto the belly. Good. Stop there. Push back up to plank.
00:40:30Push back up to plank. I know. Lower down all the way nice and slow into the belly.
00:40:36Push back up to plank. It's called a push-up, people. You know what you're doing.
00:40:40Lower down to the floor one last time. Push up to plank. Push back. Downward facing dog.
00:40:49Downward facing dog. Good. Right leg. Take it up to the sky.
00:40:54Good. As you exhale, bring that knee into your chest. Round your back. Step quick forward in
00:41:00between the hands. Left knee comes down. Reach the arms up on the inhale. Exhale. Twist to the
00:41:09right side here. Draw the navel into and through spine. Option to stay. Option to tuck the back
00:41:14toes under. Take the back knee off the floor. Breathe in. Breathe out. Keep pressing the heel
00:41:21back behind you. Take another in-breath. Exhale to slowly release. Left hand comes down to the
00:41:32floor. Tuck your back toes under. Turn to the outer edges of both your feet. Option to stay here.
00:41:40Option to step the right foot back into side plank. Push the floor away. Breathe in. Breathe
00:41:46out. Lift your hips up. Maybe that top leg is coming off. Come into the star that you are.
00:41:53Breathe. Three, two, look down to the floor. Back into plank pose. Inhale. Push back. Downward facing
00:42:02dog. Last part. Last part. We're preparing you to be invincible. Here we go. Left leg. Take it up
00:42:10to the sky. As you exhale, hug that knee into your chest. Round your back. Step the foot forward in
00:42:16between the hands. Drop the right knee down to the floor. Reach the arms up. Inhale. Reach. Exhale.
00:42:23Twisting to the left side. Twisting to the left side. Option to tuck your back toes under. Take
00:42:32the back knee off the floor. Hold. Keep pressing the right heel back. That's where your stability is.
00:42:39Good. Take another in-breath. Exhale to release the right knee down. Here we are. Tuck your back
00:42:50toes under. Come to the outer edges of both your feet. Make sure you're stacked on the right side.
00:42:56Option to stay here. Option to step back. Lift your hips up a little bit higher so you're standing on
00:43:03the bottom foot. Take another in-breath. Good. Look down towards the floor. Back into plank pose.
00:43:12Push back. Downward facing dog. Knees down. Sit down. Good. Sit back. Take a moment.
00:43:23That was the warm-up. We got another hour, right?
00:43:25Our lovely lady here is a fan of tripod headstands. I think we owe it to her to work on a tripod, don't you?
00:43:37As long as I'm not conducting it and they're doing it for me. You can demo it for us.
00:43:43Here we go. Anybody with neck issues? Anybody who doesn't like to place too much weight on the head?
00:43:51We'll find something for you to do. For those who are not okay with putting too much pressure on the head, we'll find something else to work on.
00:44:01For everyone else, I'm going to try this. Your hands go either side of your knees. The crown of your head is going out in front.
00:44:09You're creating what's called an equilateral triangle. When you put your head down, you need to take a look back at your hands
00:44:15and make sure that your arms are in a chakaranga shape. Kind of important here.
00:44:21Touch the toes under. Walk the feet forward. I'm loving this music. It's setting me up.
00:44:31Place one knee on the triceps. See how that feels. Place the other knee on the triceps. See how that feels.
00:44:37Maybe you're staying here and breathing. Keep pushing the floor away with your hands.
00:44:41Maybe you're taking it up. Maybe you're going all the way up.
00:44:49Should we try it? You can do it in a second. Let's go. Your turn.
00:44:59Stay in front of my back. That's a good idea. For those of you comfortable doing it by yourself, you can.
00:45:05If you need a spotter, let me know and I'll come out and spot you.
00:45:09Alright, let's go.
00:45:31Keep hugging your elbows in.
00:45:45Yeah, your turn. Let's go.
00:45:53Yeah, she can do it. You want to come up and show us?
00:45:55Come on, let's go.
00:46:05Hands on the floor.
00:46:11Head goes out in front. That's it.
00:46:13Push the floor away.
00:46:15Straighten your legs.
00:46:17That's it.
00:46:19That's it.
00:46:23You can go all the way up.
00:46:25Legs together. Push.
00:46:27Up. Good.
00:46:39That's it.
00:46:41Well done. That was great.
00:46:43So good.
00:46:47Alright, does anybody else want to try it?
00:46:55Only girls can do it.
00:46:59Only girls.
00:47:01You must do it.
00:47:07As a man.
00:47:09As a man.
00:47:19Who doesn't need my help here?
00:47:21You got this.
00:47:31He's ready to be kissed around.
00:47:47That was great.
00:47:49Let's do one more person and we move on.
00:47:53They already know what they're doing.
00:47:55Come on.
00:47:57They already know what they're doing.
00:47:59One more person.
00:48:01Come on.
00:48:07You know what you're doing too.
00:48:09Handstand to tripod.
00:48:11Let's go.
00:48:13Handstand to tripod.
00:48:15You don't need my help.
00:48:17I think so.
00:48:21You're going from handstand to tripod.
00:48:25You're going up to handstand.
00:48:43So good.
00:48:45Back to tripod handstand.
00:48:57He is one of my students.
00:49:07Well done.
00:49:09Come on up.
00:49:11Come on up.
00:49:37Come on up.
00:49:49That's okay.
00:49:51You're good.
00:50:25That was so good.
00:50:31Well done.
00:50:33Thank you guys so much for participating.
00:50:37Come on to your bellies please.
00:50:39Come on to your bellies.
00:50:51We're able to bend the knees up.
00:50:53Grab the ankles.
00:51:01Take an inhale.
00:51:03In. Breathe out.
00:51:05Stay with it.
00:51:07Keep kicking back.
00:51:09That's it.
00:51:11One more time.
00:51:13Try it.
00:51:17Roll the shoulders back.
00:51:19Rest the belly down.
00:51:21Slowly releasing.
00:51:23Slowly releasing.
00:51:29Slowly release.
00:51:31That's it.
00:51:33Push the floor away.
00:51:35Let's come up to a seat.
00:51:37Extend the legs forward.
00:51:45Right leg bends in.
00:51:49Take an inhale.
00:51:51Reach the arms up.
00:51:53Twist to the left and fold forward.
00:51:55There's no need to grab the foot and yank on your hamstring.
00:51:57Just reach forward.
00:51:59Roll the shoulders back.
00:52:01Breathe into the bottom.
00:52:03Inhale. Exhale.
00:52:05Stay with it.
00:52:07Just reaching forward.
00:52:13Good. Three.
00:52:17Stay with it.
00:52:25And one.
00:52:27Inhale. Lift the head up.
00:52:29Keep your legs as they are.
00:52:31Left hand, right knee.
00:52:33Right hand goes back behind you.
00:52:35Inhale. Lift the chest up.
00:52:37Roll the shoulders back.
00:52:39Look over your shoulder. Breathe and twist.
00:52:41You're good.
00:52:43You're confusing me because you're going the opposite way.
00:52:45But I like that you're zagging.
00:52:47Zagging is overrated.
00:52:53Keep looking back behind you.
00:52:55Just one second.
00:52:57The right hand is going a little bit further back.
00:52:59Sweep the left arm across the horizon.
00:53:01Roll the shoulders back.
00:53:03Lift the chest up. Come in, baby.
00:53:05Wow thing.
00:53:07Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:53:13Exhale. Slowly come back down.
00:53:15Let's do the second side.
00:53:17Extend the right leg forward.
00:53:19Bring the left leg in.
00:53:21Take an inhale. Reach the arms up.
00:53:23Draw the belly in.
00:53:25Twist to the right side.
00:53:27Folding over that right leg.
00:53:29Breathe in. Breathe out.
00:53:37Inhale. Exhale.
00:53:39Keep surrendering everything that you no longer need.
00:53:41Just allow the breath to guide you
00:53:43a little bit deeper into the pose.
00:53:45Relax the shoulders.
00:53:47Relax the expectations.
00:53:49Relax the need to get to the destination.
00:53:51Enjoy the journey.
00:53:53Connect with yourself here.
00:53:57Good. Inhale to slowly
00:53:59come back out of the posture.
00:54:01Take the right hand to the left knee.
00:54:03Left hand goes back behind you. Inhale. Lift the chest up.
00:54:05Exhale. Spin the heart
00:54:07towards the back of the rib.
00:54:09Keep lifting on the inhale.
00:54:11Keep twisting on the exhale.
00:54:15One more breath in.
00:54:17Exhale to twist and twist.
00:54:21Right hand goes up.
00:54:23No. Left hand goes back behind you.
00:54:25Sweep the right arm across the horizon.
00:54:27Lift the hips up. Lift the heart up.
00:54:29Inhale. Exhale. Breathe into the whole
00:54:31front side body.
00:54:35Exhale to release
00:54:37everything down to the floor.
00:54:41Extend the legs forward.
00:54:43Reach the arms up. Breathe in.
00:54:45As you come forward,
00:54:47don't hold on to anything.
00:54:49Palms facing up to the sky. Relax the head.
00:54:53With your eyes closed,
00:54:55I just want you to think
00:54:57about how you're feeling,
00:54:59about how you're doing.
00:55:01Perhaps you walked into the practice today
00:55:03feeling some kind of way.
00:55:05Maybe you had an incident
00:55:07or had some kind of day
00:55:09that left you in a mood.
00:55:11Notice if anything has switched
00:55:13for you in the duration
00:55:15of spending time with us today.
00:55:17Notice if you switched
00:55:19a little bit more into a place of
00:55:21connection, of gratitude,
00:55:23of happiness. Just a little bit.
00:55:25Just a little bit.
00:55:31Keep rolling the shoulders back,
00:55:33allowing the whole body to surrender into the floor.
00:55:35Let the breath take over.
00:55:37Expanding the breath, creating space
00:55:39in the breathing.
00:55:41Inhale to lift up.
00:55:43Arms going up to the sky.
00:55:45As you exhale,
00:55:47begin to round your back
00:55:49as you slowly begin to guide
00:55:51the spine into the floor.
00:55:53Go nice and soft and slow.
00:55:55As slow as you possibly can.
00:55:57All the way down.
00:55:59All the way down.
00:56:01As you come into this
00:56:03reclining position,
00:56:05I want you to go ahead and
00:56:07take a posture we call Happy Baby.
00:56:09Everybody got babies
00:56:11in the room?
00:56:13Ever see babies do this pose
00:56:15and how happy they look?
00:56:17Bend the knees.
00:56:19Breathe into the spine.
00:56:21Flatten the shoulders into the floor.
00:56:23Flatten your spine into the floor.
00:56:27Close your eyes and check in with yourself.
00:56:29Is there anything else that your body is asking
00:56:31for this evening?
00:56:33Allow yourself to receive whatever
00:56:35that might be. Otherwise, hug your
00:56:37knees into your chest. Give yourself so much
00:56:39love for showing up for yourself tonight.
00:56:43Take another inhale.
00:56:47As you exhale, you're going to release your arms
00:56:49by your side. Take your legs up into the sky.
00:56:53Take your arms up into the sky.
00:56:55I promise you this next part
00:56:57is kind of like Vegas. What happens in Vegas
00:56:59stays in Vegas.
00:57:01It's going to seem really silly.
00:57:03I promise you I'm the only one who's going to take a video
00:57:05so I can blackmail you with it.
00:57:07You're going to dance for me
00:57:09in this position. We're going to shake everything out.
00:57:11Shake the body.
00:57:1310, 9,
00:57:158, 7,
00:57:195, 4,
00:57:213, 2,
00:57:23and release
00:57:25onto the floor.
00:57:31There's still some dancers going.
00:57:33Release onto the floor.
00:57:35Release onto the floor.
00:57:37Come in Shavasana.
00:57:41Come in Shavasana.
00:57:45Become nice and deep
00:57:47and long.
00:57:51the body to receive all the
00:57:53benefits of the postures that you've done
00:57:55this evening.
00:57:57Of the breath that you've
00:57:59breathed this evening.
00:58:03As you hang out here
00:58:05for a couple more moments
00:58:07from your toes
00:58:09all the way up into the crown of your head
00:58:13connect with every single part of you
00:58:15that has moved today
00:58:17and send it some love.
00:58:25be happy.
00:58:35be happy.
00:59:05be happy.
00:59:09be happy.
00:59:13be happy.
00:59:17be happy.
00:59:21be happy.
00:59:25be happy.
00:59:29be happy.
00:59:33be happy.
00:59:49When you shift your focus
00:59:53from what is absent
00:59:55to what is present
00:59:57From what you are not to who you actually are.
01:00:03From the ravages of linear time to the immediacy of now.
01:00:09You are reconnecting with love, with truth and with beauty.
01:00:18And abundance is yours effortlessly.
01:00:23For in truth, nothing is lacking where you are.
01:00:27Nothing is missing from the present scene of the movie of your life.
01:00:33And you are forever full and at the point of completion.
01:00:39The only reason you cannot find oneness is because you never left.
01:00:45This day is just waiting to be lived.
01:00:51So breathe in life.
01:00:53Connect with your breath.
01:00:58Reconnect with the person that is in this body.
01:01:04Connect with your own humanity so you can connect with everyone else and the world beyond.
01:01:23Take a big breath into the belly.
01:01:36Open the mouth, exhale, let it go.
01:01:45Begin to wiggle your toes, your fingers.
01:01:50Move your head from side to side.
01:01:54Take your arms up over your head, point your toes and stretch the body out.
01:02:05Hug your knees into your chest and gently rock yourself from side to side.
01:02:13Ending up on your favorite side, make a little pillow with your arm and just take a moment to connect.
01:02:19While you hang out here for an extra moment, I want you to think of one thing that you want to take away from your practice today.
01:02:31That will remind you to be happy.
01:02:40Just as you are, just the way you are, knowing that the moment is perfect, knowing that you are perfect.
01:02:49Inhale to slowly lift yourself up to a seat.
01:02:57Eyes closed, head heavy.
01:03:01Be a little lift in the corners of your mouth.
01:03:04Eyes closed, head heavy.
01:03:08Be a little lift in the corners of your mouth.
01:03:23We're going to end the practice today with one Om, three Shantis.
01:03:28Om the sound of the universe.
01:03:30In fact, the sound of every cell that vibrates in your body.
01:03:35It makes the sound.
01:03:37The sound is of the universe, it's also of the universe that is inside of you.
01:03:41Three Shantis.
01:03:43Peace, peace and peace.
01:03:45Peace on the inside.
01:03:47Peace on the outside.
01:03:49Peace even in the realms that I cannot fathom and cannot see.
01:03:53Let there be peace everywhere.
01:03:54As yoga practitioners, we have this responsibility to raise the vibration, not only of ourselves, but of this planet.
01:04:02One person at a time.
01:04:05Every life that we touch, we have a responsibility to carry them with us.
01:04:09That is what this path is about.
01:04:11That is what this Sangha is about.
01:04:17Let's take a deep inhale, nice and loud and clear.
01:04:19Nice and loud and clear.
01:04:49Namaste Yogis.
