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La palabra de la psicóloga clínica Silvia Papuchado.

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00:00I would have loved to talk to Marina Charpentier, Chano's mother,
00:05about the issue of cannabis, drugs, marijuana, drug legalization.
00:13I always look at families with children, members of the family,
00:21addicts, in a very complicated recovery.
00:24Many of us know cases of parents who are struggling with this scourge,
00:33with addiction, with mental health.
00:36Well, one of the women who knew how to mention Marina Charpentier
00:45is Stella Mauric, from a boy who took his life,
00:49an addict who took his life.
00:51Silvia Papucharo is on the line. Is that right?
00:54She is a doctor and psychologist who treats addictions.
01:02That's what I've been told and she recommended me.
01:05Silvia, how are you? Good evening.
01:10Can you hear me, Silvia?
01:12The clinic.
01:13Silvia, sorry. I was updating the data, correcting the data.
01:18You are?
01:19Doctor in clinical psychology, psychoanalyst.
01:22I work with Marina Charpentier in the Esperanza family.
01:27We meet every Thursday at the La Reta Museum in the form of honor
01:31to guide and guide families
01:34affected by mental pathology and addiction pathology.
01:39And, let's see, what has been raised here
01:42is the discussion that has been going on for a long time, right?
01:46The consumption of marijuana is normalized,
01:50it is so widespread that it should be legalized.
01:56And there begins...
01:57Well, I hope not.
01:59Well, there it is, there it is.
02:01From your experience, why not?
02:04Let's see, I'll tell you why not.
02:06First, because we have many experiences in the world
02:09that show us what is happening when it is legalized.
02:12Uruguay, Canada, among others.
02:14But apart from that, because marijuana, cannabis,
02:18is not a little plant that comes out of the ground and is harmless.
02:22It causes psychotic outbreaks, paranoia, exaltation,
02:27states that are really often uncontrollable.
02:31The problem is that this, which we call naturalized,
02:35has been naturalized because, for example,
02:38in March 2021, through Resolution 800,
02:42of 2021 precisely, Reprocam was created,
02:46which is a program for controlled cannabis cultivation,
02:49supposedly to treat the medical part, pain,
02:54refractory epilepsies.
02:56But in reality, we all know that it is not for that.
02:59We all know that of the four little plants that were authorized,
03:03the moms cultivate,
03:05it turns out that now they found that they have 300
03:08and that they sell it and that this is naturalized
03:11as if really the TSH were something harmless, which it is not.
03:16It is much more transgenic than soybeans, that plant.
03:19That is, it brings huge problems for mental health.
03:23Not only mental health, but also for physical health.
03:26They were commenting on it a while ago, Silvia.
03:29They were commenting on it a while ago
03:31that the cannabis plant is not the plant of another time,
03:37of the 70s, precisely because of the genetic changes
03:40that were made to make it, let's say, more harmful
03:46or, in any case, to make it more addictive, right?
03:50Absolutely. That is why the TSH that it has is increasing.
03:54What happens is that there is an industry around this,
03:58let's say, interests that are multiplying
04:03and it is not of 3 or 4 or 300 or 100,000 growers.
04:10Here there are very deep interests.
04:13Yes, there are two types of interests.
04:15On the one hand, those that we all know,
04:17which is the part of the narcos, which is the economic interest.
04:21And on the other hand, it is ideologically crossed,
04:24unfortunately, because there are many medical things
04:27that are crossed by ideology.
04:29This has a lot to do with the mental health law.
04:32The people who use Reprocam, which is authorized,
04:36is called a user.
04:38But in reality, it is a person who is sick
04:40and needs medicine.
04:42But you can't say sick, because that stigmatizes.
04:45When, in reality, I think that telling someone
04:47who is sick means that they can have a diagnosis,
04:51a prognosis and a treatment.
04:53But, well, instead of that, what we say
04:57when we meet in the museum with families,
04:59desperate families, I warn you, desperate,
05:03is that we have to do a counterculture.
05:06We have to make people understand that cannabis,
05:09that marijuana is not a rucola, nor is it a lettuce.
05:13And it is very far from being harmless, but very far.
05:16Very good.
05:17We really see families destroyed by this.
05:20Silvia, we already showed it last year with Eduardo.
05:25Did you see that a municipality in the province of Buenos Aires,
05:27Morón, distributed brochures in a public square
05:31at some point to teach young people
05:36how to drug themselves,
05:39how they had to start with marijuana,
05:41what happened with cocaine or acids?
05:44Of course, because in reality they call it
05:46harm reduction, which is terrible.
05:49And it is, if you are going to drug yourself, look with whom,
05:52look that it is good, as if there was one that is good.
05:55I mean, it's nasty to say that.
05:57So I think that beyond the economic interests,
06:01which are already there, of course we are not going to deny it,
06:05there is an ideological treatment of this.
06:09Because then we are all happy,
06:11we all smoke, we all do what we want,
06:14and long live to everyone, and everything is possible.
06:17And the truth is that it is not like that.
06:19No, it doesn't work like that.
06:21And everything is to expand individual rights.
06:23This is a detour to the illegal market.
06:27Confuse the expansion of rights with the populist demagogy
06:32of bringing people closer to politics through this, right?
06:36We are the good ones because we allow you to smoke
06:40and we don't fuck your life.
06:42We are the piolas, we are the populists,
06:45we are what we are with the people.
06:47And the people suffer, and the people deserve to have a recreation.
06:52Why are they going to take it away?
06:54The suffering people, the poor, who have nothing else.
06:58It's nasty, isn't it?
07:00It's nasty because it encloses a cultural, social conception
07:05that ends up being used by politics.
07:09That's why I say it's ideologized.
07:12Because, in addition, the biggest problem in this
07:15is that, as mental health is governed by Law 26.657,
07:20which is also absolutely ideological, it is worth saying,
07:24we have been fighting for this for years, for changing it.
07:27What about the subject of addictions?
07:30It happens that, in reality, there is no possible form of treatment
07:34and, above all, for those people who have no money.
07:37I mean, they can't be hospitalized first,
07:40because it would be to violate human rights
07:42and the previous governments always wanted to expand them.
07:46Without a doubt.
07:47But beyond that, they have no possibility.
07:50For people who have money, it is difficult to hospitalize a person.
07:54So, imagine what is done with all this amount of addicted people.
07:58What is done with people who are saying that marijuana does nothing,
08:02that it is not the same as cocaine, that it is a soft drug,
08:05as if there were soft drugs, or that they are good, or that they are better.
08:10All that, legal or illegal, that leads to an addiction, is disastrous.
08:15You heard the government, what it has transmitted,
08:18is that it wants to scramble and give again with the reprocat.
08:21Yes, absolutely.
08:22Do you agree?
08:23I totally agree. Totally agree.
08:26There are many things that need to be scrambled and given again.
08:29We have any number of people who would have to have a disability certificate
08:35and charge a pension. And they don't charge it.
08:38Why? Because there are 900,000 people who charge it without having rights.
08:42So, we had to scramble and give again.
08:44Well, in this too. In everything that has to do with health.
08:48Fortunately, we have a great National Director of Mental Health, Liliana González.
08:54We are really in good hands.
08:57But the truth is that we have to scramble and give again.
09:00This reprocat has been disastrous for Argentina.
09:03You mentioned it at the beginning, and I don't want to let it pass.
09:07You said that everyone knows that many of the nurseries under the protection of the reprocat
09:15ended up being crops for the deviation from drug trafficking.
09:19Have you been able to certify it? Have you had testimonies of this?
09:23Mothers who have come to tell us that on the terrace of their house,
09:27in the courtyard of their house, they come to tell us this all the time.
09:31In fact, the worst thing is that many say,
09:34I thought it was not bad, I helped him.
09:37I thought that if I had it at home, it was not like the one I bought.
09:40That this was good, that it was healthier.
09:43In fact, there is expo cannabis.
09:45We beg that there is no more expo cannabis.
09:48How can there be an expo cannabis where children go?
09:51Children where there are people smoking marijuana.
09:55And I want to make this clear.
09:57For me, this is absolutely political.
10:01And I say this because I work in public policies for the AAP,
10:05the Argentine Association of Psychiatry,
10:07and really what I say is that this has nothing scientific.
10:11It has no scientific backing.
10:14This is absolutely ideological.
10:16Silvia, when you say ideological, when you say political ideological,
10:21is the business of politicians,
10:24the business of politics, of a political sector,
10:27to capture young voters, for example?
10:30I say two things.
10:32On the one hand, there is the part that we already know,
10:35which is the narco part, right?
10:37And on the other hand, on the political side,
10:39what I am talking about is populism, which has been talked about all the time.
10:42Calling a person who is sick a user.
10:45Talking about marijuana and cannabis as if it were a soft drug,
10:49or as if it were not so serious.
10:52No, in no way.
10:54Marijuana is a drug.
10:55Marijuana is not harmless.
10:57Marijuana causes enormous damage.
11:00And really, through populism,
11:03of saying, smoke one, everyone smokes a joint,
11:06well, nothing happens.
11:08You have no idea how many desperate mothers,
11:12of families, that's why the group is called Family Esperanza,
11:15of people who come desperate,
11:18because they don't know what to do with their children.
11:20Because they started smoking on a Saturday with their friends,
11:23but well, then they started smoking every day.
11:25And then they started having plants in the garden.
11:28And then it turns out that today a mother comes and tells me,
11:31she grabs my arm and shouts at me,
11:33Mom, don't let me go, don't leave me alone,
11:36because they come looking for me.
11:37Of course, nobody comes looking for him.
11:39That is the paranoia that this marijuana causes,
11:43which attacks the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex all the time.
11:47If this is not known, this battle cannot be fought.
11:51A counterculture must be done.
11:53People have to know what causes this lie
11:56of naturalized marijuana.
11:58Silvia, I thank you enormously for the testimony,
12:02eloquent and rigorous from your own experience.
12:05This is a contribution to the work you are doing,
12:09and so many other people.
12:11I am very grateful,
12:13because every place they give us to be able to speak
12:16and really spread the harm that drugs have,
12:20we thank you very much.
12:22We are with Marina, with Claudia Cassava and Sandra Botta
12:25every Thursday for free at the Larreta Museum from 17 to 19.
12:29A kiss for Marina.
12:30Hoping to be able to help the family.
12:32A kiss for Marina and great work you do.
12:34I hope you can join your help there.
12:36Thank you, Silvia.
12:38Good night.
