"No hay energía eléctrica en la ciudad".
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00:00There are 10 dead, there were 6 until a while ago, now they count 10, and more than 1,300 evacuated, there are many people missing.
00:11Luis Petri, the Minister of Defense, is connected with us.
00:16At a time when the government is following the tragedy minute by minute, we said the president in Olivos, Patricia Bullrich and Petri in Bahía Blanca.
00:25Minister, how are you? Thank you for attending us.
00:28Good evening. Yes, here in Bahía Blanca, in the early hours of the afternoon I spoke with the lieutenant, and in the afternoon we moved to Bahía Blanca.
00:40It is sad because we remember that the land routes and the air traffic are cut off.
00:51Obviously, the communication is cut off a bit, Minister, but we are listening to you.
01:01He was telling us that ...
01:04It has very little signal, Nico.
01:06Like all the people who are now in Bahía Blanca, there is a problem with the communications. If Petri listens to us, go ahead.
01:13Yes, there are problems with the communications. Route 3 is cut off.
01:18Four hundred armed forces are working.
01:23There is displaced mobility.
01:26They are cutting off and helping.
01:31The situation in many parts of the city is still dramatic.
01:37We are listening to you, but these are the problems that are occurring in Bahía Blanca.
01:51We are speaking with Luis Petri, Minister of Defense.
01:54Petri, a personal impression of what you saw, of what you are seeing ...
02:02We have seen roads with ditches, flooded villages, fatal fires.
02:17Petri, we have an important communication problem. The truth is that the audio is cut off a lot.
02:23We have a communication problem here.
02:28I understand that the army and the armed forces also took care of bringing communication equipment to try to restore something fundamental in the logistics of the aid.
02:39I think that Javier Milei asked us to give all the support and that is what we have done.
02:49It is very difficult to hear what Petri is saying, that President Milei guaranteed support to the province of Buenos Aires.
02:56In fact, Luis Caputo, there we can see in a little while the tweet ...
02:59There was a tweet, right? Announcing that help.
03:02Announcing an important outflow of money.
03:04And in addition to that, there is a commitment that the province of Buenos Aires also made to help with concrete elements,
03:13mattresses, blankets, clothes, all that is needed to arrive tomorrow from human capital.
03:20That is the initial communication that the province of Buenos Aires had.
03:24Petri, we ask you ...
03:26In the morning, two circles are going to come from Valladolid.
03:31They are going to come out from Palomar for goods and first aid.
03:38Today they are required in Valladolid and the province has asked them.
03:42Petri, let's see if we can improve the communication.
03:48If it is so kind, we will call him back immediately to see if it can be heard better.
03:53Because it is a fundamental testimony of a key protagonist of the government.
03:59We are calling him.
04:01The Ministry of Defense depends on the National Meteorological Service.
04:05In addition, obviously, to have the control of the health forces.
04:07Let's put that image.
04:09This happened in an hour in Bahía Blanca.
04:12Look what happened in an hour.
04:14This happened in an hour. How was it and how was the place?
04:20The cars covered by the water.
04:22There he started.
04:25He passed in the truck.
04:26He turned around.
04:28And in just under an hour, the postcard is totally different.
04:33Between 8.50 and 9.12.
04:35It is not a work in the middle of the compass.
04:38In less than an hour.
04:41We are trying to restore communication with Luis Petri, the Minister of Defense.
04:44Look at the speed of the water. It is impressive.
04:47With whom we were just talking.
04:49He arrived with Patricia Bullrich.
04:51By order of the President.
04:53Axel Kicillof is arriving.
04:55He traveled by land.
04:57It is not known when Javier Milei will arrive.
05:01If he goes.
05:02If he goes, right?
05:03They are evaluating him in Casa Rosada and Olivos.
05:06You are seeing images of the day, chilling.
05:09While we recover the dialogue with the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri.
05:13You told me, Franco.
05:15Yes, we are trying to restore communication with Petri.
05:18Obviously, it is very difficult to communicate with the authorities.
05:23One of the first things that the head of government of the province of Buenos Aires asked
05:28Carly Bianco to Patricia Bullrich is precisely the technology in communications.
05:35Because they knew from early on that this was going to be a problem all day.
05:40Which is also fundamental for the logistics of aid and rescue.
05:45And the Minister made a first announcement.
05:47Tomorrow two Air Force Hercules planes arrive with supplies.
05:53Clothes, dry food, drinking water, mattresses are needed.
05:56Some things have already begun to arrive.
05:58But tomorrow a large shipment arrives.
06:00Two Hercules.
06:02Two Hercules.
06:04Obviously for all evacuated.
06:07Let's see.
06:08For the next chapter, sorry Nico.
06:10For the next chapter, there is what Santi just said.
06:13The economic aid that Guillermo Franco guaranteed.
06:16And that Luis Caputo published today.
06:18The Minister of Economy of 10 billion pesos for what has to do with reconstruction.
06:24Luis Petri is connected.
06:26Minister, thank you for calling us back.
06:29Now better.
06:31Tell us what you saw and what the government was going to do.
06:35At this time of night, the situation in many sectors of the city is serious.
06:41There is flooding.
06:43There are other sectors that are at a high level.
06:47Thank God, the water has drained and brought a little tranquility.
06:52There is no electricity in the city.
06:55We are working, putting all the resources of the national state.
06:59Both the armed forces and the security forces.
07:02There are more than 400 armed forces working.
07:06There are more than 30 vehicles deployed.
07:08Helicopters that will arrive tomorrow.
07:10Because the weather conditions today do not allow it.
07:13And planes that are going to arrive.
07:17Bringing goods and first-need products.
07:20That today are very important.
07:23And that bet on human capital.
07:27Petri, is there an estimated number of people who are still missing?
07:35Or not?
07:37No, not yet.
07:39We are waiting for the water to go down.
07:43Because there are routes with sinkholes.
07:47There is still no confirmed number of people missing.
07:50We were just in the code with the Minister of Security.
07:54The truth is that there are more than 1,100 evacuees.
07:57We are working to assist them.
08:00And we are working to reach places in the city where they could not reach.
08:06And from there, to realize the needs that the residents are having.
08:10I suppose that both you and Minister Buric are in permanent contact with the President.
08:14Did he ask you anything?
08:16Yes, that's right.
08:17The President asked us to give him all the support.
08:20And put all the resources available.
08:22At this moment, it's dramatic, it's terrible.
08:26Imagine that in Bahía Blanca, annually, it rains 600 millimeters.
08:32And in just one day, it rained more than 300 millimeters.
08:37In a very short period of time.
08:41Can the President be present in the next few hours in Bahía Blanca, Petri?
08:45No, that will be seen.
08:48But the truth is that we will be with the Minister of Security here.
08:52The President is monitoring the situation permanently.
08:55We are sending him reports permanently.
08:58So that he is aware of the situation.
09:00And we are going to continue with the Minister of Security in Bahía Blanca.
09:05To take into account everything that is needed.
09:08And quickly be able to assist the victims.
09:11Clearly, after the water went down.
09:15Surely there are many casualties.
09:18Today we saw cars stacked up.
09:20We saw many large materials.
09:22And many families that have been damaged.
09:25Because the city was practically flooded.
09:28Minister, was there a dialogue?
09:29Is there a dialogue with Axel Kicillof at this time?
09:32We were meeting with the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires.
09:37With Javier Alonso.
09:40We were meeting with the Mayor of Bahía Blanca.
09:43And the head of the government was in contact with the governor of the province.
09:47To offer and show all the support.
09:50Minister, you talked about areas of the city that have not yet been able to reach.
09:55How many people are estimated to be in those places?
09:58How many people have not been able to be rescued?
10:01It continues to arrive and it continues to advance.
10:06There are places that are blocked by stacked cars.
10:10You can't get there, for example, with amphibious vehicles.
10:15An intense work is being done.
10:19That will continue throughout the night.
10:22And we will be assisting the 15 evacuation centers.
10:28They are in Bahía Blanca with more than 1,200 evacuated.
10:34It is impressive what you are describing.
10:37With all the help that came with you.
10:40This operation that begins tomorrow.
10:43The shipment of two Hercules with goods.
10:46And there are still areas that the special forces cannot reach.
10:51They are areas of difficult access that must be reached in a personal way.
10:56You can't deal with vehicles.
10:59And from there, we are assisting the entire population.
11:03But logically, new areas continue to emerge as the hours go by.
11:09And that is why we are deployed throughout Bahía Blanca.
11:13With the cameras and security forces, plus the local forces.
11:17Petri, you were there.
11:19You had just assumed as Minister in Bahía Blanca.
11:22When that huge storm occurred in December 2023.
11:26We lived with the President at that time.
11:30If you have to compare the size of this with that.
11:33How would you do it?
11:35Your personal perception, I ask you.
11:37Well, they are two completely different climatic phenomena.
11:41At that time we were talking about hurricane winds.
11:46Where you could see a lot.
11:49The stage was also serious.
11:52But you could see a lot of sheet metal, a lot of fallen trees.
11:55There were fatal victims.
11:58Remember, in a gym.
12:00At that time.
12:02This situation is perhaps even worse than that.
12:06Because we are talking about the fact that the water practically flooded the entire city.
12:11Some higher places that probably had less damage.
12:17But without a doubt, they were all affected.
12:20The most populated region of Bahía Blanca was flooded in an important way.
12:27Because it is in a kind of well.
12:30Bahía Blanca.
12:31So this has aggravated the situation.
12:34An unexpected torrential rain.
12:38With a strong flow.
12:41With slopes on the streets.
12:44It caused the damage to be great.
12:47Minister, thank you for the communication.
12:49Thank you for having us at this time.
12:52A big hug for all of you.
12:54And we will continue here to assist all Bahians.
12:57Thank you very much.