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Se derrumbó un edificio tras la explosión.

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00:00Fabián Rubino, did you see the images of how they were still suffocating, trying to put out the last flame?
00:09Because we saw, if Fabián discovered it, in the coverage from the mobile phone, we saw a flame that appeared from there,
00:14that is, the fire is controlled, but there is still fire, Fabián.
00:20Exactly, the product of the wind, Eduardo,
00:23which means that there are still flames that we can see in the back,
00:29and in the middle of this building that is completely destroyed,
00:34the firemen are still in the cooling stage area,
00:38but the truth is that in the middle, in the back, we still see flames
00:44that are emanating products, as I told you, and big, look, come here,
00:49here you will see better, product of the wind,
00:53which obviously makes the situation a little worrying.
00:59Notice that at the moment the flames give in, but now look, give in and come back, give in and come back.
01:06As if they react again, right?
01:10Exactly, exactly, I told you, basically we believe that it is a product of the wind.
01:18Now, look at what this is, please.
01:22Yes, we can see, sometimes the wind hinders our vision.
01:26There you have the building, right?
01:29You notice, with our camera of Pelo Rodríguez,
01:32who very cleverly also notices these details,
01:36that the curtains of that building are like melted.
01:42I don't know if you can see it.
01:44In other words, the power of fire got there.
01:46Let's see.
01:48Of course, the heat, the heat of the fire makes the curtains,
01:52right now we have a lot of wind and it makes the smoke cover the building.
01:59Surely later we will be able to see a little more clearly.
02:02It makes the curtains begin to melt as a result of the heat of the fire.
02:10You emphasize the wind, you emphasize the wind.
02:13There is north wind at 16 kilometers.
02:15This also complicates the task of the firefighters.
02:17Do you know how many firefighters are working at this time?
02:20And how far do they try to fight that fire that is reviving?
02:26Look, the firefighters are here in this cooling stage.
02:29They are not fighting inside the building,
02:33because they tell us that it is a product of the wind
02:36and that only the flames are going to go out.
02:39But obviously we are feeling a lot of wind now.
02:44The truth is that it is, I don't know if you will be able to feel it through our ambient microphone,
02:50there is a lot of wind and this makes the flames revive
02:55and that the firefighters also have to be vigilant in the face of any overflow of flames.
03:02For now, they are cooling the building that fell yesterday around 9 or 10 at night.
03:12Look at how the wind throws the smoke.
03:17That smoke, Eduardo, goes directly to the area of ​​Avenida Mitre,
03:21that is, towards the center, towards the urban area.
03:25It doesn't throw it towards the river.
03:27No, it doesn't throw it towards the city.
03:29Towards the center.
03:31Of course, and you look at that building,
03:34at times it becomes blurry, you don't see it clearly,
03:39because obviously the smoke is covering it.
03:43Look, now a flood of smoke is coming.
03:47Look what this is, look, you see?
03:49Yes, that column is very dense, at least as you can see from here.
03:52It does not allow visibility.
03:56But guys, it's shocking to see this building
04:00as it is totally destroyed and only rubble remains.
04:07Look, towards this side, the visual is normal.
04:10We don't have smoke.
04:13It's a pleasure to be able to see that side,
04:17but we look to that side and it really is bleak
04:21and we can observe the consequences of this.
04:25Can you see the curtains that were melting today?
04:29Here you can see them more clearly,
04:33so that people can appreciate the reach.
04:38Of course, look, these towers are 20 meters away,
04:43no more than the fire, the fire's focus.
04:48Of course.
04:49And the heat has melted the curtains.
04:53What detail did our cameraman Pelo Rodriguez discover there?
04:58And you immediately think that when you hire a home insurance,
05:04is it for the fire that originates inside the house
05:08or does it cover, for example, something like this?
05:11This is an extraordinary coverage that they should have.
05:14What happens here is to see the responsibility for the fire.
05:18First, if you have insurance that covers it,
05:21because you have external damage coverage,
05:24they can cover it for you.
05:26In general, as you say, if something is generated inside my house,
05:29it doesn't come from the fire.
05:31Exactly, but for example, this happens in floods.
05:35The water inside your house covers it,
05:37the water outside won't cover it.
05:39Here it's exactly the same, but with the fire.
05:42What did you see, Fabián?
05:46I was shocked, I was shocked by this car.
05:49Look at what a poor man who has probably left it parked.
05:55And today, probably, when you came,
05:58inside, but it's impressive,
06:02it's totally occupied by concrete blocks, bricks,
06:08which have been torn apart from this building.
06:13Totally destroyed.
06:15Of course, in the fire, those structures give way quickly.
06:18Yes, and it falls.
06:20Luckily, there was no,
06:22it was at a time when there was no traffic of people,
06:26because if there wasn't, we would be lamenting at this time.
06:29Or working hours.
06:31Also, what a mess, right?
06:33Imagine the owner of that vehicle,
06:35seeing the images, I'm sure he saw it on TV,
06:37how the car was buried.
06:39Yesterday I heard one of the owners here,
06:41the lady heard one of the owners of the place,
06:44and she said, I lost everything, I have no insurance,
06:47I lost absolutely everything.
06:49In the case of this man, well, as you said a while ago,
06:52you saw it and said, total destruction.
06:54We all look at it and say, well,
06:56this is going to be covered, I'm sure, by total destruction.
06:58But still, you leave it in a quiet place,
07:00near Mitre Avenue,
07:02you will never imagine that it will come over you.
07:04Well, that's why I say,
07:06inside, there are no fatal victims,
07:09which is no less for the sinister characteristics
07:12that we are seeing.
07:14Look, look.
07:16Look at the neighbors.
07:18The truth is shocking.
07:20No, this is a disaster.
07:22I was at the bus stop waiting for my wife,
07:24and this was crazy.
07:26I said, it was a small smoke,
07:28but every time it was more and more and more,
07:30and it didn't stop anymore.
07:32I live here in Tower 2, but this is a disaster.
07:34You have to enter the tower now.
07:36It didn't catch me.
07:38I live there on the other side.
07:40The smoke went there.
07:42There was no one here, really.
07:44There was no one here.
07:46There were about 7 or 8 cars here.
07:48And I was waiting for my wife to get off the bus,
07:50and she didn't come, she didn't come,
07:52and I went upstairs to close the door,
07:54because the dog was there,
07:56and I went back down, and when I went back down,
07:58I heard the bang.
08:00That's what they say, that it was a previous explosion.
08:02I didn't hear anything, because I was in the corner.
08:04That was 8.30 at night.
08:06I was standing in the corner, like every day,
08:08waiting for the bus to get off.
08:10I didn't hear anything.
08:12I saw smoke up there, on the third floor,
08:14in the two little windows.
08:16No, it's crazy.
08:18The people from the tower down there,
08:20people crying, screaming,
08:22people in wheelchairs,
08:24big people.
08:26We collaborated as much as we could.
08:28What can you do? This is a disaster.
08:30No, please, please.
08:32I didn't tell you.
08:34This lady who didn't want to talk,
08:36who was next to me, is the owner of this place.
08:38This shed?
08:40This shed is a lease, it has nothing to do with this.
08:42No, it has nothing to do with this.
08:44She has a truck, and the trucks are here.
08:46And she said, I'm going to go there.
08:48And I said, no, I'm not going.
08:50And she suffered the consequences.
08:52And look how it turned out.
08:54I saw her inside.
08:56I saw her all the way down.
08:58And she escaped, because she didn't want to talk.
09:00Poor thing, she doesn't want to.
09:02And of course, this is a building.
09:04Of course, this is a building.
09:06Let's see.
09:08Of course, this is a... look.
09:12Ah, the offices.
09:14Here are the offices.
09:16Come, come, come closer, give me a hand, come.
09:18What do we have here? The offices of this...
09:20These are the offices of this building.
09:22There they keep the trucks.
09:24The lady works with the trucks.
09:26Be careful there.
09:28This is going to fall.
09:30It all comes down.
09:32Over time they will throw it down.
09:34If she works with these trucks,
09:36she works.
09:38The hooks come and they are going to be loaded.
09:40It takes another day.
09:42Then they come, they unload.
09:44They put a part in the workshop here for maintenance.
09:46Look at the smoke.
09:48And the fire in that sector.
09:50There are flames.
09:52There are still flames.
09:54This has to go on until the afternoon,
09:56until tomorrow or until Monday.
09:58Because inside there are flames.
10:00I came to unload here with the truck.
10:02The owner told me,
10:04I'm going to leave you a little trip.
10:06Where am I going? Mar del Plata?
10:08I told him, no, I'm going back to your house.
10:10Where to?
10:12Here, Chacapu.
10:14I went to unload and went back.
10:16With the container, I went back.
10:18What happens?
10:20I brought a backpack, a pencil, a notebook,
10:22a piece of paper.
10:24But there were already people.
10:26There were a lot of trucks to unload.
10:28What is going to happen to me
10:30is that you are going to think
10:32that this is going to happen.
10:34Yes, totally.
10:36The man is very clear.
10:38He said there was no one.
10:40Very graphic.
10:42I was standing in the corner.
10:44A misfortune with luck.
10:46Yes sir.
10:48I can't stop him.
10:50Now Fabi, thank him.
10:52Thank him for his testimony.
10:54But I ask you to be careful.
10:56Because I asked Victor.
10:58And I would like to know
11:00who is doing the corresponding relevance.
11:04Because maybe we have to delimit the area.
11:06Because if there is a structure that can give in.
11:08Well, it's dangerous for you
11:10who is doing the coverage there.
11:12Or for a neighbor who is walking around the place.
11:14Victor, you understand, right?
11:16Who is doing the relevance now?
11:18The first thing we have are the firefighters
11:20who are still working on the fire.
11:22And the firefighters know if a structure can give in.
11:24Notice that the only person who is
11:26doing the relevance is a man.
11:30It's early.
11:32But what they do is protect the area.
11:34And prevent people,
11:36even when there is danger,
11:38until the journalistic coverage
11:40is not in the place.
11:42The thing is that you have a huge building
11:44a few meters away.
11:46So it's very difficult to control the situation there.
11:48What they have to do, obviously,
11:50is firefighters, civil defense.
11:52And say, well, we were seeing where the car is.
11:54Much less.
11:56But you realize that at any moment it can fall.
11:58Now, are there civil defense personnel
12:00in the place?
12:02Have you seen anything beyond
12:04the presence of firefighters?
12:06Look, they're all firefighters.
12:08Eduardo is
12:12traffic agents
12:14because traffic is cut off
12:18But the vast majority are all firefighters
12:20who are working.
12:24people have been working all night.
12:26They are constantly being released.
12:28And you will see that there are groups
12:30of firefighters
12:32lying down or sitting.
12:34It has been a very brave night.
12:36Very brave for these people
12:38who just now,
12:40because the situation is calm,
12:42or relatively calmer than
12:44last night,
12:46are trying to rest,
12:48because the work is very difficult.
12:52even more so when, obviously,
12:54there is a lot of wind
12:56and the wind can be reanimated a little.
12:58But what catches my attention,
13:00look, Peluche, come here,
13:02look, look at the neighbors.
13:04How are you? What do you say?
13:06Good morning. Are you well?
13:08Well, perfect.
13:10What do they say?
13:12That they live here around.
13:14That they are perfect, that they are well.
13:16But you look,
13:18you only have, look,
13:20a block of bricks has arrived here,
13:22of building structure,
13:24practically at the very door
13:26of these towers.
13:28And I wanted to give you an explanation
13:30of how close we are
13:36Mitre Avenue.
13:38The climb to
13:40Pueyrredón Bridge.
13:42That truck that just passed is Mitre Avenue.
13:44And Ceros.
13:46Of course, exactly.
13:48And that truck that passed
13:50from left to right is heading
13:52to Pueyrredón Bridge.
13:54Look, of course, exactly.
13:56And look at this image,
13:58now that we are going to give you with hair,
14:00because here is a part
14:02that has been left open.
14:04Look at what this is.
14:06It's not a horror movie.
14:08Part of the structure.
14:10Look at what this is.
14:12Black, huh? Black.
14:14And how far are you from the deposit?
14:16It clears a little.
14:18How far are you from the deposit,
14:20in that place where you are now?
14:22We have gone around.
14:24We have gone around
14:28and we are in the back
14:30of the deposit.
14:32The part that collapsed,
14:34the front part.
14:36Fabi, while you tell us,
14:38we are going to put on the screen
14:40what the deposit was like.
14:42Look at the height,
14:44look at the height it has.
14:46And that was what fell
14:48on the building.
14:50That's why I tell you,
14:52it was ...
14:54Leave it in the image.
14:56I tell the production.
14:58Leave it in the image,
15:00because the truth is to see
15:02that building, well,
15:04completely destroyed
15:06and devoured by the flames
15:08and everything crumbled.
15:10It crosses a street and has the building.
15:14This was last night,
15:16a little later.
15:18If it had been earlier,
15:20the truth is that the consequences
15:22would have been catastrophic.
15:24Beyond the material damage,
15:26we would have had personal damage,
15:28injuries, because it is a place
15:30that obviously has a lot of traffic
15:32because of the number of people
15:34who live in the building
15:36that is crossing the street.
15:38Chacabuco 156 I think.
15:40And it has an exit
15:42by another street.
15:44You are then
15:46at what distance?
15:48Approximately 150 meters, Fabian?
15:50And put it.
15:52Yes, something like that.
15:54We went all the way around.
15:56There are probably between 100 and 150 meters.
15:58Now look,
16:00the truth is that it is a recognition
16:02for the people who have been all day
16:04and all night basically
16:08Look at the state they are in.
16:10Faces of fatigue
16:12with the consequences
16:14of the smoke, the oil.
16:16Guys, thank you very much.
16:18Thank you very much.
16:20These are the people
16:22of the Abellaneda Fire Department
16:24who work tirelessly
16:26and who have done it all morning
16:28to be able to suffocate this fire
16:30that as you see it, Eduardo,
16:32they say it is suffocated.
16:34I'm afraid to see the flames
16:36of fire produced by the wind
16:38that produces whirlwinds
16:40and that
16:42obviously causes us fear.
16:44But you see the face of the firefighters
16:46and it is the face of tranquility.
16:48It's like you're on a plane
16:50and there is turbulence.
16:52If you look at the wing,
16:54I look at the firefighters
16:56and I get the feeling that the area is calm.
16:58Although the fire sometimes makes us
17:00a little nervous.
17:02In the case of the Abellaneda Municipality,
17:04there were 25 firefighters.
17:06I imagine that others had to join
17:08the rush of the hours
17:10as a result of the difficulties
17:12that this offered and because of the proximity
17:14to the homes, Victor.
17:16There we saw the deposit,
17:18a library articles deposit.
17:20Everything started there,
17:22but immediately, well,
17:24there was talk of the risk
17:26that people who lived
17:28in the vicinity of this deposit ran.
17:30That's why they talked about disabled people,
17:32older people.
17:34Take into account the damage
17:36that smoke and fire generate.
17:38We saw the firewood
17:40that had broken,
17:42they were literally melted
17:44by the fire.
17:46Because the heat and the smoke,
17:48the damage they do is terrible.
17:50Do you remember the fire in Puerto Madero?
17:52It was in the middle of the building.
17:54From there up, furniture,
17:56appliances, everything
17:58between the heat and the smoke
18:00absolutely everything is ruined.
18:02And in the case of health,
18:04for those people who are vulnerable,
18:06the smoke...
18:08Look, Fabi has a beard.
18:10Yes. What do you breathe now, Fabi?
18:12And tell me about the wind,
18:14because it's a key factor, right?
18:16It can be an ally of the firefighters,
18:18or not?
18:20Yes, the wind,
18:22sometimes it advances,
18:24sometimes it doesn't.
18:26But in the end,
18:28it is practically overshadowed
18:30by the smoke.
18:32There is a curtain of smoke.
18:34While you were talking
18:36to one of the neighbors,
18:38the owner of those trucks was there, right?
18:42What would it be, a warehouse
18:44or a place where the trucks are stored?
18:46What is the link to the warehouse
18:48that burned down?
18:50It's this one, of course.
18:52That's why I wanted to show you
18:54the building, which is all
18:56gray, basically.
18:58And the woman,
19:00the truth is that she left
19:02and didn't want to talk, and obviously...
19:04It's understandable.
19:06But this is the part of the structure
19:08that is next to the warehouse
19:10that was also left.
19:12And this is going to have to be thrown away,
19:14I guess.
19:16Well, Fabián,
19:18we are still in the area.
19:20There are still some flames,
19:22as we saw a little while ago.
19:24Firefighters are working.
19:26Others are resting,
19:28because they didn't stop
19:30all night to control the fire.
19:32Now there is a curtain of smoke
19:34that also worries the neighbors of the area.
19:36We'll be right back, Fabián.
