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(Adnkronos) - Nel talk i consigli sulle modalità più efficaci per prevenire tutto l’anno, la possibilità di un incontro ravvicinato con le zecche e altri parassiti, come le pulci, e di evitare danni per la nostra salute, ragionando in un’ottica One Health, cioè di ‘una salute unica’, che si basa sull’interconnessione tra salute umana, animale e dell’ecosistema


00:00There are important news for the health of our four-legged friends and also for us.
00:10In fact, we are witnessing a change in the presence of parasites that are no longer only found in forested environments, far from cities.
00:17For years, in fact, in the summer season, ticks can be found in urban parks,
00:22and lately their presence has been recorded almost all year, also in high-end citizens.
00:29To this phenomenon, which is not secondary to animal health, in particular dogs, but also reflects on us,
00:35given the increasingly widespread presence of these hairy friends in our homes and in various domestic environments,
00:41the Talk to One Health has been dedicated, as why protect us and our pets all year round,
00:47promoted by DNA Kronos, carried out in collaboration with MSD Animal Health
00:52and available in the editorial group's web and social channels.
00:55But what can we do to help our four-legged friends?
00:59We can use the tools in our possession, and therefore the anti-parasitic, repellent or parasitic.
01:05So, as far as repellency is concerned, it is essential to use topical products,
01:10such as pipettes, the famous pipettes that we all know, or collars,
01:14release the product on the tail of our pets, on our dogs,
01:17to ensure that the tick cannot go on them and feed on their blood.
01:23These pipettes and collars, however, have a defect, in addition to the duration over time,
01:29also due to the fact that, especially in autumnal and winter seasons,
01:33in which there are still ticks, the humidity and the fact that the soil and vegetation are wet,
01:41dilate the terminal parts of our dogs' cleavage a little, from the legs up to the belly.
01:47And so there are small spots where the ticks can attack each other because there is no longer the product.
01:51What do we do then?
01:53Can we use systemic products in combo or as a single solution?
01:57They can be found in compresses or in injection, with a variable supply frequency.
02:02So, in this way, if we implement a correct preventive protocol
02:06and prevent our dogs from having ticks on them,
02:10we save them a lot of health problems, i.e. diseases transmitted by ticks,
02:15and we also prevent that these parasites can constitute a problem for the family that is with the dog.
02:22And as always, also in this case, prevention is essential for the good of all.
02:27And so I allow myself to remind you and give you this advice,
02:31talk to your veterinarian because it is an irreplaceable weapon to study the right protocol
02:37to protect your dogs and also your family.
02:40Among the main diseases transmitted by ticks in Italy.
02:43The button fever of the Mediterranean,
02:46which is a disease caused by a microorganism that is a bacterium,
02:52although a bit particular.
02:54Encephalitis transmitted by ticks, which is a pathology in which the zoological agent is a virus.
03:01And Lyme disease, or as it is more commonly called today, Lyme borreliosis.
03:09In this case, it is always a bacterium that belongs to this family called borrelii.
03:17And if in this case prevention consists in avoiding being moved by these parasites,
03:22which is not always easy, for encephalitis transmitted by ticks we have a vaccine.
03:27An effective vaccine, made up of an inactivated virus,
03:31therefore a vaccine that can be given even to immunodepressed people,
03:36which can also be given in pregnancy and which protects against the serious manifestations of this disease
03:42that affect the central nervous system.
03:45For Lyme borreliosis it is possible,
03:48where there is a situation in which we know a high prevalence of infection in ticks of that geographic area,
03:56once the tick has been removed, and this must happen as soon as possible,
04:01an antibiotic can be supplied that prevents the appearance of the disease.
04:06Several experts explain the factors on which today in our country there are active ticks all year round.
04:12The main one is global warming, which has made winters less rigid.
04:16In addition, the fact that there are hot suns in urban and semi-urban areas.
04:21In addition, there is the risk of the arrival of new species of ticks from the estuary,
04:25such as the dermacentor from Central Europe or others from Asia transported by migratory birds.
04:32This has turned a problem, a time confined to certain airs and seasons, spring and summer,
04:38into a threat that now interests the whole country, including the alpine regions and winter months.
04:43About a third of the ticks, then, are carriers of at least one pathogenic agent for animals and in many cases also for humans.
04:50And since there are now 365 days a year, it is essential to prevent their presence both on dogs and on humans.
04:59But how?
05:00Protecting man and animals from ticks is extremely difficult.
05:05They are animals that have thousands of years of evolution.
05:08A tick remains attached to the host for up to 9-10 days, an adult female, and we do not notice it at all.
05:14What we must do is not to frequent areas where there is tall grass, where it is easier for them to stay,
05:22because ours are so-called watered-down ticks, they stay there waiting for someone to pass by and attack them to make a bloodbath.
05:29We must also adopt behaviors from the point of view of the vestibular,
05:34for man to wear long pants, light clothes for which you can easily see the tick.
05:41Above all, they must be removed as much as possible, because they must spend at least 4-48 hours from when a tick attaches to the host to when it transmits pathogens, both to animals and to humans.
05:51So in this case, treat animals with drugs that have either a repellent action or an insecticide action,
05:58so that the ticks die before this period of time and therefore the risk of a possible transmission of pathogens is greatly reduced.
06:06And I always say, the tick does not make the bloodbath, the tick does the dialysis.
06:10So when we see a large tick that is the size of a peas, we imagine that that tick has exchanged 8-10 cc of blood with us.
06:22So taking into account that a third of them, good or bad, is infected by at least one pathogenic agent,
06:27this gives us an idea that the risk represented by the ticks is really very high.
