• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Ci sono diversi fattori che portano alla presenza di zecche attive tutto l'anno. Il principale è sicuramente il fatto che anche nella stagione invernale non faccia più così freddo, che ci siano delle isole di calore nelle nostre zone urbane o semiurbane”. Così Ezio Ferroglio, professore ordinario di Parassitologia e Malattie parassitarie degli animali, dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, Università degli Studi di Torino e presidente Esccap Italia, partecipando al talk  ‘One Health: come e perché proteggere noi e i nostri pet per tutto l’anno’, promosso da Adnkronos in collaborazione con Msd Animal Health.


00:00There are several factors that lead to the presence of wild boars all year round.
00:09The main one is certainly the fact that even in the winter season it is no longer so cold,
00:16the fact that there are hot islands in our urban or semi-urban areas,
00:22those that I like to call urban or rurban areas,
00:25the fact that there are also many wild animals
00:29and these keep a very large population of boars on the territory,
00:36very abundant, this then affects both the animal and the man,
00:40there is also a risk related to the arrival of boars that were typical of other realities.
00:46Some boars, paradoxically, are coming down,
00:49but due to the presence of wild animals from Central Europe towards us,
00:54others are coming from Asia, like the marginalized Yaloma, with migratory birds.
01:01So there are several factors that we have to take into account,
01:05but they make it so that what was a limited problem in some areas in the spring months,
01:11at the beginning of the summer, is now a problem that interests the whole country,
01:16even in the winter months, even in the alpine areas.
01:20Protecting man and animals from boars is extremely difficult,
01:25they are animals that have thousands of years of evolution,
01:28a boar remains attached to the host for days, up to 9-10 days an adult female,
01:33and we do not realize it at all.
01:36What we have to do is not to frequent areas where there is tall grass,
01:41where it is easier for them to stay, because ours are so-called watered boars,
01:46they are there waiting for someone to pass by and attack them to make a blood bath.
01:51We have to adopt behaviors also from the point of view of the clothing,
01:58for men to wear long pants, light clothes, so that you can easily see the boar,
02:05above all you have to remove as much as possible,
02:08because they have to spend at least 4 hours, 48 hours,
02:11from when a boar attaches itself to the skin to when it transmits pathogens,
02:15to the animal than to the man.
02:16So in this case, treating animals with drugs that have either a repellent action
02:21or an insecticide action that causes the boars to die before this period of time
02:27and therefore the risk of a possible transmission of pathogens is greatly reduced.
