• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi in Italia abbiamo 35.500 medici veterinari iscritti agli ordini professionali, sulla carta sembrano tanti ma in pratica sono pochi. Il settore ha quindi la necessità di disporre di un numero integrativo di medici veterinari”. Così Gaetano Penocchio, presidente Federazione nazionale ordini veterinari italiani, in occasione della presentazione del nuovo corso di laurea dell'università di Roma Tor Vergata in Medicina Veterinaria, primo nel Lazio. L’evento di presentazione, che ha preso luogo ad un mese dall’inizio delle lezioni del primo anno accademico del corso, ha visto la partecipazione del ministro dell’Agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste Francesco Lollobrigida e del ministro della Salute Orazio Schillaci.


00:00We have 35,500 veterinary doctors enrolled in the professional order.
00:10From what I can see, compared to other states, we are many on paper, few in practice.
00:19Many because the number of veterinary doctors per 1,000 inhabitants in Italy is much higher than in other countries.
00:28Few because, for lack of registration or migration to other countries,
00:37or because they do not have full-time activities,
00:40they put the sector in a need to have an integrated number of veterinary doctors.
00:47In particular, there are sectors that are in crisis,
00:53in the sense of a lack of availability of professionals.
00:57And if I have to mention the most important, the most difficult, it is the zoos.
01:07Today, here, we are going to inaugurate the graduation course,
01:13an event in an exceptional way for the presence of Minister Schillaci and Minister Lollobrigida.
01:20How important is this thing? It will be much more important than it will be well done.
01:25There are all the conditions to do it well.
01:28We have heard interventions that already imagine, since now, international collaborations.
01:35There is a meeting between the public and the private sector that makes us hope.
01:41I believe that this graduation course has the characteristics to become something very important in our profession.
