• last month
01:30You're here too, I've come to see you damla
01:36And I hope you can explain to me why you're crying
01:45This has an explanation and which one is
01:49Hakan martin conspired against damla to make him come back
01:53That's how it started. Fikret is another matter. It's my fault
01:59I wanted help to get back at him for what he had done to me, Hakan. But Fikret was the only one who listened to me
02:07It was a mistake
02:11We all made a mistake
02:15Now that we are alone, tell me about what Hakan Martin has done to you
02:30La verdad es que si jilmaz
02:33No me hubiera prometido cosas tan grandes
02:37No habría dejado títere con cabeza
02:42Os lo aviso
02:44Vivo de mi reputación
02:47Tenía que hacer algo urgentemente y lo hice
02:51De lo contrario no habría podido controlar a mis hombres
02:56Pero no pienses que es sólo un puerto davud
03:00También será socio en los negocios que haremos así que vas a ser
03:05como mehmet
03:07y qué pasará con él morirá davud
03:13Entregará el puerto y morirá
03:17El hijo de mehmet ali murió en mi local me va a entregar el puerto
03:23Claro que sí y el más encargará a davud
03:28además todo el papeleo lo va a hacer nesim
03:32Firmará los papeles y después de eso nos dejará el camino libre
03:40El trato que jalil ibrahim hizo con fred se viene abajo
03:46Ahora llamo si levantan poco estarán con él
03:51Bueno con ese puerto adiós a mehmet ali
03:56jalil ibrahim y fikred también
04:00De verdad lo siento nesim
04:04Llevo mucho tiempo en esto he visto de todo
04:09y en realidad a mí no me parece que jalil ibrahim vaya a hundirse
04:15y tampoco creo que fikred vaya a hundirse
04:19Pero si me dices que no me involucre que ellos son vuestros hijos y vuestros yernos y que os encargaréis
04:27Deberíais hacerlo ya si no acabará mal
04:33No te rías y el más
04:37Porque no tiene salida
04:39Davud te entregaré el puerto me subiré a un barco y me iré no me interesa esto
04:46yo os he unido a todos
04:48No quiero ocuparme de esos dos sinvergüenzas
04:55Va a venir mehmet ali pero
04:57levan no ni llavuz ya se sabe todo no puedo ni mirarlos y yo tampoco a mehmet
05:05su hijo murió por nosotros
05:07lo siento de momento no podemos lidiar con tu drama familiar
05:13Porque van a destrozar a mehmet como
05:16Pues por lo que ha dicho davud rizvan bueno y el más
05:21porque trabajan juntos
05:24van a por mehmet ali
05:27y cómo lo sabes que tiene que ver davud con mehmet ali
05:32Ya está aquí
05:38Hola fikred buenos días buenas
05:43buenas pasa
05:48Me metali le apetece un té o un café nada gracias
05:54Era urgente jalili brine que pasa ayer hubo incidentes
05:59Te daremos los detalles
06:01xota me lo ha dicho ya sé lo que ha pasado pero
06:05no entiendo que tiene que ver todo lo que ha pasado conmigo
06:10teníamos un trato
06:12Lo han estropeado
06:14Ahora quieren romperlo
06:17La única forma es quitarte el puerto
06:21Todo el mundo sabe que nadie podrá quitarme ese puerto a menos que me maten
06:30Es lo que dice jalil mehmet
06:34Que te van a matar
06:37Ya lo han intentado antes lo sabéis
06:41Y por eso perdía a mi hijo no le tengo miedo a la muerte
06:48Ya sabemos que no le tienes miedo
06:52Nuestros enemigos también pero aún así lo intentarán es su única opción
07:00Pero tengo un plan pues lo explicaré
07:29Señor el coronel está aquí pues que pase no lo vamos a recibir en una celda
07:45Buenos días coronel ya pensaba que nadie me recibiría habiendo venido hasta el pueblo con lo que cuesta llegar
07:52buenos días comandante
07:54buenos días
07:55bueno sentémonos
08:00Qué toma comandante quiere algo
08:03me tomaré un café yo un té el coronel no ha traído nada
08:08Te sin azúcar para él sí comandante
08:15No le he traído nada porque no es fácil saber lo que interpretará no quería que me criticase
08:22pero eso era antes
08:24Le han dado 500 mil dólares a os
08:28perdón se rompió el brazo no sí
08:34Pero aún así no ha traído ni un solo dulce vale en lo juro
08:38la próxima vez le traeré algo
08:47Y no te jubilas coronel
08:51presenté la solicitud y me la han concedido
08:54Me jubilaré en agosto y tú que vas a hacer
08:58has venido a este pueblo has venido por una investigación
09:02tus compañeros ya son generales que vas a hacer lo siento coronel
09:08me arrepiento de lo que he hecho y de lo que no de muchísimas cosas
09:12pero viniendo a este pueblo que podría pasar aquí le dieron
09:17500 mil dólares a un inspector eso ya lo sabes pero ya me que yo no tengo coche tampoco tengo una casa
09:26sólo teníamos un plan no llegar vivos a los 40 y no hemos podido
09:33ahora estamos preocupados
09:35De verdad que recibió 500 mil dólares
09:39eso parece
09:41deberías saberlo he estado mirando los archivos y ha creado una red de trabajo con un tal jalil ibrahim
09:50obviamente están trazando un plan
09:52no me gusta hablar a espaldas de la gente sobre esto sabes lo sé es verdad
09:58llevo años sirviendo en este pueblo
10:01hay familias respetables son honrados
10:04hospitalarios les haces un solo favor y te hacen cientos
10:09pero ese tal jalil ibrahim
10:12creo que le ha comido la cabeza a os
10:16en cuanto al dinero me sorprendió es muchísimo
10:34Si Gilmaz Martini, Rizvan Leto, manejan dinero
10:40podríamos ir a por ellos a nosotros también nos darán
10:46Escucha por si te interesa
10:49estos tipos nunca suelen andarse con tonterías no te lo he dicho yo pero
10:55el dinero que le dieron a os para ellos es calderilla
10:58para evitar que sus nombres se mencionasen te darían el doble
11:03entonces son tus contactos y son buenos
11:07mira no tenemos esa relación
11:10te jubilarás pronto ve y diles
11:14que ha venido el comandante y que quiere el doble y a ver qué dicen
11:19a medias
11:22tú te jubilas y yo me jubilo
11:26cuidado no estás hablando alto no se oirán
11:30que nos oigan qué van a hacer echarme de mi puesto apartarme del deber por mi perfecto
11:37pero vas en serio voy muy en serio
11:41yo no soy irán
11:43Yalan, hay algo que te he presentado
11:49Je布 去
11:55Defend yourself
11:58Defend yourself
12:09Jeylan, there is something that I think is wrong.
12:15Little Sevda didn't seem happy with the news.
12:21Well, she was quite surprised.
12:25Maybe she thought that you weren't going to take care of her anymore.
12:28What would happen to her?
12:30She could think that because she is a girl.
12:33Osman, Sevda loves you very much.
12:38After all, I have always been the one who has taken care of her.
12:41She will be afraid.
12:44Being in the mountains, I remember telling her that I was going to send her to a boarding school.
12:49She would have that idea in her head, I imagine.
12:52My sister will get married and send me to a boarding school.
12:56Oh, poor thing.
12:58Would you really do it?
13:00If necessary, I will take her to class every day.
13:03I will treat her very well.
13:05I don't want her to go.
13:07And if you want, we could rent a house near the school.
13:12There are many of us here, you will be more comfortable.
13:14Look, you can share these things with me.
13:17I am understanding.
13:20I'm not leaving here, Osman.
13:22But you told me, you know, that sometimes there is a lot of tension,
13:25that there is usually a lot of tension with Sema and with Zeynep, right?
13:29You told me.
13:30I don't care.
13:32It happens to all of us.
13:36I want your support.
13:39Support me.
13:41They will get used to it.
13:44Very well.
13:52Come on, get in there. It's the sergeant.
13:54He wants to talk to Ous. I have to greet him.
13:58Well, we'll talk later.
14:13Sergeant, good evening.
14:15Good evening.
14:18All right?
14:19Very well, thank you.
14:20Yes, I'm a little late, but is Ous around here?
14:23He is, he is, in the garden. I will accompany him.
14:26Is everything going well?
14:27Luckily, yes, I'm not complaining.
14:30I'm sorry I'm late.
14:31It's okay.
14:37It's Aliyan.
14:39Let's see what he says.
14:41I hope nothing bad happens.
14:44Let's hope not.
14:50Good evening.
14:51Come in.
14:53Come in.
14:55Inspector, I see him very well.
14:58Yes, yes, they are taking good care of me around here.
15:00We take good care of him, there would be more.
15:02And now I'll bring tea to the sergeant.
15:05Well, go ahead.
15:06Sit down and talk, no problem.
15:12Jalil Ibrahim, has there been a problem where Davut?
15:16I heard something in the village.
15:18No, everything is fine.
15:20We have spoken and that's it.
15:22Very well.
15:30They say they have dismantled it.
15:32You should know, you are on duty.
15:35I am complacent.
15:37They spoke and made a deal.
15:39Did you come for that?
15:40No, inspector, it's not for that.
15:43I come here for something else.
15:45I don't know how to say it.
15:47Say it without rambling, as always.
15:50The commander who has come for the investigation, you know, is also corrupt.
15:58How do you say?
16:00I told the colonel that you are sure that they have given him 500,000 dollars.
16:04And why didn't they give it to him better?
16:06The colonel has come?
16:07Yes, yes, that's it.
16:09And they know each other from before.
16:11By the way, the commander says he should go see him tomorrow.
16:15And that he is also going to take a written statement.
16:19I told him I needed to rest, but nothing.
16:24He said how was he going to need to rest.
16:31Well, I'll go.
16:38Did Mesh-Num send you to fulfill a mission?
16:41No, uncle.
16:42It's the commander who didn't train us.
16:45And it has nothing to do with it?
16:47Well, no.
16:49He just wants to make sure his boys don't die.
16:53They start 40, end 4.
16:56So he constantly wants to watch them.
16:59Where are they?
17:00What are they doing?
17:02What does he say about what you are doing?
17:04Well, what is he going to say?
17:06Ous has been shot in the back.
17:08I fell in love with a woman.
17:10And I'm already married.
17:12Why do they say that man is crazy?
17:15It seems to me that he is perfectly sane.
17:23Aren't you glad that Osman and your sister are getting married?
17:27I'm glad.
17:28Does your sister really love that boy?
17:31Has she ever mentioned him to you?
17:33Or did he surprise you like he surprised us?
17:36He surprised me. Why do you ask me?
17:38I don't know.
17:39Out of curiosity.
17:41Osman always plays with you.
17:43I was wondering if you knew.
17:47They never told me that.
17:49But I already knew that Osman loved my sister.
17:52What I didn't know was that my sister also loved him.
18:00What are you doing here?
18:02I told you to go to bed.
18:04I was talking to Zeynep.
18:06But it's late.
18:08Besides, I want to talk to her a little.
18:11Good evening, Zeynep.
18:13Good evening, Celo.
18:20You don't need to investigate me, Zeynep.
18:23If you are curious, you can ask.
18:27I asked Sevda because he never lied to me.
18:31If you also give me honest answers, I will ask you, Celo.
18:38Well, I'll tell you before you ask, Zeynep.
18:42You can't kick me out of here.
18:45You can leave, but I'll stay.
18:48For one reason or another, I'll stay.
18:54Osman is the excuse to stay.
19:06Good evening.
19:08Good evening.
19:15You look a little tense.
19:19No, I'm not tense.
19:24With a husband like that, why would I be tense?
19:32We're going to bed.
19:34Let's go.
19:53Ah, Colonel, you're here.
19:55Good morning.
19:58Good morning.
20:05What is it?
20:06I promised.
20:07I said I'd bring something.
20:15I brought the money.
20:19Did they really give you money?
20:22As you can see.
20:24Who was it?
20:25Don't ask questions.
20:27You asked for it, and here it is.
20:30Do you have half?
20:31No, it comes as it is.
20:34You're going to distribute it.
20:36From now on, it's your job.
20:39Now we can have a coffee together.
20:43One moment.
20:50Yes, sir?
20:55Look, bring me a coffee and call an ambulance.
21:00Sir, what did you say?
21:02Repeat the order, Aliyan.
21:04You want me to bring a coffee and an ambulance.
21:07I understand, sir.
21:08The ambulance is not for me, only the coffee.
21:11I understand, sir.
21:18How can this be?
21:23This is life, Ashar.
21:25Look at this.
21:29Do you realize?
21:31Even time has changed.
21:33I'm going to retire.
21:35And thanks to you.
21:36Come, give me a hug.
21:38Come on, don't be silly.
21:40Colonel, I'm going to hug you.
21:42I'm coming.
21:44Come here.
21:47Come here.
21:48You're a machine, you know?
21:51How great.
21:52Come, I'll show you something.
21:54There are many buildings here.
21:56But do you know what I see?
21:58I only see an endless ocean.
22:00I see beaches, big trees and flowers.
22:03And you know what's best?
22:05I see retirement.
22:06Retirement, Colonel.
22:08My Colonel.
22:11Who do you work for?
22:14Tell me who you work for.
22:16Tell me who you work for.
22:18Who do you work for?
22:27Don't scream, idiot.
22:29The ambulance is coming.
22:47Thank you, Aliyan.
22:53Very good.
22:54Bring me that coffee.
23:01Aliyan, document this money.
23:04Tell your partner to take that traitor to the hospital quickly.
23:08As I ordered.
23:11By the way, don't believe everything you hear.
23:16Of course, Commander.
23:26Take that thing off. It's annoying.
23:29You're walking down the street as if it were the first time you've been shot.
23:34Yes, Commander.
23:36Ous, I think we can make a deal with Ashar.
23:49Maybe that way he'll give us the one who shot you.
23:53Did he work for the Colonel?
23:55Stop calling him Colonel.
23:57If he wasn't his man, how the hell would they bring the sniper?
24:01He hasn't thought about it.
24:03Luxurious life has changed him. A lot.
24:18Come in, sir.
24:20Wait outside, Agent.
24:22Yes, as you ordered.
24:28I was told you weren't bleeding.
24:31I didn't ask why.
24:33Because I know exactly how cruel you are.
24:38We're thinking about ending the job at the hospital.
24:42Or we'll give you one more chance. What do you say?
24:47Don't answer now. Think about it.
24:50Think about it.
24:53If you die, you'll go to hell.
24:56I'll find you there too.
24:59But if you tell me now, I'll regret it.
25:02I'll tell you everything.
25:04That way, everything will change.
25:07But I can't offer you an easy life.
25:10You'll retire. You'll get your pension.
25:13But you'll spend it in hospitals.
25:16Because I'll go to see you a lot and I'll beat you up.
25:24These people are very important.
25:28You don't know what you're getting yourself into.
25:31Look, even if you kill me,
25:34they won't let you and Oz live.
25:40Hey, let's see. Look me in the face.
25:43Do you think I'm just trying to survive?
25:52Is that all you want?
25:54It will be an honor to die with you, sir.
25:58Neither will he. We're ready.
26:01And what are you going to do?
26:06Are you going to talk...
26:10or are you going to die?
26:13Okay, okay.
26:19I'll tell you whatever you want.
26:22Did you find the person who shot her?
26:31Where is she?
26:37Where is she?
26:53Where is she?
26:58Where is she?
27:02Where is she?
27:22Where is she?
27:53Get the ship ready.
27:55I'll sign the papers and then I'll leave.
27:58And when you leave, I'll take care of Mehmet?
28:01No need.
28:03Others can do that job.
28:23What do you want?
28:25We're here to see Mehmet.
28:27I didn't expect anyone today.
28:29I didn't know we were coming.
28:36Take this.
28:52What are you doing here?
28:54Do you want me to kill you, Yilmaz?
28:57I give you the option to live, Mehmet Ali.
29:05Sign it.
29:07Transfer it.
29:09And leave.
29:40I have to transfer it to Davut, right?
29:43That's what you have to do.
29:46Yes, but you're late, Yilmaz.
29:49I already transferred it to the port this morning.
29:52What did you say?
29:55And who has it?
30:19The port is mine.
30:50The port is mine.
31:01Don't move.
31:19Don't move.
31:37I'll kill you.
31:49I'll kill you.
32:00What, Nusret?
32:03Is something wrong?
32:06Do you want to register me?
32:50I'll kill you.
33:04Since you've come too, Fikret.
33:09I'm leaving now.
33:12Happy holidays.
33:22Seeing you trembling and seeing the fear on your face makes me feel very good.
33:31Don't die too soon, Jalil Ibrahim.
33:35We have to avenge Akif.
33:41It won't be fast.
33:45Don't worry.
33:49Very well.
34:19Don't die too soon, Jalil Ibrahim.
34:36You were reckless.
34:41You said you were not afraid of anything.
34:44Now who's going to save you from this, Yilmaz?
35:14I'll kill you.
35:17I'll kill you.
35:44It's this way.
36:01What is the commander doing here, Mesnun?
36:07Whose blood is it?
36:11I don't know, commander. I was here when I arrived.
36:16Register him.
36:18Yes, sir.
36:19Register him.
36:21That's it.
36:23There's police everywhere.
36:30For Ambolya.
36:41We can't do it. Stop it.
36:58Please, Mr. Prosecutor.
37:01Put the gun down, Jalil Ibrahim.
37:05If possible, don't shoot him.
37:08Let him do it, sir.
37:11Then we'll get rid of both of them.
37:14Jalil, didn't you hear me?
37:17Look, he's a fugitive, okay? You've got him and it's over.
37:20I'm not going to stop you, Jalil.
37:22You're a coward. Coward.
37:25You came here with the police and the prosecutor.
37:28I treated you like a man. Coward.
37:31The colonel has confessed.
37:33There's no way out, Yilmaz.
37:35Don't ruin your life like this.
37:37Jalil Ibrahim, shoot.
37:40Shoot. I don't care if they lock me up.
37:43I'll get out. You know that.
37:45I'll find you. I swear.
37:48Shoot. Let's go.
37:51I'll wait for you.
37:53Take him.
38:07Let's go.
38:12Take them, too.
38:14No, no, no. There's no need. They'll come when they're called.
38:17I'll call them.
38:19Let's go.
38:37Let's go.
38:46I think they've got him.
38:48Let's get in the car.
38:52We're just in time, sir.
38:55I can't prove the violence against the colonel,
38:59but this time it worked.
39:01But there was no violence, Mr. Prosecutor.
39:04These men never know how high they are,
39:07because they all go up together and break their bones.
39:11That's all.
39:15Come on, let's go.
39:35Mom, have you talked to Nergis yet?
39:39I've called her and she's on her way.
39:42We'll decide what to do together now.
39:45Nergis, when my mother comes, can I go upstairs?
39:49I'd rather not be there.
39:51No, don't even talk.
39:53Even if you've made a mistake, you must correct it.
39:57There are no more secrets.
39:59It's all out in the open now.
40:01Actually, there are still many secrets, Mom.
40:04It's important to know why Damla made those mistakes.
40:08Have you ever thought about who forced her to do it?
40:12Who forced her to do that?
40:14Hakan, Mom. Hakan.
40:16Hakan, huh?
40:18What are you saying?
40:20What does it have to do with it?
40:23Aysé, good morning.
40:25Good morning, Elif.
40:27I should have told you before you came in.
40:30I told you to wait.
40:32Elif, what's wrong with you?
40:34It's Aysé.
40:35I didn't say you couldn't come in.
40:37Aysé, I just had to tell you.
40:40It's embarrassing.
40:42Do you know what you're doing?
40:44Do you know what you're doing, Nedimé?
40:47Aysé, calm down, please.
40:49You were like my mother.
40:51You were, in spite of everything and everyone.
40:54I was always by your side, in spite of everything.
40:57I was always by your side.
40:59I was always by your side.
41:01I was always by your side.
41:03I was always by your side.
41:05I was always by your side.
41:07I was always by your side, in spite of everything.
41:09And what are you doing?
41:11You're welcoming the woman my husband cheated on me with.
41:14Hey, Aysé.
41:16My mother has nothing to do with this.
41:18Sit down. Let's talk.
41:21Of course.
41:23My aunt is right, snake.
41:26And you've found a wonderful team.
41:29I'm in charge, Aysé.
41:32Aysé, wait.
41:33What are you saying about me?
41:35What are you going to do?
41:36Are you going to ask your husband to kill me?
41:39You've become a killer, haven't you?
41:41Aysé, I don't know what side you're on now, really.
41:44With your aunt?
41:45If that's the case, get out of this house.
41:47Until Damla leaves here, I'm not leaving.
41:50I'm sorry, Aysé.
41:53Only those who have brought me to this house
41:57can throw me out of here.
42:03That thing you're wearing is my ring.
42:05Well, it doesn't matter whose ring it is.
42:08What matters is who gave it to me.
42:12You're a snake.
42:17And I'm going to kill you.
42:19Don't even talk.
42:21I should have thought of that before I left with your children.
42:25You support the one who destroyed your son's family, huh?
42:28Tell me.
42:34I'll fight you from now on.
42:44Damla, who gave you that ring?
42:46I found it in the room.
42:48I was going to give it to Fikret,
42:50and I realized it was Aysé's ring.
42:53But now, when she's dressed like that,
42:55I've put it on to bother her.
43:01Very well.
43:03You don't have a filter either.
43:05You said you weren't afraid of your aunt Aysé,
43:08but you'd better be afraid of Aysé.
43:12Let's see what news I have.
43:14Good news on the one hand, but bad news on the other.
43:17I don't know if you'll like it.
43:18What's wrong?
43:19Gilmas has been arrested.
43:51Gilmas has been arrested.
44:21To be continued...
