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Daughter of famous artist Durdy Bayramov talks of how she scripted her own success story.

When Turkmen expat Keya Bayramova first came over to Dubai in 1993, all she wanted was to establish her own identity and stand on her own feet.

Not ready to rest on the laurels brought to her family by her beloved father Durdy Bayramov, the famous Central Asian artist who was awarded the highest honourary title in his country, she started off her expat life by working as a sales executive in a hotel in Dubai.

Her vision, coupled with hard work over the last three decades resulted in her becoming a successful businesswoman by setting up companies in construction, catering, general maintenance and real estate sectors.

Read the full story here: https://bit.ly/3taqMt3

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00:00I'm very very grateful for what I am today and it's it's a time for me right now to share
00:07to share the experience, to share the love, to share the knowledge.
00:18The way how my dad raised four of us, we're four sisters, is that you have to be independent.
00:27The reason why is because he was orphaned. He has to depend on himself. He used to say
00:33my responsibility and your mom's responsibility is to give you the education. How you carry your
00:41life, how you want to pursue your life, it's up to you. It's everything is in your hand. But remember
00:49nothing is impossible. I came to Dubai in 1993. My first job I was working in the hotel.
00:58I was working in the sales executive office. That's how I began my journey. I was working
01:06in the hotel for about four years and then I got the opportunity to open my own business.
01:16I was in, so I opened General Trading. I got a baby, you know, I got my son, my oldest son
01:23Rashid and there was an opportunity for me. A friend of mine offered me, would you like, since
01:30you have time now, you don't know doing anything, can you do a marketing? And I said yes, why not?
01:38So he asked me to help him to do marketing in a manpower supply business. So that's how I began.
01:45Then I decided maybe it's a time for me to open my own. Since I started to do this really well,
01:53I opened a company called Professional Manpower Supply. Our company become one of the top five
02:02recruitment agencies in the construction sector. Eventually we reached to the
02:07point where we were a one-stop shop recruiting people, accommodating them, feeding them
02:18and supplying manpower on an hourly basis. So we had 2,700 people in our operation.
02:26Now we have a maintenance company and the company name is Professional
02:36Line Building Maintenance. We have another company called Parent Concierge. When the family arrive
02:44to Dubai or to UAE, Parent Concierge is helping them to find their home and then finding the
02:51school. So while we come up with the one-stop shop, so when the family arrive, we just finish
02:57for them from A to Z. I always encourage women to be strong, be independent. I dearly love
03:09Dubai. That's the country that gave me opportunity to grow, to be myself.
03:19You know, and I'm very, very grateful for what I am today and it's a time for me right now to share
03:31the experience, to share the love, to share the knowledge with the people,
03:39with the community here in Dubai. When once Sheikh Mohammed, he said,
03:45many leaders are promising, but we are delivering. So that is powerful words,
03:56is always keeping me, you know, to drive and, you know, said, okay, we can do it.
04:02I think my life goal is to open a museum.
