• last month
Located at the headquarters of the UAE’s national weather bureau — the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) — the facility in Al Shawamekh will offer visitors a four-dimensional immersive experience.

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#UAEnews #weather #science


00:00Today, we are glad to announce the opening of the Science Dome at the National Center
00:24of Meteorology, which helps general public and young students to better understand some
00:31of the weather phenomena, such as fog and temperature, wind, and even seismic activities.
00:39Because this dome, it's one of its kind, and it's equipped with devices that simulate these
00:44phenomena, and it's a 12 meters diameter in size, and equipped with laser projection
00:53systems with all these systems that allow us to simulate the different weather phenomena.
01:00This technology, it goes under the National Center of Meteorology directions in order
01:07to use all these technologies in order to better understand the weather phenomena for
01:13the younger generations and the general public.
