• last month
The UAE Space Agency has launched an initiative that would explore commercial possibilities from the country’s growing interest in space.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/business/markets/uae-goes-deep-into-commercial-prospects-of-its-space-mission-with-new-survey-1.90345511

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#UAEnews #space #spacemissions


00:00My name is Abdallah Almarar. I head the Space Projects Section in the UAE Space Agency.
00:04Today, of course, we launched the Space Economic Survey.
00:10It has been launched in collaboration with Federal Competitive and Statistical Center.
00:17The idea, of course, is to emphasize the scale of the space economy in the UAE,
00:26its role in diversification and sustainability.
00:31And the idea, of course, is also to support the decision-making through the results of the survey.
00:40Now, the survey is done on a yearly basis.
00:43The idea, of course, is to measure the effect of the initiatives, the strategies,
00:53space strategies in the UAE to see how the effects of these initiatives being conducted
01:04and executed are in terms of the economy.
01:10And it's also done in, of course, the survey is going to encompass the government sectors,
01:22but also the private sectors together.
