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UAE kids share thoughts on coronavirus

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#COVID19 #UAE #coronavirus
00:00Karuna, Karuna, go away. Never come again. All the children want to play. Karuna, Karuna, go away.
00:11I heard about coronavirus and I always pray for God and I'm asking him to stop the corona and keep ourselves safe.
00:21Coronavirus affecting to our lungs. Headache, fever, running nose, throat pain and cough. So everybody take care of our health. Stay home.
00:45I don't like coronavirus because I cannot go play outside with my friends.
00:55Coronavirus is a very bad disease. There are many different types of viruses but the one that is going on now which is very dangerous, it's called COVID-19.
01:05Coronavirus is a small virus that no one can see it and it started from China and it's spreaded all over the world.
01:13Coronavirus is very dangerous. It's safer to stay at home. So please don't go outside.
01:22Coronavirus is dangerous and we should not go out. But you have to put mask and wash neatly with soap and water.
01:38I'm fed up of coronavirus. I want to go outside park. I'm missing my school. I want McDonald's, shopping mall, Al Baik, everything. It is so dangerous.
01:49Yes Yasi, it is dangerous. Listen, coronavirus is a virus which spread all over the world through person to person and right now we are locked down at home to reduce such spreadings and stay home, stay safe.
02:04We all know what is coronavirus and how badly it is spreading globally. Let's fight together by staying back home.
02:14As we know COVID-19 is spreading everywhere. To protect ourselves we should follow all safety instructions.
02:23You know coronavirus is a teeny tiny monster. We are not able to see with our eyes. Sometimes it looks green, sometimes it looks purple and it has so many crowns.
02:38I think coronavirus is caused by people's germs. Also I think coronavirus is caused by people's sneezes or coughs.
02:48I think the COVID-19 is very dangerous so I think we should keep our kids safe.
02:55This coronavirus is a wicked witch. She locked Rapunzel in a locked tower and this coronavirus has locked us in our house.
03:10Corona is like a green dirty slime. It's full of germs. Stay home, stay safe.
03:16I just feel very sad, dejected and furious about the current situation that we have all around this whole world. Everyone can't go outside. Children can't go out playing with their friends.
03:28Don't go outside because germs are outside.
03:32What is coronavirus? I can't understand what is coronavirus.
03:36Yes, this coronavirus is a deadly virus. Because of this every single person is getting terrified of it.
03:46I'm so sad because I'm staying all the time inside the house. All the time I see my friends, wicked friends. Now I want to see them. I'm so sad.
