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Here are some cleaning and hygiene tips to help keep the COVID-19 virus out of your home.

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#coronavirus #UAE #home
00:00Spending more time at home can make your space less hygienic.
00:11So where should you begin?
00:15First of all, declutter.
00:16If your deep clean is going to be effective, you have to start by getting as many of your
00:21unnecessary and larger household items out of the way first.
00:25Then work your way from top to bottom.
00:27The best thing to do is to start with the top high places, leave the floors to the last
00:34Make sure you attack high touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, refrigerator
00:40and microwave doors, drawer handles.
00:43Use soap and water or disinfectants, since both are effective in protecting your home
00:48from the coronavirus.
00:50Be thorough.
00:51A spray and a vigorous wipe should do it, but don't get lazy here.
00:56Be sure to get the entire surface.
00:59Make sure you tackle one room at a time.
01:02When it comes to the actual cleaning, don't multitask.
01:06Tackle cleaning one room at a time, completing each room, then moving on to the next.
01:14Remember your bed.
01:16Beds can really collect dust.
01:17Even if covered by a protector, mattresses are prone to pick up dust particles, dust
01:23mites and debris.
01:24For better cleaning, clean both sides of your mattress with a vacuum cleaner, ideally
01:29with a fully sealed filtration system.
