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UAE resident shares experience living with COVID-19

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#UAE #coronavirus #COVID19


00:00Hello everyone. A lot of you would have seen a video of my husband in hospital looking really
00:06sick fighting COVID-19. Thank you for all your messages and calls and texts and good wishes and
00:14prayers. He's doing so much better now and is responding to medication and he's going to get
00:21through this. But what I wanted you to see is a different side of it. I tested positive for
00:28COVID-19 too. We both got tested together and we both got our results together. Shane's been in
00:35hospital for seven days now and I've been at home in isolation, in complete isolation, away from my
00:42kids and everybody else in the family. I'm absolutely fine. I have no symptoms whatsoever.
00:49I don't have a cold. I don't have a fever. I don't have a cough. All the symptoms that you
00:56would associate with somebody who's really sick with this virus. I was told I had a higher virus
01:04level in my system when we got our results than my husband. What I can tell you though is that
01:16anybody could have it and this is it. I think the only way that I'm going to break the chain
01:21is if I stay home and completely isolated from everybody else out there and really take care of
01:28me. My husband's an athlete. He's very fit. He rides a bike and runs and swims great lengths
01:37and his fitness is really, really great. Much better than mine. But his immunity wasn't great.
01:44He had a steroid shot for a ear infection about a month ago and the doctors think that that really
01:50compromised his immunity when he really needed it most. So yes, he's fit and it's helped him to
01:56fight this but your immunity is what is really, really going to get you through the next couple
02:01of weeks. So please use the time that you have now to focus on you. Really take care of yourself,
02:09eat good food, fresh vegetables and fruit and really take your vitamins and also exercise.
02:17Take advantage of the time, the many resources that we have online of free activities and
02:25cardio classes, yoga, Pilates. Take that time for you because this is the time that you really need
02:31to do that. So take the time to use all the natural remedies that we hear about, your turmeric,
02:38your ginger, your black pepper. Really give yourself the best immunity that you can to help
02:46your body fight anything that we could be facing in the future. And if you are don't know but are
02:54still carrying it, you can break that chain by staying in. This is why we have such strict
03:00lockdowns. You can wait to have that coffee later. You can wait to do all the things that we want to
03:05do. You can be social online like we are now and use some of the apps that are available. Zoom
03:12works in the UAE now. So get chatting to your friends if you need to. If you're bored, do it
03:19virtually, not by popping around, not by sending your kids to the neighbor's house for a playdate.
03:26Please don't do that because we don't know who has it. Children are carriers. They don't manifest
03:32sickness. They don't, thankfully, don't get sick. I have three kids at home with my sister. We live
03:39here with my helper, her husband and a baby. They're all negative. They've tested, been tested
03:46and by God's grace, they've all shown negative results. So, you know, it is possible to live
03:52in a home and not give it to everyone around you. It is possible to live in a home and not get it
03:59either. So don't be afraid. Don't read everything that you see online from people who haven't been
04:06there and experienced it. I am absolutely well. You know, use the time to also connect with your
04:13faith and really believe that God is in control. God has got this. He's working and use the time
04:20in the best, best possible way that you can, not by worrying, not by being afraid.
04:26I wish you all much, much, much love and sending lots of healthy, positive vibes to you.
04:34Thank you for all your prayers and all your wishes that you've all inundated us and covered
04:39our family with. We are so grateful and I'm really looking forward to us all being together soon
04:45and Shane coming home from hospital really soon. Look after your loved ones and stay safe. Much love.
