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(Adnkronos) - “La partecipazione a Sanremo ci dà la possibilità, attraverso la musica italiana, di raccontare la nostra Regione a quello che è il nostro primo mercato turistico, gli italiani”. Lo ha dichiarato Gianfranco Lopane, assessore turismo, sviluppo e impresa turistica Regione Puglia, intervenendo a villa Nobel a Sanremo, alla presentazione del nuovo marchio unico della Regione Puglia: un simbolo ottagonale con all’interno intrecci stilizzati di rami d’ulivo. Il claim che lo accompagna è evocativo: “Puglia. L’Italia levante”.


00:00In the meantime, the new logo allows us to talk about our identity, so Lulivo and Castel del Monte, which represent for us, let's say, absolutely identical tracts, but I believe that the whole tourist and cultural proposal is centered around the identity and also finds in the repositioning of the roots of the moments of valorization also in the cultural field.
00:30There are now important initiatives, great events that have become travel motivations, and among these absolutely there are the top ones such as Taranta, such as Medimax in Taranto, but also the participation here in Sanremo gives us the opportunity, through Italian music, to tell our region about what is essentially our first tourist market, that is, the Italians.
00:58I must say that this will continue and our investments in the cultural product, also through music, will be increasingly central in the promotion of our territory, so a strong link between the roots of our tradition and the wings with which we would like to project Puglia in the future.
