• last month
(Adnkronos) - “La Puglia è una realtà che vuole emergere e lo fa con il lavoro, l’abnegazione e la voglia di migliorarsi sempre. È gioiello da presentare a tutta Europa”. Queste le parole di Rocco De Franchi, direttore Comunicazione istituzionale di Regione Puglia, durante Bit 2025, la più importante manifestazione in Italia per l’innovazione nel settore dei viaggi e del turismo.


00:00What is the role of Puglia in the future?
00:04President Michele Emiliano's indication was clear at the beginning of these almost ten years in office.
00:11To transform Puglia into a recognizable brand, but with a large community at the base.
00:16A community made up of entrepreneurs, tour operators, 250 trade unions,
00:21which today represent not 250 small-scale businesses, but a united community
00:25that is committed to the whole world for what it is.
00:30That is, a reality that wants to emerge,
00:33which does it with the traits of the people of Formica, as Tommaso Fiore called it.
00:38That is, work, dedication and the desire to always improve.
00:42The data that we celebrate every year at the Bit are extraordinary.
00:46We are able to draw out very important numbers,
00:49and these very important numbers are the fruit of everyone's work.
00:52Not only of the institutions, but also of a conscious private sector
00:55that exploits the community funds well in the new 2021-2027 program,
01:00which manages to make Puglia a jewel to represent throughout Europe.
01:06Our hospitality is a democratic hospitality,
01:08which is dedicated during the summer festivities on the newspapers.
01:12The young boy can come and have an experience even in the countryside,
01:18and we also know how to welcome tourists who have a different spending capacity.
01:23I think of the Americans, I think of the Russians who will come back sooner or later,
01:26I also think of many Israelis, South Americans,
01:29who flock to our luxury reception facilities.
01:33This democratic model of hospitality is a model that does us good
01:39and also makes us hope for the future,
01:43because this widespread and varied presence
01:47makes our region not only a brand destination for itself,
01:53but also a subject that operates in this sector in a continuous way,
01:59without losing sight of the importance of innovation.
