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(Adnkronos) - Leva strategica per la generazione non solo di un ritorno economico ma anche di occupazione, il turismo è per Regione Puglia un settore sul quale puntare ed investire e che, lo confermano i dati, vede negli ultimi anni una notevole crescita. Se ne è parlato in occasione dell'edizione 2025 della Bit a Milano, la più importante manifestazione in Italia per l’innovazione nel settore dei viaggi e del turismo, a cui Regione Puglia ha partecipato.


00:00For several years now, Puglia has been a hub for tourism, not only domestic but also international, a democratic tourism that welcomes both young people looking for fun at low costs as well as adults who choose luxury and relaxation and that, in addition to the coasts, touches the inland, the places of culture and natural beauties.
00:24Of the excellent performance of tourism in Puglia, we spoke at the BIT 2025 in Milan, the most important event in Italy for innovation in the sector of travel and tourism.
00:35We have invested 360 degrees in tourism over the years and it is the result of a capacity to spend European funds.
00:44Puglia has shown, you can count on the last cent of the European funds, FESRE and FSE of the 14-20 cycle, to be a southern region that knows how to spend and spend its resources well.
00:56So we have given a significant boost to tourism, to tourism companies, from 2015 to 2024 we have made investments in more than 6,000 tourism companies, from the BNB to the Grand Hotel.
01:13On the front of tourism, in the course of the Emilian administration, the Puglia region has in fact pursued a precise goal.
01:20To make and transform Puglia into a recognizable brand, but that has at its base a large community.
01:26A community made up of entrepreneurs, tour operators, 250 trade unions that today represent not 250 countryside, but a united community that is committed to the whole world for what it is.
01:39That is, a reality that wants to emerge, that does it with the traits of the people of Formica, as Tommaso Fiore called it, that is, the work, the dedication and the desire to always improve.
01:52The Director of the Department of Tourism of the Puglia region will present the data of the share.
01:57We see an increase of 10% of the arrivals of the presence, overall.
02:02In reality, the significant data is that the international arrivals, the international presence, has increased by double, by 22%.
02:10But the even more interesting thing is that looking at a wider arc, the last ten years, those in which we have implemented these policies,
02:18using from our point of view, at best, the European structural funds that have been made available to us, we have a doubling of the rate of internationalization in our region.
02:27It was 20% in 2015, we have exceeded 41%.
02:32The increase in international tourists is a significant element that confirms the goodness of the internationalization policies adopted by the Puglia region.
02:41This shows us how the policies that we have implemented in these years of internationalization of our destination are working,
02:50they are working at best, not only for the markets that we are able to attract, but also for the fact of placing tourist products in periods of the year that until some time ago it was not even possible to imagine.
03:05The 40% of the tourist presence in the region occurs in the summer months.
03:13This is an excellent data on which to continue to reason.
