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Check out poses that aim to cleanse and detox the body. Great for those fasting during Ramadan.

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00:00Hello everyone! Welcome to Yoga With Mary. Today's discussion and practice is all about
00:13yoga while fasting. Wondering whether you can safely practice yoga while you are fasting?
00:21And the answer is big yes, you can practice it. Today's practice we're gonna do breathing exercise
00:30and also physical asanas. But I would recommend to practice yoga late in the afternoon like an
00:40hour before you break your fast. So let's begin with yogic breathing which is breathing from your
00:49stomach. Follow the yogic breathing which is they call it belly breathing. This is the natural
00:56way of breathing that we breath from our stomach. So in here your exhalation must be longer than
01:04your inhalation. So if you inhale for four, you breathe out for six. So come in a comfortable
01:12seated position, cross leg or even sitting on your heels. Sit and spine straight and gently
01:22closing your eyes. Tuning with your breath, tuning in with your body and feeling the sensation
01:33all around your energy. Relax your body, relax your mind.
01:41So inhale, expand your belly counting for four and push that air up into your chest
01:49and hold your breath there and slowly and very gently exhale from the top of your lungs for six
02:03and pushing your belly toward the spine. Hold your exhalation.
02:09Hold your exhalation.
02:14Inhale again for four.
02:20Hold your breath
02:24and exhale for six.
02:30Pushing that belly toward the spine and hold your breath.
02:36Inhale again for four.
02:40So count your breath mindfully, silently and hold your breath.
02:52Then exhale very gently from the top of your lungs pushing the air out in your exhalation,
03:01holding that breath before you begin to inhale again for four.
03:10Hold that breath at the top of your lungs.
03:15Exhaling for six.
03:20Silently count your breath.
03:34We'll do three more rounds.
03:40Hold your breath and exhale.
03:52One more inhale for four.
03:58Hold your breath then exhaling to six. Very smooth.
04:09And then breath normal without controlling your breath.
04:21Just feeling your body, feeling that sensation from the breathing practice
04:29and gently opening your eyes.
04:41Then we'll begin our asana with a few rounds of sansa rotations. You can do dynamic.
04:51Even when you're fasting your body would tell you what exactly it needs.
04:58So if they are, you know, telling you to do a gentle flow, then do it.
05:05But if you're craving, if your body's craving for a more, much challenging practice,
05:13then you do it. You just have to listen to it. Listen to your body.
05:18The physical asana we'll do, we'll start with sansa rotations
05:23followed by poses for detox and cleansing.
05:28So again, you do sansa rotation either dynamic or gentle or the traditional.
05:35But I'm going to do a sansa rotation or surya namaskar A by standing in front of your mat.
05:43It's either bringing the big toes together or feet hip distance apart.
05:52Spread your toes wide and feeling that connection
05:59from the ground, from the earth and feel that energy all around your body.
06:10This is a very active pose. It's mountain pose for a reason.
06:15So lift your kneecap high, roll your shoulder up and back and relax.
06:21Relax your jaw, relax your forehead and feel your body.
06:29Feel that braveness in you.
06:34Maybe gently close your eyes and take this moment to be grateful,
06:42to thank your life,
06:48to look deep inside you, mirror yourself
06:56and connect to your spiritual self.
07:02Maybe set your intention.
07:04Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale.
07:10Then gently open your eyes, bring your palm in a praying pose in front of your heart,
07:18bowing your head, then raise your hands above your head, palm touch, inhale,
07:25lifting that upper torso. One big inhale,
07:32and exhaling, hinge from the hips, swine dive forward.
07:39You can bend your knees if you need to and just relax your head.
07:46Lift your back halfway and inhaling, exhaling, step here right,
08:00foot back, left foot back, come into high plank.
08:07You can test your strength here for five, four, three, two, one.
08:18You just have the feeling that you are pushing yourself away from the ground
08:22or you can bring your knees down.
08:30Always keep that belly in toward the spine and bend the elbows, chest and chin to the ground
08:41and slide yourself forward, rolling your shoulder up and back,
08:47coming to the top of your feet, lifting your chest up, up dog,
08:55inhale, press your belly in, use your core as you lift yourself to downward facing dog,
09:04hips up and back. You can bend your knees for now.
09:10As you're working on strengthening your legs, bring your heels down onto the mat.
09:17Breathe in and breathe out, then look forward, bend the knees, step in front of the mat,
09:30flat back, inhale, exhaling, fold,
09:38inhale, rise up, hands up, palm touch, exhale, hands to the heart. That's one round.
09:45We're going to do five rounds of sun salutation.
09:52So again, bring your hands in front of the heart,
09:59inhaling, hands overhead, palm touch, look up,
10:05swine dive forward, exhale, bend the knees if you have to or keep it straight,
10:12inhale to flat back, exhale, again, step your right foot, left foot,
10:20then push your body away from the ground to high plank and stay here for five breaths,
10:29four, three, two, and one. You can bring your knees,
10:36your chest and chin to the ground, elbows in and slide your body forward,
10:42roll that shoulder up and back, inhale to up dog, exhale,
10:50press your hips up and back, down forward facing dog,
10:58bend the knees, look forward, step in front of the mat,
11:02step in front of the mat, inhaling to flat back, exhaling to fold, inhale,
11:13raise your hands up, palm touch, exhaling, hands to the heart. That's two. We'll do three more.
11:21If you want to do it more dynamic, then this is the practice for you. Inhaling,
11:30palm touch, exhaling, fold forward, bend the knees if you have to or keep it straight,
11:36inhale, flat back, hinge from the hips, keep pressing that belly,
11:42then put your hands on the mat, bend the knees, jump back to high plank.
11:50So keep that pushing away
11:55movement. Hold the plank for five, four, three, two, and one. Bend the elbows to chaturanga,
12:09exhale, then rise up, inhale to up dog, exhale, down dog.
12:19Stay for a few breaths,
12:27look forward, bend the knees, step back,
12:33halfway lift, inhale, exhaling fold, rise up, inhale,
12:40hands to the heart, exhale. Two more, inhale, exhaling,
12:53inhale, flat back. If you wanted to make it dynamic, plant your hands on the mat,
13:02press your belly as you jump it back to high plank. Keep your high plank really strong for five,
13:10four, three, two, one. Bend the elbows to chaturanga,
13:18inhale to up dog,
13:22exhaling to down dog.
13:26You can step or jump back in front of the mat. If you're jumping back,
13:32lift that heels off the mat, bend the knees, look forward,
13:37press that belly in, use your core as you jump. Halfway lift, inhale, exhaling fold,
13:46rise up, inhale, hands to the heart, exhale. One more, inhale up, exhale, fold forward,
13:59flat back, inhale,
14:00exhale, hands to the mat, jump back, exhale,
14:08inhale, up dog, exhale, down dog.
14:17Lift the heels, bend the knees, look forward, jump or step whichever way.
14:23Halfway lift, inhale, exhaling fold, rise up, inhale, and hands to the heart, exhale. Close your
14:33eyes, and feel again that sensation from that practice of sun salutation.
14:42From that practice of sun salutation,
14:48your heart begin to pump.
14:53And again, sending that gratitude to the universe.
14:59And opening the eyes, hands to the side. So after the sun salutation, you can do
15:13the poses for detox and cleansing. So it's a lot of like twisting here. So bring the big toes together,
15:22lower your hips, and your hands to the mat. So this is your distance, and lift your hands forward
15:36or parallel to the ground or perpendicular to the ground. This is the chair pose. One big inhale here,
15:48exhaling, hands to the heart. One big inhale as you lengthen your upper torso and twist to the right,
15:57hooking your left elbow to your right knee, and look back. Twisting and opening your chest,
16:08and every exhalation deeper your twist.
16:15Three, two, and one. Come back to chair. One big inhale, exhaling, hands to the heart,
16:31and you can just come into Tadasana. We'll do to the other side. So again, bend the knees,
16:41hips down, raise your hands forward, hands to the heart, one big inhale, and twist to the left,
16:53hooking your right elbow to your left knee, look back, and opening that chest,
17:00and opening that chest, twisting deeper in every exhalation.
17:09Say for three, two, and one. Chair pose, inhale, exhale, Tadasana. So the next pose is Eagle pose.
17:23So stand with your Tadasana.
17:29Now bring all the weight on your left leg.
17:35So there's all the weight. Then left your right leg, wrap it to your left,
17:44left leg, wrap it to your left, maybe wrap your toes to your calves,
17:52then spread your arms wide like an eagle. Three, one,
18:00and then interlace your arms. So bring your right hand under your left,
18:14then hands together, lifting that elbow almost level to your shoulders.
18:22Can you bring your hips a little bit down and breathe in here?
18:27Use your core. Keep pressing your belly in. This will test your balance and your strength,
18:37and your concentration.
18:42Then release the pose.
18:43Release the pose. Come into Tadasana. Change. So bring again the weight on your right leg,
18:54wrap your left leg onto your right,
19:04and then spread your arms wide,
19:07and then wrap your left arms under your right hand, and lifting that elbow
19:24up level with your shoulders. Can you bring your hips a little bit down?
19:30If not, stay where you are. Breathe in here for three, two,
19:45and one. Then release. Hands to the heart.
19:49Then we're going to move to lying pose. So gently lower your body to
20:00seated position. Extend both legs and sit on your sitting bone. Flex your toes. Engage your core.
20:15Breathe in here.
20:19For five, four, three, two, one. Then bring the right foot outside your left thigh.
20:34Hug your right knee closer to your chest. Then bring your right hand back, finger facing back.
20:45Stay here for a few breaths. Then raise your left hand up. One big inhale and twist
20:55to the right. Look over your right shoulder. Keep twisting.
21:05And every exhalation, deepen your twist.
21:14Five breaths. Three, two, and one. Release the pose.
21:27Then change it with the left leg. So bring your left foot outside your right thigh. Flex your toes.
21:36Hug it in. Now bring your left hand back. Raise your right hand up, lengthening your upper body,
21:50and twist to the left. Look over your left shoulder. Breathe in and out for five.
22:01And your exhalation, twist deeper. Three, two, and one. Release.
22:17Still extending both legs. Flexing the toes.
22:20Flexing the toes.
22:24Lengthening again your upper body. Raise your hands up.
22:36And fold forward. Exhale.
22:39And keep breathing. It's okay if you were just in here. For as long as you have a flat back
22:47and not rounding. Say for five breaths.
22:57Say for five breaths.
23:06And then come into lying position. So gently move your body all the way down to the mat.
23:18Bring the sole of your feet. Bend the knees. Again, hip distance apart.
23:31And your inhalation, raise your hips up.
23:35Raise your hips up.
23:41Stay for five, four, three, two, and one. Bring it down.
23:52If will is part of your practice, you can do it or you can do the bridge pose.
24:00Full will, you bring your hands beside your ears. Finger facing your feet.
24:11And your exhalation, lift your hips up.
24:19Then come on the top of your head. You can stay in here or press your hands straight.
24:27Come into your will pose. Say for three, two, and one. Tuck your chin in.
24:39And lower, bending your elbows, lowering your body down. Upper back, middle back, and lower back.
24:49Bring both knees toward your chest and rack side to side.
24:58And then bring your feet on the mat. The last pose you can do it if it's part of your practice.
25:09Again, it is a shoulder stand. Otherwise, you can just end the practice with savasana. So
25:19lifting your feet 90 degrees with the use of your core and momentum.
25:29Kick it up and assist it with your hand.
25:38Keep your chin away from your chest.
25:42From your chest.
25:46Stay here for five breaths. And don't move your head. Just keep looking forward.
25:54Three, two, one. And very gently, using your core and with control,
26:03lowering your hips down. Place your hands on the mat, controlling the movement.
26:13And slowly lowering your back. And your legs down for savasana.
26:24So again, connect with your breath. Connect with yourself.
26:34See what's the difference between
26:43the start of your practice and now the end of your practice.
26:49The end of your practice. Is your feeling the same? Or do you feel like some calmness?
27:03So breathe in and out.
27:09Stay here for as long as you want.
27:11And when you're ready, move your toes, your fingers. Maybe stretch your hands overhead.
27:25One big stretch. And roll your body to the right side. Gently. And stay here for a bit.
27:36And with the use of your left hand, push your body to a comfortable seated position.
27:46Hands to the heart. Bowing your head.
27:54Setting the energy.
28:00To your body. And out.
28:05The light in me. And the kindness in me.
28:11See the light and kindness in you. Namaste.
28:19So again, don't forget to grab a copy of Golf News.
28:24It's Yoga with Mary every Saturday. And don't forget to subscribe to golfnews.com.
