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Yoga detox. Learn how to flush out internal waste and clean up your body with these cleansing Artistic Yoga routines.See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Namaste and welcome to Artistic Yoga.
00:15Today we will continue with our discussion of Shatkarma or purification techniques.
00:22We are going to learn Laghu Shankha Prakshalan and Kunjal Kriya.
00:28In the morning, before eating or drinking anything, a quantity of warm salt water is
00:34made up.
00:36Two cups of the mixed water are drunk quickly and then five special yoga postures are done.
00:45Stand erect, legs together, hands by the sides of the thighs, gaze in front, interlock your
00:53fingers and stretch your arms above the head, palms facing the ceiling.
00:59Now slowly raise your heels and stand on the toes, raise heels as much as you can, stretch
01:06the body as much as possible.
01:09While returning to the original position, bring your heels down slowly to the ground
01:14first and bring the hands down also.
01:17The second asana is Tiryaka Tadasana.
01:23Stand with your feet a bit more than shoulder width apart, interlock your fingers, turning
01:29the palms, inhale as you raise your arms above your head, exhale as you bend to the side.
01:39Inhale as you come back to the center.
01:43Repeat on the other side.
01:46The third asana is Kati Chakrasana.
01:51Stand with feet shoulder width apart, inhale and raise your arms to the shoulder level,
01:57keeping the feet flat on the floor.
02:00Exhale as you twist the upper body to the right side, wrapping the right arm behind
02:05the waist and the left arm onto the right shoulder.
02:10Turn the head fully to the right to look behind.
02:14Inhale and come back to the center position.
02:17Repeat on the other side.
02:21The fourth asana is Tiryaka Bujangasana.
02:27Lie on the floor, on your stomach, forehead on the mat, hands placed under the shoulders,
02:34feet shoulder width apart, have the toes curled under and the heels raised up.
02:42As you inhale, push up into the cobra pose and exhale as you twist the upper body, turning
02:50the head to look over the shoulder at the left foot.
02:57Inhale as you come back to the center position.
03:00Repeat on the other side.
03:03The last posture is Udara Karsanasana.
03:07Squat on both feet, place the hands on knees, inhale at the center position.
03:14Exhale as you twist the upper body and head, dropping the left knee onto the floor.
03:20While twisting and holding for a few moments, push the right knee over the left thigh so
03:26as to exert a pressure onto the lower abdomen.
03:30Inhale while coming back to the center and slowly repeat on the other side.
03:36These asanas are performed 8 times each.
03:39After that, 2 more cups of the salted water is drunk and the 5 exercises are repeated
03:48The water and exercises are then repeated once more.
03:53Usually, by the time 6 glasses have been drunk, a strong bubble moment should be felt and
03:59one goes to the toilet.
04:01After all the water is passed, the intestines and bubbles will be clear of all matter and
04:08the stomach and small intestines empty of water.
04:12The last cleansing technique for today is Kunjal Kriya.
04:16This should be done in the morning on an empty stomach and should be done once a week.
04:22Add 2 teaspoons of salt to 2 liters of lukewarm water and drink at least 6 glasses at one
04:31Make sure your hands and nails are clean.
04:35Stand near a sink with your legs apart, back bent forward.
04:41Place your index and middle fingers in the mouth and rub the back of the tongue.
04:47This will induce the vomiting process and the water will gush out of your mouth.
04:52Ensure that all the water comes out.
04:56You can light on if you want and practice deep breathing for a while.
05:02This technique helps tone and stimulate the abdominal organs.
05:07Excess mucus is also removed.
05:11That's all from us at Artistic Yoga for today.
05:15Do practice the cleansing techniques.
05:18Here's to cleaner insides.
05:19Namaste and Goodbye.
