• last month
सीहोर न्यायालय में आज ऐतिहासिक फैसला आया जो कि मध्य प्रदेश में सर्वाधिक पुराना मामला लंबित था जो वर्ष 1988 में लंबित हुआ था और ये EOW का मामला है जिसमें धारा 409.420.34 भारतीय दंड संहिता के अंतर्गत आरोपियों को दंडित किया गया इस पूरे मामले में एक आरोपी को बरी किया गया और मामला काफी पुराना है इस दौरान वर्ष 1998 और 2025 तक इस फैसले में विवेचना हुई इस दौरान नौ लोगों की मृत्यु हो गई


00:00There has been an important decision in which many accused have been punished. What was the matter?
00:04Today, a historic decision was announced by CJM Madam Alchana Naidu Bode in Sehwar district.
00:12It was the longest case in Madhya Pradesh, which was extended in 1998.
00:20This is an AOW case in which under section 409, 420, 430 and 120 of the Indian Penal Code,
00:30a total of 39 accused have been punished and a total of one accused has been acquitted.
00:41During the hearing, a total of 9 accused have been acquitted.
00:48Under the IADP scheme, a scheme was launched by the administration
00:56that a comprehensive insurance scheme will be carried out for all the victims.
01:01The nominees for the scheme will get the claim of the insurance policy.
01:08In this scheme, a total of 1485 such claims were paid, which were completely false.
01:20The nominees were either false or non-existent.
01:24In total, a total of Rs. 72,009,000 was given in the scheme.
01:38Under this scheme, a total of 49 accused have been acquitted by the IADP.
01:45In this scheme, a decision was made after a 26-year trial.
01:51Under this scheme, the IADP's direction was that the trial should be completed day by day.
01:57Under this scheme, the IADP's direction was that the trial should be completed day by day.
02:09A total of 299 witnesses were interviewed.
02:14A total of 1,700 documents were exhibited.
02:20After their statements were completed, a written argument was presented by the IADP.
02:31In this, the IADP issued a 5-year and a 3-year sentence against the 49 accused under section 420, section 468 and section 468.
02:43A fine of Rs. 1,000 was given.
02:46All these accused have been given a fine of Rs. 1485.
02:52A fine of Rs. 1485 will be multiplied and given.
