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Morris Chestnut | Train Like | Men's Health
00:00Cardio is tough for me to do.
00:01I hate all the INGs.
00:03I don't like the running, the swimming.
00:04I don't like to do all that stuff.
00:10Hi, I'm Horace Chestnut, and today I'm going to show you
00:12just a couple of different exercises that I do
00:15various times throughout the week.
00:26Fitness, working out, staying in shape
00:27definitely helps as an actor
00:29because a lot of times I get a call time
00:31at 6 o'clock in the morning
00:32and I'm there till 7 or 8 o'clock at night.
00:35So if I'm not in shape, if I'm not, you know, staying fit,
00:38it's really, really hard to stay focused
00:41and be ready for that long day.
00:44I did a show a few years ago when I was younger
00:46called Rosewood to where I would be able to work out
00:48before I went to work.
00:50Can't work out before I go to Watson
00:51because I'm older.
00:53By the time that sixth hour rolls around,
00:56saying all the medical jargon,
00:57I'm just too fatigued mentally.
00:59So I can only really work out on the weekends.
01:02And I've had different workout plans throughout the years,
01:05dozens, thousands of workout plans throughout the years.
01:07Cardio is tough for me to do.
01:09I hate all the INGs.
01:10I don't like the running, the swimming.
01:12I don't like to do all that stuff.
01:13What I normally like to do for cardio,
01:15I normally like to just play pickup basketball.
01:17You know, it's like I say, it's camaraderie, it's bonding.
01:20I can go out there and be on the basketball court
01:21for, you know, three hours.
01:23If I can't play basketball because I'm working,
01:26I normally do the StairMaster.
01:28The StairMaster for me is top tier
01:31for burning calories and burning fat.
01:33Now we'll get into a couple of the exercises
01:36that I like to do during the course of a week.
01:40A cable chest workout.
01:42I like to do the incline cable press for the upper chest.
01:45That's a workout that I like.
01:46I like to do the cables, easily do the bench with the bar,
01:49but I'm by myself and I have to take off this side
01:52and put on adding weight and putting on weight
01:54and taking off weight, it's cumbersome.
01:57So when I do the cables, I just slide the pin out,
02:00slide in, so it's just easy, easy and more efficient.
02:02My workouts have changed as I've gotten older.
02:05I don't max.
02:06Young kids, they like to get into the gym and say,
02:08yeah, what's your max?
02:09You can, how much can you bench?
02:11What's your max bench?
02:12What's your max squat?
02:13The older you get, you know, the ligaments and the joints,
02:16they're not as strong as they used to be.
02:17So at my age, I normally do higher reps.
02:20Sometimes just the technique you can do,
02:23I can do a 15 pound dumbbell and fatigue my muscle that way
02:27and it has the same effect.
02:30Another exercise I like to do is the Arnold press
02:33with the dumbbells and it's very easy.
02:35And I can also do it by myself,
02:37probably do 10 to 12 reps.
02:39Staying in the gym has been important to me.
02:40It has to be a priority in your life.
02:42For me, I always tell people it has to be a way of life.
02:46I've worked out with trainers for different roles.
02:48I did a movie with Demi Moore called G.I. Jane
02:51and that was an extremely challenging role
02:53because it involved a lot of basic training
02:55with actual Navy SEALs.
02:57Demi Moore, she was of course the lead of the movie.
03:01At lunchtime, every single lunch,
03:02she'd run like three or four miles.
03:04Her trainer was there every day.
03:06That was very inspiring.
03:08When I worked with The Rock,
03:09you know, he had a mobile trailer,
03:11he was working out.
03:12So I've been inspired by a lot of co-stars.
03:15My ab exercises are my favorite exercises.
03:17I normally do a weighted cable crunch for my abs.
03:22I love this because it's one of the easiest ab workouts.
03:25You always have the rope and the cable for it.
03:27Abs definitely are made in the kitchen.
03:29I can do a million crunches a day.
03:31If my diet is not dialed in, you'll never see them.
03:34Cannot outwork a bad diet.
03:36You just can't.
03:37When I'm working out or have to do a shirtless scene
03:39or working out for a project,
03:41my diet is, I dial it in pretty strong.
03:44I'm very disciplined with it.
03:46Another exercise that I'm gonna do
03:48because I am trying to get my pull-up game back up
03:50is the lat pull-down.
03:52The least favorite of all the exercises that I have to do.
03:56If I'm not on the pull-up game, I lose it.
03:59And I built it up at one point.
04:00And then before I started Watson,
04:02I was pretty consistent and strong with my pull-ups,
04:05but now it's back down again.
04:07So I'm gonna work in my pull-up game.
04:09My back has always been my least favorite exercises to do,
04:14but it's been the most necessary for me.
04:16It's always one of those things to where
04:18sometimes you like to see the results of what you do.
04:21And when I put on my clothes
04:23or even when I take my shirt off,
04:24I kind of see my chest, I can see my abs.
04:26You can see your arms.
04:28It's really hard to see your back.
04:29Very important because me, even in my work sometimes,
04:31I slinch over like that
04:32because I don't do enough back exercises.
04:35So I'm supposed to walk
04:37and have my back kind of, you know,
04:39flex a little bit of my chest up and open.
04:41That's what I'm supposed to do.
04:43Don't always do it, but supposed to do that.
04:46Another part of the work I like to do
04:47when I'm training arms,
04:48I could do straight bar, cable, arm, curl,
04:5110 sets of 10 random weights.
04:53So you start at one weight and you do 10 reps
04:56and you have someone pull a pin
04:58and just put it somewhere randomly at another weight.
05:01However, since I do it by myself,
05:03I have control over the random weight
05:06that I put the pin in.
05:10When I did like Mike, I was excited.
05:13Growing up, I was a football player.
05:14I wasn't a basketball player.
05:15I didn't really start playing pickup basketball
05:17until I was out of high school.
05:18So I never really had the fundamentals.
05:20So when I got like Mike,
05:22I was really excited because I was going to be training
05:24Reggie Theus, who was a ex-basketball player,
05:27and there were going to be other basketball players.
05:29And I said, oh yes, I get to do the training.
05:31I get to train basketball and learn the fundamentals.
05:34But it didn't happen like that.
05:36We just basically went through the choreography
05:39for whatever the scene was for.
05:41That's really pretty much all we did.
05:44All right, thank you for watching the workouts.
05:46That's just some of the things that I do
05:47when I'm in the gym, trying to stay in shape.
05:49Hopefully it inspired you to get in shape
05:51like I'm inspired by other people.
05:53Good luck.
