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Dylan Efron | Train Like | Men's Health
00:00Training helped me and the Traders mostly for my mental health.
00:04That game is a mind****.
00:05You can't trust anyone.
00:08Your mind's racing with all these theories.
00:10It's that same feeling for me at the end of a triathlon,
00:13at the end of a marathon where you're telling yourself,
00:15I've got to give up.
00:16I've got to quit going.
00:18It just kept me like, I didn't want to give up.
00:20I wanted to keep pushing.
00:22Hey, I'm Dylan Efron and today you're going to work out with me.
00:30I'm very ADD with all activities.
00:38Like I try something new and I fall in love and that's what I live for.
00:41So I play pretty much every sport you can think of.
00:44It's rock climbing and highlining then free diving,
00:49but I play all the recreational sports like tennis, soccer,
00:53pick a ball, like give me a ball and a racket or anything
00:56and I'm going to be pretty good at it.
00:58It's what I find like the most fun in this world.
01:01My background's in triathlon.
01:02So I always mix in cardio. In college,
01:04I taught myself how to swim pretty soon.
01:07I got good at swimming and I got good at triathlon.
01:10So I think my first one was probably 2016.
01:15Yeah, I won my first triathlon for my age group.
01:16Ended up becoming an Ironman multiple times and pretty good at it.
01:22I travel a lot and this workouts kind of like my first day back.
01:26I'm not going super heavy.
01:27I just want to get the motions back in
01:30and back is just so important to me for rock climbing for everything.
01:35So this workout will incorporate pole, forearm strength,
01:39shoulder mobility, and a little bit of balance.
01:42All right, let's get to the fun part.
01:46All right, face pulls.
01:49I'll do three sets. I'll go lightweight.
01:52Really, it's like this is just a movement I try to do every day at the gym
01:57and it's just that exterior rotation for my shoulders
01:59because I've had a lot of shoulder injuries.
02:02Growing up, I dislocated them so much.
02:04The first one was in basketball,
02:06then wrestling, motorcycle crash and dislocated the other one.
02:13I know what it feels like to not be able to use my shoulders
02:16and it's really important to me.
02:18I don't want to be taken out of those sports again.
02:21Got to kick the shoes off
02:22because I normally am training outside in the sun barefoot,
02:27but I'm in New York in a gym, so it's a little different.
02:31Anytime I'm holding weights, I don't really like to wear those sets of shoes.
02:35So this is batwing rows.
02:36It's just a nice little variation
02:38because it's a lot of core strength and anti-rotation.
02:40One lighter kettlebell and one heavier kettlebell.
02:44The lighter kettlebell, I'm already going to pull back
02:48and then just do normal rows with this one.
02:51Incorporating a little bit of core into your back day.
02:59I did train for the Traders.
03:01I was just wanting to get rid of my anxious energy.
03:04So sometimes I would just run for 30 minutes.
03:11Me and Sam were about the only two that worked out.
03:13This is so not true, but it's like our little secret gym bro alliance.
03:16We couldn't even talk to each other,
03:17but we saw each other lifting weights once in a while.
03:19And we're like, what's up, bro?
03:22Working out with IAN would be really fun.
03:26The part that the audience doesn't see is it feels like IAN was barely there.
03:30We all got to know each other really well.
03:32You spend a lot of time together for that first episode,
03:35so it feels really sad when people leave.
03:38And IAN leaving was, yeah, it was awful.
03:41She was just getting started.
03:44So this is a suitcase carry.
03:49This one I do more for highlining,
03:51which is slacklining, where I'm walking on a rope,
03:54using a lot of feel and just body connection.
03:57Normally, I go pretty heavy on this.
03:59So I really feel this side pulling.
04:02Your body wants to tilt all these different directions,
04:04and you're just feeling like a string's pulling you up.
04:07You can incorporate a lot of proprioception,
04:10and that's just body feeling.
04:12So you can kind of look around and try to not use your sight and challenge this.
04:18Oh, see, I already fell.
04:21I have these days called, like, lazy workouts,
04:24where I don't want to go to the gym,
04:27but I force myself to just to build up that routine.
04:30And I just, like, promise my future self, like,
04:33you're not even going to sweat this day.
04:34You just have to show up.
04:37And this is one of the exercises that is so easy.
04:42My normal go-to with this is I'll do a 15 reps warm-up.
04:48Then I'll go heavy and try to get six to eight reps.
04:51Then I'll do one last set that's a drop set.
04:54So I'll keep it heavy, get three to five reps, drop it, drop the weight,
04:59get three to five more reps, and just kind of go until failure,
05:02if that makes sense.
05:04The guys got a lot of **** saying that the rowing was hard.
05:06It was hard if you're rowing right.
05:08A lot of people are saying, like, oh, it didn't even hurt.
05:10My arms weren't burning.
05:12It was really hard.
05:13I felt like me and Bob the Drag Queen at one point,
05:16I felt like we were carrying the whole boat by ourselves.
05:18We were really in unison, and finally this boat's going,
05:23and he gets off, and I'm just pleading with him.
05:24I'm like, don't get off the boat.
05:26We're going to lose if you get off.
05:28And I just couldn't understand why he was so adamant of getting off the boat.
05:32That was the first, like, I wasn't like, you're a traitor,
05:35but that was, like, something I noted in the back of my mind.
05:38I guess the traitors want to sow dissension.
05:42This is a lot of dissension.
05:43Everyone's pissed at each other right now.
05:46See, at this point in the game, like, my main goal is finding those people
05:49that I trust 100%.
05:51Danielle looked at me across the row when she voted for Bob the Drag Queen.
05:55She says, I'm voting with someone I trust 100%.
05:59She's got my back.
06:01Boston Robb voiced his concern for me, who I've been very much trying
06:06to get Bob the Drag Queen out.
06:08He stepped up.
06:09He had my back.
06:09So with those types of people, I know I have trust,
06:13and that's most important in this game right now,
06:15is, like, we're not even halfway done.
06:17The strategy is changing.
06:19With 23 people in the beginning, you can't think of the end game at this point.
06:23Like, my main strategy was to be friends with as many people as I can in a genuine way.
06:30That's a skill set I know I have, is to be open with people,
06:34have them be open with me, and just make genuine connections.
06:37And I think that's what helped me in the beginning of the game.
06:41From my personal experience, all the people that are actually good at rock climbing,
06:45not me, I'm an amateur, all my friends that are really good,
06:49they've got big forearms and small biceps.
06:51So rather than traditional biceps, I normally do some kind of a reverse curl.
06:56And this is still hitting my biceps, but the focus is on my forearms,
07:02which, again, is much more important for actually applying what I do in the gym to the real world.
07:10My brother and I train very differently.
07:12He's traditional. He's probably been reading men's health magazines since he was in high school.
07:16And he has very specific bodybuilding workouts,
07:20very structured to make your back look big, make your chest look great, all those things.
07:25So I've been able to learn from him, but I don't have that same skill set.
07:29So I'm just in here trying to stay healthy.
07:31Who would win an arm wrestling match?
07:34I'd like to say me.
07:36I've got long ass arms and I've always been good at arm wrestling.
07:40So I think I would beat that. If it was wrestling, he's got me right now.
07:45Foot race for sure me. I was the runner in the family.
07:53Now that we're warmed up, our shoulders, pull-ups.
07:57So again, this is like the core of rock climbing being able to do pull-ups.
08:02This is the one movement that I notice if I don't work out and I'm traveling a lot,
08:07I lose my pull-up strength. If I'm feeling good,
08:10my shoulders aren't hurting. I'm definitely going to be doing pull-ups on the back day.
08:14Normally, I'll go with this traditional grip,
08:18but if I'm doing a full workout, I'll do three sets and I'll do my first set traditional.
08:24Second set right here like narrow
08:28and then some bicep ones just so I'm hitting all the different muscles.
08:40That was it. Thanks for working out with me.
08:42I'd say my number one tip is to just get consistent.
08:45Stay faithful to going to the gym every day and it'll pay off.
