• 2 years ago
Men Over 70 | Train Like
00:00 fitness goals is when I walk down the beach I look better than the 30 or 35
00:04 year old guy that's walking down the beach like the cock of the walk. I want
00:08 to make sure that I look better than all these other guys around here.
00:13 Yeah this is the Crippler. This is my main machine for running people off.
00:26 Workouts have different intensities and different lengths and different there's
00:30 different strategies to get the muscles to grow or to maintain size especially
00:35 when you're 69 years old. Almost 70 brother. You always start out with high
00:39 reps so you kind of warm up the area that is vulnerable like in my case the
00:44 elbows. The first set to do like 30 reps or 40 sometimes 50. It's just for the elbow
00:49 protection. Every time you do every exercise always start with a lighter
00:53 weight because it's a different angle. That complete tension. Don't stop. Just
00:58 keep the movement and focus. Think about the exercise. Now I want to do alternate
01:03 dumbbell curls. Slowly curl one and then you curl the other one. Two, two. Inhale
01:12 exhale on the way down. Squeeze. Feel each repetition. Hammer curls. 20 pounds there
01:18 and maybe do some 25s and maybe some 30s. A great complement to standard bicep
01:28 curls. I do my cardio usually very early in the morning before Undisputed which
01:36 empowers me. It gets my endorphins flowing. It gets my adrenaline up. I want
01:41 to go over four miles on Tuesday and then Thursday a little harder I want to
01:46 go over five miles so I'm gonna go up around six-ish miles per hour. Saturday
01:51 I'm gonna be between six and seven for an hour and then Sunday my goal is to go
01:56 over six miles on the treadmill. For my stage and age that's pretty hot running.
02:01 Get on a treadmill for 10 minutes. Do some cardio to warm up the body because
02:05 you could be in Omaha, Nebraska. You could be in Chicago or North Dakota where maybe
02:09 it's like 10 degrees. Make sure that you warmed up. Then you begin your different
02:14 exercises. Tricep extension exercise. There's no different than when you do
02:20 squats. You warm up the knees or when you do that if you warm up your lower back
02:24 and all this. It's always important to warm up and then cool down. For me it's
02:28 not about working out with the heaviest weights. It's just I try to move as fast
02:33 as I can from one exercise to the next. The overhead pulls for the triceps. I'll
02:38 do three sets of those. I do my weights after the show and it's a way to release
02:46 and unwind and also to prepare for the following day's show. Put no swing into
02:52 the form. A complete isolation. Three, four. I feel that all isolation. It's not about
02:59 the weight. It's how you do it.
03:03 Let me do more. There you are. You want for mommy. Son of a bitch.
03:13 [Laughter]
03:17 See when you have a good training partner he can inspire you to do the extra four
03:23 strips. Front press. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And hold it up there. Hold it up
03:41 there. Hold it and then slowly down. Slowly down. Yeah get the burn. Think
03:47 about the growth of the front deltoid. Yes. So many people make little
03:52 mistakes when they exercise and then they wonder why am I not growing? Why am
03:58 I not progressing? But they do the exercise the right way. But you do it from the
04:03 beginning to the end. One nice motion. You can really tell that it goes right into
04:08 the deltoid. Real deltoid exercise.
04:16 That was a set. Today I did the front press, lateral raises on a machine.
04:22 Real deltoid exercise. So we can cover the front, the side and the real deltoid.
04:27 Just like in the good old days. But in the old days we did like 30 sets for
04:31 short. Now I do 15 sets. To end every weight workout I do a five minute plank
04:37 which I despise. But I find it's the single best ab workout and I find it
04:45 imperative that you have something to occupy your brain which will tell you to
04:52 stop after 30 seconds. I often end up doing these with some game on either TV
04:58 or my phone and I try to get lost in what's happening in the game. Yoga saved
05:06 my life quite literally. After shooting Avatar I was big and I looked really
05:11 strong and I was strong and I was as brittle as could be. I really had
05:16 overextended myself and I couldn't lift my left arm above my shoulder. A very
05:21 fine trainer named Jade Alexis said to me you're coming with me to Bikram
05:26 tomorrow. I said what's Bikram? She said it's a form of yoga. I went I don't think
05:30 so. I'm not a yoga guy. She said you're coming with me and I did. I went with her
05:34 the next morning five minutes into class. I was cursing at her saying I'm never
05:38 coming to this again. I went the next day and I've been doing it for the last 12
05:43 years. I mean for my age I have really you know good flexibility. I can go in
05:49 all kinds of directions, do all kinds of stuff that I could not do 10 years ago.
05:56 I train three or four days a week and if I'm training hard I do 500 free squats,
06:02 try to do 200 push-ups, try to do sets of 100 crunches. An airdyne bike
06:07 which I think is one of the most difficult pieces of cardio equipment,
06:11 5,000 meters in 10 minutes. Well starting on a Monday I'll do chest and back.
06:15 Tuesday I'll do shoulders, a lot of cardio, ab work. Wednesday do it thighs and
06:20 tris arms. Thursday I'll do legs of course and then I may take a day off. I
06:27 work out pretty much every day. I consider working out every day. If I
06:32 don't work out during the day that's a choice that I've made because I'm tired
06:37 or because I'm really busy with something else but I regard it as part
06:42 of my job. My fitness goals now is when I walk down the beach with my girl Sky
06:48 and my shirts off I look better than the 30 or 35 year old guy that's walking
06:54 down the beach like the cock at the walk. I want to make sure that I look better
06:57 than all these other guys around here because this is my beach brother. The goal
07:01 of fitness for me is quality of life. When you pass 70 which I had just have
07:06 you know you become kind of aware of your own mortality and I'd like to
07:10 extend the quality of my life for as absolutely as long as possible. Working
07:15 out is a big part of it. If I never bodybuild, if I never weight trained I
07:18 wouldn't be where I am now because this kept me alive. This kept the fire in me.
07:22 This made me very passionate, very self-competitive. I don't compete with
07:27 other people. It's all about competing with yourself. Be the best you can be
07:30 because having that, being the best you can be, your personal power that's
07:34 powerful. That moves mountains, personal power, passion moves everything. You are
07:39 what you do working out. It's the essence of health going forward. It's the
07:45 essence of durability and lasting in life. So in the end just remember that
07:53 working out to me and for you is life. If you want to go to the gym every day and
08:00 you want to work out every day and do a bike ride every day and do the training,
08:03 whatever training it is, every day, then you roll out of bed and you don't think.
08:06 Most important thing is don't think, just do. There's a time to think and there's a
08:13 time to do. So you roll out of bed, put your clothes on and you go. You get older
08:18 you have to get your second wind. No matter how much you warm up until you
08:23 get your second wind, you got to see your way through it. Because when you get
08:26 your second wind then all of a sudden your confidence comes back to you.
08:30 You're comfortable with yourself. I mean it's amazing. When you train it is not
08:36 just that your body gets pumped up but it's also your mind and you have a much
08:40 more positive kind of outlook on the day and on life. When you have already had a
08:45 pump behind you or a bicycle ride or a run or a tennis match or whatever you
08:50 sport you do. You got to get this out of the way because then you feel good for the
08:54 rest of the day. Everything is kind of like looking through a dark glasses
08:57 versus looking through a regular glasses. You know it's like everything looks
09:01 brighter.