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(Current Affairs)

- Waseem Badami

- Sheikh Waqas Akram PTI
- Senator Kamran Murtaza JUIF
- Fawad Chaudhry (Senior Leader)

IHC Judges Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani’s Remarks - Waseem Badami’s Report

Sheikh Waqas Akram reacts to meeting between IMF delegation CJP Yahya Afridi

"Unko PTI Chordeni Chahiye Ju...", Sheikh Waqas Akram's Big Statement

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00:00In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:03Peace be upon you.
00:04You have just watched the breaking news.
00:06The leader of MK Mafiki from Karachi, Afaq Ahmed, has been arrested.
00:10There is a strange situation in Karachi right now.
00:13Here, literally, on a daily basis,
00:151, 2, 3, or 4 people are being crushed with dumpers.
00:19There is a lot of blood.
00:21The police is also being harassed.
00:23The police is also being harassed.
00:25On a daily basis, 1, 2, 3, or 4 people are being crushed with dumpers.
00:30They become minced meat.
00:31They die.
00:32Sometimes a mother and son, sometimes a father and son, sometimes a husband and wife.
00:34It is a strange, strange situation.
00:36And they are not able to control it.
00:38There is a statement that,
00:40No, how did this dumper crush at 5 in the evening?
00:42It was not allowed to pass after that time.
00:44But then the next day another news comes.
00:46Two news comes in a day.
00:47In this, the reason for arresting Mr. Afaq Ahmed
00:49is that people set some dumpers on fire.
00:52Of course, I am not supporting this.
00:54It should not be done.
00:56But he gave a harsh statement.
00:58Mr. Afaq said,
01:00Sir, he has been arrested on a false statement.
01:02Okay, if it is a false statement,
01:04and it has been falsified,
01:06then the law should take its course.
01:08But it is my prayer, my wish,
01:10that such harsh, such harsh action,
01:12such immediate action,
01:14if these bloodthirsty dumpers are roaming on the streets of Karachi,
01:16and the people of Karachi are saving their children,
01:18if it happens against them too,
01:20then it will be a great blessing.
01:22Similarly, when a merchant told Mr. Ahsan Iqbal,
01:24that you give us Mariam Nawaz Sharif Sahiba
01:26for some time as a minister,
01:28and keep her.
01:30So, as soon as he felt bad,
01:32as soon as the reaction came,
01:34suddenly, the merchant also returned to his statement,
01:36saying, no, no, I said it as a joke.
01:38You have become serious.
01:40So, I wish there was the same sensitivity
01:42in these matters too.
01:44Children are dying, people are suffering.
01:46100 people died in 2015.
01:48The month of February is not over yet.
01:50100 people died under the vehicles of the people of Karachi.
01:52And the dacoits, the Iqba,
01:54all that is apart from it.
01:56So, I wish there was the same sensitivity in these matters too.
01:58As soon as it feels bad, as soon as the action happens,
02:00it will be a great blessing, a lot of love.
02:02And we will try
02:04that if our guests,
02:06who are in our line-up,
02:08ask them questions too.
02:10Even now, when I am talking to you,
02:12the news is going on in the area of Karachi,
02:14where dacoits have been looting for an hour.
02:16The dacoit who was reporting has not been arrested.
02:18The one who gave the statement has been arrested.
02:20But this dacoit who was reporting
02:22has not been arrested.
02:24And this is a normal thing in Karachi.
02:26Street Ram and all this is not an issue.
02:28So, anyway,
02:30although we have seen a good scene today in Karachi.
02:32The National Stadium was lit up a little.
02:34It felt very good.
02:36But I wish things were a little better
02:38on these things too.
02:40We come to the subject of our topic.
02:42There have been two or three very interesting developments today.
02:44The judge of Islamabad High Court,
02:46Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kiani,
02:48was the senior judge after the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court.
02:50It was possible that he would have become
02:52the next Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court.
02:54Because the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court
02:56was going to go to the Supreme Court and left.
02:58But then it happened that some judges
03:00came to Islamabad High Court
03:02and were transferred.
03:04Because of which Mohsin Akhtar Kiani
03:06is no longer a senior judge,
03:08but he has come down.
03:10So, he may not be able to become
03:12the next Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court.
03:14During a hearing, he gave a remark
03:16that living in Pakistan is a constant struggle.
03:18There are 24-25 crore people.
03:20There are more people who fight
03:22and fewer who survive.
03:24The pillars of state are all in the air.
03:26I am still not disappointed.
03:28All the men above the age of 45
03:30are useless, including me.
03:32The youth have to do something for this country.
03:34Then he said that the courts,
03:36parliament, executives, everything has collapsed.
03:38The speaker, Ayaz Sadiq,
03:40answered the floor of the house.
03:42He gave a strict answer.
03:44What was that answer?
03:46A judge was asked by a speaker.
03:48Let's see what it was.
03:50Today, I saw a report in the media
03:52in which an honourable judge
03:54of Islamabad High Court
03:56commented that the executive
03:58and judiciary have collapsed.
04:00Nobody has a right to give a statement
04:02against the parliament of Pakistan.
04:04This is our prerogative.
04:06If this is true, I hope this is not true.
04:08If this is true,
04:10please convey to the honourable judge
04:12that this is not acceptable to the parliament.
04:14He gave a strict message in strict words.
04:16In addition to this,
04:18IMF, which is related to
04:20money, giving, and the economy,
04:22met the Chief Justice of Pakistan
04:24to talk about the judicial system.
04:26I remember that this is the first
04:28such meeting in recent history.
04:30I don't know how many times
04:32this has happened historically.
04:34The technical team of IMF
04:36is in Pakistan
04:38to investigate the judicial
04:40and regulatory system
04:42for a $7 billion bailout agreement.
04:44The IMF mission
04:46met the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
04:48After that, the Chief Justice
04:50came to the journalists
04:52and said that he will tell you
04:54about the IMF meeting.
04:56I will also talk to you
04:58about the letter written by Bani PTI
05:00and the National Judicial Policy
05:02Making Committee.
05:04The Chief Justice asked
05:06what was the interaction
05:08with the IMF.
05:10He said that he has replied to the IMF
05:12that he has raised the issue
05:14of the freedom of the judiciary
05:16under the constitution.
05:18It is not our job to tell you
05:20all the details.
05:22He told the IMF about the agenda
05:24of the National Judicial Policy
05:26Making Committee that the judiciary
05:28is supervised by the High Courts.
05:30The IMF spokesman said that
05:32he has replied to the letter
05:34and is bringing reforms on it.
05:36You have come at the right time.
05:38The IMF spokesman suggested
05:40the protection of property rights.
05:42I told the spokesman that
05:44we will make benches for the High Courts.
05:46The Chief Justice also said
05:48that he has received the letter
05:50written by Bani PTI.
05:52There are some important points
05:54in this letter.
05:56I have asked the committee
05:58to review the letter
06:00and we will discuss it later.
06:02We have with us the Secretary
06:04of Information, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Ansar.
06:06Mr. Sheikh Waqas Akram.
06:08Peace be upon you.
06:10Peace be upon you too.
06:12Thank you for your time.
06:14The Chief Justice has addressed
06:16the matter officially.
06:18Are you satisfied with the response?
06:20He said that he has sent the committee
06:22and will see what to do next.
06:24I think
06:28we wanted
06:32all the grave
06:34human rights violations
06:36in the letter
06:38and the way
06:40that there are
06:42custodial tortures,
06:44the way that
06:46our people are being forced
06:48to disappear,
06:50the way that people are being kidnapped,
06:52the way that people are being held
06:54captive with pictures,
07:00the way that the MNAs
07:02were kidnapped,
07:04the houses of the MNAs were demolished,
07:06there was no legal action
07:08against them,
07:10and now there are thousands of them
07:12and more than a hundred thousand
07:14have been printed.
07:16It is a whole detail.
07:18It is a letter
07:20that has been written.
07:22We thought that
07:24we should
07:26take action soon
07:28because the situation is very sensitive
07:30at the moment.
07:32Before people
07:34vote, it is better
07:36that the institutions of Pakistan
07:38take action and people get justice.
07:40So, let's go.
07:42If they have sent the committee,
07:44we will go and
07:46take a look at it and
07:48we demand action on it.
07:50And because
07:52there is nothing else,
07:54the door is not like this.
07:56We have also seen the situation of the courts.
07:58The way Imran Khan was punished,
08:00there is also a mention of that.
08:02So, now the justice
08:04of the whole of Pakistan is great.
08:06So, we think that
08:08this action should be done.
08:10Look at those things and
08:12not just a review,
08:14but go beyond the review
08:16and use the power
08:18given to you by the Christians
08:20in the spirit of this law
08:22to give justice.
08:24So, this is not the ideal response
08:26that you were seeing,
08:28but you are not disappointed.
08:30Yes, it is fine.
08:32We will wait
08:34to see what happens
08:36after the review.
08:38Sir, if you can clarify this,
08:40because you are the official spokesperson
08:42of the party.
08:44You were also the chief justice
08:46of PTI.
08:48You said that we should not
08:50sit in our cases.
08:52Do you see the current
08:54Chief Justice and Faisal
08:56in the same line?
08:58On the one hand,
09:00you are writing letters.
09:02Mr. Hamid Khan is saying
09:04on television
09:06and in the press
09:08that he is very strict.
09:10I can't repeat anything
09:12he says.
09:14The sense of the house
09:16is that Mr. Hamid Khan's
09:18speech is a guidance
09:20for us.
09:22In the last 2-3 days,
09:24the messages
09:26he has received,
09:28he has clearly said
09:30that the Chief Justice
09:32should try
09:34not to be used
09:36like Qazi Faiz Isa.
09:38He should give us justice
09:40and we should follow
09:42the law.
09:44The messages that Mr. Imran Khan
09:46expects from him,
09:48are the same as those of PTI.
09:50So you are saying that
09:52Mr. Hamid Khan's opinion
09:54should be considered
09:56as his personal opinion.
09:58Obviously, Mr. Hamid Khan
10:00owns every message
10:02and everything that
10:04Mr. Imran Khan says
10:06about the judiciary
10:08and justice.
10:10But if he goes one or two steps ahead,
10:12he is a senior lawyer,
10:14he is a counsel,
10:16he can speak
10:18in his personal opinion.
10:20He has full authority.
10:22But the stated line is the same
10:24as Mr. Imran Khan's.
10:26And it is not much different.
10:28Obviously, Mr. Imran Khan
10:30is the leader
10:32of the party.
10:34When he gives a speech,
10:36the way he does it,
10:38it can be different from
10:40the speech of other friends.
10:42Sir, Mr. Shabaka,
10:44we have repeated the details
10:46of the meeting with the
10:48Chief Justice of the IMF.
10:50How do you see it?
10:52He should have met,
10:54he should have apologized.
10:56There is nothing wrong in it.
10:58There is something very wrong in it.
11:00What is your opinion?
11:02It is my personal opinion.
11:04You know what is happening
11:06in this country today.
11:08But anyway,
11:10as a Pakistani,
11:12I will definitely say
11:14that this was the
11:16work of the government.
11:18If the government is
11:20mortgaging this country
11:22and in return,
11:24Mr. Bahadur is doing
11:26his own work,
11:28then we should not
11:30have included
11:32the judiciary.
11:34What reforms are being done
11:36in relation to property,
11:38what reforms are being done,
11:40the disputes and the laws
11:42that the Chief Justice
11:44said were asked,
11:46the government should have
11:48given answers to these things.
11:50The government has done
11:52absolutely inappropriate.
11:54Because remember,
11:56whoever comes to the IMF,
11:58Mr. Badani, remember,
12:00and the meeting
12:02that took place with our delegation,
12:04it was also with the permission
12:06of the government.
12:08Because as an opposition,
12:10we were waiting for the government
12:12and the program they were bringing,
12:14they thought that
12:16maybe we should follow it or not.
12:18So, with this question,
12:20they met our delegation
12:22with the permission of the government.
12:24So, I think that this
12:26must have happened with the government.
12:28I don't think it was appropriate
12:30to have a meeting with them
12:32and have an interaction with them.
12:34This was the job of the government.
12:36The government should have done it
12:40They should have addressed
12:42all those concerns themselves.
12:44They could have taken input.
12:46The law minister could have
12:48gone to the Chief Justice
12:50and taken input from him
12:52and shared it with him.
12:54I think it would have been
12:58Do you have any idea
13:00about this meeting?
13:02We don't have any meeting scheduled
13:04at this time.
13:06But Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
13:08intends that
13:10Secretary General Salman
13:12Naqib Raja and
13:14Umar Ayub
13:16should meet
13:18and present
13:20the same letter
13:22to the Chief Justice
13:24and the Secretary General
13:26and the opposition leaders
13:28and sensitize them
13:30about what is happening.
13:32You are concerned
13:34about the property laws.
13:36There have been massacres
13:38in the past few days.
13:40You should look at those things.
13:42But as you just mentioned,
13:44if the government does not want
13:46then your wish will not be fulfilled
13:48to meet the MFF.
13:50Last time, they met
13:52my knowledge.
13:54Let's see
13:56what happens this time.
13:58The Secretary General
14:00will contact the local office
14:02or the opposition leaders
14:04and they will deliver
14:06and talk about the time.
14:08Let's see what happens.
14:12Does the Army Chief intend
14:14to write another letter
14:16to Mr. Khan next week?
14:18I don't know anything about it.
14:20But let's say
14:22there is a letter
14:24that the former Prime Minister
14:26and the current Army Chief
14:28want to write
14:30in light of the current situation.
14:32If they want to convey
14:34something directly,
14:36then what is the fun in it?
14:38I don't think there is any fun in it.
14:40If you allow me,
14:42I would like to respond to this.
14:44Please do.
14:46In your intro,
14:48during the conversation,
14:50you shared your reaction
14:52with us and the whole nation.
14:54The Speaker is very angry.
14:58I don't understand
15:00why the Speaker is so angry.
15:02The Parliament has been
15:06In the Parliament,
15:08at 2 or 3 in the night,
15:10the lights are switched off
15:12and the MNAs are kidnapped.
15:14We keep calling the Speaker
15:16and we contact him.
15:18We contact him.
15:20We tell him that
15:22we are sitting in the office
15:24and he should at least open
15:26the room of the opposition leader
15:28so that we can sit there.
15:30There is no arrangement to sit there
15:32so that we feel safe.
15:34You give the direction to the security.
15:36The Speaker
15:38in this situation
15:40could not open
15:42the room of the opposition leader
15:44and could not open the lobby.
15:46In the presence of his security,
15:48the MNAs were switched off
15:50from the Parliament.
15:52The MNAs were kidnapped.
15:54Isn't that an insult to the Parliament?
15:56Is this an insult to the Parliament
15:58that a judge has spoken from his heart?
16:00I do not agree with the Speaker
16:02and I say
16:04that he should think
16:06that the place of shame was
16:08when in the history of the Parliament
16:10there was no such thing
16:12in your custodianship.
16:14If we had a little shame
16:16as a member,
16:18as a Speaker,
16:20we would have resigned.
16:22I remember when I gave a speech
16:24they said, I think I should resign.
16:26You should resign.
16:28You should resign because
16:30we were picked up from under your nose.
16:32You know the situation.
16:34You whisper in our ears
16:36not like this, not like that.
16:38And you get angry
16:40You have made a committee
16:42under the leadership of Khursheed Shah.
16:44You have taken out the CCTV footage.
16:46You have made a decision on it.
16:48The biggest insult was
16:50when your MNAs were picked up from there.
16:52The Speaker talks here.
16:54I am amazed
16:56at how this shame arises
16:58on this action.
17:00I will tell you.
17:02You are saying that it is wrong
17:04to not have shame on him
17:06or to have shame on him.
17:08No, no.
17:10I am not saying that.
17:12He is not a wake-up call.
17:14He is not a wake-up call.
17:16If he had to have shame, he would have done it earlier.
17:18I just want to ask him
17:20that because
17:22under the 26th amendment
17:24he would not have brought a judge
17:26to the Judicial Commission of his choice.
17:28And a judge who you have
17:30dismissed from his responsibilities
17:32and despite being the most senior
17:34I see how dare you
17:36talk to me about a judge.
17:40He has been given all these
17:42powers under the 26th amendment.
17:44When you called, did he
17:46express his helplessness or what did you say
17:48to the Speaker?
17:52He is a helpless creature.
17:54I say that
17:56whistles keep coming and going.
17:58People make their names in history.
18:00He would have kicked him that day.
18:02He would have left his seat
18:04if you had left
18:06the MNS of the opposition.
18:08Leave the opposition, all of them are MNS for you.
18:10We have not been able to protect them
18:12till date.
18:14And then we were handed over to the police.
18:16Then the judge remanded us for 8 days.
18:18He is sitting here and telling us about the insult.
18:20I agree with you.
18:22I don't completely disagree with you.
18:24But at least
18:26let's call it lip service.
18:28He did it on more than one occasion.
18:30He also expressed his shame.
18:32He said that he was the unfortunate speaker.
18:34At least he expressed his shame.
18:36Not long ago,
18:38this may not have happened anywhere in the world.
18:40Correct me if it has happened.
18:42There was an election of the Senate.
18:44A secret camera came out of the Parliament.
18:46It was the PTI government.
18:48No one had expressed shame like this.
18:50That too with the button of honor.
18:52It was done.
18:54Now the chairman of the Senate is sitting here.
18:56The decision has been taken.
18:58If a PTI person had done this,
19:00it would have been a different matter.
19:02Who did this?
19:04Who did this?
19:06Did a PTI person come to the Parliament?
19:10listen to me.
19:12Who was the chairman of the Senate at that time?
19:14Who was Mr. Sanjrani?
19:16I don't remember exactly.
19:18I think it was Mr. Sanjrani.
19:20He was only with us.
19:22What did he have to do with the partisans?
19:24What kind of relationship did he have with them?
19:26Did he have any religious statement?
19:28Did he have any religious statement?
19:30It was your government.
19:32How can you do this to the National Assembly?
19:34Sir, it is not possible.
19:36You are my brother.
19:38You cannot do this to the camera incident
19:40with the help of your MNAs.
19:42I am not drawing a parallel.
19:44I am saying that
19:46things go one way or the other.
19:48No, sir.
19:50Don't try to balance it.
19:52You are disagreeing with him.
19:54He was wrong.
19:56Mr. Sanjrani is the chairman of the Senate.
19:58I am saying that
20:00this incident was 500% wrong.
20:02Do you think that incident was 100% wrong or not?
20:04If you learn from your mistakes,
20:06things will get better.
20:08I condemned him at that time.
20:10If you watch my TV program,
20:12I condemned him at that time.
20:14I will send you the clip in the morning.
20:16One last comment on this.
20:18I have my own opinion.
20:20The ritual of one thing keeps happening
20:22and the matter keeps getting worse.
20:24He is happy and he is a participant.
20:26Tomorrow, it will get worse.
20:28Tomorrow, when a camera comes out
20:30and everyone is quiet,
20:32the next day, people come in.
20:34The next day, everyone is happy
20:36and the next day, the minister comes in.
20:38This is a wrong tradition.
20:40Everyone should be united.
20:42Whether it is a wrong thing
20:44in our time or his time,
20:46it is wrong.
20:48It is as simple as that.
20:50As an MNA, I told him that
20:52forget about the Noon League
20:54and PTI.
20:56I am a member of the parliament.
20:58I was abducted.
21:00I was not involved in the camera incident.
21:02Whoever did it,
21:04their chairman should see it.
21:06As an MNA, what are you talking about?
21:08What insult are you talking about?
21:10You cannot do what is in your hands.
21:12You talk to the judge.
21:16Towards the end,
21:18are you satisfied with the Swabi Dalsa?
21:20Are you satisfied with the participation of Punjab?
21:24Absolutely, sir.
21:26I am very calculative in this matter.
21:30We only took the responsibility of the north region.
21:32I have videos of the north region.
21:34There was excellent participation
21:36of the north region this time.
21:38The caravans from Jhelum,
21:40the caravans from Sargodha,
21:42the caravans from Mianwali,
21:44the caravans from Attock,
21:46they were excellent.
21:48The participation of our MNAs,
21:50MPAs, ticket holders,
21:52with their caravans was as expected.
21:54Nothing less.
21:56It was very good.
21:58In fact, there were a lot of people
22:00with a lot of hope.
22:02Okay, okay.
22:04Sir, towards the end,
22:06is the news okay?
22:08The news is that Mr. Imran Khan
22:10has decided to change the score committee.
22:12He has also said that
22:14those who do not take my statement,
22:16those who cannot retweet my tweets,
22:18they should go to the side.
22:20Has this happened?
22:22Sir, look, it is not like that.
22:24But we call it a policy.
22:26Those who cannot retweet Imran Khan's tweets
22:28or those who cannot take the burden
22:30of his statements,
22:32they should go somewhere else.
22:34Are you retweeting all of Imran Khan's tweets?
22:36See how many you can retweet.
22:38I am asking.
22:40If not 10 out of 10,
22:42because I also heard this propaganda.
22:44And then there are people
22:46who say in Punjabi,
22:48without thinking,
22:50they give statements.
22:52I think that those who do not retweet Imran Khan's tweets,
22:54they should go home.
22:56What is the use of this party?
22:58Okay, and it is possible that you
23:00can also give it a formal form
23:02in the form of a policy or a guidance.
23:04That the only way for Mr. Khan
23:06to express his opinion publicly
23:08is through a tweet.
23:10Obviously, Mr. Aleema has told you.
23:12Retweeting Imran Khan's tweets
23:14will be the responsibility
23:16of every central member.
23:18It is not just the responsibility
23:20of the member.
23:22I am telling you.
23:24He is also monitoring it.
23:26It will be the accountability
23:28of each tweet.
23:30We will not let them
23:32be killed by their own fingers.
23:34Okay, fine.
23:36And one last time,
23:38if you allow me,
23:40I would like to ask you about yourself.
23:42On social media,
23:44in the ranks of PTI,
23:46people see more of you.
23:48You have gone to Peshawar
23:50and you have not been
23:52appointed as Ali Ameen's spokesperson,
23:54but as a party member.
23:56Where are you in Punjab?
23:58First of all,
24:00I have already given a lot of clarity
24:02about this in your show.
24:04I am the translator of Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaaf.
24:06I am the Central Information Secretary
24:08of the Chief Minister,
24:10not Ali Ameen.
24:12He is my brother, my friend,
24:14but I am the translator of my party.
24:16Look at my timelines,
24:18look at my press conferences,
24:20look at my movement.
24:22You understand.
24:24Here, when someone says something,
24:26everyone follows it without thinking.
24:28I understand my responsibilities
24:30very well.
24:32My job is to defend the interests
24:34of the party and Imran Khan.
24:36He is my friend, he is my brother.
24:38I have a similar relationship with him.
24:40I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:42I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:44I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:46I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:48I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:50I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:52I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:54I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:56I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
24:58I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
25:00I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
25:02I am not afraid of anyone's objections.
25:04I know.
25:56Thank you sir.
