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Qué posibilidad hay de que una personalidad conocida como Roberto Piazza, se sumen a la política.

🗣️ Marina Calabró @facupastor
👉 Seguí en #ArrancaLaTardeEnA24
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00:00I don't like it at all.
00:02I mean, it's been a minute and a half since the hearing
00:07and, frankly, I'm offended.
00:09I was waiting for a Marina Calabro
00:13throwing herself at my arms.
00:14You were waiting for the viral run.
00:17I mean...
00:19It looked like we were two kilometers away.
00:22We were five feet away.
00:24I don't have short legs.
00:25I'm not going to ask you for a peak, Marina Calabro,
00:29but a hug, a...
00:33I'm going to cross myself so all the directors hate me.
00:36I'm going to cross myself.
00:37Come here, come here.
00:39But a hug as a repose.
00:42The koala.
00:43I'm going back to my position.
00:45Because it's literal that we met
00:47working with Calabro
00:49and it was like a...
00:50I'm going to be a great friend.
00:52I love her very much, Calabro.
00:53Luis, can I cross myself?
00:56Stay there, please.
00:58It's good that you differentiate friendship with Marina,
01:00not with the person next to her.
01:02I'm going to plagiarize Calabro.
01:04There are two great people.
01:07One is Gravia, the other is Marina Calabro,
01:10and there's Facundo.
01:11He says that all the time.
01:13Well, how are you?
01:14Well, good, good, good.
01:15On the one hand, the rain, an exclusive topic.
01:17What was the dawn,
01:19what were the gusts of wind at 100 kilometers per hour,
01:21the wrecks, fallen trees, crushed cars.
01:26This, on the one hand,
01:27and then also a lot of political information.
01:29Of course, the political, Luis, that happened yesterday.
01:31Yesterday was the day of the president.
01:33Today, the ex-president answering him,
01:36playing that game of a ring, practically.
01:41On the other hand, there's a photo of my law scene.
01:44I don't know if you saw it.
01:45Yes, with Piazza and Walter Bach.
01:48Walter Bach is the husband.
01:49I tell you, in political terms, Luis,
01:51you should ask yourself if that is useful to the president,
01:54because it's not being able to get out of the Davos discussion.
01:57Now, I believe this.
01:58First, about Cristina,
02:00I add to Gustavo Gravia's theory.
02:02I think what Cristina is doing
02:04is trying to sneak into this discussion
02:06and stay on the stage,
02:07because it seems that Kicillof,
02:09sorry, my law looks more at Kicillof, right?
02:12Yes, it's true.
02:12To me, the other thing,
02:13I think that Piazza and the...
02:16Do you know what it has to do with that of Davos?
02:19I think it's showing up, supposedly open,
02:23showing that he can have links
02:28that were very questioned by the gender issue
02:29in the last few hours.
02:30A topic that I think has...
02:33There it is, there's the photo.
02:35It's a topic that obviously bothers the government, right?
02:40And it bothered him, of course, with the march.
02:43And we have to see if he actually manages to get out,
02:46because last year, my law showed
02:48greater political initiative
02:50in being able to impose the agenda.
02:53Now it seems that there are officials
02:55who are still giving explanations
02:57of what my law said 10 days ago in Davos.
02:59Maybe it's a double flirtation,
03:01because beyond this message that I share with Facundo,
03:04the photo is forceful,
03:05there was always, when I say always,
03:08I say from six months to now,
03:10the intention to politically add Roberto Piazza.
03:13This activated...
03:14By the way, it's Santa Fe, right?
03:15Roberto recognized him, of course.
03:16It's Santa Fe, and freedom advances.
03:18It's, for example, Juan Pablo, no, Juan...
03:21Yes, Juan Pablo Lear,
03:23who is the host of Canal 3 de Rosario,
03:25who had denounced an intrafamilial abuse,
03:27left TV to join the freedom advance
03:30and will be a constitutional candidate.
03:32It seems that there is also an intention
03:33to look for well-known people, right?
03:35Yes, yes, yes.
03:36Well, Roberto has had a militancy,
03:37he has a public militancy,
03:39the Piazza law has not much to do with the protection...
03:42So you say that here you can make a candidate?
03:44I think so, in the case that Roberto is willing, right?
03:47Until now, he had been saying no.
03:48Well, he had a lot, do you remember, Luis?
03:51A lot of militancy and activity when it was the Piazza law.
03:54He did a great job, Roberto Piazza.
03:59He, with his foundation, helped a lot of people,
04:02in many cases, in a silent way, approaching.
04:06The truth is, I can't imagine it, candidate,
04:08but out there, yes, I don't know, I don't know.
04:09Well, it is true that there is a lack of candidates,
04:14which is a, I say, for a new political space,
04:18as it is this one, more candidates are needed, logically.
04:21That's why this scene has to do with this.
04:23I think the president has a hard time getting out of the Davos issue,
04:27and that is something that bothers him.
04:30We'll see if in the next few days they take back,
04:32in some way, the political initiative, right?
04:35That's right. Yesterday you didn't cross it to the president, right, Luis?
04:38No, no, no, I prudently, as I said, I stayed out of the studio.
04:41I was struck by what you said in the air,
04:42I stayed out prudently.
04:44Don't listen to that.
04:46The truth is that I stayed out of the studio.
04:48The president, I don't want to make any kind of consideration
04:53of what the president told Esteban Trebuca
04:55in the note about me.
04:57The president has everything, this is nothing personal,
04:59I have nothing personal.
05:01It seems to me that the president said what he said,
05:03it corresponds to him, etc.
05:05I stayed out of the studio so as not to bother anyone.
05:08Then in the cut I had to go in,
05:10because for obvious reasons, you have to put together,
05:11put together in our jargon,
05:13is that they put the microphone and the cockroach,
05:16I didn't cross it, I crossed it to José Luis Esper,
05:19who was there, and Mrs. Lemoyne was also there.
05:22I didn't see it, it doesn't happen,
05:23I have nothing personal, absolutely.
05:25I think differently, in some things I think differently.
05:28As simple as that.
05:29And it shouldn't be so complex to think differently, right?
05:31It's complex.
05:33It's complex.
05:33In Argentine politics in general,
05:36I mean, they don't like to put together a party
05:38and win the elections.
05:39Well, of course, yes, yes.
05:41And it seems to me that what we are discussing in the background
05:43is the symmetry of power, right?
05:45We can all say what we want,
05:47but we are not all the same
05:50in terms of being the president of the nation
05:52and you are a citizen as a journalist.
05:53A simple journalist, a simple journalist of the truth.
05:56And if we did that point with Cristina Fernández,
05:58it is also worth doing it here,
05:59and we did it when it was against the aliexpósito,
06:02and then we can have opinions,
06:05here is one reason, here is the other reason.
06:07The question is another,
06:09what I frame in the background is that, right?
06:11And that's why...
06:13I totally agree with what you are saying, Marina.
06:16I say, besides, you see,
06:17this thing of having to do a kind of performance,
06:19of exam, of what you think of Kirchnerism.
06:21Let's see, in a program with Johnny Viales,
06:26I said a year and a half before the pandemic exploded,
06:30it is the worst government in the history of Argentine democracy,
06:32I support it,
06:33I think that the government of Alberto Fernández was a disgrace.
06:35I say, they fired me for working in a medium
06:37that was bought by a K businessman,
06:39because I don't want to make an account performance.
06:42Now, I think that, I always say the same thing,
06:45to politicians, to everyone,
06:48the obsequious are the first traitors.
06:51The obsequious?
06:52The obsequious are the first traitors,
06:53because the obsequious need to look for the next one
06:56who has power.
06:57So I say, it's always interesting to see someone
07:00who has a critical view on some things,
07:01for me, on some things,
07:04and thinking differently is not turning you into an enemy.
07:07Nothing personal,
07:08the note of the president,
07:10who made a very interesting report, by the way,
07:12I was there behind this thing,
07:15I don't know what it was, the scenery,
07:17nothing, period.
07:19Good, well, and then you did a very generous review
07:22of the titles you left.
07:24He doesn't look like an editor.
07:24That's because I edited.
07:26You see, when you edit,
07:28don't you happen to be making a note and you're editing it?
07:31Yes, of course.
07:31Then I made an edition of the report.
07:33Of course, of course.
07:34Well, Luis, you brought umbrellas,
07:36you brought the pilot, galocha.
07:39We're going to take a little break,
07:40we're going to do a little review, of course,
07:43in different places,
07:44because the rain has left its mark.
07:46Stay, because the opening is going to interest you, Luis,
07:48because it has to do with your city,
07:50because it is again, unfortunately, news, Rosario.
07:54You see that something happens,
07:56you must generate more trouble than we do.
07:58He puts on the magnifying glass, he takes out the magnifying glass,
08:00he puts on the magnifying glass.
08:01I don't think this has to do with anything other than sometimes
08:04we have such a porteocentric look from here
08:07that we forget that there are things that are really
08:10worrying in how people live.
08:13And Rosario's drug war,
08:15if you allow me to call it that way,
08:17that I really hear myself call it that way,
08:20and the term costs me, it doesn't stop.
08:23Attention, because seven murders in 24 hours.
08:27Yes, five events, seven murders.
08:29We're going to do an exhaustive review
08:31and we're going to talk to specialists.
08:33I'll stay with you.
08:34Good show.
08:36Thank you, Luis.
