• last month
Una antena de gran tamaño colapsó sobre una casa en la que vive una familia desde hace 17 años, causando daños significativos. El incidente, que ocurrió a las cinco y media de la mañana, dejó a los residentes conmocionados y temiendo por su seguridad. Aunque se puede acceder a la casa, el daño es considerable y la familia está lidiando con los escombros y la reparación del techo. La antena había estado en su lugar durante al menos 17 años sin causar preocupación previa.


00:00we are moving so that you can see from the sidewalk of the place of the sinister as it is observed
00:08notice that in this plane that we give you Luis we can still see with greater detainment the
00:15magnitude of this antenna notice the destruction of this antenna how big it is and I repeat I do not
00:23risk throwing a ton but we are really talking about many but many kilos let's see
00:29if we can talk with some of the inhabitants of the house to see if we can see we are going to
00:39rhyme permission we can talk your name chan franco chan franco you live here tell me that it
00:49felt at five and a half in the morning as if the house was coming down inexplicable a
00:56feeling of nerves of not knowing if my parents were well if nothing had happened and a wind had
01:02blown, the truth is desperate, desperate where you look at it, which is what was
01:09specifically broken from the house, which is the most affected by the roof and
01:16so at first glance the roof and there is more down tables in the patio but hey that is the least
01:24the roof was broken and good and the trauma throughout the house imagine that the last floor
01:30fell water to the ground floor and franco placed a little bit if you can in the earphone we are in
01:37contact with luis novarese or luis I am going to cross it if it seems to you if you want to do some
01:42questions to chan franco he is already listening to you because it is a family that is really about to
01:49live a dramatic situation beyond what happened to them now they have to recover everything
01:54chan franco good morning I am luis novarese first a big hug good morning luis thank you so much
02:01well let's go for the important thing they are all good the members of the family luckily everything
02:06is fine that was our first concern yes yes total how many let's say how many people live
02:12in how the family is integrated in franco we are my two parents my sister and I imagine the shake
02:22that must have been that it was five and a half in the morning no and five and a half put it we do not
02:30know very well but more or less that time and at the time let's say him I heard you talk to
02:37gabriel there was a hole in the place at the height of which part of the house was made this
02:42damage on the side that gives to the patio of the house that is where it was more or less the height of the
02:51antenna the antenna broke and well that caused the median to break and fell into all the
03:00rubble on the house that was what produced the rupture of the roof how long has it been installed
03:05in franco that antenna
03:09the truth is that I have a memory use we live from 17 years ago and if I'm not mistaken it's been
03:1417 years at least that I know never nothing I remember if never a fear they never saw it
03:22oscillate that it could be worrying no no the truth is that there was never something like that
03:29now formally they cannot enter the house
03:35if the house can be entered they told us that we try not to go out to the patio and try to the
03:41top floor of everything for safety more than anything not to go up in case we drop a helmet
03:47there is one something that can hurt us but good danger of collapse and some structure
03:53of damage is supposed that there is not for now they are going to study I am thinking about something very
03:58elementary I say they will be able to sleep at home tonight or they have been advised not to do it
04:03we believe that if now it is missing here in the studio and they will tell us but for now it is
04:10necessary that we can help them in what way we can give them a hand
04:17for now nothing the truth with the visualization that they are giving us it helped us a lot the truth
04:23that the company is taking charge luckily the company owns the antenna is very good so
04:29we can't claim anything else except to wait for them to solve it as soon as possible
04:36as soon as possible I'm seeing the images that others want my old people and we
04:41as so many old people are inside the shock of the anguish they are locked
04:49well my father luckily reacted quite well my mother at first good very
04:55shocked crying I imagine the house obviously because it is the house where at least I and my
05:03sister all our life but well now quite calm inside everything obviously anguished
05:09because it is not a nice situation but good for what I am seeing in the images that our
05:16external unit gives us with gabriel prosper and it is only your house that was affected because the
05:20windmill I see that more or less I am wrong to see it is seriously affected if ours
05:29is our house in the house on the right of the duplex it broke a part of the middle
05:36of the right side and the antenna fell on the patio of another of the houses that we do not know
05:43well what it is but thus damaging a house ours was the most good most affected give the impression
05:51yan franco that the fact of your house is the most serious I am receiving a lot of messages
05:57julio tells us in kramer and santos dumont a complex of colored towers I perfectly locate the
06:02wind threw the windmill disappeared evidently the case of you is the most dramatic the most
06:10shocking but the wind was very strong that they did at the time they went out to the street they escaped to the
06:16street look at me I was awake the first thing I did was jump desperately from the bed to see if
06:24my parents were well when I heard their voice that they were also relieved we try to see where
06:32all that had come from because they were cascades, it is not that it was granite or anything like that, it must be a piece of
06:39a wall, then we look at each other, we look at each other, it seemed to me that it was the antenna, my dad
06:47looked at each other and it was actually that right away, my dad and I went out to the street to see and
06:53not a disaster and the neighbors left, everyone left and we have been here on the street since five and a half
07:00seeing how this is going Gabriele, do you want to ask something else to Gianfranco Gianfranco at your
07:07disposal, it really is not a common place, what you need, don't scream Gabriele, you want to ask
07:12something else to Gianfranco, just tell him that we are at his disposal, as you said Luis,
07:20thank you for this note, Miriam on Antonio's show the other morning also received us, she was
07:27very anxious, your mother just left saying stop, stop, it's a little better now, but at the time
07:31she was very shocked, very bad, they told you about the government of the city that they are going to come to see the structure to see if it is habitable in the house
07:40yes, from the government of the city, what they told us is that they are going to accompany the process of the private company
07:48but yes, they will be here to check everything
