• last month
Tras el impacto mediático de la noticia, la Defensa Civil ha intervenido para remover una antena que estuvo a punto de caer sobre las casas de un barrio residencial. Los vecinos reportan que la estructura causó estruendos y daños significativos. La empresa instaladora de la antena también está presente en el lugar, mientras se evalúa el estado de las estructuras afectadas y los cortes de luz en la zona.


00:00The Civil Defense squadron that went up to the building's terrace
00:05are currently doing the revision tasks
00:09because what they are doing the most at this moment is
00:13to register the situation of the terrace, of the antenna, through cell phones.
00:21Evidently, it is the first step to then start the removal of this structure
00:28that occurred. Some neighbors, Antonio, told us that this antenna had three tensors.
00:36Neighbors of this block that we have here in front, which is Murature,
00:43told us that the antenna was about a couple of meters away,
00:48nothing more than hitting the roof of their houses, which also rose by the blast.
00:54And those people told us that for some time now,
00:59not only did they see the antenna oscillate more than it was supposed to,
01:06but they also heard noises, especially at dawn,
01:11when there were no other noises that prevented them from hearing well.
01:17They heard noises, like crunching on the part of the antenna,
01:23that had them a little restless. Well, unfortunately,
01:27those crunches had to do, perhaps, with a structure that no longer gave for more,
01:34because today the wind blew and threw it practically immediately.
01:40Just Mirian, talking to us, told us that this happened at 5.30 in the morning.
01:46It was just at the time when the wind began to blow hard.
01:51That is, it was not a continuous and strong wind work,
01:56but as soon as the first blasts hit the structure, they threw it down.
02:01So there we have the work of this block, which, I reiterate,
02:07at first glance I understand that they are doing the review
02:11to determine later what must be the final removal work.
02:17I want to stop at this, Antonio.
02:19If you look at the median of the antenna, the one that did not resist the antenna,
02:25obviously it is broken, but the one next to it,
02:28the one next to it, look, I tell my cameraman, my partner Nico,
02:32to move to the side with the camera, which is also broken, the median.
02:36It's like one of the tensors, obviously, was grabbed from there
02:42and when it gave in, it threw the median to the side.
02:45I don't know if you can see it in the images, if you can see it from there,
02:48what I'm describing.
02:50It's not just the median of the antenna, but also the one next to it.
02:55Obviously, the pinch that the tensor gave destroyed everything.
03:00It's huge, the destruction that the antenna did.
03:04When you see the images from above, poor Miriam, seriously,
03:10they have to do the house again, all the top part.
03:15You know what Miriam told us later, out of the note,
03:21that the house next door is uninhabited,
03:24and a third house, the one that also reached the antenna,
03:29and then we're going to detect which one it is from the images
03:33from above, from the terrace that the neighbors took out.
03:36It also has damage to the roof, but the neighbors are on vacation.
03:40That is, perhaps at this time, instead of vacation,
03:45they are seeing these images,
03:48and they will surely have to come as soon as possible
03:51to get in touch with the company, which is American Tower,
03:55is the company that installs these antennas,
03:59to get in touch with this company and immediately do the procedures
04:04so that they are also in charge of the damage, economically speaking.
04:08And those who are working there, who are from the company, precisely?
04:12Or are they people from the civil defense city?
04:14What we see here is civil defense personnel.
04:18No, but it's civil defense.
04:20A civil defense crane arrived now.
04:22Let's see if I can show it.
04:24If we can take the emergency crane.
04:27They had said that they were not going to get in because the issue was private.
04:30But well, luckily.
04:32Well, but obviously, given the media impact that the news had,
04:37we have probably helped to mobilize the public services.
04:43You see, there is the crane.
04:45Now, when the truck passes, we will observe it better.
04:49It is from the emergency service in this case.
04:57It's perfect.
05:03We also have the operators here on the side.
05:05There we have them in the foreground.
05:12Let's see if we can get closer.
05:14Let's see, Antonio.
05:15Yes, while you are getting closer, I greet and salute Mr. Luis Navarez.
05:20I already have him here.
05:21Antonio, how are you?
05:22Hello, Gaby, also for you.
05:25I don't know if Gaby heard you.
05:27Well, today we are going to be very attentive to the storm issue and what is coming.
05:31I heard you with Meteo Nacho.
05:34The wind was very shocking.
05:39Refreshed, which helped.
05:40It was an absolutely overwhelming day.
05:42There I see Gabriel Prosperi working.
05:45Nice day yesterday.
05:46Nice day.
05:47Yesterday, nice day?
05:48Nice day.
05:49No, yesterday was a tragedy.
05:50No, nice day yesterday.
05:51Today is a tragedy.
05:52Today is cold.
05:54Of course, today is cold.
05:55Of course.
05:56I didn't forget my jacket.
05:57I came with a shirt.
05:58You know I'm going to do a survey and I'm going to humiliate you with the results.
06:02No, forget it.
06:03Yesterday was terrible.
06:06Mosquitoes appeared.
06:21Never mind.
06:31Never mind.
06:37Never mind.
06:47It's winter.
06:48Look, look how I see her.
06:49No, no.
06:50Don't live like a barbarian.
06:51You'll have good services, but you can't live well with zero degrees.
06:56You are arrobaluisnovarecio and arrobalajeantonio, right?
07:00Write to us, please.
07:01Those who are, those who believe that the cold is from 18 degrees and those who believe
07:05that the cold, people are wrong.
07:08That we believe it is from zero down.
07:12There we are.
07:13There is Mr. Proprietary.
07:14Gaby, are you there?
07:17Here we are, here we are.
07:18Antonio, Luis.
07:19Good morning, now.
07:20Hello, good morning.
07:21Well, to clarify, I was able to approach the people from the emergency service.
07:27They no longer have anything to do with the antenna, they told me.
07:30Ah, okay.
07:31The people we see working at the moment on the terrace have to do with the company
07:35that installs the antenna, which is already working in this case to remove the structure.
07:41Now, from the government of the city and the emergency service of the Guardia de Auxilio
07:46of the Ministry of Security of the city, they will send architects for what?
07:51To determine how the structures of the buildings have been.
07:55That is, if the structures are in condition to be habitable or not.
08:00That is what is going to be advocated in this case, I reiterate, the Guardia de Auxilio
08:06of the Ministry of Security.
08:08But civil defense, already with the antenna, has nothing to do.
08:12Those who are working at the moment are operators of the company that installs.
08:18To make a review, I tell you, for the people who are starting to join at 10 in the morning,
08:22the most severe was this, falls of trees, this antenna and some cuts of light.
08:27I don't know, Antonio, what record is there at this height of cuts of light?
08:31There would have to enter ...
08:33The pages of iMovie will do it right away.
08:36In Edesol and Edenor to see how many people are out of service.
08:40There would have to be some trees, yes.
08:42This seems to me to be the most important thing.
08:44Because of the damage it caused, when you see the images above,
08:47it destroyed the entire first floor of a house.
08:51But later.
08:52And now we are going to update it with Nacho.
08:55López Amorim remains unstable throughout the day, right?
08:58Throughout the day.
08:59As you like.
09:00There it is.
09:01Do you fly today?
09:02A day like today, can you fly?
09:04Yes, of course.
09:05Yes, of course.
09:06But ...
09:07But I don't know what ...
09:08I have no idea.
09:09I don't know when is the time when you can't go out to fly.
09:12But you can go out to fly.
09:14You avoid the storms.
09:16You go with the radars and you are dodging.
09:21No, I'm not going to tell you.
09:22Do you know what they are telling me?
09:23Yes, yes, I'm listening.
09:24You are listening.
09:25I'm not going to ask.
09:26The word plane in this pass is prohibited because the plane does not exist.
09:31They are light aircraft of small port.
09:36Plane is like a defective.
09:37But ...
09:38Here they put a plane to everything.
09:39A Hercules is a plane.
09:40No, no, no.
09:41The Hercules is a Hercules.
09:42But, for example, of the Dukes of Hazard.
09:44Do you remember?
09:45The car?
09:46Yes, the orange one.
09:47But then once they went up, the chapter that goes up in the plane.
09:50In the ...
09:51A plane.
09:52A plane.
09:53A plane.
09:54A light plane, a sports plane.
09:55With a single thing is a plane.
09:58With a fan, as some model says out there.
10:02A propeller with a single engine.
10:03With a propeller.
10:04A plane.
10:05It's a plane.
10:06It's not a plane.
10:07But it's always a plane.
10:11But did something happen to you with a plane sometime?
10:13When you were little, you were run over by a plane.
10:15I'm not going to answer.
10:16If you keep talking like that, I'm not going to answer.
10:17No, no, no.
10:18But seriously.
10:19Because you see that there are people ...
10:20There are words that ...
10:21But it's like a plane.
10:22The word does not exist.
10:23Our aeronautics, the aeronautic language is a plane.
10:25A smaller plane.
10:27You are a car boy.
10:28How do you say it?
10:32Yes, car boy.
10:33I would say airplane.
10:36Of course.
10:37You say car boy.
10:38Yes, I say car boy.
10:39And a small boat?
10:43I mean, I'm not elegant.
10:44For me it's not a boat.
10:45It's big, small, medium.
10:46It's a boat.
10:48Well, tell her boat.
10:49If she says plane, say boat.
10:50Of course.
10:51I'm going to say boat.
10:52Say boat.
10:53And that's it.
10:54Let's see what the nauticals tell you.
10:56No, I'm not going to say that nonsense you're telling me.
10:58In no way.
10:59The second day.
11:00Give me a week.
11:01At least so that ...
11:02No, a week.
11:04I want ...
11:06Open the microphone to Maxi.
11:07Let him give his opinion.
11:09Not for the coca.
11:10But I want to ask this question seriously.
11:11A day like today.
11:13Can we add it to Nacho?
11:14Are you armed, Nacho?
11:15A day like today.
11:16You may have a problem with the wind.
11:19But why?
11:21Because the planes have limitations.
11:24Among other things, limitations with the crosswind.
11:26The airlines themselves have, apart from the limitations that the plane has to structure,
11:30they have their own limitations.
11:32You get nervous.
11:34I'm not going to touch on the subject anymore.
11:37So it may happen that if you have a lot of wind, you have to wait to take off,
11:40or you have to go to another airport.
11:42Landing because you are out of the norm.
11:44But then you can fly.
11:46Good day.
