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10 Terrible Gimmicks For Hall Of Fame Wrestlers | partsFUNknown
Not every gimmick is a winner even if you're a hall of famer. This is our list of terrible gimmicks for hall of fame wrestlers but make sure to let us know in the comments if you do like any of these gimmicks!

00:00 - Start
01:20 - 10
02:17 - 9
03:02 - 8
04:06 - 7
04:55 - 6
05:46 - 5
06:42 - 4
07:33 - 3
08:33 - 2
09:33 - 1

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00:00As everyone's favorite band, The Script, and everyone's favorite best friend of The Script,
00:05Will.i.am, once said, standing in the Hall of Fame, open brackets, yeah, close brackets,
00:11and the world's gonna know your name, open brackets, yeah, close brackets, the WWE Hall
00:16of Fame is the most prestigious wrestling hall of fame in the world, right after the
00:20Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame, the Impact Hall of Fame, and the Cauliflower
00:24Alley Club Hall of Fame. That's a real thing. The club meets yearly for a reunion dinner,
00:29an award show, and the club's motto is the Ring of Friendship. I love that. The WWE Hall
00:33of Fame is mostly filled with people who deserve to be there. You're Drew Carey's and Kid Rock's
00:37to one side, way to one side, like, no, further, actually. Further to one side, thank you. Even
00:45people like Torrie Wilson can boast to have created many memories for young wrestling fans.
00:50However, not all memories are worth keeping, and even the biggest, most treasured inductees
00:54in WWE's Hall of Fame have had some moments they'd rather leave in the history books and
00:58out of their video package. I'm Adam Hailing from PartsFarKnown, and here are 10 terrible
01:02gimmicks for Hall of Fame wrestlers. Would you like to join the PartsFarKnown Hall of Fame? Then
01:07all you have to do is subscribe and turn on your notifications so you never miss a silly, stupid,
01:14really stupid PartsFarKnown video. We make good stuff about wrestling, so give us a subscribe if
01:19you haven't already. It helps. Number 10, JBL Vampiro Americano. JBL is one of the few wrestlers
01:24that ever had long, successful runs in WWE with two entirely different gimmicks. JBL, Wall Street
01:30Financier, and Acolyte Bradshaw are night and day, with only Texas and Yeehaws being the single piece
01:36of DNA combining the two. But did you know that the 2020 Hall of Famer was once a luchador? After
01:42working Texan border promotions in his early years, scouts for CMLL, the Mexican promotion
01:46that carries the honor of being the oldest still-operating wrestling promotion in the world,
01:50brought him down to run a few shows. JBL thought he'd be doing the John Hawk cowboy gimmick he was
01:54doing at the time, but was instead handed face pay and new gear and told, you're Vampiro Americano.
02:00And hilariously, he was only actually given that gimmick to annoy the real Vampiro, who'd had a
02:05massive falling out with the promotion, to the point where they gave JBL ring gear that the
02:08company had technically stolen from Vampiro, who'd bought and paid for it to be created.
02:13Got to make you feel good about your career prospects when your employment is essentially a
02:16prank. Number nine, Ron Simmons Gladiator Farouk. And speaking of the Acolytes, Ron Simmons is one
02:22of the most enduring characters in WWE history, being brought out at the end of almost every skit
02:26at WrestleMania to basically look at some goofy wrestling sh-t and say, damn. Of course, he's also
02:30the first African-American to win a major world title in the U.S., pinning Vader for the WCW World
02:35Heavyweight Championship. You wouldn't know that from the way WWE would introduce a 2012 Hall of
02:40Famer to their audience, though, when Farouk Assad turned up looking like if Magneto became a
02:44cheerleader. The former world champion, one of the legit toughest guys in the history of the business,
02:48and WWE creative debuted him on TV as a mixture of Sub-Zero, Roman Centurion, and a chocolate
02:53caramel brownie quality street. The gimmick lasted all of four months and, hell, if nothing else,
02:58how terrible it was certainly gave Farouk something to be angry about when he formed
03:01the Nation of Domination. Number eight, Ricky Steamboat, The Dragon. Step away from your
03:05keyboards, pedants. I do not want to hear. But, Adam, Ricky Steamboat's always been Ricky the
03:10Dragon Steamboat, and he's great. What a blunder you've made, Adam. What a sexy blunder. Don't
03:16want to hear that because, yes, Ricky Steamboat was given the moniker of The Dragon by WWE in the
03:21mid-80s. He was Ricky the Dragon Steamboat when he competed at the first Mania and at Mania 3 during
03:25the much lauded match with Randy Savage, but the dragon gimmick I'm talking about is the one he
03:30had for a tiny run in 1991 between Mania and Survivor Series that year where they simply
03:35refer to him as just The Dragon. Remove the rest of his name a la Alexander Rusev, Antonio Cesaro,
03:41and Austin Theory dressed him up like a literal fire-breathing dragon, the state of that entrance
03:47gear, and bafflingly made pretend he was a brand new character. Why did they erase Steamboat's name
03:52and history? Because he'd just come back from WCW where he'd had one of the greatest feuds of all
03:58time with Ric Flair, including winning the NWA World Championship and doing it as Ricky Steamboat.
04:06Number 7. Rikishi, make a difference Fatu. How can Rikishi reach these kids? I mean,
04:12fair enough, you have to go through a lot of trial and error before you settle on a Hall
04:15of Fame-worthy gimmick of being a dancing bum man slash attempted vehicular murderer.
04:20Rikishi went through several gimmicks before settling on the cool one in Too Cool. Head
04:24Shrinker Fatu, which was alright, a smidge dated, you could say. The Sultan, which was assholes and
04:30had him wrestling like Bane's Nan. But the worst was make a difference Fatu, a gimmick he had for a
04:34cup of coffee in the mid-90s that saw him take to the mean street, imparting life lessons to the
04:40youth of the day from his home city of Sunnyvale. Not Sunnydale, that is a different and not real
04:46city where Vampiro Americano lives. Make a difference Fatu, despite being actually quite
04:50a sweet gimmick, if we're honest, made zero difference and the character didn't even last
04:54a full year. Number 6. The Godfather Karma. Charles Wright was inducted into the Hall of
04:59Fame in 2016 as The Godfather, a man who walked down to the ring accompanied by
05:04notable prostitutes. Pimping is not, in fact, easy. There's a great deal of bookkeeping involved,
05:09and don't even get him started on the whole tax situation. Even though he never rose above the
05:13mid-card, it's hard to deny that The Godfather was certainly a fig ahead of WWE's Attitude Era,
05:18but it was far from his only gimmick. He was The Goodfather, a Book of Mormon-style DLC skin of
05:23The Godfather. Papa Shango, a voodoo priest gimmick that was endearingly silly, even if he
05:28did ruin a f***ing WrestleMania main event. But then there's Karma. No one liked Karma. The air
05:34quote's supreme fighting machine was a UFC ripoff and died a f***ing death, despite working a
05:39high-profile Summerslam match with Taker, because MMA gimmicks only really worked when the wrestlers,
05:44you know, MMA trained. Number 5. Kevin Nash Oz. LOL. I mean, we're not going to spend too long
05:50on this because it's one of the most famous terrible gimmicks of all time, but great googly
05:55look at Oz, one of Kevin Nash's ill-fated gimmicks from his WCW days. He looks like when Dwight cut
05:59the dummy's face off in The Office, but then he got to keep it and went on history's most
06:03terrifying larp. Why this? Why any of this? At least when WCW did Robocop the year before,
06:09it was actually sort of relevant. The Wizard of Oz came out in the f***ing 1930s, a pop culture
06:14reference 52 years after the fact, as Vince McMahon levels of being on the pulse. Also,
06:18he was accompanied to the ring by Kevin Sullivan, also in a mask as The Great Wizard. But then,
06:24is Oz not The Great Wizard? Who are they both wizards? Why is Oz wearing a face over his real
06:32face? What the f*** is happening? At least fellow clickmate Triple H just had a stupid name as
06:37Terror Rising in WCW. He didn't have to be the world's tallest pervert. Number 4. Stone Cold
06:43Steve Austin, the ringmaster. At least they didn't give him a top hat, I suppose. You could bet they
06:48wanted to. The man who would come to make more money for Vince McMahon than almost anyone else,
06:52Stone Cold Steve Austin made his 1996 WWE debut as the ringmaster, whose entire gimmick seemed to
06:58be the chosen one. But worse, because he immediately had to wear the Million Dollar
07:02Championship, which is the world's biggest and shittiest apology bracelet. And I will not be
07:06entertaining opinions about how the Million Dollar Championship looks nice. I won't do it.
07:10He debuted with blonde hair and green trunks, which is very silly, before cutting an evangelical
07:15style promo. And it's so weird to hear Steve Austin's voice in a different character with
07:20Brother Love's gospel sex music playing in the background. It's not awful, it's just bland. And
07:25for someone of Austin's talents, that's almost worse. Thank God the ringmaster only lasted two
07:30months before Austin finally became Stone Cold. Number 3. Jim Neidhart. Who? It is a very nice
07:36thing that Jim Neidhart was posthumously inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as one half of the Hart
07:42Foundation the year after his death, even if some unremarkable prick tried to ruin the occasion by
07:46tackling Bret Hart. Cut to the now-called Cash Wheeler giving that guy a lesson in respect right...
07:52now. There we go. And the induction was thoroughly deserved as well. Along with
07:54teams like the British Bulldogs, the Hart Foundation were the backbone of the tag
07:58boom of the Hulkamania era, having top draw matches with teams like Demolition,
08:02which isn't easy to do considering Crush was one of Demolition. Less fondly remembered,
08:05however, will be some of Neidhart's other gimmicks, such as the new foundation, will you
08:11hark at those parachute pants, and even worse, in 1996, the same year as the ringmaster no less,
08:17a masked wrestler called Who, who only exists so Vince and Jerry Lawler could do a rip-off of
08:22an Aberdeen Costello routine, and if you need me to tell you which one, I hate you. Oh, and also
08:26there was that time in the National Wrestling Conference where he turned up to a match with
08:29Virgil and Klan Rose, but baby let's not talk about that one. Number 2. Kane. F***ing all of
08:36them. There's no denying that he's one of the greatest characters in the history of wrestling.
08:42Genuinely, 1997-98 Kane is the best. He is the goddamn best. Actually scary, actually brilliant.
08:50The rest of his wrestling gimmicks, however, not so much. From the Christmas Creature,
08:55to Spartacus in the CWA, to Mad Max rip-off Unabomb, a character that once wrestled the
09:01Undertaker in Smoky Mountain, to the goddamn Dentist, Isaac Yankham, DDS, not even DMD,
09:07to the fake Diesel, Jim Ross' mad kayfabe reaction to Kevin Nash and Scott Hall leaving WWE,
09:13essentially recasting the characters like a s*** version of Doctor Who, with Kane playing Diesel
09:18and Rick Bogner playing Razor Ramon. That also happened in 1996, by the way. 1996 was a weird
09:25year. A year later, though, the man who would be the mayor of Knoxville County finally became
09:30the Big Red Machine and all was right with the world. And number one, Brutus Beefcake f***ing
09:36all of them, part two, Electric Brutaloo. Make no mistake, as one of the most colourful members of
09:42WWE's vaunted 1980s midcard, Brutus the Barber Beefcake absolutely deserves to be in the WWE
09:47Hall of Fame. It is worth pointing out, though, that he might just also hold the record for being
09:51the wrestler with the most s*** gimmicks in the history of the business. Wonderfully documented
09:56by the lads over at OSW. Go and give them a subscribe. A winner is them. But here's a quick
10:01list of the horrors Brutus has achieved in his Hall of Fame-worthy career. He's been Hulk Hogan's
10:06smaller brother with the following names, Eddie Boulder, Eddie Hogan, Eddie Golden, Dizzy Hogan,
10:12and Dizzy Golden. Dizzy Golden sounds like a weird Scandinavian sweet. Brute Force,
10:18Baron Beefcake, Brutus Beefcake, Hulk Hogan's WWE best friend, a mystery man who turned up
10:24wearing a star mask and a wicker basket on his chest for no reason and was never actually named,
10:28Brother Bruteye, Hogan's WCW best friend, the Clipmaster, WCW's lame attempt to get around
10:34WWE owning the barber character, the Butcher, a heel who looked like a bodyguard at a German
10:38sex club, the man with no name after he suffered amnesia, the Zodiac, who'd only speak in yeses
10:44and nos, f***ing hell there's more of these, the Bootyman, and Big Brother Booty, the first draft
10:50of Mr. Ass, and finally, the Disciple, a biker with bad hair who is also, and this seems to be
10:56a theme here, Hulk Hogan's best friend. Good job, Brutus. Good jobs. And that's our list. Which Hall
11:02of Famer do you think had the weirdest gimmick in a previous life? Let us know in the comments,
11:06don't forget to like and share this video around if you enjoyed it, and make sure you're subscribed
11:10to Parts of Unknown for more silly wrestling content. Jam that jam.
