• 4 months ago
10 Craziest Wrestling Conspiracy Theories | partsFUNknown
How crazy is too crazy with conspiracy theories? Well Tempest is here to answer that question today with the 10 craziest conspiracy theories in wrestling but make sure to let us know which of these you believe in the comments below!

00:00 - Start
01:12 - 10
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03:37 - 8
05:01 - 7
06:05 - 6
07:35 - 5
08:46 - 4
09:53 - 3
11:00 - 2
12:11 - 1

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00:00Did you know that Luke actually doesn't have a kid?
00:03It was all set up just to give him more reasons to take time off work, and my god is it working!
00:09I mean who among us has actually seen this child?
00:13I haven't, Pete hasn't, anybody who says otherwise must be lying. Of course there are pictures,
00:19but those are clearly stock photos. This, my friends, is a grand old conspiracy.
00:24Now allow me to climb down from my soapbox and remove my tinfoil hat for a moment to instead talk about
00:30well, more conspiracy theories. With pro-wrestling being a business built heavily on keeping information from its fans,
00:36it's no wonder that there have been a great many conspiracy theories drummed up by people looking for answers to some of
00:42wrestling's biggest questions. Of course a good number of these theories have been debunked,
00:46but because wrestling and Twitter go together like hot sauce and baby formula, some of them still persist.
00:52I'm Tempest Hailing from PartsFunKnown, and these are the 10 Craziest Wrestling Conspiracy Theories.
00:57But before we get on with our list, make sure of course that you subscribe and enable notifications to always on so that you never
01:03miss a fun wrestling list video just like this one. And if you don't, I will just assume that you are conspiring against us.
01:11Can't have that.
01:12Number 10. The Montreal Screwjob was a work.
01:15One of the most famed wrestling conspiracy theories is of course the Montreal Screwjob being a work.
01:21The plot of Vince McMahon to screw Bret Hart and prevent him from taking the WWF title to
01:25WCW has been talked about ad nauseum, and despite various facts to the contrary,
01:31select fans and even wrestlers themselves still think Montreal was one big work.
01:36The reason for this belief is that many of those involved benefited from the whole ordeal. Shawn Michaels was crowned WWF champion,
01:43it was the unquestionable top heel in the company.
01:46Vince McMahon became the evil boss that allowed Stone Cold Steve Austin to become the biggest babyface in company history, and
01:52despite how things transpired for him long-term, Bret Hart did secure a lucrative deal from WCW and went out of WWF as a
01:59sympathetic babyface who could have been a huge success in new promotion WCW if booked correctly.
02:05Of course they didn't, but they could have.
02:08Also, why would WWF allow the letters of their biggest competitor to be shown by Hart spelling it out in front of the hard camera?
02:14These factors make the theory at least plausible, but everything else we know about it has left this theory almost entirely debunked.
02:22Number nine, William Regal shoots on Goldberg. This one makes for a fascinating story when you think about it.
02:28It is believed by some that the widely heralded and respected veteran William Regal, then known as Lord Stephen Regal,
02:34tried to shoot on the green and heavily pushed rising star Goldberg. The two stars met on the February 9th,
02:411998 edition of WCW Nitro during the early days of Goldberg's now iconic undefeated streak.
02:47However, this bout lasted a lot longer than the typical Goldberg squash matches of the era and looked incredibly clunky by comparison.
02:54Some fans have speculated that Regal attempted to shoot on Goldberg during the match in an attempt to make him look bad, as there was
03:00a growing discontent in WCW that Goldberg's push may have been going to his head. To add to the rumors,
03:06Regal was fired shortly after this match. Turns out Chris Jericho might not be the only conspiracy victim in WCW.
03:12Of course, Regal firmly dismissed this claim in his autobiography, as well as in an interview back in
03:181999, where he explained that Goldberg was merely asked to work a longer match than usual, which he wasn't accustomed to.
03:24Regal used moves that Goldberg just wasn't used to, which is why everything came off so awkward.
03:29Regal's departure from the company was unrelated, and I now realize this is quickly just becoming a list of me debunking wrestling conspiracy theories.
03:37Number eight, Lex Luger cost himself the WWF Championship.
03:41Lex Luger seemed destined for big things in WWF.
03:44I mean, he was basically a Vince McMahon wet dream in human form, after all. Upon the departure of Hulk Hogan from the promotion in
03:501993, Vince McMahon chose Luger to be the embodiment of America in a feud against Yokozuna over the WWF Championship.
03:58Despite riding across the country in the Lex Express that summer,
04:01Luger was unable to claim the top prize in the company by beating Yokozuna by countout at SummerSlam.
04:06He sure celebrated as if he'd won the title, but he didn't. Why you celebrating, Lex? You didn't win the thing.
04:12It always seemed like the story would end with Lex holding the title over his head at WrestleMania 10 in
04:181994 as the chosen one, but that wasn't meant to be either, as Bret Hart was the one who beat Yokozuna for the gold in
04:24Madison Square Garden.
04:25For years, rumors swirled saying that Luger was scheduled to win the title until he ran his mouth about the victory at a bar the
04:31night before WrestleMania, with the theory going that this led to McMahon changing his mind and going with Bret instead.
04:37Not impossible to believe, seeing that the finish of the
04:411997 Royal Rumble ended up changing because Vince Russo opened his big dumb mouth about who was going to win, bro.
04:46But the Total Package has since debunked those rumors, saying that he was at a friend's house that night and was never
04:52scheduled to win the title. Really, the Lex Express had long since run out of gas by WrestleMania, and Bret was just naturally chosen as
04:59the correct choice.
05:01Number 7. Randy Savage punched Hulk Hogan before WrestleMania 9.
05:05Hulk Hogan had his first retirement match against Sid Justice at WrestleMania 8 in
05:091992, and it would be a full year before he would return to the square circle.
05:13He returned to back up his best friend, Brutus Beefcake, against Money, Inc. at WrestleMania 9,
05:18but he had a noticeable change in his appearance. Hogan showed up to the event with a nasty black eye.
05:23Now, there are a few tales as to how the Hulkster got the shiner.
05:26Kayfabe would tell you that it was Ted DiBiase who paid off some thugs to jump Hogan before the show, while the
05:32supposed true story was that Hulk was involved in a jet ski accident.
05:36However, the conspiracy theory is definitely the most interesting of the bunch, with the rumor going that macho man Randy Savage popped his former
05:44friend in the eye after he found out that Miss Elizabeth left him and Hulk got pulled into helping thanks to his wife, Linda.
05:50Some rumors even go as so far as to insinuate that Hogan and Elizabeth may have had an
05:55entanglement, as Jada Pinkett Smith would call it, and Savage cleaned Hogan's clock when he found out. Of course,
06:00none of that has ever been proven, and the black eye could have just been the result of a rogue ski-do.
06:05Number six, ECW was always owned by WWE.
06:10ECW was the little extreme train that could in the 90s,
06:13reaching heights very impressive for their stature as the third biggest promotion in the United States at the time.
06:17But what if the company wasn't the third biggest promotion?
06:20What if it was really run as part of a larger promotion in secret? Under the leadership of Booker Paul Heyman,
06:26the stars of the fledgling company put on the performances of a lifetime to put ECW on the map and help to
06:32revolutionize the business, with the company thriving off of an us-versus-them mentality in the locker room and in front of the camera.
06:39Many of the ECW stars would eventually jump ship to WCW and WWE, with Heyman always ripping into Eric Bischoff and
06:45WCW with a little bit more vigor than he would with Vince McMahon and WWF.
06:49This of course comes from Heyman's poor treatment and exit from WCW years earlier,
06:54but this and more information about the relationship between
06:57WWF and ECW that has been divulged over the years has led many fans to believe that the extreme promotion was a subsidiary of WWF.
07:05ECW was technically on the WWF's payroll at the time,
07:08leading some in the know and many fans who knew very little to think ECW was being
07:12operated in some way by the big dub.
07:15Heyman has since explained that he was paid a check each week by a licensing company for the use of Too Cold Scorpio's music and
07:21when Scorpio went to WWE, he asked WWE to reimburse him for the check that he was missing out on as a result,
07:27hence ECW being on the payroll, but not in the way fans had thought. Of course Heyman could be lying,
07:33but when has he ever done that?
07:35Number five, Brock Lesnar wasn't supposed to end the streak. At WrestleMania 30,
07:40one of the most shocking moments in WWE history took place as Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker,
07:45ending his 21-0 undefeated streak at the Showcase of the Immortals.
07:49The match famously was a bit crap as a result of The Undertaker bonking his head early in the bout and suffering a concussion,
07:55but the conspiracy theory here is that the Deadman was supposed to kick out of the f5 that did him in,
08:00but was too concussed to do so. During a live show with Inside the Ropes, Paul Heyman himself
08:06further fanned the flames of this theory by giving a whole scenario of how this could be possible,
08:10Fans have always been split on the ending of the streak, with many saying Lesnar wasn't the guy to do it,
08:15but really it is more of a case of fans wanting to believe anything that backs up that argument, as
08:20Undertaker and Vince McMahon have both publicly debunked this one repeatedly.
08:24They both thought Brock was the only one who could realistically end the mythical streak and put him in a position to become the new
08:31unstoppable force for the next top star Roman Reigns to overcome.
08:34There's also the fact that WWE had the whole 21-1 graphic prepared for right after the match,
08:39so either someone backstage knew this was coming, or maybe they're the ones behind this conspiracy. My god,
08:44we've cracked the code, guys.
08:46Number four, The Rock was trying to take over WWE with Nick Khan. Nick Khan's rise to power in WWE took many fans off-guard,
08:54especially when it appeared he had leapfrogged both Stephanie McMahon and Triple H on the WWE hierarchy.
08:59He'd seemed destined to become the new head of the company when Vince McMahon inevitably stepped away from WWE,
09:05but seeing as that has now happened and both Stephanie McMahon and Triple H have returned to positions of prominence,
09:10things are a little bit more as people always expected them to be. That didn't stop one insane
09:15conspiracy theory from making the rounds late last year that Nick Khan's ascent was actually part of a plot set by Dwayne The Rock
09:22Johnson to end up on top of the company. The Rock posted to Instagram in December 2021 where he revealed that he, Nick Khan, and Nick
09:29Khan's sister, Ninochka, were childhood friends having grown up in Hawaii together and reflected on how life comes full circle with Nick running
09:37WWE and Ninochka showrunning Young Rock. This one is truly a galaxy brain theory,
09:42but considering The Rock has already purchased the XFL and these pieces are in place,
09:48who's to say we couldn't one day see The Rock sitting in the biggest office of Titan Tower?
09:53Number three, The Ultimate Warrior was replaced. This might be the most outrageous
09:58conspiracy theory of them all. The Ultimate Warrior was one of the biggest stars of the
10:02WWF during the late 80s and was handed the WWF torch by Hulk Hogan beating him for the WWF Championship at WrestleMania 6 in
10:091990. He didn't quite pan out as the top guy of the promotion because you can't follow up your top star with one too similar
10:16to him and after losing the gold the following year, a myriad of creative differences led to Warrior being fired following SummerSlam
10:231991 when he held up Vince McMahon for a payday.
10:26Unsurprisingly, because you try to get between Vince and a big muscly man, Ultimate Warrior was rehired in 1992,
10:33but he looked quite different.
10:34He had shorter hair and was a lot leaner. This led to fans coming to the logical conclusion
10:39that Jim Hellwig, the man behind the original Ultimate Warrior character, had passed away and a new performer was under the paint as the
10:47second Ultimate Warrior. Some even speculated that Kerry Von Erich,
10:50aka the Texas Tornado, was under the guise because that made more sense than Warrior cutting his hair and slimming down post-steroid trial.
10:58Yeah, logic.
11:00Number two, Vince McMahon sent Vince Russo to WCW. In late
11:051999, WWF was steamrolling WCW with Vince McMahon as the head of creative and Vince Russo as head writer.
11:11Vince Russo wrote a lot of insane sh** in WWF, whether it be the Brawl for All or the Pretty Mean Sisters or whatnot,
11:18he was a contributor during a very successful time in the company until he left the company basically overnight to take a job with WCW,
11:25leaving McMahon without his top writer while he was on an international tour.
11:29However, this wild theory goes that Vince McMahon actually sent Vince Russo to WCW to completely destroy the company from within to give
11:36WWF the final crushing blow in their rivalry.
11:39I mean, if he did that, it worked. Whether an intentional play on McMahon's part or not, Russo's
11:45contributions to WCW sunk the company into a pit
11:48it could never climb out of, with the most consistently terrible booking any promotion has ever experienced on a national level.
11:55Russo made the gap between the two promotions even wider,
11:57but Vinnie Roo was one of the few who never came back to the WWF in a significant role following the close of WCW in
12:042001. If he was a hired gun, it stands to think that he would have a job waiting for him when his mission to
12:10kill the competition was over. And number one,
12:13Macho Man and Stephanie McMahon.
12:15This has become such a thing, and as Lanny Poffo expertly put it once upon a time,
12:20only two people know for sure. One's dead, the other's not talking.
12:24Macho Man Randy Savage was a two-time WWF champion and one of the most popular figures in the company's history.
12:30However, at the end of 1994 on an episode of Monday Night Raw, Vince McMahon announced that Savage had left the company.
12:36Mach never returned to the promotion following the close of WCW and was barely acknowledged on WWE television at all until he passed away in
12:442011, with Savage's WWE Hall of Fame induction coming four more years later in 2015.
12:49While many have speculated that Vince took Macho Man's departure and defection WCW very personally, thus never welcoming him back into the company,
12:57this conspiracy theory is a bit warped and may be the craziest conspiracy of them all.
13:03There is a theory that says that the real reason for Savage's exit from
13:07WWE and the subsequent fallout with Vince was due to Savage having an affair with Vince's daughter Stephanie.
13:13Lending credence to the rumor, after Triple H made disparaging comments about Savage calling him a dinosaur in 2004,
13:20Savage responded by threatening to steal the game's girl Stephanie, which further spread the previous rumors even more.
13:26Bruce Prichard among others have repeatedly gone on record to debunk this theory,
13:30but the theory still persists as one of the longest-standing conspiracy theories in wrestling history.
13:36And that's our list. If you liked it, make sure that you give it a thumbs up, subscribe and enable notifications
13:41so you never missed a fun wrestling list just like it, and make sure to comment down below and let us know what wrestling conspiracy
13:46theory you believe in.
13:48Otherwise, make sure to keep the conversation going on our new WrestleTalk Twitter and Facebook, both of which are linked in the description below.
13:55Follow us on Twitter,
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14:00And I'll see you in the next video.
