Adam Blampied's 10 Most Hated Wrestling Matches | partsFUNknown

  • 3 months ago
Adam Blampied's 10 Most Hated Wrestling Matches | partsFUNknown
Wrestling can be difficult to love at times, like with these 10 matches that really set Adam off. What is your most hated wrestling match? Let us know in the comments below.

00:00 - Start
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06:39 - 5
07:43 - 4
08:54 - 3
09:56 - 2
11:18 - 1

Adam Blampied's 10 Favourite WWE Matches UPDATED -

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00:00Now, there's a rumour going around that I hate wrestling. I'm not exactly sure where
00:03this rumour has come from, maybe from disgruntled wrestling fans projecting their hatred of
00:07various products onto me, maybe from the fact that I seem to put all my time and energy
00:11into No Rolls Barred, the best board game YouTube channel in history, or maybe it's
00:15because all those time on livestreams where I said I hate wrestling, but I don't. I'm
00:20just not sure that I love wrestling anymore. As a hobby, it's a type of hard work that
00:25board games never is, and I find all the tribalism, backstage hostility, the constant
00:30hype machine quite tiring. I still enjoy watching good wrestling, especially with my good friends,
00:35but I don't really let the bad stuff close enough to affect my emotional state anymore.
00:39I'm saying all this to give you some idea of how hard this list was to write. I hold
00:43on to the wrestling matches that I love, and by all means, check out my 10 favourite matches
00:47list for those, but the matches I hate? I tend to just let that stuff go by, because
00:52I mean, who's got the time? Well, a job's a job. Let me see if I can cast my mind back
00:57to the stuff that really ground my gears. I'm Adam Haling from PartsFun, known here
01:01are my 10 most hated wrestling matches ever.
01:05Number 10, Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. Big Show. So, I got into wrestling
01:10in 2000. That's something that most hardcore Adam Blampied fans know, and boy, the phrase
01:14hardcore Adam Blampied fans fills me with some dread, but it's true. First proper show
01:19I watched was No Mercy 2000. Then a friend at school sold me a bunch of VHS tapes of
01:24WWE shows from 2000, which was an amazing year for WWE, apart from WrestleMania, which
01:30was sh-t. See, as a 13-year-old, I had no idea what bad wrestling was. Everything seemed
01:35good to me. Big Show vs. Big Boss Man? What a hot feud about Big Show's dad, I thought.
01:41Boo Rikishi, what a convincing villain you are for running down Steve Austin, I thought.
01:46But there was one match that even I, as a 13-year-old who knew nothing about the industry
01:50or long-term WWE lore, that I knew sucked, and that was the main event of WrestleMania
01:562000. After watching the Rumble 2000, No Way Out 2000, watching Mick Foley team up with
02:02the man who retired him a month earlier to beat down The Rock made no sense to me. Even
02:08back then, I hated it, even before the Triple H win at the end. Why, Mick? Why did you have
02:13to break my little heart?
02:15Number 9, Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 12. F-ck this match. Now, to be clear, Bret
02:21Hart and Shawn Michaels are very good wrestlers. I am not telling you you're personally wrong
02:26for liking the back catalogue of either man, but for real, f-ck this match. It is so boring.
02:33But it's the main event of WrestleMania, and the first Iron Man match, and the first
02:37time HBK wins a title, so you feel like you need to watch it. Don't. I did. Don't though.
02:44Five interesting minutes at the start, five good-ish minutes at the end, one brilliant
02:49minute right at the end, and the rest is f-cking misery. The premise of the Iron Man match
02:53is how many falls will happen in an hour. F-cking none. A full hour with no pinfalls
02:58in the first Iron Man match. Why would you choose the first one to subvert the entire
03:04f-cking premise of the match and not achieve its dramatic potential? Do that in a second
03:08match if you have to. It's just so f-cking boring. Oh, God, another rest hold. Sweet
03:14f-cking Lord. Number eight, Triple H versus Batista, WrestleMania
03:1835. If a wrestling fan is bad in their life, when they die, they go to a special circle
03:23of hell called having to watch Triple H's WrestleMania matches on a loop forever. Are
03:28all of Triple H's WrestleMania matches bad? No. 30 and 17 are good. 31 is fun until the
03:34end. 28 is good. After 20 minutes. And that's it. That's the business. I wouldn't mind
03:40them so much if they just weren't so f-cking long. Does Trips need half an hour of WrestleMania
03:44to himself every time? I respect the guy, but the matches never have enough in-ring
03:48storytelling to cover their slow-ass pace and epic-ass runtime. The first time Trips
03:53fought Batista at WrestleMania 21, it was a bit flat and 21 minutes long. 14 years later,
03:59years after both men's prime, they fought again at WrestleMania 35, and this time it
04:03was 25 minutes long. How dare you? On a show that ended up being five hours and 20 minutes
04:09long without the pre-show, leaving fans exhausted for a supposedly groundbreaking main event.
04:14It's the worst excess on a show undone by its worst excesses. Also, the match sucked,
04:20but that's almost beside the point. Number seven, Brock Lesnar versus Kofi Kingston,
04:25SmackDown, October 4, 2019. Look, I'm not about to sit here and tell you that Kofi Kingston's
04:31title run in 2019 was perfect, or that it even was good for the most of it. I did a
04:36fantasy booking video on KofiMania for this exact reason, but f-ck. Kofi deserved better
04:42sounds like a disingenuous Twitter buzzphrase, but he did. Should Kofi have lost? Yeah, probably,
04:48but in 15 seconds? What's the point? To make Brock look dominant? Because he wouldn't
04:55already? You couldn't have given Kofi the same type of Daniel Bryan, AJ-style survivor
05:01series match? Because that way, you might have had another top-level contender on your
05:05roster, not, you know, a dumbass who ran directly into a killer whale's mouth. Kofi was beaten
05:09with one move, and then immediately vanished from view because Cain Velasquez needed to
05:15arrive to hype his one-minute Saudi match. Brock has a lot of these needless squashes
05:20under his belt. Ricochets was similarly annoying, but this one is just so needless and self-destructive
05:25it still baffles and angers me to this day.
05:28Number six, The Fiend vs. Randy Orton, WrestleMania 37. I imagine some people thought The Fiend
05:34vs. Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell would be on this list, or maybe The Fiend vs. Goldberg,
05:39and I do hate those matches too, don't worry. Both are baffling misuses of an interesting
05:44gimmick and an open disregard of fan interest in that gimmick. Maybe you could excuse the
05:48Hell in a Cell booking with WWE not knowing exactly how to effectively book an invincible
05:52magical supervillain, because, you know, they didn't book The Undertaker exactly
05:55like that for f***ing decades. Maybe you could excuse Goldberg, because all Saudi matches
06:00take place in Bizarro World, but the Mania 37 match came after everything. The funhouse
06:05after burning The Fiend alive, after months and months of build, of having to suffer through
06:11endless spooky nonsense, of just waiting for this feud to end, and WWE start using The
06:17Fiend again, and when the time comes for all of it to finish, the match starts beautifully.
06:23That Jack in the Box is phenomenal business. Then, as an Alexa Bliss distraction, RKO.
06:31The end. One final f*** you in a run full of f*** yous, and by far the least excusable.
06:39Number five, All Eugene matches. I don't want to get into a debate about learning difficulties,
06:45disability, or making assumptions about what people living with those disabilities might
06:49think about Eugene, the wrestling character whose gimmick was being mentally challenged.
06:53It's not a debate I'm qualified to have, so I'll just speak for myself. I hate this character.
06:58I hate every match he's ever had, and I don't care whether it's the early Eugene days when
07:03he was treated essentially as a large, happy child. I don't care if it's later Eugene where
07:07they realized that everyone hated the gimmick, so they trotted him out so that people could
07:11cheer for the gimmick itself having the s*** kicked out of it, which is so many layers
07:15of cynicism on top of itself it makes my head spin. I just hate the whole mess, this bargain
07:20store pantomime of real conditions, whether characters are laughing with Eugene kicking
07:25Triple H in the bum, or laughing at this caricature facing its comeuppance for just existing.
07:31It's just not a club I want to be a part of. I don't want to laugh with any of these people.
07:37Take what you want. Either way, the whole thing just grosses me out. Just f*** along now.
07:434. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton, Battleground 2013
07:47There are a number of times that WWE have said, f*** you, we've got your money, to its
07:51fans over the years, but none of them feel quite so blatantly a rip-off as this. Daniel
07:56Bryan vs. Randy Orton fighting over the vacant WWE Championship. Daniel Bryan won it back
08:01at Night of Champions, but the ref fast-counted so the title was held up, with almost the
08:05entire promotion of Battleground being, the title is vacant, who gets it? The answer was,
08:12the fans. They got it right in their communal eyes, heart, lungs, butthole, and of course,
08:17their wallet.
08:18The ending of the match was The Big Show, who was put in the Daniel Bryan vs. Authority
08:22storyline to cry like a big sad turtle and occasionally punch someone when Triple H tipped
08:27big to his shonely fans. He big showed up, punched everyone, the match ended, just f***ing
08:33because, and for some reason, The Big Show posed as his music played. This was in the
08:39era before the network as well, so this main event cost you 50 smackers. Thanks, idiot.
08:44How f***ing dare you? The sheer laziness of having no resolution and no explanation and
08:50charging top dollar for it, it is the worst.
08:54Number 3, Clowns vs. Not Clowns, Survivor Series 1993
08:59Now despite my accent, I really try not to be elitist about things, as long as no one's
09:03getting hurt, people can like whatever they want, good for them, clap, clap. I do hate
09:06f***ing comedy. Maybe it's because I was a sketch comedian for a better part of a decade,
09:11which beat into me that making good comedy is f***ing hard work. Maybe it's because
09:15of that that WWE's particular brand of lazy, cross-eyes, and fall over in da poopy style
09:21yucks drives me to f***ing distraction. There are a lot of bad WWE comedy matches, hog pen
09:27matches, the Royal Family vs. Clowns R Us, the Backlash zombie bulls***, the Hardcore
09:32Evening Gown bulls***, so you can essentially take this entry as being about them too, but
09:37for me, it's the match at Survivor Series 93 where Men on a Mission and the Bushwhackers
09:42were doink, despite none of them being doink, and defeating Bam Bam Bigelow, The Head Shrinkers,
09:47and Bastion Booger in a clean sweep via prop comedy, like slipping on f***ing banana peels.
09:52It is exhausting anti-humour bollocks.
09:56Number 2, The Royal Rumble match, 2015
10:00Because yeah, few matches have seen a promotion so transparently tell its fans to go f***
10:06themselves as the 2015 Royal Rumble. This has been talked about to death, so I'll
10:10keep it brief.
10:11Roman Reigns was on a John Cena-like ascendancy to the top. After years of bland, baby-faced
10:16John Cena constantly winning, fans were mega gun-shy about the next corporate golden boy,
10:22especially one who seemed to be quite green in terms of promos and work rate, and double
10:26especially when Daniel Bryan was around, who the fans had built this huge popularity
10:30cult around. For them, Bryan being on top was emblematic of how WWE should be. Roman
10:36was emblematic of how WWE should not be. Unhealthy fan engagement? Absolutely. But also, WWE
10:42stokes that kind of fan engagement all the time. We're the authority. Did you forget
10:48So for people to be very clear about who they wanted to win the Rumble, aka this guy, and
10:53then for A, this guy to be eliminated early, looking like a gobs***, B, everyone else at
10:59the fans liked being beaten up by Big Show and Kane, C, for Roman to not do a whole lot
11:05in the match, and D, for Roman to only win because Show and Kane attacked each other
11:09like colossal dumbasses, it was a perfect storm of bad booking and fan dismissal. F***
11:16this ugly ass match.
11:18Number one, DX vs Brothers of Destruction, Crown Duel 2018. F***. So a lot of these entries
11:27are matches that serve as figureheads for a whole subset of matches, be it bad comedy,
11:32inconsistent storytelling, self-indulgence, or bad value for money. This entry is about
11:37Saudi matches, a business relationship that's not only gifted us the unease of watching
11:41our favorite wrestlers shuck and jive for blood money, but also some of the worst matches
11:46WWE have ever produced. Lars Sullivan vs Lucha House Party, Shane McMahon being crowned
11:51best wrestler in the world, Goldberg vs Taker, Goldberg vs The Fiend, Brock vs Ricochet,
11:57Strowman vs Fury, Undertaker winning a gauntlet match, he wasn't f***ing in. Every show
12:02there seems to be some illogical hateful crap designed to satisfy a big rich knob playing
12:08with his human-sized action figures.
12:10DX vs Brothers of Destruction is one of these, a bad regime paying top dollar for Shawn Michaels
12:16to break his perfect retirement for a huge ugly payday, and a legacy-tainting snooze
12:22match. WWE is a propaganda machine, so the fact they've released a documentary in which
12:28everyone involved hates this match speaks volumes. HBK got the perfect cowboy ending,
12:35riding off into the sunset, and this serves as a post-credits sequence where he slips
12:40and falls in horse s***. I hate so much that it exists.
12:45And that's our list! Wasn't that a cheerful time? What's your most hated match, and why'd
12:50you hate it so much? Let us know in the comments, don't forget to like and share this video
12:53around if it made you similarly annoyed, and make sure you subscribe to PartsFunknown for
12:58more cheerful, silly wrestling content. I'm Adam Hailing from PartsFunknown, jam that
13:03jam everybody!
