• 4 days ago
00:00dude it's i guess that's one of those really old things you know i just put a garbage bag on my
00:08shoes that's actually really handy for walking in dirt okay that reminds me i um went on a date
00:14once and a girl brought out um socks to put over her white shoes so we could walk through mud
00:19really i thought that was really interesting okay i haven't seen her for a while
00:24okay she's drawing toes on her shoes it would have been someone else to me it would have been
00:36really nice if she drew like flames yeah no yeah that's right this is wrong oh gosh that's
00:41that's an abomination
00:51i guess it's the problem looks like licorice rope yeah it does
00:54i'm gonna eat your food oh what's going on here
01:02okay uh-huh all right let's make them toes just because they're gross
01:08there we go oh she has one triangle toe
01:14all right okay okay i don't know i feel like they all just break your feet and
01:21people are just lying about them being comfortable oh they're definitely not comfortable
01:25yeah why don't they make them who made stilettos fun because they look cool what is happening with
01:30i'm sorry but jesus
01:33okay okay done neat keep them on they're a little loosey-goosey
01:41you know how they smell oh your brand new shoes smell like brand new shoes yeah let's
01:46put some pads in there everything that's good oh they smell so nice yeah i love where is he
01:53okay i approve he's like give me that
01:59oh man what's this okay it's gonna get rid of the crease yeah cool okay okay
02:08all right i'm gonna use that on my boots big shoes too big i'm gonna shove some stuff in there
02:14why you bought them stuff yeah exactly don't you think you'd buy them like the right size
02:19what if they're maybe she bought yeah she borrowed them or they're hand-me-downs
02:25yeah why you don't do that it shouldn't do that she's double joining
02:31what are you gonna do bro i'm gonna make you poor
02:39oh that's so good okay okay all right stilettos stilettos worn out what you do you're just gonna
02:46slide down the floors like an ice skater ow have you ever done that where you're walking
02:50the last time when i was besides walking with my heel yeah i definitely did that yeah yeah
02:56what is happening all right little pretty ribbon oily oily feet hairspray i'm done
03:06okay so we got some nice that was a bit rude she just stole her uh
03:11she was brushing the hair coloring her hair well wait can we just talk about that thing
03:15that just happened no
03:25okay so yeah have your feet oh okay i think you dropped your dignity i dropped yeah that
03:32was my dignity i just dropped that's kind of cool okay toilet paper on your shoe because why not
03:39right why not exactly what are they gonna do to it i think it's just gonna bleach the shoe is it
03:45i don't know there we go wow okay cool looks fake though i don't know i don't know
03:53this doesn't look fake though yeah but look see it's still dirty in the front
03:59yeah it kind of works all right all right it kind of works i'm gonna keep making this
04:02noise until you agree with me okay that's not gonna work what's she doing what is this
04:09what that would work wow what it turns so quick in terms of an admiration
04:16i want to go back to the crocs why don't they just that was too fast
04:19come on we got the x we got the x and the y-axis
04:24okay that's a dusty foot bring on the feet what have you been doing with that foot
04:33whoa that's a lot of
04:39it's like it's her arsenal of weapons dodge this spider
04:45now the spider can't get up there because spiders can't
04:49spiders can't climb it's just a weak spider oh man oh those toes look messed up dude
04:54that's how you do it that looks like it would shape yes and sweat and yeah everything
05:00oh okay that's that's kind of cool that's kind of ugly maybe maybe i should do it you know here
05:05just paint paint a little uh just so it looks like my fingernail yeah what is this story behind
05:10this oh you know i was doing this mad science experiment yeah and it bit me in the finger
05:15oh you know i was doing this mad science experiment
05:18yeah and it bit me in the finger it bit me you created life
05:25okay anyway what is this shoe it's i guess that's kind of kinky yeah i don't know like
05:35it's kind of you see it it was cool that was cool
05:40oh what a resin lipstick that looks actually really nice
05:46did she just have a case of the d dripping down yeah
05:53waterproof shoes okay that's pretty pretty handy there that brush is clean that's the same one i
05:58use for my toilet toilet for the car yeah for the car oh gosh for my dishwashing okay i wouldn't do
06:07don't shave your feet i feel it it's a cringy isn't it yeah shaving skin is probably a no
06:14for me big no no yeah what you're gonna do glitter that up that's kind of cool to be honest
06:21it's pretty fresh you know you buy some some cheap shoes and then you just glitter them like that but
06:26all the glitter is going to come off always so you're going to leave a trail of glitter that
06:29means any stalker can just follow you you find you yeah at the end of the month cinderella it's
06:32like hansel and gretel
06:36what two in one stop that is no we got the x what was her name she had really nice feet um the x
06:52all right what's she gonna do with the hammer she's gonna mold it put it into a shoe
06:56yes probably what now oh those are the stilettos right oh
07:05now that's a five-minute crown hack
07:12dang that's butch's wife she's gonna do it's butch's wife
07:17oh my what a waste of wine
07:21use red food color or something yeah this is this is painful to watch what if you
07:26yeah but people already step on it with their feet you can drink it anyway
07:30look at those feet
07:34i feel like that wouldn't last very long though
07:39those are my shoes oh feet wet and frozen why your foot do that how your foot do that
07:47my foot can't do that you need to go to the doctor yeah i'm sure oh god let me just casually
07:51break my foot really quick what no yeah stop oh i don't think that's healthy yeah the foot's not
07:59breathing it was like that was so fast as well what just happened okay so we got some tie-dye
08:08boots that's not very 80s very austin powery really baby that's definitely not how he sounds
08:17wow baby baby baby
08:21okay i'm gonna fly out of your shoe after two steps more like it's gonna crack
08:30oh yeah what's going on there's just so much wrong with it
08:36all right okay gone too far my brain is broken that's wrong oh poor girl i'll give her a puppy
08:45okay all right she has a bottle she doesn't need no oh okay she really likes that bottle
08:52that's a weird reaction to the frozen bottle look at those shoes
08:59i found this stuff in my belly button here use double-sided tape
09:03oh oh really oh okay
09:09now i just have to find someone who wants to have kids with me
09:14you've been looking for a long time
09:19what my shoelaces have something on them chocolate syrup on them
09:23yeah chocolate syrup now i need to just wash it in my glass drink yummy
09:30waste not want not let me just drink it first why the mentos it's for the
09:36so why is that necessary mentos i don't think that works or is that sprite it's sprite yeah
09:41okay it's like lemonade but that's just what british people call lemon here it's right
09:48come again okay we got a pink shoe all right we got a shoe filler
10:00okay i don't get it so it's literally the same shoe all right shaving foam because
10:07you gotta shave your shoes oh ah oh it's a little dessert it looks kind of good i'd eat that
10:14whoa oh yeah i actually did the same thing no i was actually dropped in a no i i fell into a
10:22vat of chemical acid and what's your superpower um i'm poor
10:29hahaha i'm like batman but reverse it looks sad don't do it
