• last month
00:00give us fails no oh that is her last day on the job oh no it's okay that was
00:15pretty medium I'd say that one was a little rougher I'd say oh okay
00:25our instinct is just to scream no that looks kind of fun but at the same time
00:36I was just gonna say I hope he's wearing a cup Wow
00:47what is he doing
00:58all right that's interesting
01:04it said buy one get one free
01:08buy none get all free is what this guy was thinking why why would you even
01:25attempt your car is now a boat
01:29flip ladies and gentlemen whoa everyone's okay your food is not that
01:49was pretty insane all right yep whoo okay it's okay if it happens again
01:59though that would be even better oh no no no no no that's a that's a fractured
02:08tailbone right there find you a guy with that much enthusiasm
02:18well I wasn't ready
02:29okay this is looking a little scary Wow Wow
02:45Oh baby that's that's kind of a flex though to be able to say that like you
02:54know you caught a squid and it inked on you maybe I don't know what a shame what
03:06a shame what are they on right now no he's just continually stepping on him
03:17no oh yeah nicely done nicely done you're supposed to cook it in the bowl
03:32dude oh my gosh that is everything is just malfunctioned Wow
03:39no doggie okay as long as the dogs okay it's cool I don't really care about the
03:44dude the dogs just like dogs like yeah we're playing we're playing Wow hope
03:54they had insurance Wow what do they need to figure out there rat in there ah it's
04:06a squirrel squirrels are not actually real so just careful about squirrels ooh yeah it's
04:16not okay what is happening is this new modern art is this how the future of art is gonna
04:32be when robots take over and make paintings all right hmm I like how it's kind of contemporary
04:43yet also anachronistic of a bygone era oh my no not the whole way it's like going in
04:53slow motion bye Brian okay Wow that's windy I wonder where that is bye dad bye son
05:24okay yeah yeah it's okay I'll give her style points for that one
05:31airbending is harder than it looks I guess ooh that looks like a fun game no no no don't
05:47run over it okay that doesn't look good
06:06what is this game this is like Ohio family activities
06:11what oh that looks really dangerous be careful I would I wouldn't mess with the metal in in a
06:27windstorm I know you want to keep your trampoline and everything but you could probably fly away
06:32with that thing oh almost moonwalked
06:38that was kind of fun oh that's why you shouldn't scooter you should only skateboard or bike
07:02oh he's made a mortal enemy
07:07yeah I agree oh when the windy days are caused for many dangerous events Wow
07:33that's exactly what happens when you buy any like flying RC vehicle it's just like
07:41immediately first time using it gone ah oh bro it wasn't even that high
08:02not that bad it's okay you're good you're good
08:09wow that that was great
08:16why were you doing that what was the point of that
08:21to be fair it's kind of fun like I feel like everyone still had a good time you know oh baby
08:27no yeah exactly
08:39oh it's kind of sick imagine hanging out with that's that's not a fail that is the coolest
08:45thing I've ever seen do it watch out for that tree man in the bush
08:57that's just that's just a couple of bros being dudes that's just a bunch of dudes being buds
09:16okay whoa
09:26interesting why
09:38oh snap
09:44okay that could have turned out much worse
09:49all right of course he has a friend's shirt on
09:53oh that wasn't a fail but that could have been like a really bad fail
10:15oh I've never understood how like old people can just like slip
10:19and hurt themselves so easily it's unfortunate
10:23I will never be old
10:32ow okay that was okay
10:37no that that hit on the side on the bottom
10:43wow that's insane
