• 2 months ago
00:03Okay, guys, let us know do you want an Archie 5 action figure right now? I think there's a demand
00:10I think there's a market for it. Yeah, but
00:14If this video gets 1 million likes we're gonna make Archie 5 3d
00:20Action figures. Yeah, and maybe we will make our figure stretch. Yes. Oh stretch it bigger so we can test it. Yes
00:27Genius look at this marketing strategy. Why not? That's cool. Like she's painting the sky
00:36How beautiful that's cool. Yeah simple, but effective
00:44Right nice very nice
00:51Flowers she looks a little uncertain in that picture
00:57How did they get the thing I know it's obviously yeah around but I think they just use superglue, you know from yeah
01:04Commercial. Oh, yeah. Sure. I think the whole thing
01:17Yeah, okay like Matilda magic
01:27We got some sand we got some wet sand which is now gross and dirt and then oh
01:35Okay, it's kind of yeah for like a postcard or something you're gonna send that to your grandma
01:48Whoa, okay with the light what's later about result it would be awesome
01:53That's cool, okay, never mind, okay, we got some panel effects
02:00Nice. Wow, that's cool. It's like a filter in real life. Yeah
02:05Nice. Excellent. I want some of those actually that's kind of cool
02:11You know where we can buy it let us know
02:13Okay, all right, so you got a nice little bath thing going on it reminds me something, you know
02:20So I'm from the pop culture or something. No, if I think about it, I will say but I have no idea guys
02:26What is that reminiscent of?
02:29Oh, we got a cloudy LED thing going on
02:35On her it was necessary. You know what do what makes you happy?
02:39So it's like she's floating in the cloud, yeah, okay, all right, she's an angel or she's an angel she is an angel she's
02:51Okay, well, all right more cloud stuff whoa rainbow clouds interesting
02:57Okay, well, all right more cloud stuff whoa rainbow clouds interesting
03:11That's nice. Yeah, not too bad. Wow. I like it. I like it. I like a lot a lot
03:19Like you're being abducted by an alien or something. That's fine
03:25Run run. Whoa. Whoa. Oh, oh, okay. Should I get okay. Yep
03:34What is she doing what why
03:40Okay, yeah, that was cool that was nice it's a
03:45So we got photo hacks going on here. Okay at the beach. Oh, no
03:50Good is this photo hacks? That one's pretty okay. All right, it was nice. We got seashells
03:55She sells seashells by the seashore. What what are we doing with this one?
03:58Uh, okay covering some um
04:01Some clay. All right. Yeah, if you want to sure
04:04Of course. All right. Just bring your mirror casually to the beach. Yeah, I always have such a mirror
04:11Yeah, of course. I just keep one in my car usually
04:13Well, but that's cool, okay if you prepared before
04:17Shooting and you brought it. Yeah. Nice. Yeah
04:20These are these are good tips to keep in mind for whenever you go to the beach. Yep. Yeah
04:25Okay, that was
04:28Uh, excuse me, man. This is a no skinny dipping beach. Oh, ah
04:34Nice. Yep, and the people around like yeah
04:39All right
04:43Pretty cool. They're really milking the miniature thing, you know where it looks like, you know, they're they're a tiny person
04:49Is it a trend or what?
04:51I guess I mean it's it's I feel like i've seen it a lot, you know when people pretend that they're holding the eiffel tower
04:56For example, whoa. Oh
04:58Sorry, I I didn't hear what you were talking about. I just was focused. Yeah
05:04I I was surprised that it was upside down
05:07Ah, okay candy. Oh
05:10If you wanna if you're if you're a sweet tooth, that's it it was sweet. Yeah
05:20Okay, we got the ball and
05:23Oh, okay. Yeah
05:27Those are huge huge balls. Nice
05:31Okay balls of steel. All right
05:36That looks dangerous
05:38Why because it's hot water what if it slips and then falls on here?
05:42What's it called?
05:45Just gals being gals
05:49I just thought that was a giant eggplant. So confused
05:55Oh, oh no a giant t-rex
06:00I like I was just like, please don't hurt me t-rex like the t-rex understands english
06:05Oh, that's cute
06:08Vance vance with the t-rex. I wouldn't do that. But okay
06:12What do you know t-rex is actually they think they have feathers like they had feathers now
06:17Yeah. Yeah
06:18We're accepting like every like like a lot of dinosaurs that they thought were scaled before like lizards
06:24They are now thinking that they might be uh
06:26More like birds and have feathers. Oh, yeah
06:34Yeah, it's not too new I think it's not not that guys if you know more about it
06:37I'm, not an expert obviously, but just let us know I need to google it. Oh show jamming
06:43Wow, wow, that's a lot of calories. It's a whole person
06:48Yeah, it's not helpful that's illegal in some countries
06:53Most countries
06:55It's um, the thing is they are out of focus, you know, yeah generally how you can put everything
07:05That's neat trapped inside the light bulb trapped inside my own ideas in my own mind
07:13It's horrible in here guys help me out
07:17I know but it's implied
07:21Guys with the water hot let us know. Yeah
07:24Ah, okay, okay like mary poppins
07:33Oh, what?
07:37That's weird and cool. Yeah need to micro lens I guess for it. Yeah
07:44Excuse me, ma'am. Can you stop laying on my fruit, please?
07:47This woman has been here for three hours laying all over my fruit. I can't sell it. I can't sell it
07:53It was funny
07:57I'm just gonna lay on these oranges. I hope she paid for those oranges
08:02No, probably not. Oh
08:05What is this? It's like a cool picture thingy. Oh
08:10Was it some gadget? Yeah, they're they're like little uh strings with led lights
08:16Have you seen my mind you hear what I say you can only imagine what's going on in here
08:20Oh, what the word wow
08:27Okay, okay
08:30Cool transitions. All right
08:34Nice tip for your instagram, I guess exactly you want to get your clout up your internet clout
08:41your reputation
08:42Just uh do that I guess
08:44or don't
08:46Depends what what just happened? I don't know actually just different angles and things. Ah, I think it's like the beginning
08:53Oh, that was like a problem. Let's say maybe now the solution of this problem. Okay. Yeah. All right
08:59That's something new
09:01Looks pretty
09:06Oh, no, don't drop me just kidding. Yeah, I knew it we filmed it last last one. Yeah
09:16Um, okay leather jacket, what are we doing now i'm imagining she's gonna change her outfits or something like that maybe oh
09:31I was like out of nowhere. What it's so fast
09:35All right. I didn't know
09:38It never produced was this is a very popular. Uh things to do apparently
09:43I want to stick my head in the cardboard box and just have it filled with things, you know, yeah
09:47Yeah, what kind of things archie5 memorabilia?
09:51I don't know
09:53Maybe if we make action figures of ourselves i'll do a picture of us all as action action figures around my head, you know, okay
