• 2 months ago
00:00that looks like cottage cheese okay we're making a mold of the box yes
00:07okay wow smoothing out that cement nice and good all right make some pringles do
00:16you think there was a brand deal we'll see now no it looks like a hockey yeah
00:22looks like hockey pucks yeah interesting ball it looks like a bunch of tablets
00:27like minerals you know zinc tablets yeah it's good for a for a nutritionist to
00:33have in their office actually yeah it would be nice decoration for okay what
00:39are we doing now we dip this rag in cement and then let it dry over a tire
00:44uh-huh now it's a bath it's a aquarium an aquarium yep well just what you do
00:53but okay I give it like a five five yeah I wouldn't rate it oh I mean okay
01:04that's a construction that's not bad but this is the practical I don't I don't
01:09know I'm not sure so we got some balloons we're making some balloon art
01:14here okay they put cement and they will I'll be doctor yeah but why to make
01:22some word holy shit I mean shape yeah to make some with the holes yeah holy
01:29shape holy shape yeah holy moly shape holy moly shape okay so that looks
01:38interesting so far I guess yeah that that is so far I don't get it but that's
01:51that's okay it's artist subjective huh what do we what are we doing here we're
01:59just smoothing these edges out yeah getting them polished next I mean what's
02:06the purpose oh this would be nice for your candle you can put it inside and
02:11it's great some nice lighting yeah like a candle or a lantern or something
02:15cool oh no ah it's a car or an aquarium okay nice that's kind of nice good job
02:24good job excellent work that's but still on the outside I think it's too plain
02:29maybe they could like do some design patterns or something maybe you can paint
02:32it as well and okay you can play with it you can play with it yeah they were a
02:38little basic what so it's mixing all this together yep to make a perfect
02:50cement for some okay what what is this what is this is it mold I guess so it
03:01looks very strange though uh-huh it is a mold so all right mm-hmm what do we
03:11what do we think this is gonna be it looks like maybe a cool long plant pot
03:14or something I don't know our maybe it's I mean wait I got it
03:22phone case phone case yeah okay phone case nice nice idea it's a speaker it's
03:34a lump you know this yeah it's a lump I'm pretty sure it's a phone case but
03:39okay you know and then they put on there
03:45kind of cool kind of cool I like it tower and semen that looks easy peasy to
03:51make it yeah okay we're making a mold over a fan is it gonna be a sink perhaps
04:00too many holes there for the scene maybe or maybe no maybe you're right or a
04:05fountain fountain it's usually a fountain when it's five-minute crafts
04:12it's usually a fountain it might as well be a five-minute comment okay what
04:20are we doing here it's actually I like how they make some some shape out of
04:30regular regular stuff yeah just a bottle and Mac so I'm so confused though like
04:37where where are we going with this you know okay this look like for cats yeah
04:48it does one of those scratching poles it's a fountain I'm curious how it will
04:59look like that is pretty very cool special special nice little fishies in
05:10it and it's all you need that's all you need in a fountain yeah okay to seal it
05:15yeah you need to seal it pretty well okay using our jewelry box to make a
05:22oh that looks like the same thing they probably had to smooth that out a lot
05:29yeah and you can use it for your wall but it does look pretty promising looks
05:35good I like it huh okay so what we got here some styrofoam going on stacks and
05:43stacks of styrofoam for making what I don't know maybe it looks like maybe in
05:52an aquarium or a fountain I guess fountain it's a cool fountain that's
06:01awesome I like yeah good job five-minute crafts I give that like a that's a that's
06:07a nine that was a nine out of ten
06:12okay let this baby dry then we put it on some just to get rid of it to get rid of
06:20the plastic I guess you need to meet a bottle Stonehenge unlock the mystery of
06:29the outer space what are we making this looks kind of ugly so far
06:37except five stick your thumb in it in the cement okay honestly it's okay three
06:49out of ten for sure three out of ten okay using a baskets to make a basket
06:55for your cement cement basket cement basket looks kind of cool that's not bad
07:03at all right okay we got we're moving on swiftly oh what didn't what the quick
07:11transition here it's pretty fast they're like forget you saw okay so I'm in our
07:17stuff yeah I'm here some styrofoam it looks like we're making yeah and they
07:21put after that girls for molding something yes yes I think so I think
07:28that's what happens okay we're putting some cement in here
07:32what are we making with all this rebar I don't know just the column you know
07:37with maybe it looks like a column it does look like a column maybe it's like
07:43I don't know a table a desk maybe it could be like a cool lamp type thing
07:49that's gonna be oh that's cool nice so it hollowed out that part all right
08:01I think for many times so I'm so confused it looks like the middle of a
08:09building that was just like blown up or yeah yeah like maybe this an idea you
08:13know to after that to pour epoxy resin inside yeah transparent but at the same
08:19time that oh it's a speaker speaker that's a cool speaker oh wow okay I get
08:26that idea yeah what 9 out of 10 9 out 10 yeah okay for me as well yeah okay
08:30cool 10 out 10 okay it's nice I mean it's creative okay it looks like we got
08:37some hand action in this mold here that looks so slimy yeah pull out your phone
08:44and I might want to keep that mm-hmm and we're drawing now that was an
08:50interesting shot yeah yeah so what are we doing with this wood woofer wood
09:00making some Spiro now we're gonna hypnotize the audience yeah just
09:05watching look at the clock it's not our technique it's their technique I mean
09:19right yeah okay we're standing it okay ah you put a little USB thing maybe it's
09:28a charging port or and after that they put this yeah here we go ah it's a
09:34charging port okay that's always kind of looked nice right but it was too
09:39practical no I mean it's over the top it's a little too much and maybe the
09:42cement could scratch your phone so yeah but yeah I'm not only about these okay
09:49so we got some bottles going on we got some plastic and some cement it's a
09:57perfect it looks like a commercial a little bit ah okay
