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Michigan State Spartans Basketball Legend Mateen Cleaves 2-8-25
00:00I'm gonna sit there with him and they start playing cuz I dreamed about that
00:02moment as a kid and to see the you know the one shiny moment and they play in
00:06the highlights and I'm standing there with coach is a man special moment you
00:13know something I will never ever forget you want a championship there's a bond
00:19for life yes it is you know and we would be like you said we would be brothers no
00:24matter what and that's what made us special that's why when I talk it was a
00:27special group man it was selfless you know everybody had each other's back and
00:31we would be brothers no matter what but it is it is special and Magic Johnson my
00:36big brother told me that night you know enjoy it but it's gonna get better as
00:42you get older and that's that was you know he's right it gets better every
00:47every year around this time March Madness come around I get chill bumps
00:51and I just think about you know when we want it all what's like seeing that
00:55moment again when you do watch it chill bumps chill bumps and I get emotional
00:59you know every time I watch it you know because it was special you know people
01:03that's why I just hope that Spartan Nation can appreciate our team because
01:09it was a lot of blood sweat and tears a lot of sacrifice I just I just hope
01:13people can really appreciate it because you it ain't easy to do you know a lot
01:16of stuff got to go your way obviously but we had a group man that trusted each
01:21other believed in each other started at the top obviously with coaches all
01:24managers but we all had each other's back and it was not about who scored the
01:28most points who got the most rebounds it was about winning that's all it was
01:32about doing your job to help the team win a championship 100% they just you
01:38know just got to keep working you know obviously you know we all every season
01:42we hope we can win a national championship but you just got to keep
01:45working man and you know the thing is you got to go through some adversity how
01:48you respond to it and I think we were really good at that responding to
01:52adversity we didn't win every game but we had a collective group that trusted
01:56each other believe in each other so whenever we did go through adversity
01:59which we leaned on each other and we didn't care who what people wrote in the
02:03media we didn't we didn't care about that we stayed connected and that's what
02:07made us special. Tom is appreciative because starting with Antonio a year before this is where it all
02:14started the Yuzo era. Do you feel a part of that? Did you feel then that that was the start of this?
02:19Oh 100% it was and think about it I think people get offended when I say
02:24certain things but when I look back at 1996 when I came here I took a chance on
02:30Michigan State you know honestly it wasn't the the happening thing to do you
02:35know I mean the school down the street had seven eight McDonald's All-Americans
02:39on their roster so as a point guard this probably on paper it wasn't the
02:44best decision to make in my position back then but I you know what I believe
02:47that coaches have always been a Michigan State fan this has always been home my
02:51father was a big Michigan State fan so I do feel I feel good man to be a part of
02:56a change in and turning this thing around and and obviously keeping it what
03:00it is you know 25 years ago keeping it you know what it was so I do feel
03:05special feel feel grateful to be a part of something special.
