00:00Here we go
00:01Ranking the sweet 16 coaches. Now. This is according to people
00:06Who think they know now, let me just take start here. You have Kelvin Samson at the top
00:11I mean I got guys on this list to have won national championships. Okay, that's what I have on this list
00:17I mean is oh you've got Bruce Pearls five Chris Beard six Rick Barnes is seven
00:23He's been coaching for 40 years and he's never been in a final four and he's seven ahead of Calipari
00:30I had if Dusty Mays been to a final four with Florida Atlantic
00:33This list is nonsense to be quite honest with you. Nonsense. I'll be honest with you like seriously
00:40for my money on that list it would be is oh would be the best coach and
00:47then I'd put
00:49Calipari and
00:51Then I would literally put Chris Beard
00:55In there and and then Pearl and then I would say it's pretty obvious that
01:01Shires turned into the protégé that he was under Mike Krzyzewski
01:06You know, he's no different than when Bob Knight coached
01:11Mike Krzyzewski at army and and
01:14Mike became Bob Knight at Duke. Let's face facts. He
01:18He taught the same defense
01:20The same offense and then he just got better at it and got better players and won two more national championships in night
01:27He learned everything from Bob Knight and he'll admit that to this day
01:31He didn't like the way Bob Knight behaved later in life
01:34But I think that Shires becoming Mike Krzyzewski and I think he's a hell of a coach. I
01:40Think he's a hell of a coach too. And I put right there painters been unbelievable at Purdue
01:46He has
01:47He has been unbelievable
01:49But I mean some some of this is a little disrespectful on this list
01:54But hey, we shall I mean Rick Barnes Rick Barnes never won a big game in his life
01:59Ever in this tournament. He never gets it done