• last month
00:00As a threat, I absolutely love watching Ben ski
00:04He's just inspiring the man's coaching all summer at treble cone free ride
00:11Family he getting the little I don't even know what that tricks called little bright iron cross. Okay
00:17Just a little playful on the ridge
00:19Like we said, this is where the athletes can kind of feel it out get themselves stoked before really hitting the meat
00:24But he's going pretty far down to the riders right side
00:27See where he decides to bite off a nub of this thing
00:31Looks like he's gonna go all the way down to that buttress. Yeah, there was no section
00:38He's moving in we've seen his countrymen Craig Murray make very good use of this section popping a 360
00:45Classic totally in control flying side hill. This looks very familiar
00:50front flip for Ben Richards
00:55Amazing that was
00:58Unbelievable Ben Richards, you know, he skied his run in France and a lot of people were like, oh
01:03Why didn't that score higher and he was like I skied way too mellow of a line
01:07Well Ben Richards if nothing listened, yeah
01:11Listen, and there was nothing mellow about that
01:15Rageous run. Yeah
01:17Greasy solid style though the whole time like making it look easy, which sometimes is bad
01:23But I mean the huge front flip you cannot deny that
01:26Having that full control commitment into that second kind of cross-court air with that three on top
01:32I mean that was a pretty good bag of tricks. He just tossed out
01:47Well a bell loved it as we look back here at the replay Ben Richards kicking things off with that silky smooth 360
01:54ripping that three and then right into that transfer air with a little shifty poke and
01:59Big front flip into that pow landing just totally stomps it front flips are so committing so blind
02:06and it's at speed I
02:09Love this turn the drone kind of losing sight of him there and then just leading with his chin. Yes. I
02:16Don't know why front flips just stoked me out. I
02:19Love how he drips that at
02:22Three off the top. Yeah and styling out that second one
02:25It's not easy to make that turn as we've seen other riders unable to do it in the past and then the big front flip
02:33So Ben Richards with a totally different approach to the face to a bell
02:37You know both of those riders making the most of every single feature that they had in their path
02:43This is the judges nightmare kind of because two amazing very different runs and we'll see what they do with it
02:49Well, they have had a think the score going up up up 87
02:556-7 so sliding it just behind the bell, but nonetheless
