00:00The last comp in Valto and last year here at Kicking Horse, sometimes a victim of just too
00:06much sauce. He goes so fast and sometimes it lands him on the podium, other times it just,
00:12he runs out of transition and no stranger to the fall line as Holden flying out of the start gate,
00:19launching that cross-court air. Yeah all sauce right out of that start to cross-court air now
00:24he's working into a new part of the face here, lining up a big air right over that mindset
00:32transition, lands it nice and square and he is above some more gnar here, working his way in,
00:39controlling the sauce, lining it up, airing and look at that, grease that landing into those
00:44big pow turns, enjoying that apron. I mean that was a sauce run, it was fast. Love that run,
00:51from Holden Samuels, he found the perfect outlet for his fall line speed addiction,
00:56where he didn't really need to slow down that much, he was able to take every one of those
01:01right to their absolute limit of pace and distance, a great run there from Holden Samuels.
01:07Yeah you can see him clapping as he's coming across the finish line
01:11and look at that, just floating up and over right into that tranny, just like
01:16greased the landing. Yeah I love that approach, getting the ollie, poking out the method there
01:21on that one and then just directing himself enough and then this one that's eaten up so
01:26many riders, Holden finding the exact right transition into the landing, getting on the
01:31edges but not too much, really really smart scope in there for Holden Samuels. Yeah pulling out the
01:37stomping legs there and coming out of Big Sky Moonlight Basin, no stranger to some pepper,
01:42like he knows to work with these kind of raked out peppery cliffs.
01:51Not much to say there.
01:57Full gas, full gas, that was Victor De La Rue's appraisal.
02:03All right here we go, the score dropping for Holden Samuels, what's it going to be as it pops
02:16up a 79 to 6.7, so Holden slides in just behind Victor into second and he likes it.