• last month
RACHEL and Benjor have been together for seven years and married for six. They met in church while both following a strict Mormon faith, Benjor is originally from Brazil but he went to the USA on a missionary project, where Rachel is from. The pair saw 'non-hetero' characteristics about each other, but both kept their bisexualities a secret for years, due to their religion. "We were both very conservative growing up, and even though we were both bisexual, we hid that from everybody. We thought it was a secret that we were going to go to the grave with because it was such a bad thing," Benjor said. "However, I'm happy to look very loud now." Due to Benjor's metrosexual interests and traits, Rachel admitted that when he came out as bisexual to her in 2021 "I wasn't 100% surprised." Benjor joked: "She definitely did because I didn't wear socks with my shoes, so I guess that's a 'gay thing'." He added that he "grew up in a hair salon, and so was very used to seeing my mom and my sister being girly, liking beauty things. And that's what got me interested when I was young already in beauty and procedures." The pair are now accepting of their sexualities now but Rachel said that her preconceived expectations of a partner made her suspicious of Benjor to begin with. "I was really scared because I thought he's probably telling me this because he's going to leave me. For the first few months after he told me, I was on high alert, going through his phone. But because he's been so transparent I know I have nothing to worry about." Benjor said: "I've never had the desire to do other things outside my marriage. I'm fully satisfied." Three years after their marriage Benjor started his own business which meant he had to do a lot of online calls, he realised he wasn't happy with his appearance when he’d look at himself on the camera and decided to get a nose job. From there, the couple have been inspired to get a large amount of cosmetic procedures, with a total cost of $35,000. Rachel explained: "Benjor was actually the one who inspired me in the beginning to be okay with getting plastic surgery. I've had jaw implants, my chin shaved down, a buccal fat pad reduction, botox everywhere." They have spent $35,000 They have been open about their procedures and sexualities online, but their candour has been met with hate by commenters saying: "Seek therapy", "You look uncanny and overdone" and "he's cheating on you."


00:00I'm Rachel.
00:01I'm Benger.
00:02We're obsessed with our good looks.
00:04We're a vain couple.
00:05Whenever we FaceTime each other,
00:06we know we're just looking at ourselves.
00:08We're both famed b******.
00:09I told Rachel I was bisexual in 2021.
00:11Obviously when he first told me,
00:13I wasn't 100% surprised.
00:15I didn't wear socks with my shoes,
00:17so I guess that's a gay thing.
00:18I was really scared going through his phone,
00:21making sure he was an online grinder or something.
00:24Benger's actually the one who inspired me in the beginning
00:26to be okay with getting plastic surgery.
00:29I've had jaw implants put in.
00:31I got two nose jobs.
00:32I had my chin shaved down.
00:34Jaw implants, chin implants.
00:35I got my teeth done.
00:37Botox everywhere.
00:38And lip fillers.
00:39I think the comment that we get the most is,
00:40sick therapy.
00:41Looking kinny and overdone.
00:43But she doesn't know.
00:44He's cheating on you.
00:46If I wanted to f*** a guy,
00:47I would just get divorced.
00:50Benger and I are really perfect for each other
00:52because we have a really direct way of communicating.
00:56We don't get offended by it,
00:57but it's like, hey, you look like that.
00:59You gotta like, you know?
01:01I'm Rachel.
01:02This is my husband, Benger.
01:03We're both 28 years old,
01:04and we get judged because we get a lot of plastic surgery.
01:08We used to be really religious,
01:09so we actually met at a church activity.
01:12Three months later, we already knew we were getting married,
01:14so we're pretty crazy.
01:15What do you think?
01:16Does this look cute?
01:17It looks nice.
01:20I like the way that your hair is kind of like in your face.
01:21It's kind of nice.
01:22It's kind of like the Superman guy.
01:25It wasn't until I was 16, 17,
01:29that I really wanted to start being more extra.
01:33Everyone's always like,
01:34Rachel, how do you, like, make your hair?
01:36It's so easy.
01:38What I'm hiding under here
01:40is actually just a foam bun.
01:43He was the very first guy that I ever dated
01:45that really cared about what he was wearing.
01:48I grew up in a hair salon,
01:50so I was very used to seeing my mom and my sister
01:52being very girly, like, liking beauty things,
01:55and that's what I think got me interested
01:57in beauty and procedures.
02:00We were very devout,
02:01so we didn't do anything until we were married.
02:03Even now that we're not Mormon anymore,
02:05it didn't impact our relationship
02:07because we have so many other things
02:09that we had in common anyway.
02:11We were both very conservative growing up,
02:13and even though we were both bisexual,
02:16we just hid that from everybody.
02:18We thought it was a secret,
02:19it was going to go to, you know, the grave with
02:21because it was such a bad thing.
02:22I think we both probably had our suspicions
02:24about each other, but we just never...
02:26She definitely did,
02:27because I didn't wear socks with my shoes,
02:28so I guess that's a gay thing.
02:30But I never thought of her.
02:31I never imagined that she would be also bisexual
02:35or anything other than straight.
02:36And so looks can be deceiving,
02:38not so much for me,
02:39and I'm happy to look very loud now.
02:41I told Rachel I was bisexual in 2021.
02:43Obviously when he first told me,
02:45I wasn't 100% surprised,
02:47but I was really scared because
02:49I thought if he's telling me this,
02:50he's probably going to leave me.
02:52Because I had also had these feelings about girls
02:54my whole life,
02:55and I just had never planned on telling him
02:57because I was like,
02:58well, why would I say something
02:59if I'm not planning on doing anything about it?
03:01For the first few months after he told me,
03:03I was on, like, high alert,
03:04going through his phone,
03:05making sure he wasn't on, like, Grindr or something.
03:08Because he's been so transparent,
03:10I have nothing to worry about.
03:12I never had the desire to do other things
03:15outside my marriage.
03:16I'm fully satisfied.
03:17It's way more than sex,
03:18and that's the only thing I would get out of a man
03:21that I don't need
03:22because, honestly, I do the same thing with my wife.
03:26Benjer is actually the one
03:27who inspired me in the beginning
03:28to be okay with getting plastic surgery.
03:31Hey, guys, welcome to Exposing Rachel and Benjer.
03:33Today we're talking about
03:34all the plastic surgeries we've done
03:36and all the things that we regret doing.
03:38I started creating content for my business,
03:40and that's when I saw myself on camera all the time.
03:44I was like, gosh, my nose kind of crooked,
03:46my teeth were kind of messed up.
03:47And that's when I started doing plastic surgery.
03:50And back then, I was kind of embarrassed
03:51because, like, well, no guys do it,
03:53and if they do it, they're secretive about it.
03:55But as I grew older, I was like,
03:57well, why be embarrassed?
03:58People in Hollywood are doing it,
04:00so who gives a s***, you know?
04:02I was like, well, if he's going to do it,
04:04I want to be able to do it too.
04:05Which she didn't need to
04:06because she looked perfect already.
04:08I think he looks perfect whatever he does.
04:10He could have a nose that was, like, out to here,
04:12and I'd still think, well, probably not,
04:14but I would still probably think
04:15that he was, like, the hottest guy in the world.
04:17I've had jaw implants put in.
04:19I had my chin shaved down.
04:22I'd buckle fat pad reduction.
04:24Botox everywhere.
04:26I had filler in my under eyes,
04:28my smile lines.
04:29I had filler in my nose.
04:31I just got my lips dissolved,
04:32but I'll be getting more lip filler.
04:34Oh, and I have had my teeth done.
04:36I got two nose jobs, jaw implants, chin implants.
04:39I got my teeth done and lip fillers.
04:42We spent about US$35,000 on it,
04:45and because I'm from Brazil
04:47and we have amazing plastic surgeons there.
04:49The surgeons are willing to push things a little further
04:52than I think in the US.
04:54They're more reserved.
04:55They're like, we want people to look natural.
04:57If I wanted to look natural,
04:59then I wouldn't do anything.
05:00It's funny because I never imagined at that point
05:03that I was going to do a lot of things to my face,
05:05but I'm glad I did.
05:06I definitely look a lot better.
05:07I have no lips.
05:08I look so bad there.
05:10Aw, I'm so happy though.
05:12Still happy.
05:13I will never stop getting plastic surgery,
05:16enhancing my appearance.
05:18I would be kind of sad if I did,
05:19because then you're like,
05:20I don't care about myself anymore.
05:22I think I will be probably just as vain as I am now
05:26until the day that I die.
05:27We're a vain couple.
05:28We don't fight over bills.
05:29We fight over who spent more on Botox this month.
05:31I'll for sure never stop doing surgery,
05:34but I'll be careful to not go overboard.
05:37I think the comment that we get the most
05:39is sick therapy.
05:41Like we're mentally ill
05:42because we want to tweak some things.
05:45You're prettier before.
05:46I hate when they say that.
05:47They all say that.
05:48Prettier before.
05:49It's like, what do you want me to do?
05:50I've already done it.
05:51You were generally prettier before,
05:52and now you look uncanny and overdone.
05:54Oh my gosh, you think I look uncanny?
05:57You think we look like plastic?
05:58We look perfect?
05:59We'll take it.
06:00I'll take it.
06:01You will never change your genetics.
06:02No way.
06:03Our kids won't be bored of our plastic surgeries.
06:05Our surgeon lied about that, right?
06:09You're going to be divorced.
06:10Oh, I hate these.
06:11If this is garbage...
06:12You're going to be divorced soon, BB.
06:15Oh, I bet she doesn't know.
06:16He's cheating on you.
06:18I hate that.
06:20Because you are the most moral person,
06:22and people don't get that.
06:23They say, oh, he's hiding things.
06:25If I wanted to f*** a guy,
06:26I would just get divorced,
06:27or we would have an open marriage.
06:29Like it's not hard for me to do it.
06:31I believe in divorce as much as I believe in marriage.
06:33At the end of the day,
06:34the more people hate on us online,
06:35the more comments we get,
06:36the more it gets pushed up.
06:37And I really believe that's helping us grow.
06:40It used to really affect me,
06:41but now every time I see a negative comment,
06:43I'm like, oh my gosh,
06:44haters are fans too.
06:46As long as you're interacting,
06:48hating, loving...
06:50My friend Camila is coming over today.
06:52She was a friend from the Mormon church.
06:54Oh, look, there she is.
06:55Oh, let's go.
06:59It's so good to see you.
07:01How are you?
07:03So good to be here.
07:04Can we sit down?
07:05My feet are killing me.
07:06These are the worst.
07:07Where's the feet?
07:08I'm down for it.
07:09When I found out that you were bisexual,
07:11I was a little surprised.
07:14You're never expecting this, you know,
07:16from someone you know that long.
07:19Who you are inside is the most important.
07:22It hasn't changed anything for me.
07:24Honestly, I really appreciate it
07:26because I can tell that you're not judgmental at all.
07:28You can count on me.
07:29It doesn't matter what you do or who you become.
07:32I'm always going to be here.
07:34I appreciate that.
07:35Well, it's time for me to get Botox again
07:37because, like, I make so many expressions
07:39that I'm always like, me.
07:41I'll go first.
07:42Hopefully, he has time to give me a little bit of lip filler.
07:45If I had lips like yours, I would do nothing,
07:47but I have, like, old woman, like, smoker lips.
07:51If the girls have nice lips to kiss,
07:53the guys should as well.
07:54Thank you, doctor.
07:56Thank you so much.
07:57See you soon.
08:00And we're done.
08:01It's perfect.
08:02Obviously, it's a little bit bloated,
08:05but it still looks really good.
08:08Better than having no filler.
08:10We cannot feel anything,
08:11but we still can kiss now with our huge lips, so...
08:15Doesn't everybody want this?
08:17It's kind of just like being married to yourself.
08:19Yeah, I think we're both famous.
08:21We both have big goals.
08:22We both want to do big things in life.
08:24We're partners in grind.
08:26Ben just changed me for the better
08:27because he opened me up to being able to be
08:30100% authentically me.
08:32He's made me so much happier.
08:34We just got really lucky
08:35that we were able to find each other.
08:37We're still planning on having
08:38the Mormon-sized family, right?
08:40So, like, four or five kids
08:41having a very loud, crazy house.
08:43We're doing content with them,
08:44so we hope they're really famous, too.
08:46Keep judging us because you push us to the top.
08:50If you're gonna judge us, don't judge quietly.
08:52Be very loud.
08:53Post on our videos.
08:55If you don't like us, tell us exactly why.
08:58Don't keep it to yourself.
08:59Don't keep it to yourself.
